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Three Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland and Norway, participated in the IEA SITES 2006 study. All the three countries have launched huge policy and investment programmes to promote digital literacy and readiness for the information age. In relation to the remarkable Finnish Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results, it is interesting to see if the Finnish school system may be better suited to ground and contextualize pedagogical practice with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) than the Danish and Norwegian counterparts. One main difference is that the Finnish system seems to anchor decisions about and interpretations on how ICT should be utilized stronger at the local level than the two other systems. One of the general goals in the policy programmes is to get teachers to innovate with ICT in the classrooms. The Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) 2006 indicators for two innovative pedagogical orientations, lifelong learning orientation and connectedness are utilized to compare teachers from the three nations. The main findings is that Finnish teachers are either not differing or they are scoring significantly lower on the two indicators than teachers from Denmark or Norway. The exception is Finnish science teachers who are more inclined towards using ICT in lifelong learning practices than their Danish and Norwegian counterparts. Generally, the Finnish teachers seem to be more autonomous in their pedagogical choices but may also be more conservative than the Danish and Norwegian teachers in making use of ICT.  相似文献   

The Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) 2006 results reveal that principals' perceived presence of lifelong learning‐related pedagogical activities in their schools had changed markedly since the same data was collected in 1998 in SITES‐M1. More intriguing was the fact that the directions of the changes were quite different depending on the education systems concerned – many of the Asian countries reported very high increases while some of the European countries reported large drops over the same 8‐year period. This paper reports statistical evidence that the observed ‘pendulum swing’ reflects actual changes in teaching practices in these countries. Exploratory multilevel analyses results consistently show that national means of principals' vision can be used as a system‐level indicator predicting national means of pedagogical orientations in schools several years later. These findings also indicate the possibility of the ‘pendulum effect’ being a consequence of system‐level policy differences in the countries participating in the two SITES studies.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents some of the results of the study of seven cases of innovative pedagogical practices using ICT. The study was performed in the framework of the application of SITES M2 in Chile. The results are divided in two sections. First is a summary of each case, highlighting its innovative characteristics that serve as models of 'good practice' for Chilean teachers. Second, the results of the analysis of what teachers did are outlined; the impact on students and the type of teaching and learning activities in use. Results show that these projects did not provide evidence of having impact on students' learning as defined in the national curriculum. However, they show that students participating in these projects could learn other things, had the opportunity to develop abilities defined as cross-curricular and practised ICT related skills. The analysis of the teaching and learning activities highlights some deficiencies in the way that teachers implement new teaching strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between South African and Chilean results on SITES (Second Information Technology in Education Study) 2006 study, aiming to show and discuss both disparities and similarities, and trying to explain them through an analysis of their ICT in Education policies and national contexts. Firstly, these policies and contexts portray national backgrounds and initiatives. Secondly, methodological approach is described (a secondary analysis of the international data consisting in a two-way statistical analysis to calculate significant differences between South African and Chilean results, but also including some specific references to the northern hemisphere countries). Thirdly, main results are shown, organized in five sections: a) access to ICT resources; b) support to teachers; c) teachers professional development; d) principals’ pedagogical vision and e) teaching and learning practices.  相似文献   

Closing educational gaps between sub‐populations in Israel, particularly between students in Hebrew‐speaking and Arabic‐speaking schools, persists to be one of the priorities of Israel's education system. In the field of information and communication technology (ICT), this goal refers to infrastructure as well as practice, i.e. teaching and learning. A secondary analysis of Second Information Technology in Education Study 2006 study findings portrays a multifaceted state of affairs on some issues, e.g. vision and goals, attitudes on ICT importance in general and as a lever for paradigmatic change in particular. This is contrary to expectations due to the inequality in allocation (mainly of infrastructure) between the two sectors. Arabic‐speaking mathematics teachers indicate greater ICT usage in their target class, while among science teachers, Hebrew‐speaking teachers report greater usage and influence on their pedagogy, indicating innovative usage . Conclusions suggest that further effort is needed to close the gaps between Hebrew‐ and Arabic‐speaking schools as well as collaboration and exchange of ideas, information and educational experience between staff members from both sectors.  相似文献   

This paper reports on two studies conducted in 2006 in the Singapore schools to investigate the relationships between teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and learning, their pedagogical practices, and uses of information and communications technologies (ICT). Three primary research questions were examined in this research: First, do teachers’ beliefs about knowledge and learning influence the uses of ICT, pedagogical approaches, and types of assessments used in the Singapore schools? Second, does the school culture influence the uses of pedagogical approaches and ICT by Singapore teachers in their classes? Third, are the epistemic ideas about the nature of knowledge and learning beliefs that are stable cognitive structures or are they resources that are more adaptively shaped to different contexts? In Study 1, 1882 teachers from 51 schools took part in the 187-item online survey on these areas, and Study 2 involved eight principals, two vice-principals, 33 heads of department, and 60 teachers in structured interviews. It had been hypothesized that beliefs about the nature of knowledge being complex and changing would be associated with more learner-centered pedagogical practices and uses of technology in the classrooms. However, the main findings of Study 1 suggest that it is not epistemological beliefs of teachers about knowledge and knowing that shape pedagogical practices in Singapore schools, but rather teachers’ beliefs about learning. From the interviews in Study 2, it appears that teachers tend to mix pedagogical strategies consisting of both teacher-directed and learner-centered approaches primarily based on beliefs about learning. Our research findings also suggest that epistemic ideas teachers have may not be relatively fixed and stable “beliefs” but rather are more contextually influenced epistemic resources. The paper concludes with a discussion of these findings and their implications for theory, practice, and future research.  相似文献   

Abstract The key research question for this study was to ask whether or not innovative teaching practices would lead to the development of learning outcomes essential for preparing the younger generation for the challenges of life in the knowledge society of the 21st century, and if so, how are the pedagogical features related to the different learning outcomes. Preliminary analyses of the case study data collected from the SITES M2 Study in Hong Kong reveal that where the development of more significant learning gains were observed, the cases possess characteristics additional to the criteria defined in the Study for selection of innovation. More importantly, it was found that the impact of the pedagogical practices was not determined simply by the aggregation of characteristics of the practices per se , nor on the technologies used, but on whether 'empowerment' permeates the curriculum goal and process. Further, this paper claims that these affective and socio-cognitive learning outcomes are more important as preparation for lifelong learning in the 21st century than 'knowledge management competencies'.  相似文献   


Studies of scientists show that graphs and graphing are central to the processes and products of science. It does not surprise us that recent reform documents propose the development of competency in using and reading graphs as an important aspect of learning science and about science. Reform documents propose that (a) public school science classrooms have students engage in hands‐on inquiry practices, in which they summarize investigative activities using graphs, and (b) education students take science courses instructed by science department faculty members. Past research has demonstrated that pre‐service secondary teachers do not, on their own, default to the graphical summarizing and interpretive practices of scientists. We examined the graphical analysis practices of pre‐service elementary teachers and science graduates on two graphing tasks and concluded that there were few differences between those two groups in their interpretations. We propose a model to understand the differences between these groups and more experienced groups of graph interpreters. We conclude that taking the lecture‐oriented science courses common to science programs does not necessarily improve education students’ competencies at summarizing data or interpreting graphs and that they need to engage in scaffolded, research‐oriented activities themselves.  相似文献   

Available research has explored a wide variety of factors influencing information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption and integration in classroom teaching; however, existing research seldom centre on the combined impact of these variables. In addition, the little research available is set up in the Chinese context. The latter is important given that the different cultural context in which the interplay between teacher beliefs and educational practices has only been documented quiet little. The present study centres on the complex interplay of a number of internal teacher variables to explain ICT classroom integration. These variables comprise ‘teachers’ constructivist teaching beliefs’, ‘teacher attitudes towards computers in education’, ‘teachers’ computer motivation’, ‘teacher perception of ICT‐related policy’. A survey was set up, involving 820 Chinese primary school teachers. Path modeling was used to explore the direct and indirect effects of the teacher‐related variables on their level of ICT classroom integration. Firstly, two distinctive types of ICT use can be distinguished in the Chinese context: (a) teacher supportive use of ICT that refers to the use of ICT for e.g. student administration, preparing worksheets, developing evaluation activities; and (b) classroom use of ICT to support and enhance the actual teaching and learning process. The results show that classroom use of ICT directly depends on teachers' computer motivation and the supportive use of ICT. Teachers' constructivist beliefs, their attitudes towards computers in education and perceptions about the ICT‐related school policy influence ICT integration in an indirect way. The results demonstrate how the complex interplay between teacher‐related variables and ICT integration in the classroom is partly in line with findings in non‐Asian contexts. A number of differences can be explained by the particular Chinese context. In particular an indirect relationship was found between teachers' constructivist beliefs and their level of ICT integration.  相似文献   

Innovative pedagogical practices using ICT in schools in England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract This paper presents information about the case studies carried out in three primary and three secondary schools in England, during the school year 2000–2001. Data were collected as part of the qualitative phase of a major international research project: the Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES). The research focused on innovative pedagogical practices involving ICT. Interviews with Headteachers and other administrators, teachers, students and parents; observations of lessons; analysis of school documents and surveys of Headteachers and ICT coordinators provided rich sources. Themes common to the case studies in England are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of content knowledge in conversations of kindergarten teachers during collaborative curriculum design of learning material for technology‐enhanced learning. Two teams of teachers received support from an early literacy expert during these design activities. Resulting conversations were analyzed on technological pedagogical content knowledge, explicated reasoning, and the contributions of expert support. This study found that in explicating content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge, teachers set goals and deliberated on strategies and activities that would be most appropriate for their students. Technological content knowledge and technological pedagogical content knowledge were explicated most during deliberations on practical concerns; these mainly revolved around optimizing the affordances of technology. This study contributes to understanding and supporting the pedagogical design capacity of teachers.  相似文献   

Drawing on socio‐cultural theory, this paper describes how teams of teachers and researchers have developed ways of embedding information and communications technology (ICT) into everyday classroom practices to enhance learning. The focus is on teaching and learning across a range of subjects: English, history, geography, mathematics, modern foreign languages, music and science. The influence of young people's out‐of‐school uses of ICT on in‐school learning is discussed. The creative tension between idiosyncratic and institutional knowledge construction is emphasised and we argue that this is exacerbated by the use of ICT in the classroom.  相似文献   

Information and communication technology (ICT) tools are being increasingly used to facilitate teaching in educational institutions. This study examined the attitudes of students and instructors towards using ICT tools in management education. Immediately after conducting workshops that introduced 11 ICT tools used in classroom settings, questionnaires were administered to students and instructors from three public universities in Taiwan. Responses of 242 students and 46 instructors regarding 5 domains of ICT tools – feedback, classroom mobility, publishing, collaboration, and social media – were analysed to investigate their attitude towards the use of ICT. The results revealed that students perceived the ICT tools of collaboration and social media to be helpful in learning and in increasing their future employment; in addition, the teachers found these ICT tools to be useful. Therefore, by integrating collaboration and social media in teaching and course design, teachers can enhance student participation and link students’ learning to their future employment.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the outcomes of research that recorded and interpreted change in pre-service teachers’ pedagogical beliefs when immersed in unique synchronous networked collaboration. The pre-service teachers were involved in the design and implementation of synchronous networked tasks, supported by the theoretical and pragmatic application of ‘informed’ Information and Communications Technology (ICT) integration. The pre-service teachers’ use of digital technology graduated from a didactic, broadcast delivery of information to more constructivist strategies that involved interaction, collaboration and ‘good’ learning. Moreover, the pre-service teachers gained competencies during a 12-week programme that led to the development of a suggested framework for ICT task development able to effectively promote and support improvements in learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the personal experiences of e‐learning coaches working in secondary schools in order to provide information about the role of an e‐learning coach. Seven secondary schools in the outer‐eastern region of Melbourne, Australia, were involved in a 3‐year e‐learning project. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted by an independent researcher with an e‐learning coach from each of the seven schools involved in the research. A number of themes emerged from the interviews, including role confusion, changes in the role over time, the importance of establishing relationships, barriers to the uptake of information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT usage. To facilitate the integration of ICT with teaching practices in the secondary school setting, we recommend that a full‐time position for an on‐site e‐learning coach receiving the total support of school leaders is needed to provide relevant professional development and ongoing support to classroom teachers.  相似文献   

This paper examines how and why student teachers made use of information and communication technology (ICT) during a 1‐year initial teacher education programme from 2008 to 2009. This is a mixed methods study involving a survey (N = 340) of the entire cohort and a series of semi‐structured interviews with a sample of student teachers within the cohort (N = 21). The study explored several themes, including the nature of student teachers' use of ICT; variation in the use of ICT; support for, and constraints on, using ICT; attitudes to ICT and to teaching and learning more generally. It was found that nearly all teachers were receptive to using ICT – more so than their in‐service counterparts – and made frequent use of it during their placement (internship) experience. The Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) was central to nearly all student teachers' use of ICT, in good part, because it was already used by their mentors and was widely accessible. Student teachers' use of ICT was categorized in three levels. Routine users focused mostly on the use of the IWB for whole class teaching; extended users gave greater opportunities for pupils to use ICT for themselves; innovative student teachers used ICT in a greater range of contexts and made more effort to overcome barriers such as access. ICT use was seen as emerging from a mix of factors: chiefly student teachers' access to ICT; their feeling of ‘self‐efficacy’ when using ICT; and their belief that ICT had a positive impact on learning – in particular, the impact on pupils' behavioural and affective engagement. Factors which influenced ICT use included mentoring, training and support. Limitations on student teachers' use of ICT are explored and it is suggested that new teachers need to be supported in developing a more discerning use as they begin their teaching careers.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on the results obtained from a teachers’ opinion survey on the use of ICT tools to support of attendance-based teaching. In order to carry out this study, it was necessary to design a questionnaire to collect data among all in-service teachers with access to the university virtual campus. The findings show that respondents keep an open mind on incorporating ICT tools into their daily practices, on that point, this research has significantly contributed to the educational institution by providing accurate information about ICT use. The survey has also encouraged the university in its work on the integration of ICT in every area where it is possible, with the aim objectives of increasing access to learning, providing equal educational opportunities for all and ensuring lifelong learning, which are the mainstays of the Bologna Declaration.  相似文献   

Assessment in learning is always of interest to practitioners, academics and researchers, and is always evolving with new implications. Alternative forms of assessment such as e-portfolios have gained recognition in documenting students’ learning, as it is synchronous with both product and process. Vast amount of literature narrates the relative advantages of e-portfolios across disciplines, institutions, and applications. In Malaysia, such alternative assessment practices are less explored so far in teacher education. In this study, 55 pre-service TESOL teachers from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) are required to create and maintain a personal e-portfolio. The aim of the study is to ascertain the future teachers’ practices with e-portfolios in their learning and to determine if these practices lead to teaching competencies. In addition, the study also aims to identify the benefits and challenges of using an e-portfolio as a tool for learning and self-assessment. Findings indicate that participants are appreciative of e-portfolios, as their performance and achievements are traced over time. It is also found that e-portfolios function as a monitoring tool, which helps the teachers recognize their learning and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Challenges are also noted, which include validity and reliability, interrupted Internet connection, negative attitudes participants, time constraints, workload and ethical issues. In terms of teacher competencies, it is found that six competencies emerge from the teachers’ practices of e-portfolios - (1) developing understanding of an effective teacher’s role; (2) developing teaching approaches/activities; (3) improving linguistic abilities; (4) comprehending content knowledge; (5) gaining ICT skills and; (6) the realization of the need to change mindsets.  相似文献   

In the current information society, the need for securing human resources acquired with ICT competency is becoming a very important issue. In USA, England, Japan, India and Israel improving students’ ICT competency has become a pedagogical issue. Accordingly, education on ICT competency is changing in many countries emphasizing the basis of computer science. The Korean government revised the ICT curriculum of 2001 focused on the basic concepts and principles of computer science as educational policy in 2005. However, it is still difficult to determine a student’s ICT competency level and the outcome of ICT curriculum based on changed direction. Thereupon, this study has developed test tool for measuring the level of Korean elementary school students’ ICT competency based on computer science. In this study, ‘Content’ and ‘Information processing’ are established as the two axes of the test frame standard through literature research, consideration and discussion. The validity and reliability of questions are verified though the preliminary test and the main test tool has completed through question revisions considering the distribution of answers. About 40,000 students, roughly 1% of the total elementary school students, are selected for the main test. There were several findings made in this study. Korea’s elementary school students have a weakness in ‘algorithm and modeling’. Information processing stage has been found to vary by grade. A modified ‘Angoff method’ is used to confirm the spread of the ICT competency levels of the target students. From the results, the cutoff score employed to divide the subjects into three levels, excellent, average and below average, the ratio of excellent levels decreases and the ratio of below average increases in higher grades. To solve these problems, we need to emphasize algorithmic thinking oriented more principal of computer science in ICT curriculum. For more effective ICT elementary education, teaching and learning strategies appropriate for young children to teach computer science should be introduced.  相似文献   

The paper reports on a Department of Culture, Museums and Sport (DCMS) funded project which provided modest amounts of time for teachers to be freed from their classroom teaching to explore the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in their subject teaching, and to meet up together to discuss their use of new technology. The funding was sufficient to provide a day of supply cover for two groups of secondary teachers in different curriculum subjects (history and science) to meet towards the start of the academic year to discuss their use of ICT, a day of supply cover to work on their ideas and interests, and a day to meet together again towards the end of the year to share ideas and experiences.  相似文献   

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