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Researchers have developed several algorithms to automatically control water levels in irrigation canals. Proportional-integral (PI) control logic has been used for downstream water-level control, but its performance has not always been satisfactory. Heuristic downstream water-level controllers (e.g., canal automation for rapid demand deliveries, or CARDD) have also been proposed but not rigorously tested. The ASCE Task Committee on Canal Automation Algorithms developed a series of test cases to evaluate the performance of canal control algorithms. In this paper, simulation tests were performed on the ASCE Test Canal 1 using three downstream control algorithms: (1) The standard PI control logic; (2) The PI control logic with hydraulic decouplers; and (3) The heuristic CARDD control logic. These controllers were tuned manually using trial-and-error techniques. Performance of the PI control logic improved with the addition of hydraulic decouplers. CARDD did not perform as well as the PI controllers under the conditions imposed on ASCE Test Canal 1. Robustness of these controllers depends on the aggressiveness of the controller as well as the initial flow rate.  相似文献   

Previous research on canal automation has dealt with the control of single, in-line canals, while canal operators typically have to control an entire network of canals. Because the branches in a network are hydraulically coupled with each other, control of a branching canal network based on separate controllers for each branch may not be the most effective control strategy. A methodology by which existing automatic control systems could be modified to control branching canal networks is provided in a companion paper. This paper presents results of hydraulic simulations of the new methodology to estimate the controllability of a large portion of the branching canal network operated by the Salt River Project (SRP). Two types of controllers were used for this study: (1) linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and (2) model predictive control (MPC). Both controllers used the same underlying process model [integrator-delay (ID) model], and both controllers were capable of feedback and feedforward control. Under feedback control alone, both controllers gave similar performance, but were unable to effectively control the overall system because of the long delay times. When feedforward control was added to the feedback controller, both of these control systems were able to effectively control the branching canal network operated by SRP. For the LQR controller, the volume compensation method for routing known demand change was used as the feedforward controller. For the MPC controller, the ID model was used as the feedforward controller. Slight differences were noted between the performance of the two feedforward controllers.  相似文献   

Most of the research on the design of feedback controllers for irrigation canals has been concentrated on single, in-line canals with no branches. Because the branches in a network are hydraulically coupled with each other, it may be difficult to automatically control a branching canal network by designing separate feedback controllers for each branch and then letting them run simultaneously. Thus feedback control of an entire branching canal system may be more efficient if the branching flow dynamics are explicitly taken into account during the feedback controller design process. This paper develops two different feedback controllers for branching canal networks. The first feedback controller was developed using linear quadratic regulator theory and the second using model predictive control. Both algorithms were able to effectively control a simple branching canal network example with relatively small flow changes.  相似文献   

In a companion paper, a class of downstream-water-level feedback canal controllers was described. Within this class, a particular controller is chosen by selecting which controller coefficients to optimize (tune), the remaining coefficients being set to zero. These controllers range from a series of simple proportional-integral (PI) controllers to a single centralized controller that considers lag times. In this paper, several controllers within this class were tuned with the same quadratic performance criteria (i.e., identical penalty functions for optimization). The resulting controllers were then tested through unsteady-flow simulation with the ASCE canal automation test cases for canal 1. Differences between canal and gate properties, as simulated and as assumed for tuning, reduced controller performance in terms of both water-level errors and gate movements. The test case restrictions placed on minimum gate movement caused water levels to oscillate around their set points. This resulted in steady-state errors and much more gate movement (hunting). More centralized controllers handle unscheduled flow changes better than a series of local PI controllers. Controllers that explicitly account for pool wave travel times did not improve control as much as expected. Sending control actions within a given pool to upstream pools improved performance, but caused oscillations in some cases, unless control signals were also sent downstream. A good compromise between controller performance and complexity is provided by controllers that pass feedback from a given water level to the check structure at the upstream end of its pool (i.e., that used for downstream control of an individual pool) and to all upstream and one downstream check structures.  相似文献   

A downstream controller is designed for an irrigation canal reach using a design technique called quantitative feedback control theory (QFT). The performance of this controller is compared to a proportional, integral, derivative (PID) controller and a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller. In this study, the QFT controller is designed for a single canal reach because it best demonstrates how a controller is designed. Previous research for this canal model provided data for comparison. For the operating conditions that are defined in this paper, the QFT controller is shown to have slightly better performance than the PID controller and better performance than the LQR controller. When the canal hydraulic roughness is increased, the QFT controller still performed better than the PID controller.  相似文献   

Downstream-Water-Level Control Test Results on the WM Lateral Canal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On steep canals, distant downstream-water-level control can be challenging. The Software for Automated Canal Management was developed, in part, to test various distant downstream water-level controllers. It was implemented on the WM canal of the Maricopa Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District, Stanfield, Ariz. to compare the performance of various controllers. In 2004, Clemmens and Schuurmans used optimization to determine the coefficients for a variety of controllers. These controllers vary in their complexity from a series of simple, single-input-single-output, proportional-integral controllers to a fully centralized, multiple-input-multiple-output, optimal controller. The controller design also varies regarding which pools are under downstream, or upstream, control and according to the conditions (e.g., flow rate) assumed for controller design. These controllers were tested under actual operating conditions and with unscheduled disturbances. The results of these tests are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Simulation studies have demonstrated that automatic control of canals is more effective when feedforward scheduling, or routing of know demand changes, is combined with centralized, automatic, distant, downstream water level control. In practice, few canals use this approach. To help further develop and test this strategy, the writers developed SacMan, or Software for Automatic Canal Management. The software was tested on the WM lateral of the Maricopa Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District, Stanfield, Arizona. Initial testing was done during 2002 and 2003. In 2004, SacMan was used to operate the canal nearly continuously for a period of 30 days. Tests were conducted during normal operations, during which more than 50 delivery changes to users were scheduled and implemented with SacMan. In addition, SacMan responded to unscheduled changes such as emergency shut off and power outages that reduced well flow that had been pumping into the canal. Additional “manufactured” tests were conducted to compare different control methods. This paper describes the overall SacMan control scheme and presents a summary of the tests conducted and typical results. Companion papers examine the results of these tests in more detail.  相似文献   

Automatic Tuning of PI Controllers for an Irrigation Canal Pool   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a method to automatically tune decentralized proportional integral (PI) controllers for an irrigation canal pool. The auto tune variation (ATV) method is based on a relay experiment, which generates small amplitude oscillations of the canal pool. The ATV procedure can be used to get the integrator delay model parameters of a canal pool, which in turn can be used to tune a PI controller using classic rules, or other rules such as the ones proposed by Litrico and Fromion. This method does not require advanced automatic control knowledge and is implemented in the SIC software developed by Cemagref, which also incorporates a supervisory control and data acquisition module for real-time control. The ATV method is evaluated by simulations and experiments on a real irrigation canal located in the South of France, for local upstream, local downstream, and distant downstream controller tuning.  相似文献   

An accuracy-based learning classifier system (XCS), as described in a companion paper (Part I: Design), was developed and evaluated to produce operational rules for canal gate structures. The XCS was applied together with a genetic algorithm and an unsteady hydraulic simulation model, which was used to predict responses to gate operation rules. In the tested cases, from 100 to 2,000 XCS simulations, each involving thousands of hydraulic simulations, were required to produce satisfactory rules. However, the overall fitness of the set of rules increased monotonically as XCS simulations progressed. Initial fitness started at an arbitrary value, and rules increased in strength by better achieving operational objectives during the training process. Fewer XCS iterations were required to increase the fitness as the rule population evolved. Calculated water depths approached the respective target depths for variable water delivery demand through turnout structures in the simulated canal systems. The water depth achieved stabilization inside a dead band of? ±?8% of the target depth after applying different turnout demand hydrographs to each reach. The calculated depth was inside the dead band 92% of the time in Reach 1, and 73% of the time in Reach 2 for the constant supply experiment. The water depth was inside the dead band 100% of the time in Reach 1, and 76% of the time in Reach 2 for the variable-supply experiment.  相似文献   

The feasibility of automatically controlling water levels and deliveries on the Salt River Project (SRP) canal system through computer-based algorithms is being investigated. The proposed control system automates and enhances functions already performed by SRP operators, namely feedforward routing of scheduled demand changes, feedback control of downstream water levels, and flow control at check structures. Performance of the control system was tested with unsteady flow simulation. Test scenarios were defined by the operators for a 30 km, four-pool canal reach. The tests considered the effect of imperfect knowledge of check gate head-discharge relationships. The combined feedback-feedforward controller easily kept water level deviations close to the target when dealing with routine, scheduled flow changes. Those same routine changes, when unscheduled, were handled effectively by the feedback controller alone. The combined system had greater difficulty in dealing with large demand changes, especially if unscheduled. Because feedback flow changes are computed independently of feedforward changes, the feedback controller tends to counteract feedforward control actions. The effect is unimportant when dealing with routine flow changes but is more significant when dealing with large changes, especially in cases where the demand change cannot be fully anticipated.  相似文献   

Most canals have either long travel times or insufficient in-canal storage to operate on demand. Thus most flow changes must be routed through the canal. Volume compensation has been proposed as a method for easily applying feedforward control to irrigation canals. Software for automated canal management (SacMan) includes both feedforward routing with volume compensation and distant downstream-water-level control. SacMan was implemented on the WM canal of the Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation and Drainage District, Stanfield, Ariz. Field testing was conducted for a 30 day period during 2004 where more than 50 deliveries to users were made with feedforward control. This paper presents results from some of these field tests and demonstrates the degree of water-level control achievable with combined feedforward (routing)-feedback control.  相似文献   

Materials resources constitute a large portion of a project’s total cost and this makes them an important and attractive subject to control. Proper control and management of materials can meaningfully increase productivity by 6%, or more. A model based on automatic, or semiautomatic, data collection for materials management and control was developed. Based on project plans, the model initiates and manages the ordering of materials automatically and monitors both the actual flow of materials and the current stock at the construction site. The model permits real-time control, enabling corrective actions to be taken. In this manner, costs and unnecessary handling of materials are reduced. In addition, up-to-date information regarding materials flow is available and different statistical analyses are enabled: materials acquired from a specific supplier; materials used for a specific activity; and materials used during a specific month, etc. The information generated by the model enables the updating of a historical database to be used for planning of future projects.  相似文献   

Alternative Delivery Scheduling for Improved Canal System Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alternative delivery scheduling approaches intended to overcome the problem of low efficiency in Indian irrigation projects are presented. The features of the historical delivery schedules in the Right Bank Main Canal system of Kangsabati irrigation project, located in the state of West Bengal, India, have been studied, and nine modified schedules of varied rate rotation (variable discharge, constant duration, and constant frequency) prepared. Daily water balance simulation of the command area in the Kharif (rainy) season has been used to compare the performance of alternate schedules. An alternate schedule with three irrigations of 20 to 21 days’ duration, followed by 20 days of canal closure after each irrigation, was found to perform the best. The proposed alternate schedule results in a better match between supply and demand and results in 13% water saving when compared to the existing schedules. The irrigation periods of this schedule cover the expected dry spells and critical rice growth stage. An added advantage of the proposed schedule is an improvement in the reliability of supply, which will encourage farmers to invest more on other inputs resulting in enhanced water use efficiency and improved yields.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a new method to tune robust distant downstream proportional integral (PI) controllers for an irrigation canal pool. The method emphasizes the role of gain and phase margins in the controller design, by linking the selection of these robustness indicators to the time domain specifications. This leads to link the frequency domain approach used by automatic control engineers to the time domain approach used by hydraulic engineers. The maximum error corresponding to an unpredicted perturbation is shown to be directly linked to the gain margin and the settling time to the phase margin of the controlled system. The tuning method gives analytical expressions for the controller parameters as function of physical parameters of the canal pool in order to satisfy desired performance requirements. The model is first expressed in terms of dimensionless variables, in order to get generic tuning formulas. The dimensionless PI coefficients are then expressed as functions of time-domain performance requirements. The PI tuning method is evaluated by simulation on a full nonlinear model for a canal pool taken from the ASCE test cases.  相似文献   

Most lethal accidents in construction are caused by falling from heights. Researchers point out the importance of safety control, carried out systematically and based on real-time data collection, as the most important element of accident prevention. An automated model to monitor and control fall hazard was developed. The model identifies the activities associated with risk of fall from heights and the areas where these activities are scheduled to be performed and plans the protective measures—guardrails in the present case. The model is designed to follow up the existing guardrails and constantly compare their locations and lengths to the planned ones. Based on this comparison, the model issues warnings whenever guardrails are missing, or temporarily removed. The model provides reports and warnings—the reports are used for planning the materials, or workers, needed to erect the protective measures. Warnings are given when a dangerous activity is performed without appropriate protective measures, or when the latter were removed before the dangerous activity was completed. The model’s main algorithms—dangerous activities and areas identification—were implemented and evaluated on site. Whereas the proposed model was developed to improve safety during the construction stage, it can be used as a useful tool during the design stage too. Including safety in the design stage, typically absent, can meaningfully improve safety during the actual construction.  相似文献   

Based on the companion paper results, this paper presents a robust tuning method to tune a proportional integral (PI) controller that fulfills the design requirements for a single pool with different hydraulic conditions. The robust PI controller parameters are obtained analytically as a function of the physical parameters of the canal pool. Important implementation issues are also considered. Rules are provided for the sampling time selection in order to recover the continuous-time performance. When the sampling time is imposed, it has to be included in the controller design, by modifying the delay of the system. A simple way is proposed to take account of the gate opening as control action variable, instead of the upstream discharge. This robust PI tuning method is evaluated by simulation on a full nonlinear model of two different canal pools for different flow conditions and different implementations: continuous-time control, discrete-time control, using the discharge or the gate opening as control action variable. Simulation results show that the method leads to efficient realistic PI controllers for a canal pool.  相似文献   

Simulation of Automatic Canal Control Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Simulation models for unsteady open channel flows have been commercially available for more than 2 decades. Most of these models are now available for personal computers and can be used to study the control of irrigation canals. Studies on automatic control methods and algorithms have been performed on at least half a dozen of the available unsteady-flow simulation models. Although, many of these automation studies have been conducted by the institution that created the simulation model, these simulation models were not created with automatic gate control in mind, and thus one has to be intimately familiar with the source code in order to implement sophisticated control features. Three commercially available unsteady-flow simulation software packages that allow automatic control of gates based on algorithms written by users are: CanalCAD from the Univ. of Iowa, Hydraulics Lab; Mike 11 version 3.2 from the Danish Hydraulic Institute; and Sobek from Delft Hydraulics. In this paper, we describe the various features of these unsteady-flow simulation packages and how they interface to control engineering software/code. There are a number of tradeoffs between simplicity and functionality. All these models present difficulties and have limitations. The hope is to provide guidance on the next generation of unsteady-flow canal simulation models so that control functions can be routinely applied.  相似文献   

The paper reviews several methods to convert discharge into gate opening. A control algorithm for one or several reaches of an irrigation canal sometimes uses a discharge as the control action variable even though the device to be manipulated is a gate or a weir. In this case a slave controller has to convert the discharge into a gate opening or a sill elevation in the case of a weir. This is usually done by inverting the static relation between discharge and gate opening. An improved method can be based on the characteristics theory to estimate the deviations of the water levels. However, both methods underestimate the gate opening deviations required to deliver a desired discharge deviation, because water levels vary continuously over time when the gate is operated. The paper proposes a method to take into account this dynamic behavior of the pool-gate interaction by using a simple linear model for the pools’ dynamics, the integer delay zero model. The proposed method enables us to better estimate the gate opening necessary to get a desired average discharge. The method is evaluated in simulation and on a gate of the Gignac Canal, located in the South of France. A dimensionless analysis of the problem is finally performed to evaluate the methods’ applicability.  相似文献   

A control algorithm based on the instantaneous optimal control method, is presented for on-line control of the civil engineering structures subjected to earthquake excitations. This algorithm employs the unconditionally stable Wilson-θ method to discretize the continuous second-order form of the dynamical equation of motion, and uses a new performance index having an acceleration term as well as velocity and displacement terms. This method is named the instantaneous optimal Wilson-θ method. An eight-story shear-type building frame using one active mass damper/driver mechanism installed on the roof is used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed control algorithm in comparison to the other optimal control methods. Behavior of different combinations of weighting matrices related to displacement, velocity, and acceleration response vectors of the entire building are examined, and compared with the complete feedback control of the response vectors.  相似文献   

Because of the fragmented nature of project information, decisions on changes in construction projects are usually based on project design instead of project requirements. This research proposes a new approach for coping with changes in construction projects: A change control tool (CCT) that will identify implications of a change as soon as it is proposed. The tool will ensure that the stakeholders involved in the decision process in which change proposals are evaluated will know in advance if a change could cause the project to stray from its original goals, as expressed in the requirements. The proposed CCT uses the building program as a link between client requirements and the building design and traces the different relationships that exist between the requirements in the project. The relationships are traced using requirement traceability capabilities on the level of a specific space in the project and on the level of the entire project. A preliminary CCT model was developed and pilot studies implementing the model have been conducted. The pilot studies have given positive results, indicating that the CCT could identify the scope of the proposed changes’ implications.  相似文献   

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