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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of excessive fluid in the knee joint on proprioception. Twenty healthy subjects with no knee pathology participated in this study. Subjects were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. Baseline measurements of subjects performing a tracking task were then recorded. Specifically, one knee joint was moved passively by a dynamometer through a range of motion from approximately 90 degrees flexion to 10 degrees from full extension at a joint angular velocity of 60 degrees/sec. Subjects were blindfolded and required to track the passively moving joint as accurately as possible for a period of 1.25 minutes with the opposite limb. An electrogoniometer was used to monitor the motion of the active tracking limb. Ninety mL of a solution of saline and dextrose were injected into the knee joint cavity of the experimental subjects, and they repeated the tracking task. After a 5-minute rest, the control group subjects also repeated the task. The results indicated that the injection of fluid did not change the subjects' error in tracking the passively moving limb (p > 0.05). No change in the error associated with tracking was observed for the control group (p > 0.05). It is suggested that the effects of long-term effusions and the nature of the inflammatory fluid might be more responsible for the loss of proprioception observed in some clinical conditions. 相似文献
M J?rvinen L Józsa P Kannus TL J?rvinen M Kvist W Leadbetter 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,7(2):86-95
Tendon injuries and other tendon disorders represent a common diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in sports medicine, resulting in chronic and long-lasting problems. Tissue degeneration is a common finding in many sports-related tendon complaints. In the great majority of spontaneous tendon ruptures, chronic degenerative changes are seen at the rupture site of the tendon (1). Systemic diseases and diseases specifically deteriorating the normal structure of the tendon (i.e. foreign bodies, and metabolic, inherited and infectious tendon diseases) are only rarely the cause of tendon pathology. Inherited diseases, such as various hereditary diseases with disturbed collagen metabolism and characteristic pathological structural alterations (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfani syndrome, homocystinuria (ochronosis)), represent approximately 1% of the causes of chronic tendon complaints (2), whereas foreign bodies are somewhat more common and are found in less than 10% of all chronic tendon problems (1). Rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis are typical systemic diseases that cause chronic inflammation in tendon and peritendinous tissues. Altogether, these 'specific' disorders represented less than 2% of the pathological alterations found in the histological analysis of more than 1000 spontaneously ruptured tendons (1, 3, 4). In this material, degenerative changes were seen in a great majority of the tendons, indicating that a spontaneous tendon rupture is a typical clinical end-state manifestation of a degenerative process in the tendon tissue. The role of overuse in the pathogenesis of chronic tendon injuries and disorders is not completely understood. It has been speculated that when tendon is overused it becomes fatigued and loses its basal reparative ability, the repetitive microtraumatic processes thus overwhelming the ability of the tendon cells to repair the fiber damage. The intensive repetitive activity, which often is eccentric by nature, may lead to cumulative microtrauma which further weakens the collagen cross-linking, non-collagenous matrix, and vascular elements of the tendon. Overuse has also been speculated to cause chronic tendon problems, by disturbing the micro- and macrovasculature of the tendon and resulting in insufficiency in the local blood circulation. Decreased blood flow simultaneous with an increased activity may result in local tissue hypoxia, impaired nutrition and energy metabolism, and together these factors are likely to play an important role in the sequence of events leading to tendon degeneration (4). A sedentary lifestyle has been proposed as a main reason for poor basal circulation of the tendon, and presumably is at least partly responsible for the high number of tendon problems in people with a sedentary lifestyle who occasionally take part in high physical activity sports events. 相似文献
Histopathological findings in clinical gentamicin ototoxicity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The temporal bone histopathological findings in a case of gentamicin sulfate-induced hearing loss and vertigo in an anephric patient undergoing hemodialysis are presented. A study of the sensory neuroepithelium of the cristae and maculae disclosed the presence of vacuoles with clubbing of the sensory cells. In the cochlea, loss of the innermost row of outer hair cells in the basal turn was the most prominent feature. These findings are discussed in light of reports of similar morphological changes in laboratory studies of gentamicin ototoxicity. 相似文献
A classification of fractures of the shoulder is given and diagnostic procedures are discussed. In most of the cases functional therapy is the treatment of choice. There exist a few indications for reduction and operation. Fractures of the scapula are briefly reviewed. For fractures of the proximal humerus in children a conservative approach is indicated. Different forms of fractures require an individual treatment. 相似文献
T Rand S Trattnig M Breitenseher W Freilinger M Cochole H Imhof 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,36(12):966-970
Indications of MR arthrography were analyzed in this prospective study. The aim was to evaluate possible advantages over conventional MRI, establish diagnostic criteria and to analyze its meaning further for the therapeutic management of postoperative patients. MR arthrography was performed in eight patients who had undergone surgical repair of rotator cuff lesions (modified Neer acromioplasty) and in six patients who had undergone arthroscopic therapy of recurrent unidirectional dislocation of the shoulder by combined arthroscopic intra- and extracapsular repair. MR investigations were performed before and after application of a contrast solution (2 mmol Gd-DTPA). All patients suffered from chronic postoperative pain. In patients with rotator cuff lesions, a partial tear could be verified in one patient and excluded in all others. In patients after arthroscopic therapy by combined intra- and extracapsular repair, a radiologically patulous-appearing capsule correlated with clinically recurrent dislocations. In all other patients diagnostic criteria, such as distribution of the intra-articular contrast solution, proliferation of scar tissue, nodular appearance of the glenohumeral ligaments and capsule thickness, correlated with a regular postoperative status. MR arthrography of the shoulder represents a promising method in the evaluation of the postoperative shoulder. It might further improve the evaluation of reactive capsule alterations, scar tissue proliferation, and the labroligamentous complex, as well as the ability to differentiate partial and complete rerupture from degenerative changes of the rotator cuff. 相似文献
VV Chuga? 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1976,(4):37-41
A study of the causes and conditions of formation of meningeal adhesions, as well as of the possibilities of their prevention by replacement of the meningeal defects with cold-preserved homografts of fresh auto- and homografts, and synthetic film "Fluoroplast-4", as practised in 50 experiments in 46 dogs, has demonstrated that the adhesive process depends on the presence and intensity of brain and meningeal injuries. The possibility of preventing the formation of adhesions was shown to be independent of the type of the plastic material used. The adhesive processes are equally manifest in all methods of plastic repair. Neither do they depend on the method of connecting the transplant with the edges of the meningeal defect. The employment of the "Cyacrine" tissue adhesive causes grosser adhesions. Alloplastic repair is inferior to homoplastic with suturing the margin of the meningeal defect to the transplant, since it does not permit a tight closure of the subdural space. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: Neuromuscular joint protection requires proprioceptive input and motor output. Impairment of proprioception in knee osteoarthritis (OA) may contribute to, and/or result from, the disease. If this impairment was exclusively a local result of OA, a between-knee difference would be expected in patients with unilateral OA (UOA). To explore causal directions, 2 hypotheses were tested: 1) proprioception is worse in UOA patients versus elderly controls; 2) proprioception is worse in the arthritic knee versus the unaffected knee in UOA patients. METHODS: Twenty-eight UOA patients (Kellgren-Lawrence grade > or =2 in 1 knee and <2 in the other knee) and 29 elderly controls were enrolled. The unaffected knee of each UOA patient and both knees of the elderly controls were required to meet symptom, examination, and radiographic criteria. Proprioception (detection threshold of joint displacement after slow, passive, automated knee motion), body mass index, pain, functional status, range of motion, and laxity were measured. RESULTS: UOA patients had worse proprioception than did elderly controls, in either knee. A between-knee difference was not found in UOA patients. CONCLUSION: Impaired proprioception is not exclusively a local result of disease in knee OA. The relative importance of impaired proprioception in the development and progression of knee OA will require longitudinal study. 相似文献
We studied the value of dynamic sonography in adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint in patients with clinically suspected frozen shoulder. The sonographic criterion of adhesive capsulitis was continuous limitation of the sliding movement of the supraspinatus tendon against the acromion of the scapula. Arthrography was regarded as a gold standard in the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis against which the sonographic results were compared. Among 23 patients with arthrographically documented adhesive capsulitis, sonographic examination showed limitation of movement of the supraspinatus tendon in 21. This sonographic sign therefore has a sensitivity of 91%, a specificity of 100%, and an accuracy of 92% for detecting adhesive capsulitis, making dynamic sonography a reliable technique for the diagnosis of this condition. 相似文献
RW Fremerey P Lobenhoffer I Born H Tscherne U Bosch 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,101(9):697-703
BACKGROUND: Usual ductal hyperplasia (UDH), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are risk factors for invasive breast cancer (IBC), suggesting that these lesions may be direct precursors of IBC. To identify genetic changes that may be important in the early development of precursor lesions and their progression to malignant or invasive disease, we examined 399 putative precursors (211 UDH, 51 ADH, 81 non-comedo DCIS, and 56 comedo DCIS) for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 15 polymorphic genetic loci known to exhibit high rates of loss in IBC. We also assessed the sharing of LOH by putative precursors and synchronous cancers. METHODS: The polymerase chain reaction was used to analyze DNA from microdissected archival specimens. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In hyperplasias from noncancerous breasts (i.e., without DCIS and/or IBC in analyses of hyperplasias), LOH at any given locus was rare (range, 0%-15%), although 37% of UDH and 42% of ADH lesions showed loss for at least one locus, suggesting that the development of hyperplasias can involve many different tumor suppressor genes. In DCIS from noncancerous breasts (i.e., without IBC in analyses of DCIS), LOH was common, with 70% of noncomedo lesions and 79% of comedo lesions showing at least one loss. In DCIS, substantial rates of loss (up to 37%) were observed at loci on chromosomes 16q, 17p, and 17q, suggesting that inactivated tumor suppressor genes in these regions may be important in the development of noninvasive breast cancer. When DCIS lesions from cancerous and noncancerous breasts were compared, substantially more LOH was observed in the cancerous breasts at a few loci (on chromosomes 2p, 11p, and 17q), suggesting that genetic alterations in these regions may be important in the progression to invasive disease. Among specimens harvested from cancerous breasts, 37% of UDH, 45% of ADH, 77% of noncomedo DCIS, and 80% of comedo DCIS lesions shared LOH with synchronous cancers at one locus or more, supporting the idea that the putative precursors and the cancers are genetically related. 相似文献
Effect of muscular dysfunction on the development of shoulder joint in children with Erb's paralysis
In order to evaluate the disturbances of development of the shoulder joint in children with Erb's paralysis the authors conducted an X-ray examination of the shoulder girdle and the shoulder in the anterior-posterior projection. The assessment of the functional state of the muscles of the shoulder girdle was made with the aid of clinical EMG. It was established that there was a retardation of growth and ossification of the radial head of the humerus on the affected side, a decrease in the longitudinal and cross-sectional sizes of the humerus, a retardation in the development of the joint scopular cavity, disorders in spacial interrelationship in the components of the shoulder joint and internal rotation of the shoulder joint. The structural and anatomical changes in the components of the shoulder joint are associated with disorders of the neurotrophic processes in the bone tissue and the muscular dysbalance. 相似文献
G M?llenhoff J Buchholz S Mackowski W Knopp G Muhr HU Steinau 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,26(2):75-79
Understanding the functional dynamics of the oral cavity helps researchers design methods to predict clinical outcomes. Most information about the oral cavities of companion animals must be drawn from animal studies designed to understand human oral disease and from human studies. Based upon functional criteria for any animal or experimental research study, supragingival plaque and calculus can be assessed within four to six weeks. Although longer studies may be more appealing, such study designs may compromise the oral soft tissue health of the animals and are complicated by oral cavity dynamics. Thus, they are less sensitive and predictive of longer term clinical outcomes. Additional research is necessary to relate tooth surface accumulation phenomena with oral soft tissue health. 相似文献
Preseptal cellulitis has a typically benign course when treated with antibiotics, the clinical course depending on age of the patient, aetiology and the causative organism. In this study, 14 cases of preseptal cellulitis are documented with the age ranging from 2 to 55 years. The organisms isolated were Staphylococcus aureus (7 cases), Streptococcus pyogenes (2 cases) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1 case). In the remaining four patients no organism could be identified. All except four patients were cured within 6 weeks. Complications seen included lagophthalmos, lid abscess, cicatricial ectropion and lid necrosis in one patient each. The prognosis for preseptal cellulitis is good with appropriate antibiotics and surgical therapy. 相似文献
Condylar movements can be executed only if the TMJ morphology can satisfy functional needs of the masticatory apparatus. Articular components have to be in good relation with dento-skeletal functional anatomy: if this does not occur, mandibular dynamics may establish some functional stresses on the condylar head and the articular eminence. These overloaded structures and particularly their functional surfaces react to this situation to be remodelling and deformation of the articular cavity. In our work we have used a new method to analyse condylar dynamics using MRI. The reconstruction of mandibular movements, using this instrumentation, permits to make some useful observations on the functional capability of TMJ to adjust itself to different maxillofacial morphologies and, consequently, how this joint can fall in a dysfunctional and pathological condition. 相似文献
KM Sherepo 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,(5):38-41
Based on his own experimental findings, the author provides strong evidence for negative consequences of the deranged vascular network of haversian systems while screwing the screw pedicles of hip joint endoprostheses into the endostalic margin of the cortical layer of the diaphysis. It is shown that it is not advisable to use a endoprosthetic assembly unit in the intertrochanteric area for biomechanical reasons. The latest endoprosthesis of the author's own design, which has a monolithic transition of the neck into the pedicle, is described, with emphasis on driving the endoprosthetic screw pedicle into the diaphysis rather than on its screwing. The prosthesis has a pedicle with a specific trapezoidal thread and a knock-down mobility unit. 相似文献
FY Lee FJ Hornicek EJ Hazan P Kloen MA Wolfe HJ Mankin 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,(357):116-121
Wide resection of tumors involving the glenoid region of the scapula compromises a center of motion in the shoulder joint and can cause significant loss of function. Two patients with aggressive tumor of the scapula were treated with wide resection and reconstruction using an osteoarticular acetabular allograft. The ball and socket geometry of the newly reconstructed joint and secure reattachment of soft tissues in the allograft provided a stable shoulder joint. The functional results of the two patients were 87% and 93%, respectively according to the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society system. In a select group of patients with locally aggressive lesions of the scapula, a surgical reconstruction with an osteoarticular allograft would yield satisfactory functional and cosmetic results. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The advantages of pancreatogastrostomy over pancreatojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy are still debated. This study analyses the results of pancreatogastrostomy to identify factors that could influence immediate outcome. METHODS: During a 10-year period, 160 consecutive patients underwent a pancreatogastrostomy. There were 109 men (68 per cent) and 51 women (32 per cent) with a mean(s.d.) age of 59(10) (range 22-82) years; 27 patients were older than 70 years. The following parameters were assessed: mortality rate, morbidity, reasons for reoperation, length of hospital stay, duration of nasogastric tube and drainage. RESULTS: Hospital mortality rate was 3 per cent; overall morbidity rate was 30 per cent. The reoperation rate was 12 per cent, mainly because of bleeding at the pancreatic margin. Delayed gastric emptying occurred in 36 patients. The overall rate of pancreatic fistula was 2.5 per cent. Age, sex, indications for pancreatoduodenectomy, and the texture of the pancreatic remnant did not influence the occurrence of pancreatic fistula or delayed gastric emptying. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed that pancreatogastrostomy is a safe procedure with low mortality and morbidity rates. 相似文献
Although considerable evidence suggests that carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are immunosuppressive compounds, limited information is available regarding precise effects of these agents on immune cells. In the present report, the effect of subchronic exposure to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) on immune cells in bone marrow, thymus and spleen of B6C3F1 mice was investigated. B[a]P treatment was found to reduce thymic cellularity and also to significantly alter normal thymocyte differentiation, as indicated by expression of CD4 and CD8 cell-surface antigens. Exposure to B[a]P also reduced cellularity of the bone marrow, including decreased percentage and absolute number of CD45R+ B-lineage lymphocytes. Further, B[a]P treatment dramatically increased the percentage of CD44hi cells in bone marrow, while proportionately reducing CD44lo cells. These results may indicate CD44lo bone marrow cells, including prolymphocytic cells, represent sensitive targets of B[a]P. The spleens of treated mice were found deficient in both Thy 1.2+ T lymphocytes and CD45R+ B lymphocytes, effects that correlate well with the chemical-induced alterations observed in thymus and bone marrow, respectively. 相似文献