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Utilizing information processing theory as a lens and integrating various literatures, this paper first develops a process-based conceptualization of managers’ noticing of new organizational information technology (OIT) that occurs prior to managers’ sensemaking. Then, using the developed conceptualization as a theoretical grounding, this paper derives propositions regarding the influences of OIT attributes on noticing. This paper contributes to the literature on IT and innovation adoption, technology frame and organizing vision, and managerial cognition and opportunity recognition. This paper concludes by suggesting future research directions and by providing practical guidelines for proponents/detractors of new OIT striving to influence potential adopters’ noticing.  相似文献   

《Network Security》2002,2002(12):15-17
Rather than tackle one particular topic in detail, this article will consider where IT security has got to across several fronts — in some areas considerable progress has been made, systems are “more” secure now than a few years ago. In other areas however, little has changed; the problem has just been moved around or hasn’t really been effectively solved. Certainly the threat landscape has changed, modern attacks are often intriguingly clever and powerful (witness the breadth of distribution mechanisms that the NIMDA virus used, the use of SQL injection against websites etc…). Technology has also presented further opportunity — just look at the flurry of threats that have surrounded wireless networks since their inception.  相似文献   

With the wide diffusion of information technology (IT) in our daily life and work, it is clear that product innovation and service innovation have more and more connection with IT, and IT has become an important tool or component in innovation. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into future studies pertaining to this area by investigating the research development of IT innovation using bibliometric analysis. The status of IT innovation study is analysed through citation analysis with the help of CiteSpace. Influential references, hot topics, top-tier journals and important institutes are all detected, and the intellectual structure of recent studies is also mapped in this study, and we find that research on IT innovation is mainly from two directions, innovation study group and information systems study group. Finally, we follow the logic of Nambisan [2013. “Information Technology and Product/Service Innovation: A Brief Assessment and Some Suggestions for Future Research.” Journal of the Association for Information Systems 14 (4): 215–226] to explore the relationship between IT and innovation through reviewing papers in the top journals in this field. We find that most studies treat IT as an enabler of innovation. Although some recent studies try to pay attention to the role of IT as a trigger for innovation and give some rationale for the IT–innovation relationship, further studies are still required to uncover the trigger effect mechanism.  相似文献   

This study proposes and validates a new industry taxonomy to understand the use of IT that generates superior economic returns based on the specific economic and competitive characteristics of four different industry types and the strategic role of IT in each of these industry environments. Our findings extend the well-established industry taxonomy on the strategic role of IT (Automate, Informate, Transform) by considering how IT is changing the nature of the product/service in industries where transformational logics prevail. We found that in industries where the product/service is digital in nature, the firms that achieve higher economic returns are those where IT is used to support dual strategies based on the integration of cost leadership and differentiation. Conversely, in other industries – with the exception of those producing commodities – the firms that achieve superior returns are those that use IT to support differentiation. The results of this study can help managers make intelligent decisions about competitive strategies and IT investments, depending on the business environment of the sector in which the firm operates and the generative potential of emerging technologies to do new things.  相似文献   

IT产业发展迅速,以致成为新的国民经济增长点。无论是在国内还是在国外,人才对IT产业的重要性都毋须质疑,人才是IT发展之本的观念已深入人心。IT企业对人才的录用、使用都有什么看法;如何能最大限度地“挖”出人才的潜力,在工作环境、生活环境乃至薪水上如何使人才无忧;人才如何提高自身的修养;企业如何评价人才流动?要深思的太多!  相似文献   

近日,APC与SUN联合联想科技共同推出了一个独具诱惑力的打包销售活动,为渐浓的春色又平添了一分惊喜:自1999年4月20日起至8月30日止,凡从联想的经销商处购买SUN的Enterprise 250服务器的用户,可免费得到一台价值5000人民币的APC Smart UPS 10001BX及价值2100美金的“电力环境现场勘察”服务一次。电源问题是造成停机故障的首要原因,关键系统用户非常希望能由一家厂商提供带有电源保护及专业服务与技术支持的端到端解决方案。Sun和APC之间的这次合作为用户提供了这种可能。 这个全新的解决方案结合了计算机行业的领导者SUN Microsystem公司的E250服务器及UPS行业的佼佼者APC公司提供的Smart 10001BX UPS和获得IS09002认证的“电力环境现场勘察”服务,从而在原有网络的高可靠性、可用性及可服务性的基础上,使客户的关键商务应用万元一失。这次使用是继98年Sun和APC在各自领域内成为端到端解决方案的领导者之后,向为用户提供综合解决方案方面迈出的具有独创意义的一步。  相似文献   

蔡虹 《互联网周刊》2002,(21):34-35
企业用IT系统来管理业务运作,但“管理者”本身也需要管理。通过基础架构管理、服务管理和业务优化三步走,企业的IT机器才能发挥“确保业务完美运行”的效能  相似文献   

李翊 《计算机》2002,(13):33-33
17年来,公司建立了覆盖全国和海外的营销服务网络,建成了世界水平的通讯产品制造平台,积累了拥有自主知识产权的交换、网络、信令、IP、DSP、智能、大规模集成电路设计等核心技术.能够为用户提供整体网络的全面解决方案。  相似文献   

Business–IT alignment has been consistently ranked as the number one concern of IT and business executives. Maintaining the alignment has been found to lead to stronger business performance, higher perceived value of IT and improved IS strategic planning; therefore addressing the issue is both important and timely. The economic growth in China in the last decade has led to greater availability of IT and its widespread use as a critical resource. Despite the increasing interest in Chinese IS issues by both researchers and practitioners, empirical research focusing on human- and organization-related IS issues in China is scarce. Using data collected from 130 business and IT executives from 22 companies in China, 11 of which were multinationals operating in China, we explored several questions in the area of business–IT alignment. An instrument designed to measure the six dimensions of business–IT alignment maturity was cross-validated using a sample of companies in China. Then, the instrument was refined to develop a measurement method that offered better reliability and validity in the context of Chinese companies. The relationship between the alignment maturity dimensions and IS strategic alignment was then examined. Finally, the alignment maturity of companies in China was assessed to provide a snapshot of business–IT alignment in China. A comparison between the 11 Chinese domestic companies and 11 multinational operating in China provided insight into the different IT practices of the two types of companies. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

Today’s IT personnel must possess business and technology competencies to be effective. As such competent IT personnel are in great demand, it becomes a concern for organizations to develop, manage, and retain them in the long run. This study provides a model of IT managers’ leadership as a critical factor in such dynamics. Empirical analysis with a survey of 217 IT professionals showed that an IT manager’s transformational leadership is positively associated with IT personnel’s intention to stay.  相似文献   

●NT中如何隐藏C:盘的盘符? 我现在管理着许多运行Windows NT Workstation 4.0的机器,现在的问题是经常有用户未经我的同意就随便在机器上更改信息,使得系统经常出现问题。我想如果我能够让C:盘的盘符从资源管理器中“消失”的话则能够减少我的许多麻烦,但我不知道这是否可行。 您可以通过修改Windows NT注册表的办法来隐藏硬盘驱动器的标识。和往常一样,在修改之前。建议您备份注册表信息。 为了隐藏C:盘的盘符,用鼠标选择“开始”*“运行”,然后键入命令“regedit”回车。当注册表编辑器打开时,依次导航到注册表”HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”,用鼠标右击编辑器右侧的空白区域,选择“断建”*“DWORD值”,将新键值取名为“NoDrives”,然后回车两次,一次用于接收这个新值,另一次用于打开“编辑DWORD值”对话框。 在该对话框中,选择名为“十进制”的单选钮在“键值”框中输入数字“4”,然后点击“确定”。最后退出注册表编辑器,重新启动计算机,C:盘的盘符应当已从资源管理器或“我的电脑”中“消失”了。  相似文献   

有着强有力的IT领导的企业,与那些以IT治理作为领导力的替代的企业,这两者间的区别是巨大的。与仅仅依靠治理机制的企业相比,有着强有力的IT领导的管理团队,能够做出更好和更快的技术决策,不管前者的治理机制是多么有效。  相似文献   

问:如何在 Wndows NT资源管理器的“发送”菜单中添加新的应用程序? 答:首先,创建一个该应用程序的快捷方式(在程序名.exe文件上按鼠标右键),然后将此快捷方式复制或者剪切到%windir%\Profiles、YourUserId、SendTo。OK!就这么一回事! 如何安装Windows 98的升级版? 我将我的硬盘全部格式化了,现在想安装Windows 98和应用程序,但我的Windows 98 CD—ROM是一个升级版,它要求有Windows的旧版本才能安装。是否还有其他方法让我能重新安装…  相似文献   

现在市场上56K Modem的品牌非常多,价格也各不一样,那么我在选购56K Modem时该如何鉴别好坏呢? 鉴别Modem卡的优劣,可从性能测试和直观观察两方面来区分。性能测试需要联机工作才能看出来,通常在购买时无法准确判断,因此在购买时掌握基本的直观观察技巧就显得非常重要了。先从外观来看,优质Modem卡布局走线合理,做工比较精致美观,元件都采用表面封装技术,印刷板没有元器件的偷工减料现象 焊点圆滑光亮,印刷板有一定厚度。而劣质Modem卡表面布局走线凌乱,甚至有明线连接,做工粗糙,元件大多采用普通焊接技术,印刷板上有明显的元件偷工减料现象,焊点不圆滑有毛刺等。工艺及焊接质量的高低,将直接影响产品的可靠性。劣质Modem卡大多是一些假冒伪劣产品,虽然价格低廉,似乎也能用,但使用这类卡时最致命的是常会出现连接中断(俗称“掉线”),或者出现错误传输等。  相似文献   

当前面对“信息孤岛”、不堪重负的救火式IT服务等种种问题和现象,IT部门需要转变认识、改变行为,从系统建设提升到能力建设上来,促进IT转型。改变行为,首先要构建游戏规则。IT 治理就是这样一种游戏规则。  相似文献   

什么是 SOAP? 筒单对象访问协议-SOAP使得应用程序能够基于 Web基 础设施以各种方式进行通信。 Web服务将站点和应用程序紧密连接在一起,从而能够完 成单个部件不能完成的功能。例如,可以设想一个应用程序能够 将你从一个在线地图站点获得的方向信息和从另一个部门运输 站点获得的实时交通数据连接在一起,还可以将你从日历中查 到的预定目的地信息连接在一起。最终的结果可以是这样的一 个应用程序,它能够在15分钟前提醒你赶到目的地,而且在遇 到交通阻塞时可以重新选择其它路线。 SOAP提供了一种底层的机制来让…  相似文献   

●“连接到”框中的密码有什么作用?在每一次拨号上网时,在“连接到”对话框中都有一个密码,它有什么作用?我在使用过程中感觉它没有任何用处。事实上,这个密码需要与登录脚本配合才能起作用。在“拨号网络”的设置中选择使用一个登录脚本(如PPP、SEP等),并编辑它,将它改为与您的ISP提供的登录提示相适应,脚本中的$USERNAME和$PASSWORD变量在其运行时将被您在该对话  相似文献   

JustDoIt,“尽管去做”,一个简单的广告口号,却让不同地域、不同民族、不同肤色、不同文化背景的人们如醉如痴。这就是广告的魅力!2005年,通往首都机场的道路两旁矗立着的一座座IT企业广告牌;走在街头目力所及的地方都跳动着笔记本、数码相机大幅广告图片;我们的口头词里面不时  相似文献   

经理IT 硬盘是速度重要还是容量重要? (现在选5400转还是7200转?) 直到今年,与我们相伴了多年的5400转硬盘才开始真正向7200转过渡,越来越多的人在升级电脑和买新机时选择了诸如腾龙,酷鱼,金钻等7200转的品种,现在即便是7000元左右的中低档机器也开始配置 15G或 20G的 7200转硬盘了。我们不禁要问;难道5400转硬盘已经走到尽头了么? 至少在硬盘制造厂商眼中不是,在WD,Maxtor等厂家的未来蓝图中,我们可以看到他们仍然在低端产品线中提供5400转的品种,而且支持 ATA10…  相似文献   

严旭 《多媒体世界》2010,(21):19-19
企业越来越多地关注如何实施和开展前瞻性的IT战略,这对正步入企业管理层的CIO来说既是机械也是挑战。  相似文献   

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