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舞月飞  褚英 《建筑》2006,(22):35
冰冷坚硬的混凝土在他的世界蕴含着无穷的魅力,那是一个别有洞天的乾坤,他用自己的智慧和心血,让我们看到了枯燥和艰辛中孕育的快乐,他就是杨雄利。1998年8月,刚走出大学校园的杨雄利,参建中铁十八局集团承建的112国道改线工程中的“荞麦岭中桥工程”,施  相似文献   

~~点燃精品之路——中铁十一局集团孝襄高速公路项目部创优纪实@徐云华 @汪法频  相似文献   

邓捷 《建筑》2006,(16):39
“太平官我不当,安乐椅我不坐,我只要出于公心,尽职尽责为企业和员工做点实在事,其它的什么我都不在乎!”这是日前新任中铁十一局集团二公司董事长兼总经理张树海的心里话。  相似文献   

赵大壮先生是我国自己培养的第一个城市规划专业的博士,不幸英年早逝;他的“北京奥林匹克建设规划研究”为北京举办亚运会和奥运会确立了清晰的目标与路径,为北京的体育设施建设确立了基本原则的框架,他所概括的“通过国际性的大型体育赛会建设促进城市规划建设和展示城市形象;针对中国的实际情况,体育设施规划建设应坚持分散为主、适当集中的原则,并充分考虑赛会之后的有效利用”,也为其他城市举办大型赛会的规划建设明确了方向。作者追忆随导师学习期间的二、三琐事,记述大壮博士平易近人的性格、执着的追求和学术上的远见卓识,表达了对导师的深切怀念。  相似文献   

疏王炀  张珍 《建筑》2007,(8):72-73
2007年2月9日,在中铁十一局集团公司职代会表彰大会上,三公司温福铁路项目部承建的温福铁路垂杨特大桥施工获得了综合评比第一名,担任该桥技术负责人的项目总工李耀华被评为集团公司十佳项目总工。2007年2月10日,浙江温州,寒气袭人,街上行人寥寥无几。然而,在三公司温福铁路项目部制梁现场却是人头攒动,热闹非常—这里又迎来了一批慕名前来学习、取经的人……  相似文献   

黎岚  汪法频 《建筑》2004,(8):44-46
说起李继福,许多人都下意识地把他和桥连在一起。一个文革时期的高中毕业生,怎样一步一步地成长为一位“造桥土专家”,对此我充满了好奇。在我的想象中,他是一位高大爽朗的北方汉子,大碗喝酒、大块吃肉的那种。及至见到他,却大大地出乎我的意料,不高的身材,不多的话语,不出众的外貌,若把他放在人群中,你一定不会第一眼就看见他,甚至见一两次面,下次也未必就能认出他。可是为什么那么多的人对他和他的大桥留下了深深的印象,我开始寻找李继福与大桥结缘的种种情节……  相似文献   

<正>7月15日,吉林省长春市人民大街与南湖大路交会处,人民大街东侧一排老式建筑要拆除,拆迁楼房后有20万块完整的砖,这些旧砖被打包好,被韩国人买走,价格每块1毛5。韩国人为啥非要跑到中国来买拆迁的旧砖块?很多人对此产生疑问。一石激起千层浪。实际上,收旧砖的这个事情并不新鲜,有网友说,韩国人买中国老房子的砖,从20多年前就开始了。而网友拍摄的一组  相似文献   

多少年来,在孩子们的心目中,在教师们的课堂里,数学一直与定理、法则、记忆、运算、冷峻、机械等联系在一起。而在数学大师们的课堂里,数学却与五彩斑斓,鲜活亮丽,生动活泼,个性张扬挂上钩。这不得不让人想到一句话:台上一分钟,台下十年功。那数学教师的功夫到底有哪些呢?  相似文献   

12月初,中国建筑学学室内设计分会将在北京举办一系列活动,庆祝20周年华诞。短短20多年,中国室内设计从无到有,再到今日的繁荣,成就有目共见,但问题也颇为明显。在这些问题中,没有完整的理论体系最为业内及公众诟病。  相似文献   

祁飞虎 《建筑》2011,(10):16-16
"十二五"开局之年,为了推动产业结构调整,转变发展方式,一些建筑企业尤其是中建系统的企业纷纷提出,要创新营销模式,以BT方式进入地产开发和市政基础设施领域,以此作为企业新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

程甜 《山西建筑》2011,37(8):245-246
结合相关政策法规,针对重大危险源的辨识和控制进行了探讨,分别阐述了重大危险源控制的目的,常见的重大危险源分类,提出重大危险源的风险控制关键在落实,应进一步增强责任感并采取有效措施。  相似文献   

A common feature of land-use planning in Australia is merit-based appeal processes where appeal bodies are granted powers to review, in most cases, local government planning decisions. In some jurisdictions these merit-based appeals are creating tension as local councils believe their role is being usurped by a review body that is neither politically elected nor democratically accountable. In the context of three case studies, this article examines the arguments for and against merit-based appeals. The conclusions of the paper are that while an appeal right of some kind is fundamental, to ensure that planning powers are not exercised inappropriately or arbitrarily, the scope of this right could be reviewed. The article argues that one option to resolve these dilemmas would be to narrow appeal rights to somewhere between judicial review and a merit-based appeal.  相似文献   

Considerable energy is being directed towards an indiscriminate policy of conflict reduction in the construction industry but the problem of construction conflict may be in its management rather than in its incidence. Conflict reduction is a response to the industry's inability to manage conflict constructively, and it may be more productive to focus upon building skills in this area as a basis for encouraging conflict. This paper explores the merits of this idea. It does so by discussing the results of a survey which used two psychometric tests to investigate whether the industry has an attitudinal and socio-structural base which is receptive to such efforts.  相似文献   

赵秀忠  冯永栽 《山西建筑》2010,36(28):221-222
结合自身工作实践,探讨了总监在监理企业中的重要作用,论述了监理企业的发展在于总监的发展,分析了总监应具备的素质和能力,指出总监是监理企业经济收益的支柱,以指导监理企业重视总监队伍的建设。  相似文献   

低温热水地板采暖的优缺点及施工应注意问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张文杰 《山西建筑》2010,36(10):178-179
归纳了低温热水地板采暖的优缺点,提出了低温热水地板安装及施工过程中需注意的问题,以避免地板采暖的缺点,达到采暖的最佳效果,从而推广低温热水地板采暖的应用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the aerodynamic characteristics of a number of devices capable of use for wind assisted fuel saving purposes. Coefficients of effective maximum forward drive force are obtained for each device based on a suitable reference area and the true wind velocity. Curves are presented for a full range of true wind course angles for each device and a number of conclusions are drawn as to the most compact wind assistance systems.

The wind assistance devices studied include the Prolss Rig, High Lift Aerofoils, Rotating Cylinders, Wind Turbines and Kites.  相似文献   

常见建筑结构加固方法选择与优缺点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
阮金奎 《山西建筑》2008,34(10):73-75
详细地介绍了混凝土结构、砌体结构及钢结构加固的方法,分析了各种加固方法的优缺点及适用范围,指出建筑结构的加固应当根据实际情况分别采用不同的加固方法,以取得最佳效果来满足不同的使用要求。  相似文献   

<正>2009年,中国砖瓦工业协会按照中国建材联合会和孙向远会长的要求及协会工作计划,坚持以科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻国家产业政策,研究行业特点,提出应对国际金融危机建议;坚持资源综  相似文献   

何文 《山西建筑》2008,34(17):343-344
对传统启动器、现代软启动器、晶闸管调压软启动器和变频器调速软启动器等启动方式进行了分析研究,对软启动器控制电动机的相关概念进行了说明,对常见电动机启动器进行了比较,以供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the initiation of motion of an object lying on a horizontal floor due to the aerodynamic force produced by a time-dependent wind is considered. It is assumed in this paper that when the aerodynamic force is large enough, the body starts to rotate around the most rearward supporting contact point, or pivoting point. This motion is analyzed by studying the dynamics of the rotation of the body around a pivoting point fixed to the floor, and placed in a gravity field under time-dependent aerodynamic loads produced by a non-steady incoming flow. This rotation initiation phase, which is relevant in the case of a time-varying gusty flow, is an intermediate phase between the two stages generally considered, namely, the initial static equilibrium without motion, and the final flight. In this intermediate phase, which is studied here, the rotational dynamics of the body should be taken into account and the gust characteristics as well, in order to determine whether once initiated the motion it leads to either a frustrated motion or to a successful one. A non-linear mathematical model has been developed, and a linear approximation is deduced, which allows us to obtain the condition for a successful flight. This condition shows two limits, valid for either long or short duration gusts, respectively. Some experiments have been performed in a gust wind tunnel, and results show a satisfactory agreement. To take into account the intrinsic random character of the phenomena in practical situations, expressions for the probability of exceeding the condition for successful flight under short duration gusts are obtained, assuming common probability density functions for the random parameters involved.  相似文献   

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