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Interpolating vertex positions among triangle meshes with identical vertex‐edge graphs is a fundamental part of many geometric modelling systems. Linear vertex interpolation is robust but fails to preserve local shape. Most recent approaches identify local affine transformations for parts of the mesh, model desired interpolations of the affine transformations, and then optimize vertex positions to conform with the desired transformations. However, the local interpolation of the rotational part is non‐trivial for more than two input configurations and ambiguous if the meshes are deformed significantly. We propose a solution to the vertex interpolation problem that starts from interpolating the local metric (edge lengths) and mean curvature (dihedral angles) and makes consistent choices of local affine transformations using shape matching applied to successively larger parts of the mesh. The local interpolation can be applied to any number of input vertex configurations and due to the hierarchical scheme for generating consolidated vertex positions, the approach is fast and can be applied to very large meshes.  相似文献   

We study an algorithmic framework for computing an elastic orientation‐preserving matching of non‐rigid 3D shapes. We outline an Integer Linear Programming formulation whose relaxed version can be minimized globally in polynomial time. Because of the high number of optimization variables, the key algorithmic challenge lies in efficiently solving the linear program. We present a performance analysis of several Linear Programming algorithms on our problem. Furthermore, we introduce a multiresolution strategy which allows the matching of higher resolution models.  相似文献   

We present a user‐guided, semi‐automatic approach to completing large holes in a mesh. The reconstruction of the missing features in such holes is usually ambiguous. Thus, unsupervised methods may produce unsatisfactory results. To overcome this problem, we let the user indicate constraints by providing merely four points per important feature curve on the mesh. Our algorithm regards this input as an indication of an important broken feature curve. Our completion is formulated as a global energy minimization problem, with user‐defined spatial‐coherence constraints, allows for completion that adheres to the existing features. We demonstrate the method on example problems that are not handled satisfactorily by fully automatic methods.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce the ‘mobility‐tree’ construct for high‐level functional representation of complex 3D indoor scenes. In recent years, digital indoor scenes are becoming increasingly popular, consisting of detailed geometry and complex functionalities. These scenes often consist of objects that reoccur in various poses and interrelate with each other. In this work we analyse the reoccurrence of objects in the scene and automatically detect their functional mobilities. ‘Mobility’ analysis denotes the motion capabilities (i.e. degree of freedom) of an object and its subpart which typically relates to their indoor functionalities. We compute an object's mobility by analysing its spatial arrangement, repetitions and relations with other objects and store it in a ‘mobility‐tree’. Repetitive motions in the scenes are grouped in ‘mobility‐groups’, for which we develop a set of sophisticated controllers facilitating semantical high‐level editing operations. We show applications of our mobility analysis to interactive scene manipulation and reorganization, and present results for a variety of indoor scenes.  相似文献   

We study the combined problem of approximating a surface by a quad mesh (or quad‐dominant mesh) which on the one hand has planar faces, and which on the other hand is aesthetically pleasing and has evenly spaced vertices. This work is motivated by applications in freeform architecture and leads to a discussion of fields of conjugate directions in surfaces, their singularities and indices, their optimization and their interactive modeling. The actual meshing is performed by means of a level set method which is capable of handling combinatorial singularities, and which can deal with planarity, smoothness, and spacing issues.  相似文献   

Recently, automatic 3D caricature generation has attracted much attention from both the research community and the game industry. Machine learning has been proven effective in the automatic generation of caricatures. However, the lack of 3D caricature samples makes it challenging to train a good model. This paper addresses this problem by two steps. First, the training set is enlarged by reconstructing 3D caricatures. We reconstruct 3D caricatures based on some 2D caricature samples with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA)‐based method. Secondly, between the 2D real faces and the enlarged 3D caricatures, a regressive model is learnt by the semi‐supervised manifold regularization (MR) method. We then predict 3D caricatures for 2D real faces with the learnt model. The experiments show that our novel approach synthesizes the 3D caricature more effectively than traditional methods. Moreover, our system has been applied successfully in a massive multi‐user educational game to provide human‐like avatars.  相似文献   

We introduce a new variational formulation for the problem of reconstructing a watertight surface defined by an implicit equation, from a finite set of oriented points; a problem which has attracted a lot of attention for more than two decades. As in the Poisson Surface Reconstruction approach, discretizations of the continuous formulation reduce to the solution of sparse linear systems of equations. But rather than forcing the implicit function to approximate the indicator function of the volume bounded by the implicit surface, in our formulation the implicit function is forced to be a smooth approximation of the signed distance function to the surface. Since an indicator function is discontinuous, its gradient does not exist exactly where it needs to be compared with the normal vector data. The smooth signed distance has approximate unit slope in the neighborhood of the data points. As a result, the normal vector data can be incorporated directly into the energy function without implicit function smoothing. In addition, rather than first extending the oriented points to a vector field within the bounding volume, and then approximating the vector field by a gradient field in the least squares sense, here the vector field is constrained to be the gradient of the implicit function, and a single variational problem is solved directly in one step. The formulation allows for a number of different efficient discretizations, reduces to a finite least squares problem for all linearly parameterized families of functions, and does not require boundary conditions. The resulting algorithms are significantly simpler and easier to implement, and produce results of quality comparable with state‐of‐the‐art algorithms. An efficient implementation based on a primal‐graph octree‐based hybrid finite element‐finite difference discretization, and the Dual Marching Cubes isosurface extraction algorithm, is shown to produce high quality crack‐free adaptive manifold polygon meshes.  相似文献   

This paper introduces compressed eigenfunctions of the Laplace‐Beltrami operator on 3D manifold surfaces. They constitute a novel functional basis, called the compressed manifold basis, where each function has local support. We derive an algorithm, based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), to compute this basis on a given triangulated mesh. We show that compressed manifold modes identify key shape features, yielding an intuitive understanding of the basis for a human observer, where a shape can be processed as a collection of parts. We evaluate compressed manifold modes for potential applications in shape matching and mesh abstraction. Our results show that this basis has distinct advantages over existing alternatives, indicating high potential for a wide range of use‐cases in mesh processing.  相似文献   

In the field of computer vision, the introduction of a low‐level preprocessing step to oversegment images into superpixels – relatively small regions whose boundaries agree with those of the semantic entities in the scene – has enabled advances in segmentation by reducing the number of elements to be labeled from hundreds of thousands, or millions, to a just few hundred. While some recent works in mesh processing have used an analogous oversegmentation, they were not intended to be general and have relied on graph cut techniques that do not scale to current mesh sizes. Here, we present an iterative superfacet algorithm and introduce adaptations of undersegmentation error and compactness, which are well‐motivated and principled metrics from the vision community. We demonstrate that our approach produces results comparable to those of the normalized cuts algorithm when evaluated on the Princeton Segmentation Benchmark, while requiring orders of magnitude less time and memory and easily scaling to, and enabling the processing of, much larger meshes.  相似文献   

We present a method for generating scales and scale‐like structures on a polygonal mesh through surface replacement. As input, we require a triangular mesh that will be covered with scales and one or more proxy‐models to be used as the scale's shape. A user begins scale generation by drawing a lateral line on the model to control the distribution and orientation of scales on the surface. We then create a vector field over the surface to control an anisotropic Voronoi tessellation, which represents the region occupied by each scale. Next we replace these regions by cutting the proxy model to match the boundary of the Voronoi region and deform the cut model onto the surface. The result is a fully connected 2‐manifold that is suitable for subsequent post‐processing applications like surface subdivision.  相似文献   

Reconstructing a surface mesh from a set of discrete point samples is a fundamental problem in geometric modeling. It becomes challenging in presence of ‘singularities’ such as boundaries, sharp features, and non‐manifolds. A few of the current research in reconstruction have addressed handling some of these singularities, but a unified approach to handle them all is missing. In this paper we allow the presence of various singularities by requiring that the sampled object is a collection of smooth surface patches with boundaries that can meet or intersect. Our algorithm first identifies and reconstructs the features where singularities occur. Next, it reconstructs the surface patches containing these feature curves. The identification and reconstruction of feature curves are achieved by a novel combination of the Gaussian weighted graph Laplacian and the Reeb graphs. The global reconstruction is achieved by a method akin to the well known Cocone reconstruction, but with weighted Delaunay triangulation that allows protecting the feature samples with balls. We provide various experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our feature‐preserving singular surface reconstruction algorithm.  相似文献   

Recently, approaches have been put forward that focus on the recognition of mesh semantic meanings. These methods usually need prior knowledge learned from training dataset, but when the size of the training dataset is small, or the meshes are too complex, the segmentation performance will be greatly effected. This paper introduces an approach to the semantic mesh segmentation and labeling which incorporates knowledge imparted by both segmented, labeled meshes, and unsegmented, unlabeled meshes. A Conditional Random Fields (CRF) based objective function measuring the consistency of labels and faces, labels of neighbouring faces is proposed. To implant the information from the unlabeled meshes, we add an unlabeled conditional entropy into the objective function. With the entropy, the objective function is not convex and hard to optimize, so we modify the Virtual Evidence Boosting (VEB) to solve the semi‐supervised problem efficiently. Our approach yields better results than those methods which only use limited labeled meshes, especially when many unlabeled meshes exist. The approach reduces the overall system cost as well as the human labelling cost required during training. We also show that combining knowledge from labeled and unlabeled meshes outperforms using either type of meshes alone.  相似文献   

Despite the large amount of work devoted in recent years to the problem of non‐rigid shape matching, practical methods that can successfully be used for arbitrary pairs of shapes remain elusive. In this paper, we study the hardness of the problem of shape matching, and introduce the notion of the shape condition number, which captures the intuition that some shapes are inherently more difficult to match against than others. In particular, we make a connection between the symmetry of a given shape and the stability of any method used to match it while optimizing a given distortion measure. We analyze two commonly used classes of methods in deformable shape matching, and show that the stability of both types of techniques can be captured by the appropriate notion of a condition number. We also provide a practical way to estimate the shape condition number and show how it can be used to guide the selection of landmark correspondences between shapes. Thus we shed some light on the reasons why general shape matching remains difficult and provide a way to detect and mitigate such difficulties in practice.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a family of compact, biorthogonal wavelet filter banks that are applicable to the Body Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice. While the BCC lattice has been shown to have superior approximation properties for volumetric data when compared to the Cartesian Cubic (CC) lattice, there has been little work in the way of designing wavelet filter banks that respect the geometry of the BCC lattice. Since wavelets have applications in signal de‐noising, compression, and sparse signal reconstruction, these filter banks are an important tool that addresses some of the scalability concerns presented by the BCC lattice. We use these filters in the context of volumetric data compression and reconstruction and qualitatively evaluate our results by rendering images of isosurfaces from compressed data.  相似文献   

We propose a noise‐adaptive shape reconstruction method specialized to smooth, closed shapes. Our algorithm takes as input a defect‐laden point set with variable noise and outliers, and comprises three main steps. First, we compute a novel noise‐adaptive distance function to the inferred shape, which relies on the assumption that the inferred shape is a smooth submanifold of known dimension. Second, we estimate the sign and confidence of the function at a set of seed points, through minimizing a quadratic energy expressed on the edges of a uniform random graph. Third, we compute a signed implicit function through a random walker approach with soft constraints chosen as the most confident seed points computed in previous step.  相似文献   

There is a vast number of applications that require distance field computation over triangular meshes. State‐of‐the‐art algorithms have quadratic or sub‐quadratic worst‐case complexity, making them impractical for interactive applications. While most of the research on this subject has been focused on reducing the computation complexity of the algorithms, in this work we propose an approximate algorithm that achieves similar results working in lower resolutions of the input meshes. The creation of lower resolution meshes is the essence of our proposal. The idea is to identify regions on the input mesh that can be unfolded into planar regions with minimal area distortion (i.e. quasi‐developable charts). Once charts are computed, their interior is re‐triangulated to reduce the number of triangles, which results in a collection of simplified charts that we call a base mesh. Due to the properties of quasi‐developable regions, we are able to compute distance fields over the base mesh instead of over the input mesh. This reduces the memory footprint and data processed for distance computations, which is the bottleneck of these algorithms. We present results that are one order of magnitude faster than current exact solutions, with low approximation errors.  相似文献   

We propose a novel, multi‐resolution method to efficiently perform large‐scale cloth simulation. Our cloth simulation method is based on a triangle‐based energy model constructed from a cloth mesh. We identify that solutions of the linear system of cloth simulation are smooth in certain regions of the cloth mesh and solve the linear system on those regions in a reduced solution space. Then we reconstruct the original solutions by performing a simple interpolation from solutions computed in the reduced space. In order to identify regions where solutions are smooth, we propose simplification metrics that consider stretching, shear, and bending forces, as well as geometric collisions. Our multi‐resolution method can be applied to many existing cloth simulation methods, since our method works on a general linear system. In order to demonstrate benefits of our method, we apply our method into four large‐scale cloth benchmarks that consist of tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles. Because of the reduced computations, we achieve a performance improvement by a factor of up to one order of magnitude, with a little loss of simulation quality.  相似文献   

We present novel parallel algorithms for collision detection and separation distance computation for rigid and deformable models that exploit the computational capabilities of many‐core GPUs. Our approach uses thread and data parallelism to perform fast hierarchy construction, updating, and traversal using tight‐fitting bounding volumes such as oriented bounding boxes (OBB) and rectangular swept spheres (RSS). We also describe efficient algorithms to compute a linear bounding volume hierarchy (LBVH) and update them using refitting methods. Moreover, we show that tight‐fitting bounding volume hierarchies offer improved performance on GPU‐like throughput architectures. We use our algorithms to perform discrete and continuous collision detection including self‐collisions, as well as separation distance computation between non‐overlapping models. In practice, our approach (gProximity) can perform these queries in a few milliseconds on a PC with NVIDIA GTX 285 card on models composed of tens or hundreds of thousands of triangles used in cloth simulation, surgical simulation, virtual prototyping and N‐body simulation. Moreover, we observe more than an order of magnitude performance improvement over prior GPU‐based algorithms.  相似文献   

Non‐rigid registration of 3D shapes is an essential task of increasing importance as commodity depth sensors become more widely available for scanning dynamic scenes. Non‐rigid registration is much more challenging than rigid registration as it estimates a set of local transformations instead of a single global transformation, and hence is prone to the overfitting issue due to underdetermination. The common wisdom in previous methods is to impose an ?2‐norm regularization on the local transformation differences. However, the ?2‐norm regularization tends to bias the solution towards outliers and noise with heavy‐tailed distribution, which is verified by the poor goodness‐of‐fit of the Gaussian distribution over transformation differences. On the contrary, Laplacian distribution fits well with the transformation differences, suggesting the use of a sparsity prior. We propose a sparse non‐rigid registration (SNR) method with an ?1‐norm regularized model for transformation estimation, which is effectively solved by an alternate direction method (ADM) under the augmented Lagrangian framework. We also devise a multi‐resolution scheme for robust and progressive registration. Results on both public datasets and our scanned datasets show the superiority of our method, particularly in handling large‐scale deformations as well as outliers and noise.  相似文献   

Displacement mapping reconstructs a high‐frequency surface by adding geometric details encoded in the displacement map to the coarse base surface. In the context of hardware tessellation supported by GPUs, this paper aims at feature‐preserving surface reconstruction, and proposes the generation of a displacement map that displaces more vertices towards the higher‐frequency feature parts of the target mesh. In order to generate the feature‐preserving displacement map, surface features of the target mesh are estimated, and then the target mesh is parametrized and sampled using the features. At run time, the base surface is semi‐uniformly tessellated by hardware, and then the vertices of the tessellated mesh are displaced non‐uniformly along the 3‐D vectors stored in the displacement map. The experimental results show that the surfaces reconstructed by the proposed method are of a higher quality than those reconstructed by other methods.  相似文献   

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