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1.取羊排骨一扇,斩去边角余料后,用清水泡2小时待用。2.将羊排放蔬菜水里(用洋葱、香菜、西红柿、胡萝卜、芹菜等制成)再浸泡2小时。2.将羊排放蔬菜水里(用洋葱、香菜、西红柿、胡萝卜、芹菜等制成)再浸泡2小时。  相似文献   

正在西菜中,有三样东西,被称为调味圣物,分别是洋葱、胡萝卜和芹菜。当然,这种芹菜乃是西芹,上海人在做罗宋汤的时候,也用芹菜来增加香气,装盆时再放入几片芹菜叶子,也可增加美感。中国也有芹菜,而且不止一种。从植物学的分法上,一种叫旱芹,是长在泥土里的;另一种是水芹,并不是长在河湖里,只是长在水田里罢了。苏沪一带的人把前者称为药芹,而后者则还是  相似文献   

选料:豆角、黄瓜、芹菜、青辣椒、蒜薹、萝卜、生姜、青刀豆、马铃薯、胡萝卜、洋葱、竹笋、黄花菜、食用菌等等肉质肥厚、组织致密、粗纤维少的新鲜饱满蔬菜,都可以用来加工脱水蔬菜。  相似文献   

蜗牛,又称山螺,属软体动物门蜗牛科,在我国广有分布。虽然蜗牛在中国古代已有人食用,但近代很长时间里却罕有食者。近年来,蜗牛及其营养价值已被国人逐渐认识,因此,蜗牛也就成了饭店、酒楼里边的美味佳肴。凉拌蜗牛原料:蜗牛肉250克芹菜70克洋葱70克胡萝卜70克桂皮5克蒜末20克精盐、味精、胡椒粉、芝麻油各适量制法:1.蜗牛肉洗净纳碗;洋葱治净切成块;芹菜治净切成段;胡萝卜洗净切成丝。2.蜗牛肉碗内加入洋葱块、桂皮,上笼蒸约1小时取出,晾凉后拣出蜗牛肉切成丝。3.芹菜段、胡萝卜丝均入沸水锅中汆一水,捞出挤干水分,纳盘,上面盖上蜗牛肉丝,…  相似文献   

鲜茄鱼参菠菜面 材料(2人份): 鲷鱼120克、乌参120克、干贝酥10克、菠菜面200克、小豆苗50克。 高汤材料: 虾皮、鱼骨100克、番茄200克、胡萝卜50克、洋葱20克、芹菜20克、盐适量。 做法:食材洗净,番茄、胡萝卜切块,洋葱切丝,芹菜切小段,鲷鱼切薄片,乌参切长条状备用。  相似文献   

用料: 熟栗子仁 180g 胡萝卜 1个(去皮,切小块) 芹菜 80g(切小段) 洋葱 1/2个(切碎)  相似文献   

5干香牛肉片 原料:火锅牛肉片200g,洋葱、胡萝卜、芹菜、紫甘兰各25g,豆瓣辣酱25g,芝麻酱15g,蒜末10g,柠檬汁10g,香醋25g,精盐适量,白糖少许。  相似文献   

主料:中段牛尾200克 辅料:胡萝卜100克(改圆块),芹菜、洋葱各20克,姜片5片,绿豆芽10克。  相似文献   

早点:煎鸡蛋、面包、果酱、牛奶。午餐:牛肉清汤、洋葱煎猪排、牛肉敏司饭、煎饼卷、面包、咖啡或红茶。晚餐:番茄牛肉汤、炸猪排或煎猪肉饼、罐焖鸡、炸苹果、面包、红茶或咖啡。番茄牛肉汤(10份)用料:牛腱子肉500 g,番茄酱250 g,白糖50 g,精盐10 g,味精少许,洋葱半个,胡萝卜100 g,芹菜100 g,香叶一片,面少司100 g,莞豆100 g,煮熟胡萝卜100 g。做法:先将肉洗净放入锅内,加水2 L,旺火上煮开,用勺撇净血沫;加入洋葱块,胡萝卜片,芹菜段,香叶;改用微火煮1~2 h至肉熟为止,捞出待用。煮汤过程中要不断加  相似文献   

一、冷烤猪肉用料:净猪腿肉2000克,洋葱150克,胡萝卜80克,芹菜100克,香叶5片,胡椒15粒,盐20克,胡椒粉,油少许,生菜叶适量.  相似文献   

Amino-acids were determined in hydrolysates of two wheat varieties harvested at various stages of maturity, and in flours milled from the wheat samples. During maturation, the concentration in protein of lysine, aspartic acid, glycine. alanine and valine decreased; and concentrations of glutamic acid and proline increased. Milling of wheat into flour reduced the concentrations of lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, threonine, glycine and alanine. Concentrations of glutaniic acid and proline were higher in flour than in wheat proteins. Concentrations of cationic side-chains in amino-acids were higher in wheat than in flour, and in both decreased with maturity. Total carboxyl and amide groups were higher in flour than in wheat, and their concentrations increased as the wheat matured. About 84% of the dicarboxylic acids were in amide form. Small changes were observed in concentrations of amino-acid residues with hydroxylic or hydrophobic groups, and in cystine.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Chieftain potatoes were packaged in either mesh, paper or polyethylene bags and compared in chemical composition after 1, 4, and 8 wk of storage at 20oC. Potatoes were analyzed for weight loss, discoloration, phenols, ascorbic acid, glycoalkaloids and nitrate-nitrogen. Potatoes packaged in polyethylene were lowest in weight loss, ascorbic acid and nitrate-nitrogen and highest in discoloration, phenols and glycoalkaloids than those packaged in mesh or paper. Potatoes packaged in paper were lowest in discoloration and phenols and highest in ascorbic acid. There were no significant differences in weight loss, glycoalkaloids or nitrate-nitrogen between potatoes packaged in mesh on paper.  相似文献   

Forty-four elements were analyzed in 21 tissues of purpleback flying squid, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, by high resolution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HR ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES). Greater concentrations of V, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Ag, Cd, Pb, and Bi were found in liver, pancreas, and ink sac than in other tissues. Ink sac concentrated remarkable levels of Ca and Sr in addition to the above-mentioned elements. Several alkalis, alkaline earth, and rare earth elements preferentially accumulated in muscle. Among the hard tissues, accumulation of V and U in beak, Ni, Zn, and Cd in gladius and Cr in skin was prominent. K, Rb, Cs, Pb, Bi and some transition elements (V, Co, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd) were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the livers of adult than in juvenile squids. Sodium, alkaline earth, and rare earth elements were higher in the livers of juveniles than in adult squids.  相似文献   

为研究春季浒苔与冬季浒苔的挥发性物质种类及成分的差异,本文通过电子鼻和顶空固相微萃取与气质联用仪(HS-SPME-GC-MS)联合使用检测分析冬季与春季浒苔挥发性物质差异。电子鼻各传感器采集数值经过t检验分析结果得出春冬两季浒苔的挥发性物质种类及成分有明显差异;HS-SPME-GC-MS分析检测春季、冬季浒苔的挥发性化合物种类数分别为68、82种,并且前者挥发性化合物中以烃类和醛类物质为主,后者挥发性化合物中以醛类和酮类为主。两者挥发性物质相对含量差异主要体现在醇类、酮类、酸类、烃类以及杂环类物质。同时在杂环类物质中,冬季浒苔检测出苦味物质甲基吡嗪,相对含量为0.13%;春季浒苔未检测出。由此得出浒苔在不同季节下其挥发性物质种类及含量有明显不同。  相似文献   

This study determined the distribution of drugs to different milk fractions according to their physicochemical properties. Hydrophilic drugs tend to concentrate in skim milk, whereas lipophilic drugs tend to concentrate in cream. The concentration of a drug in casein is related to its degree of binding to milk proteins. Thus, we aimed to determine whether withdrawal time in whole milk differs from that in cream, casein, and skim milk. Amoxicillin and tylosin were selected as prototype hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, respectively. The study was conducted in vitro and in vivo to determine whether in vitro conditions reflect the distribution of drugs in the different milk fractions in vivo. The in vivo study was conducted using a crossover design on 6 healthy Holstein dairy cattle. First, amoxicillin (i.m., single dose, 14 mg/kg) was administered to cows. Following a 1-wk washout period, tylosin (i.m., single dose, 15 mg/kg) was administered. Concentrations of amoxicillin and tylosin in milk and milk fractions were measured using HPLC-UV. In the in vitro study, 0.04 to 400 μg/g of amoxicillin and 0.05 to 50 μg/g of tylosin were spiked to drug-free milk and the concentrations in milk and milk fractions were measured. In addition, the percentage of total protein in milk and milk fractions was determined. Amoxicillin accumulated more in skim milk than in cream and casein, both in vitro (92%) and in vivo (73%, skim milk-to-whole milk ratio). The distribution of tylosin in whole and skim milk was similar to that of amoxicillin in the in vitro study, in contrast to the accumulation of tylosin in cream seen in vivo. However, the accumulation ratio of tylosin in cream was lower than expected. By either method, tylosin was less concentrated in casein than in skim milk and cream. The percentage of total protein was similar in skim milk and whole milk and higher than in cream. Thus, amoxicillin accumulates less in cream and casein, suggesting that these fractions would pose a lower risk to the consumer. Tylosin was still present at the maximum residue limit (50 μg/kg) 24 h after injection in the casein fraction and 48 h after injection in the cream fraction.  相似文献   

为掌握云烟97在我国不同生态区烟叶的主要品质性状差异,系统分析了云南曲靖(清香型烟区)、贵州毕节(中偏清香型烟区)和重庆武隆(中间香型烟区)3个烤烟种植生态区云烟97烟叶的外观质量、化学成分、风格特征和烟气品质。结果表明,贵州毕节烟叶烟气品质综合得分最高,中部叶干草香香韵、香气质、香气量和透发性得分显著高于云南和重庆,还原糖含量和烟气浓度显著高于重庆;云南曲靖烟叶外观质量最好,中部叶总氮含量、氮碱比值以及烟气飘逸感得分均显著高于贵州和重庆,烟气浓度和劲头得分居中,清香型特点显著;重庆武隆烟叶外观质量居中,中部叶总植物碱含量、烟气刺激性、干燥感和悬浮感得分均显著高于云南和贵州,而糖碱比和余味得分则显著低于云南和贵州,中间香型特点显著。由云南经贵州向重庆方向,云烟97烟叶清甜香韵和烟气飘逸感逐渐减弱,木香香韵和烟气悬浮感逐渐加强。  相似文献   

The content of ash, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr and Ni was determined in four species of brassicas: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and green and white cauliflowers. The investigation covered the raw material, the material blanched or cooked before freezing and frozen products after 12 months of refrigerated storage and prepared for consumption. Frozen products were obtained by the traditional method of freezing the blanched material or by the modified method of freezing the cooked material. The processing of vegetables before freezing (washing, grinding, blanching or cooking) caused statistically significant decreases in most constituents analysed. Blanching did not basically change the content of sodium and calcium; or that of chromium in both types of cauliflower; copper and nickel in white cauliflower; and nickel and phosphorus in Brussels sprouts. Cooking in brine, however, caused increases in the content of ash, sodium and calcium in white cauliflower, decreases in the content of potassium and iron and, in some species, of the remaining constituents. In comparison with the traditional method, a greater content of most analysed elements was found in frozen products obtained by the modified technology and prepared for consumption. However, no significant differences were noted in the level of chromium in all the samples; in the level of calcium in broccoli and green cauliflower; of nickel in broccoli; of nickel, copper and zinc in white cauliflower; and of copper in green cauliflower.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA-binding proteins 1, 2 and 3 (IMP1, IMP2 and IMP3) belong to a family of RNA-binding proteins implicated in mRNA localization, turnover and translational control. We examined their expression pattern during development of murine and human testis and ovaries. In the mouse, IMPs were expressed in male and female gonadal cells at embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5). From E16.5, IMP1 and IMP3 became restricted to the developing germ cells, whereas IMP2 expression persisted in the interstitial cells. In mature mouse and human ovaries, IMP1, IMP2 and IMP3 were detected in resting and growing oocytes and in the granulosa cells. In testis, IMP1 and IMP3 were found mainly in the spermatogonia, whereas IMP2 was expressed in the immature Leydig cells. Moreover, all three IMPs were detected in human semen. The developmental expression pattern of IMP1 and IMP3 in the human testis prompted us to examine their possible involvement in testicular neoplasia. IMPs were detected primarily in germ-cell neoplasms, including preinvasive testicular carcinoma in situ, classical and spermatocytic seminoma, and nonseminomas, with particularly high expression in undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma. The relative expression of IMP1, IMP2 and IMP3 varied among tumor types and only IMP1 was detected in all carcinoma in situ cells. Thus IMPs, and in particular IMP1, may be useful auxiliary markers of testicular neoplasia.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Botanicals are used in many countries for medicinal and general health-promoting purposes. Numerous natural occurrences of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits have been reported. Aflatoxins or ochratoxin A (OTA) have been found in botanicals such as ginseng, ginger, liquorice, turmeric, and kava-kava in the USA, Spain, Argentina, India, and some other countries, while fumonisins have been found in medicinal wild plants in South Africa and in herbal tea and medicinal plants in Turkey. Zearalenone was identified in ginseng root. Dried fruits can be contaminated with aflatoxins, OTA, kojic acid, and, occasionally, with patulin or zearalenone. One main area of concern is aflatoxins in dried figs; bright greenish yellow fluorescence under ultraviolet light is associated with aflatoxin contamination. OTA in dried vine fruits (raisins, sultanas, and currants) is another concern. There are also reports of aflatoxins in raisins and OTA in dried figs, apricots, dried plums (prunes), dates, and quince. Maximum permitted levels in the European Union include 4 µg kg-1 for total aflatoxins in dried fruit intended for direct consumption and 10 µg kg-1 for OTA in dried vine fruit. This review discusses the occurrence of mycotoxins in botanicals and dried fruits and analytical issues such as sampling, sample preparation, and methods for analysis. Fungal contamination of these products, the influence of sorting, storage, and processing, and prevention are also considered.  相似文献   

通过调查西藏4地市(山南市、日喀则市、林芝市、拉萨市)不同磨制方式生产的糌粑中重金属砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)含量,并开展污染情况全面分析评价,以提高西藏各地市糌粑的质量安全水平,为加强质量安全监管提供可靠的数据支持。从西藏4地市分别采集不同模式生产的糌粑样品101个,使用电感耦合等离子体质谱法对糌粑样品中5种重金属进行检测分析与质量安全评价。101个糌粑样品中,按照糌粑质量分级标准综合污染指数进行评价,不同磨制方式生产糌粑中应用单因子污染指数、综合污染指数评价结果显示,电磨和水磨糌粑中的重金属As 、Cd 、Cr、Pb、Hg污染等级均属于安全。不同地市生产糌粑中单因子污染指数及综合污染指数评价结果显示,山南市糌粑中的重金属Pb污染等级属基本清洁,As 、Cd 、Cr、Hg污染等级均属安全;日喀则市糌粑中的重金属As污染等级属基本清洁,Cd 、Cr、Pb、Hg污染等级均属安全;林芝市糌粑中的重金属Pb污染等级属基本清洁,As 、Cd 、Cr、Hg污染等级均属安全;拉萨市糌粑中的重金属Pb、As 、Cd 、Cr、Hg污染等级均属安全;根据Nemerow综合污染等级评价4地市中的其他重金属综合污染指数等级均是安全。因此,西藏4地市糌粑中的重金属As 、Cd、Cr、Pb、Hg综合污染指数等级均是安全。  相似文献   

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