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The Mitsubishi process is a continuous copper smelting and converting process comprising three steps—smelting of raw materials by injection, separation of slag and matte, and direct converting of high-grade matte. Since commercial operation began in 1974, the hearth productivity has been doubled, and several other improvements have been made, including higher-grade matte smelting and the treatment of various secondary materials. Because the Mitsubishi process is superior to the conventional process, it was decided to construct a larger unit of the Mitsubishi furnaces to replace the two existing smelter lines. This article discusses various technical considerations.  相似文献   

基于硫化铅矿在闪速炉功能区冶炼过程的多相同时平衡原理,利用平衡摩尔量法分析和讨论熔炼温度、初始氧量和初始硫化铅量对平衡后各凝聚态产出量的影响。结果表明:在较高温度下,初始氧量的增加会使硫酸铅的产量增加,而硫化铅的产量降低;低氧量条件下不生成硫酸铅而生成硫化铅。考虑产物的后续碳还原处理,在冶炼过程中应选择高氧气输入量以生成容易处理的硫酸铅,而不是较难处理的硫化铅。  相似文献   

王哲  袁守谦  邢曼华 《重型机械》2010,(4):38-41,45
根据国内外冶炼不锈钢工艺的发展趋势和不锈钢厂与镍铁合金厂的生产工艺特点,以及徐州金象冶金有限公司的实际条件,确定了一套节约能耗、减少成本的生产工艺:立窑烧结—25 000 kVA的矿热炉—酸性炉衬AOD炉—碱性炉衬AOD炉—浇铸或连铸进行不锈钢生产,经分析表明,此工艺具诸多优点,对镍铁行业的发展提供重要参考。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheideaofrefiningcopperandnickelwithpyriticsmeltingprocessinoxygentop blownfurnacehascomeintobeingforitsachievementinoxygen converterofsteelmaking processfrom 196 0s.Thefirstpyriticsmeltingfurnacewithoxygentop blownsmeltingnickelhadbeenputintoproductionatNorthNickelCo .ofRussianin 1986 .Nowadays ,thistech nologyhasbeenimportedandemployedinJinchuanNonferrousMetalCo .ofChina .Inthepastdecades ,theutilizationofflashsmeltingfurnaceinnonferrous makinghasgotextensivedevelopmen…  相似文献   

Lead is still principally produced in shaft and flame-fired furnaces. However, electric furnaces increase metal recovery, reduce environmental burdens and decrease energy consumption compared to conventional processes. Because lead has low melting and boiling points and aggressive slags, the design of the furnace, energy input, and slag conductivity and composition are very important. Secondary materials are easily handled in electric furnaces. Since additional amounts of lead will become available from secondary sources in the future, electric furnaces are expected to replace conventional smelting furnaces.  相似文献   

The SKS furnace is a horizontal cylindrical reactor similar to a Noranda furnace, however, the oxygen enriched air is blown into the furnace from the bottom. Mechanism model of the SKS process was developed by analyzing the smelting characteristics deeply. In our model, the furnace section from top to bottom is divided into seven functional layers, i.e., gas layer, mineral decomposition transitioning layer, slag layer, slag formation transitioning layer, matte formation transitioning layer, weak oxidizing layer and strong oxidizing layer. The furnace along the length direction is divided into three functional regions, that is, reaction region, separation transitioning region and liquid phase separation and settling region. These layers or regions play different roles in the model in describing the mechanism of the smelting process. The SKS smelting is at a multiphase non-steady equilibrium state, and the oxygen and sulfur potentials change gradually in the length and cross directions. The smelting capacity of the SKS process could be raised through reasonably controlling the potential values in different layers and regions.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONElectricfurnacetransformerisanimportantelec tricequipmentintheprocessofnickelsmelting ,buttheconventional/centralized protectioncannotmeettheneedforreliabilityandsecurity ,anditsprelimi naryequipmentisevolvingtowardsthedirectionofdigitalful…  相似文献   

根据国内引进的第一台30MW密闭直流电弧炉钛渣生产线的工艺流程,对采用云南省钛铁矿冶炼钛渣过程中产生的烟气进行了气体及烟尘的流量、含量、化学成分等分析。由于产生的烟气具有温度高、含尘量大(1.75%~9.60%)、SO2含量低、CO含量高的特点,选择烟气净化设备时,除了处理能力要符合生产要求,还需要考虑粉尘粒径和烟气温度这两个因素,以实现烟气回收利用的目的。经过研究,烟气净化工艺首先对烟气进行直接水冷使烟气降温,然后选用德国进口涤气机对烟气进行精处理,除尘效率可以达到99.983%。处理净化后的烟气,热值高,气体性质稳定,净化后可安全用于无烟煤/钛渣干燥及渣包/铁包的烘烤,实现节能减排的目标;烟尘可以回收利用。  相似文献   

To understand complex behavior in the smelting furnace of Mitsubishi continuous process for copper refining, comprehensive 3-D numerical simulation and field experiment were performed. The numerical simulation results showed that strong and complex velocity fields of gas, matte and slag were generated in the furnace and large amounts of matte and slag were splashed into the gas area. Temperature measurements at the lance during field operation revealed that wide range of temperature variation appeared depending on the injection condition of concentrates. Numerical simulation results provided good agreements with experiments results and showed that the chemical reaction induces temperature increase during gas injection period. On the other hand, lance temperature is decreasing because of cold concentrates during gas and particles injection period. From the FFT analysis results, the fluctuations of matte and slag volume fraction near the lance induce temperature fluctuations of the lance. Through these experimental and simulation results, it was revealed that the lances in the smelting furnace were exposed to severe conditions such as high temperature, repeated large temperature change and cyclic change of large temperature gradient across the thickness.  相似文献   

废铝在回收熔炼过程中,产生大量烟尘,其成分复杂,处理难度大。了解烟尘的特点,合理选择收尘设备及处理工艺,掌握好几个重要环节,才能使系统安全有效地运行。介绍了废铝熔炼过程的烟尘特点、烟尘排放标准、烟尘处理技术。  相似文献   

本文通过对某再生铅厂反射炉熔炼过程进行分析测试,初步寻找出反射炉熔炼过程中铅、砷、锑、镉等重金属的排放规律;并通过控制不同工况或反应条件,对影响铅等重金属排放的因素进行了系统探讨,摸索出影响排放的优先顺序,为今后如何有效控制重金属减排提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

Kinetics of non-isothermal precipitation process and crystal growth of perovskite phase in oxidized Ti-bearing slag were investigated. The oxidized slag was obtained by blowing the air into the molten Ti-bearing blast furnace slag through a lance. The experimental results show that the cooling rate has important effect on precipitation and growth of perovskite phase in oxidized slag; the lower cooling rate is in favor of not only the increase of the volume fraction of perovskite phase, but also the growth of perovskite phase grain sizes. The particle coarsening in non-isothermal process has important effect on the crystal growth of perovskite phase. The relative volume fraction of perovskite phase could be approximately described by JMAK equation, and the experiential expression of the average crystal radius of perovskite phase was also obtained.  相似文献   

The software that simulates the flow, temperature, concentration and the heat generation field in the Outkumpu flash smelting furnace, was developed by a numerical method of the particle-gas flow together with some chemical reaction models. Many typical operating conditions were chosen for simulation in order to obtain the effect of the distribution air, process air, central oxygen and the oil-burner position etc. The concepts about optimum op-eration, 3C(concentration of high temperature, high oxygen and laden concentrate particles), are concluded from these simulated results, which have been checked primarily by operational experiments.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation analysis of Guixi copper flash smelting furnace   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A numerical simulation analysis for reactions of chalcopyrite and pyrite particles coupled with momentum,heat and mass transfer between the particle and gas in a flash smelting furnace is presented.In the simulation.the equations governing the gas flow are solved numerically by Eular method.The particle phase is introduced into the gas flow by the particle-source-in-cell technique(PSIC),Predictions including the fluid flow field,temperature field,concentration field of gas phase and the tracks of particles have been obtained by the numerical simulation.The visualized results show that the reaction of sulfide particles is almost completed in the upper zone of the shaft within 1.5m far from the central jet distributor (CJD)type concentrate burner,The simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained from a series of experiments and tests in the plant and the error is less than 2%.  相似文献   

介绍了钛渣冶炼生产的特性及技术现状,针对工频及直流冶炼存在的缺点,引入低频冶炼技术的原理,并在6300kVA半密闭式钛渣电炉上应用。实践证明,低频冶炼技术特别适应于钛渣生产过程的冶炼特性,是钛冶炼行业的一项重大技术创新。  相似文献   

密闭直流电弧炉冶炼钛渣热量平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
密闭直流电弧炉冶炼生产钛渣利用输入电能进行加热,在高温情况下,钛精矿中的FeO和TiO2发生还原反应.反应进行程度影响熔池内渣的粘度,进而影响炉壁挂渣层的厚度和排渣排铁的难易程度,故还原反应过程必须控制输入能量使DC炉系统达到热量平衡;输入能量过高会使熔池内的渣过热,挂渣层变薄,造成炉壁腐蚀;输入能量过低,会导致渣的粘度明显增大,造成排渣困难,并产生泡沫渣.根据理论计算,每冶炼1t钛精矿需要消耗约911.55kWh的能量,云南某公司加料速率为5t钛精矿/h,钛精矿碳热还原,理论上需要消耗约4557.734kWh的电耗.能量支出方面有物料带走的物理热、炉壁和炉顶冷却水热损失、炉底风冷热损失、电力设备热损失以及少量未预见热损失,钛精矿冶炼过程中,能量的输出和输入是基本相等的,热量处于平衡状态.  相似文献   

The term solution loss is discussed and defined. Examples are given showing that solution loss may either have a favorable or unfavorable effect on blast furnace performance. A theory is advanced explaining the contradictions encountered during earlier studies of the problem.  相似文献   

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