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6月14日至16日,中国外交部司局级政工参赞考察团一行28人来渝考察访问,考察团由外交部各个司局的政工参赞和创新实践委员会的部分大使、参赞组成,旨在重温中国革命历史,  相似文献   

The widespread use of landmines in conflict situations around the world and their continuing legacy for the civilian population in injuries, amputations, disabilities and economic costs has been recognized as a major problem. However, the psychosocial consequences for landmine victims are still to be realized. Although there are some facilities for the medical, orthopaedic and long-term rehabilitative care of landmine victims, hardly any exist for their psychosocial needs. This study considers the mental costs in terms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. Individual difficulty in relationships and daily functioning is considerable, and the landmine victim faces social stigmatization, rejection and unemployment. Suggestions are made for brief training in relatively simple mental health care for staff working in already functioning programmes.  相似文献   

彩云.寓示着希望与祥瑞,诗人笔T的“彩云追月’等动入之词.随着重庆上空那片明做“云计算”的“彩云”花落重庆.重庆IT产业迎来了嘉年华。上万亿美元的“蛋糕”吸引人重庆产生进军“云计算”(以下简称“云”)产业的想法,约起于半年前。当时,“云”已成为全球IT行业热点,重庆遂“揭竿而起”。2011年1月,重庆市政府在市“两会”期间首次提出,将重庆建成国内最大的云计算中心。而其计划可谓宏大,目标甚至直指“全球数据开发和处理中心”:最终做成上百万台服务器、产值上千亿美元规模的“云计算”基地。  相似文献   

Beginning November 1, 1995, children under 5 years of age, who were admitted to Kantha Bopha Hospitals and who were suspected tuberculosis cases, were screened for human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). By January 31, 1997, 9026 children, 83% of the under 5-year-olds admitted, had been tested; 290 (3.2%) were positive. Serum samples from 205 children of the 236 seropositive children under the age of 18 months were tested for p24 antigen; 51 (25%) were positive. Mothers of 173 of the seropositive children were tested for antibodies to HIV; 170 were positive, which suggests that the main mode of acquisition of HIV-1 in the children was vertical transmission. If HIV-1 infection occurred only in the 54 seropositive children older than 18 months and in the 51 children younger than 18 months with detectable p24 antigen, the calculated prevalence of HIV-1 in children under 5 years old who were suspected of having tuberculosis when admitted to Kantha Bopha Children's Hospitals would be 1.2%. If the 17% not included in the test were all negative, the prevalence would be 1%. This is an underestimate because some of the children not tested could be positive and because some of the children tested had indeterminate HIV status. HIV testing was extended to all children admitted to the hospital; 715 were younger than 5 years of age, 596 of whom were suspected of having tuberculosis, and 119 of whom were not. The seroprevalences for the 2 subgroups were 3.2% and 0.8%, respectively. None of the 369 older children was seropositive. In 1996, the World Health Organization estimated a seroprevalence of 1.97% in adults 15-49 years old in Cambodia, the highest among Asian countries. The blood bank at Kantha Bopha found 211 (6.6%) HIV-1 seropositives among 3197 donors in 1995 and 211 (7.5%) among 2834 donors in 1996. Similar figures were seen at the National Transfusion Centre in Phnom Penh. A 1996 survey in Cambodia found an HIV-1 seroprevalence of 40.9% in prostitutes and 1.7% in pregnant women. The vertical transmission of HIV-1 to children may increase because the virus appears to have been introduced recently to Cambodia; this is indicated by lack of seropositivity in children older than 5 years of age.  相似文献   

有人说,中国改革发展是一本大书,这本书的要目,30年前是广东深圳,20年前是上海浦东,10年前是天津滨海,现在是重庆两江。沿着这个要目,你可以更完整更深入地读懂这本大书。  相似文献   

介绍了美越巴黎和谈的背景和1969年美国秘密轰炸柬埔寨境内越共军队驻地的目的,分析了秘密轰炸的作用和影响尼克松就任美国总统后急于结束越战,同时又想"体面"地结束战争.美国在同北越举行和谈的同时实施秘密轰炸行动,正是尼克松政府"以打促谈"策略的具体运用.秘密轰炸并未能实现其预期的政治目的.  相似文献   

柬埔寨王国金矿资源与正在兴起的金矿业   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周军  黎武兴  高风亮 《黄金》2003,24(8):7-11
柬埔寨已知有19个金矿区,其中数百个金矿点星罗棋布,大多数原生金矿与晚中生代闪长岩一花岗闪长岩火成活动有关,位于中部湄公河流域冲积平原和周围浅山地段的金矿区还广泛发育有冲积、坡积型砂金矿,较低的研究程度及有利的地质背景暗示着较大的探矿潜力。目前,柬埔寨政治稳定,国家颁布许多矿产资源管理法规,公路、电力、通讯等基础条件得到很大改善。包括中国在内的一些外国矿业公司投资金矿踊跃,逐步结束过去以民采为主的混乱局面。除资源机遇之外,柬埔寨新兴金矿市场尚存在着引进矿业设备等商机。  相似文献   

潘向宇,男,1955年2月生,1982年毕业于原重庆钢专数师班大学本科毕业,高级政工师,1970年12月参加工作.1973年10月加入中国共产党.重庆钢铁(集团)有限责任公司工会主席、重庆钢铁(集团)有限责任公司党委副书记,全国总工会第十三、十四届执行委员、重庆市第二届政协委员.曾获全国冶金企业优秀思想政治工作者称号和重庆劳动创新奖章.2006获年全国"五一劳动奖章".  相似文献   

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