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图像的显著性在计算机视觉领域占据重要的地位,广泛应用于目标识别、图像分割、自适应图像压缩等图像处理技术。本文提出了一种基于图像对比度的显著性检测方法。我们的算法基于生理学研究的人类视觉规律和特征。首先我们考虑图像的局部对比度提取图像中具有显著对比度值得区域,然后我们对图像区域进行整体计算,统计图像的整体特征,最后我们用多尺度及空间因素对算法进行了优化。在公开数据集的实验结果表明,我们算法对于自然图像能够取得较好效果。  相似文献   

铝板焊接后可使用X射线进行焊缝内部缺陷检测,由于X射线成像存在噪声多、对比度低、焊缝区域边缘模糊、焊缝区域与背景区域灰度分布较为相似等问题,使用传统边缘检测方法效果欠佳。提出了一种自动提取焊缝区域并提高其对比度的方法,通过去噪处理、边缘检测、形态学操作等步骤,最终确定焊缝区域位置,并对焊缝区域内像素值进行线性变换,提高了焊缝区域的对比度。实验结果表明,该方法针对大批量的铝板X射线图片,都能够自动提高焊缝区域的对比度,具有良好的鲁棒性和准确性。  相似文献   

为提升零件表面缺陷的检测率与算法的鲁棒性;在目标检测算法中,添加图像增广方法,利用多个图像增广叠加的方式扩大其训练样本;针对深度学习收敛速度慢及很难发现先验知识的缺陷,分别提取4类缺陷的灰度共生矩阵特征值,经分析各类灰度共生矩阵特征对不同特征的区别度,选取区别度最大的特征,将其带入单点多边界框探测器(SSD)算法网络中作为先验知识。结果表明,本文的检测网络在收敛速度及检测效果都有所提升,其检测速度约为9.06帧每秒,满足实时性要求。  相似文献   

为了满足遥感图像在卫星应用中有限信道下高保真传输的需求,本文提出了一种基于视觉显著性的感兴趣区域图像编码算法.首先,基于CCSDS标准的编码框架可以降低编码算法复杂度,便于实时实现,适合于卫星应用场合.其次,引入视觉注意机制,采用一种基于视觉显著性的自动提取算法提取感兴趣区域.最后,通过使用掩模来确定ROI区域,可以对任意形状的ROI区域进行编码.实验结果表明,与JPEG2000中的感兴趣区域图像编码算法相比,本文算法结构简单,便于实现;拥有优秀的主观视觉质量,符合人眼的感知,在高压缩比下能够为用户提供更多的信息.另外,本文算法可以作为CCSDS标准中的感兴趣区域编码算法.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种鲁棒的基于多尺度特征融合的遥感图像小目标检测方法.考虑到常用的特征提取网络参数量庞大,过多的下采样可能导致小目标消失,同时基于自然图像的预训练模型直接应用到遥感图像中可能存在特征鸿沟.因此,根据数据集中所有目标尺寸的分布情况(即:先验知识),首先提出了一种基于动态选择机制的轻量化特征提取模块,它允许每个神...  相似文献   

本文对线性抛物方程外区域问题,应用有限元与边界元的耦合方法,给出了其完整的数学理论分析,我们借助一条辅助公共边界,导出耦合问题分形式,证明了耦合变分问题解的适应性,且获得了逼近解的收敛性与误差估计。  相似文献   

水声目标识别是被动声呐系统的主要应用之一。为了进一步提升小样本条件下水下目标的识别率,文章提出一种基于多尺度卷积和双端注意力机制相融合的方法。首先,提取梅尔倒谱系数,色度谱和计算谱对比度等特征,建立基于多类别特征子集的三维聚合特征。其次,采用多尺度卷积滤波器算子构造多分辨率卷积神经网络,以更好地适应三维聚合特征的时频结构。另外,采用双端注意力模型捕获样本的全局依赖和局部特性。采用基于指数加权的对数交叉熵函数作为损失函数,提升样本数较少类别的识别率。实验结果表明,该方法在ShipsEar数据上的平均识别率为95.5%,取得了较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

针对由于裁剪、翻转和旋转等产生的图像拷贝问题,提出一种Shi-Tomasi角点的拷贝检测算法.先使用Shi-Tomasi角点检测算法提取图像的局部角点;然后在以Shi-Tomasi角点为中心的圆环区域内计算特征向量的协方差描述子(多特征融合);最后通过协方差描述子的相似性度量来检测圆环区域的相似性,并以此判断检测图像是否为原图像的拷贝.实验结果证明,该检测算法对图像的裁剪、旋转等攻击具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于自然边界归化的非重叠型区域分解算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于半平面上的自然边界归化理论,给出了一类带凹槽的半无界区域上椭圆型方程边值问题的非重叠型区域分解算法.证明了算法具有与有限元剖分网格参数无关的收敛性,适当选取松弛因子,算法是几何收敛的,并给出了松弛因子的一般取值,数值例子表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

根据前人建立的一维海冰热力模式模型,利用区域分解法克服系统的非光滑性,使得在每一子区域上系统都充分光滑,并采用半隐式差分格式对该模式进行数值计算,还利用时变网格法处理动边界,最后将数值计算的数据与实测数据进行比较分析。  相似文献   

A finite element constructed on the basis of boundary integral equations is proposed. This element has a flexible shape and arbitrary number of nodes. It also has good approximation properties. A procedure of constructing an element stiffness matrix is demonstrated first for one-dimensional case and then for two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction problem. Numerical examples demonstrate applicability and advantages of the method. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖简单的虹膜内边缘(瞳孔)定位算法。首先,采用Soble边缘检测算子和形态学变换进行边缘检测;然后,利用区域标记法为边缘检测后形成的各连通成分赋予相应的灰度值,并利用直方图的方法分离出瞳孔区域;最后,采用投影的方法进行瞳孔的定位,实验结果表明,文中提出的方法能够准确地进行虹膜内边缘定位。  相似文献   

This paper reports a fast convergent boundary element method on a Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) (Geist et al., PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine, A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing. MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994) cluster using the SIMD computing model (Single Instructions Multiple Data). The method uses the strategy of subdividing the domain into a number of smaller subdomains in order to reduce the size of the system matrix and to achieve overall speedup. Unlike traditional subregioning methods, where equations from all subregions are assembled into a single linear algebraic system, the present scheme is iterative and each subdomain is handled by a separate PVM node in parallel. The iterative nature of the overall solution procedure arises due to the introduction of the artificial boundaries. However, the system equations for each subdomain is now smaller and solved by direct Gaussian elimination within each iteration. Furthermore, the boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces are estimated from the result of the previous iteration by a reapplication of the boundary integral equation for internal points. This method provides a consistent mechanism for the specification of boundary conditions on artificial interfaces, both initially and during the iterative process. The method is fast convergent in comparison with other methods in the literature. The achievements of this method are therefore: (a) simplicity and consistency of methodology and implementation; (b) more flexible choice of type of boundary conditions at the artificial interfaces; (c) fast convergence; and (d) the potential to solve large problems on very affordable PVM clusters. The present parallel method is suitable where (a) one has a distributed computing environment; (b) the problem is big enough to benefit from the speedup achieved by coarse-grained parallelisation; and (c) the subregioning is such that communication overhead is only a small percentage of total computation time.  相似文献   

梁召峰  周光平 《声学技术》2007,26(3):523-527
在分析管形振子结构及工作模式的基础上,对其在反应器内辐射声场的计算模型进行合理简化,利用间接边界元法计算了单个管形振子的辐射声场,通过实验验证了该计算方法的有效性。以两个管形振子在圆柱形槽中的布阵为例说明了布阵的优化方法。首先利用间接边界元方法计算了该系统的声场,然后以声场中一些平面上的声压平均值作为评价依据,比较了振子间距不同时的声场强弱,并通过观察振子间距不同时的声场分布情况判断声场的均匀性,从而达到优化布阵。实验结果表明该优化方案是可行的,为管形振子的工程应用提供了一定的技术依据。  相似文献   

We present a numerical method for the solution of nonlinear geomechanical problems involving localized deformation along shear bands and fractures. We leverage the boundary element method to solve for the quasi-static elastic deformation of the medium while rigid-plastic constitutive relations govern the behavior of displacement discontinuity (DD) segments capturing localized deformations. A fully implicit scheme is developed using a hierarchical approximation of the boundary element matrix. Combined with an adequate block preconditioner, this allows to tackle large problems via the use of an iterative solver for the solution of the tangent system. Several two-dimensional examples of the initiation and growth of shear-bands and tensile fractures illustrate the capabilities and accuracy of this technique. The method does not exhibit any mesh dependency associated with localization provided that (i) the softening length-scale is resolved and (ii) the plane of localized deformations is discretized a priori using DD segments.  相似文献   

蒋伟  杨益新  马远良 《声学技术》2007,26(3):357-361
建立一种复杂结构水听器基阵阵列流形计算模型。该模型运用声场计算的边界元方法,通过计算任意散射体表面声场分布,求出基阵阵元位置处声场响应,进而得到基阵阵列流形;基于该阵列流形,运用波束设计方法求出阵元权值,分别利用实测和理论阵列流形得到基阵实测波束以及理论波束。针对安装在半球形硬质铝壳体上的圆弧阵进行的水池实验,实验结果表明实测阵列流形和基于边界元方法的计算结果基本吻合,实测波束和理论波束相差不大,并且性能均优于按无指向性点接收器经相位补偿后相加所得到的波束。  相似文献   

This work introduces a semi‐analytical formulation for the simulation and modeling of curved structures based on the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM). This approach adapts the fundamental idea of the SBFEM concept to scale a boundary to describe a geometry. Until now, scaling in SBFEM has exclusively been performed along a straight coordinate that enlarges, shrinks, or shifts a given boundary. In this novel approach, scaling is based on a polar or cylindrical coordinate system such that a boundary is shifted along a curved scaling direction. The derived formulations are used to compute the static and dynamic stiffness matrices of homogeneous curved structures. The resulting elements can be coupled to general SBFEM or FEM domains. For elastodynamic problems, computations are performed in the frequency domain. Results of this work are validated using the global matrix method and standard finite element analysis. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new BEM for level‐set based topology optimization. In the proposed BEM, the nodal coordinates of the boundary element are replaced with the nodal level‐set function and the nodal coordinates of the Eulerian mesh that maintains the level‐set function. Because this replacement causes the nodal coordinates of the boundary element to disappear, the boundary element mesh appears to be immersed in the Eulerian mesh. Therefore, we call the proposed BEM an immersed BEM. The relationship between the nodal coordinates of the boundary element and the nodal level‐set function of the Eulerian mesh is clearly represented, and therefore, the sensitivities with respect to the nodal level‐set function are strictly derived in the immersed BEM. Furthermore, the immersed BEM completely eliminates grayscale elements that are known to cause numerical difficulties in topology optimization. By using the immersed BEM, we construct a concrete topology optimization method for solving the minimum compliance problem. We provide some numerical examples and discuss the usefulness of the constructed optimization method on the basis of the obtained results. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the iterative solution of the boundary element equations arising from standard Galerkin boundary element discretizations of first‐kind boundary integral operators of positive and negative order. We construct efficient preconditioners on the basis of so‐called grey‐box algebraic multigrid methods that are well adapted to the treatment of boundary element matrices. In particular, the coarsening is based on an auxiliary matrix that represents the underlying topology in a certain sense. This auxiliary matrix is additionally used for the construction of the smoothers and the transfer operators. Finally, we present the results of some numerical studies that show the efficiency of the proposed algebraic multigrid preconditioners. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

齿轮箱是广泛应用的工程机械零部件,准确地模拟其辐射声场对后续的降噪优化设计有着重要作用。边界元方法非常适合分析此类无限域下的声辐射问题。但传统边界元方法有着计算效率低、内存占用高的缺点。该研究发展了宽频的快速多极子边界元方法,并运用该方法计算了齿轮箱在特定频率下的场点声压以及辐射声场。通过对比商用软件的分析结果,验证了所提快速边界元方法的准确性。此外,运用多核并行计算方法,对计算量较大的扫频分析进行加速计算,最终快速、准确地获取了齿轮箱辐射声场的扫频结果。  相似文献   

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