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Farm typologies are a useful tool to assist in unpacking and understanding the wide diversity among smallholder farms to improve targeting of crop production intensification strategies. Sustainable crop production intensification will require the development of an array of nutrient management strategies tailored to farm-specific conditions, rather than blanket recommendations across diverse farms. This study reviewed key literature on smallholder farm typologies focusing on three countries (Kenya, Malawi and Zimbabwe), to gain insights on opportunities for crop production intensification, and the importance of developing farm-specific nutrient management practices. Investigations on farm typologies have done well in highlighting the fundamental differences between farm categories, with 3–5 typologies often adequate to represent the wide differences in resource endowment. Resource-endowed farmers have ready access to large quantities of manure and mineral fertilizers, which contribute to higher soil fertility and crop productivity on their farms. Resource-constrained households use little or no manure and mineral fertilizers, and have limited capacity to invest in labour-demanding soil fertility management technologies. These farmers often have to rely on off-farm opportunities for income that are largely limited to selling unskilled labour to their resource-endowed neighbors. The variability in management practices by farmers has resulted in three main soil fertility classes that can be used for targeting soil fertility management technologies, characterized by potential response to fertilizer application as: (1) low-responsive fertile fields that receive large additions of manure and fertilizer; (2) high-responsive infertile fields that receive moderate nutrient applications; (3) poorly responsive degraded soils cultivated for many years with little or no nutrient additions. The main conclusions drawn from the review are: (1) resource constrained farmers constitute the widest band across the three countries, with many of the farmers far below the threshold for sustainable maize production intensification and lacking capacity to invest in improved seed and fertilizer, (2) farm sizes and livestock ownership were key determinants for both farmer wealth status and farm productivity, and (3) soil organic carbon and available P were good indicators for predicting previous land management, that is also invariably linked to farmer resource endowment.  相似文献   

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Linking nutrient balances and flows to soil nutrient stocks creates a valuable indicator for sustainability assessment in agricultural land-use systems....  相似文献   

The release of mineral-N in soil from plant residues is regulated by their ‘quality’ or chemical composition. Legume materials used by farmers in southern Africa are often in the form of litter with N concentration <2%. We investigated the decomposition of Sesbania sesban and Acacia angustissima litter in the field using litterbags, and N mineralization of a range of legume materials using a leaching tube incubation method in the laboratory. The mass loss of the litter could be described using a modified exponential decay model: Y = (Y 0Q)ekt + Q. The relative decomposition constants for Sesbania and Acacia litter were 0.053 and 0.039 d−1, respectively. The % N mineralized from fresh Sesbania prunings was 55% compared with only 27% for the Sesbania litter after 120 days of incubation under leaching conditions. During the same period, fresh prunings of Acacia released only 12% of the added N while Acacia litter released 9%. Despite the large differences in N concentration between Acacia prunings and its litter, the total mineralized N was similar, as mineralization from prunings was depressed by the highly active polyphenols. While N supply may be poor, these slow decomposing litter materials are potentially useful for maintaining soil organic matter in smallholder farms. In two field experiments with contrasting soil texture, Sesbania, Acacia and Cajanus produced large amounts of biomass (>5 Mg ha−1) and improved N cycling significantly (>150 kg N ha−1) on the clay loam soil, but adapted poorly on the sandier soil. There was a rapid N accumulation in the topsoil at the beginning of the rains in plots where large amounts of Sesbania or Acacia biomass had been incorporated. Despite the wide differences in resource quality between these two, there was virtually no difference in N availability in the field as this was, among other factors, confounded by the quantity of N added. A substantial amount of the nitrate was leached to greater than 0.4 m depth within a three-week period. Also, the incidence of pests in the first season, and drought in the second season resulted in poor nitrogen use efficiency. Our measurements of gaseous N losses in the field confirmed that N2O emissions were <0.5 kg N ha−1. As we had measurements of all major N flows, we were able to construct overall N budgets for the improved fallow – maize rotation systems. These budgets indicated that, in a normal rainfall season with no major pest problems, reducing nitrate leaching would be the single largest challenge to increased N recovery of added organic N in the light textured soils.  相似文献   

This paper examines a number of agronomic field experiments in different regions of sub-Saharan Africa to assess the associated variability in the efficiencies with which applied and available nutrients are taken up by crops under a wide range of management and environmental conditions. We consider N and P capture efficiencies (NCE and PCE, kg uptake kg−1 nutrient availability), and N and P recovery efficiencies (NRE and PRE, kg uptake kg−1 nutrient added). The analyzed cropping systems employed different soil fertility management practices that included (1) N and P mineral fertilizers (as sole or their combinations) (2) cattle manure composted then applied or applied directly to fields through animal corralling, and legume based systems separated into (3) improved fallows/cover crops-cereal sequences, and (4) grain legume-cereal rotations. Crop responses to added nutrients varied widely, which is a logical consequence of the wide diversity in the balance of production resources across regions from arid through wet tropics, coupled with an equally large array of management practices and inter-season variability. The NCE ranged from 0.05 to 0.98 kg kg−1 for the different systems (NP fertilizers, 0.16–0.98; fallow/cover crops, 0.05–0.75; animal manure, 0.10–0.74 kg kg−1), while PCE ranged from 0.09 to 0.71 kg kg−1, depending on soil conditions. The respective NREs averaged 0.38, 0.23 and 0.25 kg kg−1. Cases were found where NREs were >1 for mineral fertilizers or negative when poor quality manure immobilized soil N, while response to P was in many cases poor due to P fixation by soils. Other than good agronomy, it was apparent that flexible systems of fertilization that vary N input according to the current seasonal rainfall pattern offer opportunities for high resource capture and recovery efficiencies in semi-arid areas. We suggest the use of cropping systems modeling approaches to hasten the understanding of Africa’s complex cropping systems.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) emissions from dairy farm systems cause environmental problems. This paper reviews and quantifies the major loss routes of NH3 in dairy farms. Furthermore, management options are discussed that reduce NH3 losses.Losses of NH3 occur during slurry application, housing, slurry storage, grazing, fertilizer application and from crops, in descending order of importance. Animal waste is the major source in four of the six cases. This ranking varies between farms and between countries, depending on environmental conditions and management practices. Total NH3 losses range from 17 to 46 kg N cow yr-1, reflecting the variability in amount and composition of animal excreta (urine + faeces), management of the slurry and soil and environmental conditions. The amount and composition of urine and faeces depend on N tranformations in the digestive track of the cow. Of the major nitrogen compounds excreted urea has the highest potential for NH3 volatilization followed by allantoin, uric acid and creatinine in decreasing order. Creatine, xanthine and hypoxanthine have a low NH3 volatilization potential.Reducing the excretion of urea and urea like products by optimizing N Intake (NI) and N Retention (NR) is one way of decreasing NH3 losses. Improvement is possible since NR is about 20% of NI in practice, whereas 43% is theoretically possible. The second solution is to reduce the rate of NH3 loss by technical means like direct incorporation of slurry into the soil, dilution or acidification of slurry, covering of the slurry storage and/or acidification or dilution of slurry in the storage. These techniques have been known for a long time and now become available on a large scale in practice. Reducing the surface area per cow in the shed and sprinkling floors with water to remove and to dilute urine also decreases NH3 loss.Reducing NH3 loss requires a whole farm system approach, because it shows how intervening in one part may affect NH3 losses in other parts of the system. Reducing NH3 loss may increase nitrate leaching and denitrification. To prevent this, the achieved reduction in NH3 loss should lead to a reduction of total N input of fertilizers, concentrates and forage on the N budget of the farm, which is possible as a reduction of NH3 loss improves the N fertilizing value of slurry. Model calculations showed great scope for reducing NH3 losses on dairy farms by improved management. Up to three fold reductions in NH3 loss are possible together with marked reductions in mineral fertilizer usage. The rate at which improved management techniques, will be introduced in practice depends on legislation, the applicability of new techniques and the expected increase in net production costs. To comply with environmental targets requires a huge effort of farmers with associated high costs.  相似文献   

Increasing land degradation has prompted interest in conservation agriculture which includes growing cover crops. Besides providing soil cover, decaying cover crops may release substantial amounts of nutrients. Decomposition, N and P release from winter cover crops [grazing vetch (Vicia darsycarpa), forage peas (Pisum sativum) and oats (Avena sativa)] were assessed for suitability in a cropping system found in the smallholder irrigation sector of South Africa. Nitrogen and P contribution to maize growth by cover crop residues was also estimated. Decrease in mass of cover crop residues was highest in grazing vetch (7% remaining mass after 124 days) followed by forage peas (16%) and lastly oats (40%). Maximum net mineralized N and P were higher for grazing vetch (84.8 mg N/kg; 3.6 mg P/kg) than for forage peas (66.3 mg N/kg; 2.7 mg P/ha) and oats (13.7 mg N/kg; 2.8 mg P/kg). Grazing vetch and forage pea residues resulted in higher N contribution to maize stover than oat residues. Farmers may use grazing vetch for improvement of soil mineral N while oats may result in enhancement of soil organic matter and reduction land degradation because of their slow decomposition. Terminating legume cover crops a month before planting summer crops synchronizes nutrient release from winter-grown legume cover crops and uptake by summer crops.  相似文献   

The use of contour hedgerows is widely advocated to sustain crop production and reduce soil loss on steeplands in the Three Gorges Area of China. However, little is known about the effects of soil management on soil fertility within these systems, or about the spatial gradients in soil nutrients that may develop in terraces formed behind the vegetative barriers. Therefore, we carried out a study on the effects of various long-term soil management practices on soil fertility and spatial variation of fertility between hedgerows. At a site in the Three Gorges Area, China, we applied five treatments to a contour hedgerow system: control (no fertilizer and manure); chemical fertilizer (CF); chemical fertilizer and mulch (CF + MU); pig manure (PM); and mulch, pig manure, and chemical fertilizer (CF + PM + MU). Soil samples were collected from the topsoil horizon (0–20 cm) of the selected five treatments in 2006 after 11 crop cycles, and physical and chemical properties were analyzed. The results showed that chemical fertilizer clearly improves nutrient status of the topsoil, while pig manure also increased the amount of soil organic matter. This increase in organic matter was associated with an increase in soil aggregate stability, a reduction in bulk density, and reduced penetration resistance of the soil. Mulch with pig manure and chemical fertilizer was the best management practice for improving soil quality and crop yields in the Three Gorges Area. Further, mulch and pig manure addition also decreased the magnitude of the spatial variation, but did not offset the soil fertility gradients because tillage resulted in significant movement of soil. More favorable soil properties were found at the lower positions within each alley, regardless of the management practice applied.  相似文献   

On-farm runoff plots were established during 2004 and monitored for 4 years in the Pokhare Khola watershed (Nepal) in a completely randomized design with four replications of each three treatments: traditional Farmer Practice (FP) (Zea maysEleusine coracana), Reduced Tillage (RT; Z. maysVigna ungeuculata), and Commercial Vegetable with double dose of farm yard manure (CV; Z. maysCapsicum species) to evaluate treatment effects on soil nutrient losses, nutrient balances and crop income on Bari land (rainfed terraces). Nutrient removal due to crop harvest was found to be significantly higher than nutrient loss through soil erosion, and CV treatment exhibited a significantly higher N uptake (123 kg ha−1 year−1) through crop harvest than other treatments. Moreover, the CV treatment produced significantly higher income per unit area of Bari land than the other treatments. Soil organic carbon and major nutrients losses (NPK) through soil erosion were minimal [25.5 kg ha−1 year−1 soil organic carbon (SOC) and 5.6:0.02:0.12 kg ha−1 year−1 nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), respectively]. Result showed that no nutrients were lost through leaching. Nutrient losses due to soil erosion and runoff were lower than previously reported in the Middle Mountain region, indicating a need to re-evaluate the soil erosion and nutrient loss problems in this region. Interventions such as reduced tillage and double dose of FYM with vegetable production were found to be effective in maintaining soil fertility and increasing farm income compared to the traditional maize-millet production system. The nutrient balance calculations suggest that integrated nutrient management techniques such as residue incorporation and application of FYM with a minimum application of chemical fertilizer are potentially sustainable production approaches for the Mid-hills of Nepal.  相似文献   

Organic farming is gaining interest worldwide due to its low environmental impact. However, questions still remain about its long-term sustainability, particularly in terms of nutrient management. There is debate about the ability of organic farming systems to compensate for nutrient exports due to crop and animal production. Stockless systems are considered as the most critical and they are generally associated with negative farm-gate nutrient budgets. In this study, we examined the farm-gate nutrient budgets of 23 organic farms located in southwestern France, with special focus on stockless farming systems. Phosphorus (P) was taken as a case study due to the issue of its critical management in organic farming systems. The farms were characterised on the basis of interviews with farmers and the soil nutrient status was assessed through soil sampling. Results showed that none of the farms imported rock phosphate fertiliser. On the contrary, most farms imported organic fertiliser and/or compost and manure, the latter from neighbouring farms or urban areas. As a consequence, stockless farm P budgets were not necessarily negative and options existed from achieving better nutrient cycle closure. However, soil P test was low to moderate in many cases. These results suggested that P management in organic farming systems is not simply related to the mixed versus specialised characteristics of the farms and that nutrient cycling should be addressed and assessed at a larger, e.g., district, scale.  相似文献   

We have chosen the BCR (Bureau Communautaire de Référence) sequential extraction procedure as a speciation analysis to determine the mobility of mercury in the contaminated soil of the Almadén (Spain) mining district. This soil has a high mercury concentration (1000 mg kg−1) in some areas. In previous works, the relationship between the weak-acid soluble fraction and the amount of contaminant recoverable by acid-enhanced electrokinetic remediation (EKR) was shown. In this study, after testing that this relationship is maintained, we test if similar relationships with chelating agents could be established. Recently, several chelating agents were tried and iodide was shown to be quite efficient for the removal of mercury. Thus we have carried out iodide-enhanced EKR experiments at the lab (16 g of soil) and semi-pilot (2 kg) scales. From these experiments it can be concluded that the amount of mercury recoverable by this technique is similar to the one recovered in the batch extraction experiments. Thus, this is another evidence that this kind of experiments can be used for the feasibility studies of the remediation technique. It is also shown that, although the removal efficiency is similar to the one obtained previously for in situ flushing, the time required to achieve this efficiency would be several orders of magnitude shorter for this soil.Nevertheless, the residual Hg present in the weak-acid soluble fraction of the speciation analysis of the soil after the EKR treatment increases with respect to the original contaminated soil, indicating a possible increase of the risks associated to the contaminated site. Therefore, a second EKR treatment is applied to the same soil, this time using acid-enhanced EKR. It is shown that, although almost no Hg was recovered with this technique for the original soil, an important amount can be recovered after the first treatment (iodide-enhanced EKR). Also it is shown that the design and operation of this second technique should be studied carefully due to the rather complex chemistry of the species involved.  相似文献   

In degraded soils, establishment of soil-improving legumes can be problematic and requires investment of labour and other resources. We investigated various aspects of managing herbaceous legumes in farmers’ fields in Bukoba District, Tanzania. Biomass and N accumulation by Crotalaria grahamiana was 1.1 Mg ha−1 and 34 kg N ha−1 when established without farmyard manure (FYM) and 3.0 Mg ha−1 and 95 kg N ha−1 when established with 2 Mg FYM ha−1, and incorporation of the biomass gave an increment of 700 kg ha−1 of grain in the subsequent maize crop. Maize grain yield at different application rates of Tephrosia candida residues ranged from 1.4 to 3.3 Mg ha−1 and from 2.0 to 2.8 Mg ha−1 in the high and low rainfall zone, respectively. Application of tephrosia biomass at a rate of 2 Mg ha−1 had no significant effect on maize yield whereas rates of 4, 6 and 8 Mg ha−1 gave comparable yields. Apparent N recovery efficiencies at all rates of tephrosia residues were maximally 27 and 13% for the high and low rainfall zones, respectively. Mulching with Mucuna pruriens suppressed weeds by 49 and 68% and increased maize yield by 57 and 103% compared with the weedy fallow in the respective zones. Incorporated residues had a weaker effect on suppressing weeds and poor labour productivity (2 l and 36 kg grain person-day−1) compared with mulched residues (32 and 52 kg grain person-day−1) in the high and low rainfall zone, respectively. These results indicate that if well managed, legume residues have the potential to increase yields of subsequent maize crops on degraded soils.  相似文献   

Three approaches to nitrogen budgeting were developed and their ability to quantitatively describe nitrogen cycling in a fertilizer based and a grass–clover based beef system tested. Budgets ranged in complexity from the Economic Input:Output (EIO) budget, which accounted simply for purchases and sales of nitrogen over the farmgate, through the Biological Input:Output (BIO) budget, which included estimates of biological nitrogen fixation and attempted to partition losses into leaching and gaseous forms, to the Transfer:Recycle:Input:Output (TRIO) budget, which also accounted for key soil processes. Nitrogen unaccounted for in the fertilized system decreased with increasing budget complexity (285, 212 and 188 kg ha-1 yr-1 unaccounted for by the EIO, BIO and TRIO budgets, respectively). In the legume based grass–clover system, the EIO budget did not accurately describe total nitrogen inputs as it did not include 146 kg ha-1 yr-1 from symbiotic nitrogen fixation. In the grass–clover system, nitrogen unaccounted for was again greater using the BIO than the TRIO budget (103 and 79 kg ha-1 yr-1, respectively). In conclusion, the most complex budgeting approach (TRIO) was able to account for the fate of a greater proportion of nitrogen inputs than the simpler approaches. However, the perceived success of the different approaches was strongly dependent on the precise objective.  相似文献   

Nutrients and sediment lost through runoff to surface and ground water represents a risk to human and environmental health. In order to understand the mechanisms of nutrient and sediment loss under different levels of vegetation cover, we conducted a simulated rainfall experiment on hillslope cropland in the Sichuan Basin of China. The experiment was performed on a 4.5 m long × 1.5 m wide × 0.6 m deep plot to analyze the mechanisms of overland flow, subsurface flow, sediment yield, and P loss for bare soil, and soil with 25, 50, 75, and 90% vegetation coverage. The results showed that total sediment loss and total bioavailable P (BAP) loss by overland flow decreased with increasing coverage; the rate of P release from fertilizer decreased with increasing time during a rain event and increasing coverage; and the growth in vegetation shoots and roots improved soil physical properties around roots, thus increasing P absorbance and the infiltration rate. Hence, we suggest increasing vegetation coverage to conserve soil and reduce BAP loss by sediments, and paying more attention to groundwater affected by pollutant transport through subsurface flows.  相似文献   

Morterra  C.  Cerrato  G.  Pinna  F.  Meligrana  G. 《Topics in Catalysis》2001,15(1):53-61
When high-area oxidic systems carry surface anionic species (in the present case: stable sulfate groups at the surface of sulfated zirconia catalysts), pyridine adsorption leads to an overestimated and thus partly artefact evaluation of the surface Lewis acidity. IR spectroscopic evidence is presented for the existence of a ligand competition at surface cationic centres (Lewis acid sites) between strong Lewis bases (pyridine) and surface sulfates. In the case of weak Lewis bases, like CO, there is no competition. The use of a model sulfated zirconia system, obtained by sulfation of an yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia preparation, turned out to be vital for obtaining the mentioned evidence, as this preparation allowed to compare the surface Lewis acidity in an homogeneous series of non-sulfated, sulfated, and sulfated-and-calcined systems of virtually unchanged crystal phase, surface area and crystal morphology. Also the conventional sulfated zirconia catalysts, prepared from an amorphous hydrate precursor, present the same type of surface ligand competition and the partly artefact evaluation of surface Lewis acidity, but in that case a piece of information is missing in that physical and chemical properties of the non-sulfated amorphous precursor cannot be compared with those of the crystalline sulfated systems.  相似文献   

The bitter and related constituents have been isolated fromVernonia amygdalina (Compositae), a plant ingested by wild chimpanzees possibly suffering from parasite-related diseases in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. Isolated from the plant were four known sesquiterpene lactones, seven new steroid glucosides, and two aglycones of the glucosides. The sesquiterpene lactones showed significant in vitro antischistosomal, plasmodicidal, and leishmanicidal activities. Antischistosomal activity was also found for the major steroid glucoside, vernonioside B1. A trend in the glucosides to show significant antischistosomal, plasmodicidal, and amebicidal activities when the sugar moiety was removed, was observed. Vernodalin, judged as the most significant constituent for antiparasitic activities in vitro, was tested for in vivo antischistosomal effect. It was, however, highly toxic to the cercaria-infected mouse. Chimpanzees have been only rarely observed to ingest anything but the pith of the young stem. The occurrence of vernonioside B1 and its aglycone vernoniol B1, the major constituents among the steroid-related constituents, were detected at significant levels in the pith. However, vernodalin was abundant only in the leaves and bark. Thus, chimpanzees at Mahale were hypothesized to control parasite-related diseases by ingesting the young pith of this tree containing steroid-related constituents.  相似文献   

Long-term use of soil, crop residue and fertilizer management practices may affect some soil properties, but the magnitude of change depends on soil type and climatic conditions. Two field experiments with barley, wheat, or canola in a rotation on Gray Luvisol (Typic Cryoboralf) loam at Breton and Black Chernozem (Albic Argicryoll) loam at Ellerslie, Alberta, Canada, were conducted to determine the effects of 19 or 27 years (from 1980 to 1998 or 2006 growing seasons) of tillage (zero tillage [ZT] and conventional tillage [CT]), straw management (straw removed [SRem] and straw retained [SRet]) and N fertilizer rate (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 in SRet, and 0 kg N ha−1 in SRem plots) on pH, extractable P, ammonium-N and nitrate–N in the 0–7.5, 7.5–15, 15–30 and 30–40 cm or 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90 and 90–120 cm soil layers. The effects of tillage, crop residue management and N fertilization on these chemical properties were usually similar for both contrasting soil types. There was no effect of tillage and residue management on soil pH, but application of N fertilizer reduced pH significantly (by up to 0.5 units) in the top 15 cm soil layers. Extractable P in the 0–15 cm soil layer was higher or tended to be higher under ZT than CT, or with SRet than SRem in many cases, but it decreased significantly with N application (by 18.5 kg P ha−1 in Gray Luvisol soil and 20.5 kg P ha−1 in Black Chernozem soil in 2007). Residual nitrate–N (though quite low in the Gray Luvisol soil in 1998) increased with application of N (by 17.8 kg N ha−1 in the 0–120 cm layer in Gray Luvisol soil and 23.8 kg N ha−1 in 0–90 cm layer in Black Chernozem soil in 2007) and also indicated some downward movement in the soil profile up to 90 cm depth. There was generally no effect of any treatment on ammonium-N in soil. In conclusion, elimination of tillage and retention of straw increased but N fertilization decreased extractable P in the surface soil. Application of N fertilizer reduced pH in the surface soil, and showed accumulation and downward leaching of nitrate–N in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Dunaliella salina is a unicellular green alga thriving in environments ranging from fresh water to hyper-saline lakes, such as the Dead Sea. An unusual, internally duplicated, 60 kDa alpha-type carbonic anhydrase (dCA I), located on the surface of this alga, is expected to function over a broad range of salinities. It would therefore differ from other carbonic anhydrases that already lose activity at low salinities and also from halophilic proteins that require high salinities for conformational stability. Enzymatic analyses indeed indicated that dCA I retained activity at salt concentrations ranging from low salt to at least 1.5 M NaCl or KCl for CO(2) hydration, 2.0 M NaCl for esterase activity and 0.5 M for bicarbonate dehydration. Although measurements at higher salinities were constrained by the interference of salt in the respective assayed reactions, activity was noticeable even at 4.0 M NaCl. Comparisons of the internally duplicated dCA I to single-domain derivatives indicated that inter-domain interactions played a decisive role in the stability, activity, salt tolerance and pH responses of dCA I. Hence dCA I is a uniquely salt- tolerant protein, retaining an active conformation over a large range of salinities and, as a Zn metalloenzyme, largely immune to the specific inhibitory effects of anions. Its unique features make dCA I a useful model to understand the physico-chemical basis of halotolerance and protein-salt interactions in general.  相似文献   

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