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Approximating Gradients for Meshes and Point Clouds via Diffusion Metric   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gradient of a function defined on a manifold is perhaps one of the most important differential objects in data analysis. Most often in practice, the input function is available only at discrete points sampled from the underlying manifold, and the manifold is approximated by either a mesh or simply a point cloud. While many methods exist for computing gradients of a function defined over a mesh, computing and simplifying gradients and related quantities such as critical points, of a function from a point cloud is non-trivial.
In this paper, we initiate the investigation of computing gradients under a different metric on the manifold from the original natural metric induced from the ambient space. Specifically, we map the input manifold to the eigenspace spanned by its Laplacian eigenfunctions, and consider the so-called diffusion distance metric associated with it. We show the relation of gradient under this metric with that under the original metric. It turns out that once the Laplace operator is constructed, it is easier to approximate gradients in the eigenspace for discrete inputs (especially point clouds) and it is robust to noises in the input function and in the underlying manifold. More importantly, we can easily smooth the gradient field at different scales within this eigenspace framework. We demonstrate the use of our new eigen-gradients with two applications: approximating / simplifying the critical points of a function, and the Jacobi sets of two input functions (which describe the correlation between these two functions), from point clouds data.  相似文献   

We present a method for extracting complex manifolds with an arbitrary number of (self‐) intersections from unoriented point clouds containing large amounts of noise. Manifolds are formed in a three‐step process. First, small flat neighbourhoods of all possible orientations are created around all points. Next, neighbourhoods are assembled into larger quasi‐flat patches, whose overlaps give the global connectivity structure of the point cloud. Finally, curved manifolds are extracted from the patch connectivity graph via a multiple‐source flood fill. The manifolds can be reconstructed into meshed surfaces using standard existing surface reconstruction methods. We demonstrate the speed and robustness of our method on several point clouds, with applications in point cloud segmentation, denoising and medial surface reconstruction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for estimating normals on unorganized point clouds that preserves sharp features. It is based on a robust version of the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT). We consider the filled Hough transform accumulator as an image of the discrete probability distribution of possible normals. The normals we estimate corresponds to the maximum of this distribution. We use a fixed‐size accumulator for speed, statistical exploration bounds for robustness, and randomized accumulators to prevent discretization effects. We also propose various sampling strategies to deal with anisotropy, as produced by laser scans due to differences of incidence. Our experiments show that our approach offers an ideal compromise between precision, speed, and robustness: it is at least as precise and noise‐resistant as state‐of‐the‐art methods that preserve sharp features, while being almost an order of magnitude faster. Besides, it can handle anisotropy with minor speed and precision losses.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel approach for the reconstruction of animated meshes from a series of time‐deforming point clouds. Given a set of unordered point clouds that have been captured by a fast 3‐D scanner, our algorithm is able to compute coherent meshes which approximate the input data at arbitrary time instances. Our method is based on the computation of an implicit function in ?4 that approximates the time‐space surface of the time‐varying point cloud. We then use the four‐dimensional implicit function to reconstruct a polygonal model for the first time‐step. By sliding this template mesh along the time‐space surface in an as‐rigid‐as‐possible manner, we obtain reconstructions for further time‐steps which have the same connectivity as the previously extracted mesh while recovering rigid motion exactly. The resulting animated meshes allow accurate motion tracking of arbitrary points and are well suited for animation compression. We demonstrate the qualities of the proposed method by applying it to several data sets acquired by real‐time 3‐D scanners.  相似文献   

Rigid registration of two geometric data sets is essential in many applications, including robot navigation, surface reconstruction, and shape matching. Most commonly, variants of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm are employed for this task. These methods alternate between closest point computations to establish correspondences between two data sets, and solving for the optimal transformation that brings these correspondences into alignment. A major difficulty for this approach is the sensitivity to outliers and missing data often observed in 3D scans. Most practical implementations of the ICP algorithm address this issue with a number of heuristics to prune or reweight correspondences. However, these heuristics can be unreliable and difficult to tune, which often requires substantial manual assistance. We propose a new formulation of the ICP algorithm that avoids these difficulties by formulating the registration optimization using sparsity inducing norms. Our new algorithm retains the simple structure of the ICP algorithm, while achieving superior registration results when dealing with outliers and incomplete data. The complete source code of our implementation is provided at http://lgg.epfl.ch/sparseicp .  相似文献   

We present a novel hierarchical grid based method for fast collision detection (CD) for deformable models on GPU architecture. A two‐level grid is employed to accommodate the non‐uniform distribution of practical scene geometry. A bottom‐to‐top method is implemented to assign the triangles into the hierarchical grid without any iteration while a deferred scheme is introduced to efficiently update the data structure. To address the issue of load balancing, which greatly influences the performance in SIMD parallelism, a propagation scheme which utilizes a parallel scan and a segmented scan is presented, distributing workloads evenly across all concurrent threads. The proposed method supports both discrete collision detection (DCD) and continuous collision detection (CCD) with self‐collision. Some typical benchmarks are tested to verify the effectiveness of our method. The results highlight our speedups over prior algorithms on different commodity GPUs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an improvement of an algorithm of Aurenhammer, Hoffmann and Aronov to find a least square matching between a probability density and finite set of sites with mass constraints, in the Euclidean plane. Our algorithm exploits the multiscale nature of this optimal transport problem. We iteratively simplify the target using Lloyd's algorithm, and use the solution of the simplified problem as a rough initial solution to the more complex one. This approach allows for fast estimation of distances between measures related to optimal transport (known as Earth‐mover or Wasserstein distances). We also discuss the implementation of these algorithms, and compare the original one to its multiscale counterpart.  相似文献   

The discovery of meaningful parts of a shape is required for many geometry processing applications, such as parameterization, shape correspondence, and animation. It is natural to consider primitives such as spheres, cylinders and cones as the building blocks of shapes, and thus to discover parts by fitting such primitives to a given surface. This approach, however, will break down if primitive parts have undergone almost‐isometric deformations, as is the case, for example, for articulated human models. We suggest that parts can be discovered instead by finding intrinsic primitives, which we define as parts that posses an approximate intrinsic symmetry. We employ the recently‐developed method of computing discrete approximate Killing vector fields (AKVFs) to discover intrinsic primitives by investigating the relationship between the AKVFs of a composite object and the AKVFs of its parts. We show how to leverage this relationship with a standard clustering method to extract k intrinsic primitives and remaining asymmetric parts of a shape for a given k. We demonstrate the value of this approach for identifying the prominent symmetry generators of the parts of a given shape. Additionally, we show how our method can be modified slightly to segment an entire surface without marking asymmetric connecting regions and compare this approach to state‐of‐the‐art methods using the Princeton Segmentation Benchmark.  相似文献   

Updating a Delaunay triangulation when its vertices move is a bottleneck in several domains of application. Rebuilding the whole triangulation from scratch is surprisingly a very viable option compared to relocating the vertices. This can be explained by several recent advances in efficient construction of Delaunay triangulations. However, when all points move with a small magnitude, or when only a fraction of the vertices move, rebuilding is no longer the best option. This paper considers the problem of efficiently updating a Delaunay triangulation when its vertices are moving under small perturbations. The main contribution is a set of filters based upon the concept of vertex tolerances. Experiments show that filtering relocations is faster than rebuilding the whole triangulation from scratch under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Stream surfaces are a well‐studied and widely used tool for the visualization of 3D flow fields. Usually, stream surface seeding is carried out manually in time‐consuming trial and error procedures. Only recently automatic selection methods were proposed. Local methods support the selection of a set of stream surfaces, but, contrary to global selection methods, they evaluate only the quality of the seeding lines but not the quality of the whole stream surfaces. Global methods, on the other hand, only support the selection of a single optimal stream surface until now. However, for certain flow fields a single stream surface is not sufficient to represent all flow features. In our work, we overcome this limitation by introducing a global selection technique for a set of stream surfaces. All selected surfaces optimize global stream surface quality measures and are guaranteed to be mutually distant, such that they can convey different flow features. Our approach is an efficient extension of the most recent global selection method for single stream surfaces. We illustrate its effectiveness on a number of analytical and simulated flow fields and analyze the quality of the results in a user study.  相似文献   

Scalar functions defined on manifold triangle meshes is a starting point for many geometry processing algorithms such as mesh parametrization, skeletonization, and segmentation. In this paper, we propose the Auto Diffusion Function (ADF) which is a linear combination of the eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator in a way that has a simple physical interpretation. The ADF of a given 3D object has a number of further desirable properties: Its extrema are generally at the tips of features of a given object, its gradients and level sets follow or encircle features, respectively, it is controlled by a single parameter which can be interpreted as feature scale, and, finally, the ADF is invariant to rigid and isometric deformations.
We describe the ADF and its properties in detail and compare it to other choices of scalar functions on manifolds. As an example of an application, we present a pose invariant, hierarchical skeletonization and segmentation algorithm which makes direct use of the ADF.  相似文献   

The hidden point removal (HPR) operator introduced by Katz et al. [KTB07] provides an elegant solution for the problem of estimating the visibility of points in point samplings of surfaces. Since the method requires computing the three‐dimensional convex hull of a set with the same cardinality as the original cloud, the method has been largely viewed as impractical for real‐time rendering of medium to large clouds. In this paper we examine how the HPR operator can be used more efficiently by combining several image space techniques, including an approximate convex hull algorithm, cloud sampling, and GPU programming. Experiments show that this combination permits faster renderings without overly compromising the accuracy.  相似文献   

We propose a connectivity editing framework for quad‐dominant meshes. In our framework, the user can edit the mesh connectivity to control the location, type, and number of irregular vertices (with more or fewer than four neighbors) and irregular faces (non‐quads). We provide a theoretical analysis of the problem, discuss what edits are possible and impossible, and describe how to implement an editing framework that realizes all possible editing operations. In the results, we show example edits and illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of different strategies for quad‐dominant mesh design.  相似文献   

Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as ‘stylized fabrication methods’. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this state‐of‐the‐art report, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

We present a robust method to find region‐level correspondences between shapes, which are invariant to changes in geometry and applicable across multiple shape representations. We generate simplified shape graphs by jointly decomposing the shapes, and devise an adapted graph‐matching technique, from which we infer correspondences between shape regions. The simplified shape graphs are designed to primarily capture the overall structure of the shapes, without reflecting precise information about the geometry of each region, which enables us to find correspondences between shapes that might have significant geometric differences. Moreover, due to the special care we take to ensure the robustness of each part of our pipeline, our method can find correspondences between shapes with different representations, such as triangular meshes and point clouds. We demonstrate that the region‐wise matching that we obtain can be used to find correspondences between feature points, reveal the intrinsic self‐similarities of each shape and even construct point‐to‐point maps across shapes. Our method is both time and space efficient, leading to a pipeline that is significantly faster than comparable approaches. We demonstrate the performance of our approach through an extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation on several benchmarks where we achieve comparable or superior performance to existing methods.  相似文献   

The notion of parts in a shape plays an important role in many geometry problems, including segmentation, correspondence, recognition, editing, and animation. As the fundamental geometric representation of 3D objects in computer graphics is surface-based, solutions of many such problems utilize a surface metric, a distance function defined over pairs of points on the surface, to assist shape analysis and understanding. The main contribution of our work is to bring together these two fundamental concepts: shape parts and surface metric. Specifically, we develop a surface metric that is part-aware. To encode part information at a point on a shape, we model its volumetric context – called the volumetric shape image (VSI) – inside the shape's enclosed volume, to capture relevant visibility information. We then define the part-aware metric by combining an appropriate VSI distance with geodesic distance and normal variation. We show how the volumetric view on part separation addresses certain limitations of the surface view, which relies on concavity measures over a surface as implied by the well-known minima rule. We demonstrate how the new metric can be effectively utilized in various applications including mesh segmentation, shape registration, part-aware sampling and shape retrieval.  相似文献   

We present an unsupervised method for registering range scans of deforming, articulated shapes. The key idea is to model the motion of the underlying object using a reduced deformable model. We use a linear skinning model for its simplicity and represent the weight functions on a regular grid localized to the surface geometry. This decouples the deformation model from the surface representation and allows us to deal with the severe occlusion and missing data that is inherent in range scan data. We formulate the registration problem using an objective function that enforces close alignment of the 3D data and includes an intuitive notion of joints. This leads to an optimization problem that we solve using an efficient EM-type algorithm. With our algorithm we obtain smooth deformations that accurately register pairs of range scans with significant motion and occlusion. The main advantages of our approach are that it does not require user specified markers, a template, nor manual segmentation of the surface geometry into rigid parts.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of interactively finding the cutting contour to extract components from a given mesh. Some existing methods support cuts of arbitrary shape but require careful and tedious input from the user. Others need little user input however they are sensitive to user input and need a postprocessing step to smooth the generated jaggy cutting contours. The popular geometric snake can be used to optimize the cutting contour, but it cannot deal with the topology change. In this paper, we propose a geodesic curvature flow based framework to overcome all these problems. Since in many cases the meaningful cutting contour on a 3D mesh is locally shortest in the sense of some weighted curve length, the geodesic curvature flow is an ideal tool for our problem. It evolves the cutting contour to the nearby local minimum. We should mention that the previous numerical scheme, discretized geodesic curvature flow (dGCF) is too slow and has not been applied to mesh segmentation. With a careful observation to dGCF, we devise here a fast computation scheme called fast geodesic curvature flow (FGCF), which only needs to solve a smaller and easier problem. The initial cutting contour is generated by a variant of random walks algorithm, which is very fast and gives reasonable cutting result with little user input. Experiment results on the benchmark mesh segmentation data set show that our proposed framework is robust to user input and capable of producing good results reflecting geometric features and human shape perception.  相似文献   

Functions that optimize Laplacian‐based energies have become popular in geometry processing, e.g. for shape deformation, smoothing, multiscale kernel construction and interpolation. Minimizers of Dirichlet energies, or solutions of Laplace equations, are harmonic functions that enjoy the maximum principle, ensuring no spurious local extrema in the interior of the solved domain occur. However, these functions are only C0 at the constrained points, which often causes smoothness problems. For this reason, many applications optimize higher‐order Laplacian energies such as biharmonic or triharmonic. Their minimizers exhibit increasing orders of continuity but lose the maximum principle and show oscillations. In this work, we identify characteristic artifacts caused by spurious local extrema, and provide a framework for minimizing quadratic energies on manifolds while constraining the solution to obey the maximum principle in the solved region. Our framework allows the user to specify locations and values of desired local maxima and minima, while preventing any other local extrema. We demonstrate our method on the smoothness energies corresponding to popular polyharmonic functions and show its usefulness for fast handle‐based shape deformation, controllable color diffusion, and topologically‐constrained data smoothing.  相似文献   

Data sets coming from simulations or sampling of real‐world phenomena often contain noise that hinders their processing and analysis. Automatic filtering and denoising can be challenging: when the nature of the noise is unknown, it is difficult to distinguish between noise and actual data features; in addition, the filtering process itself may introduce “artificial” features into the data set that were not originally present. In this paper, we propose a smoothing method for 2D scalar fields that gives the user explicit control over the data features. We define features as critical points of the given scalar function, and the topological structure they induce (i.e., the Morse‐Smale complex). Feature significance is rated according to topological persistence. Our method allows filtering out spurious features that arise due to noise by means of topological simplification, providing the user with a simple interface that defines the significance threshold, coupled with immediate visual feedback of the remaining data features. In contrast to previous work, our smoothing method guarantees a C1‐continuous output scalar field with the exact specified features and topological structures.  相似文献   

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