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The effect enzymatic interesterification (EIE) on the functional performances of beef tallow (BT) blended with coconut oil (CO) in varying proportions was investigated. BT and three different proportions of CO, containing 20%, 30% or 40% CO were interesterified in a solvent-free system with a commercial immobilised lipase, Lipozyme TL IM. The interesterified oils (IOs) were also processed into margarines, and their textural properties, microstructure as well as their sensory properties, were determined. The IO with 40% CO has the best properties for margarine production, with a low content of high melting-point triacylglycerols, which should minimise the ‘waxy’ mouth-feel of BT-based margarines. The fat in IO-based margarine (M-IO) was mainly in the β′ crystal form and the crystals were more evenly distributed than in BT-based margarine (M-BT). A sensory and textural evaluation determined that the texture of M-IO was more compact, and that its colour and flavour were better than M-BT. The IO obtained may be used as a base oil to replace BT in margarine and has potential application in the margarine industry.  相似文献   

椰子油粉末油脂制备工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以低温压榨椰子油为芯材,采用乳化与喷雾干燥相结合方法制备椰子油粉末油脂。通过单因素试验并经正交试验确定最佳制备工艺参数:乳化剂单甘油酯与蔗糖酯质量比为1∶4、乳化剂与芯材比为3.0%、壁材明胶与多孔淀粉比为1∶6、乳化温度为60℃、固形物浓度为20%,均质压力为40 MPa、进风口温度为195℃、进料速度为20 ml/min,在该条件下,制备产品含油率为48%、表面含油率为1.81%、包埋率为96%。  相似文献   

研究了一种适于农户及中小企业加工生产天然椰子油的工艺。试验发现,纤维素酶对椰浆的破乳效果好,所得椰子油清澈,椰香浓厚。纤维素酶水解制备天然椰子油适宜的工艺条件为:椰肉榨汁时料液比为10:4,纤维素酶用量为0.20%(以纯椰浆计),在50℃酶解36h后直接分离椰子油,再用500目滤布过滤,椰子油提取率可达92.86%。再将所得粗椰子油在60℃、0.07~0.08MPa真空下干燥1h,可得到水分含量为0.12%、酸值(KOH)为O.28mg/g的天然椰子油。用该方法生产椰子油工艺简单,设备投资小;以2007年市场行情计,加工1个椰子果利润为0.83元。  相似文献   

宋子烨 《中国油脂》2020,45(11):52-57
以类蛋黄酱体系为研究对象,运用Turbiscan、流变仪、粒度仪、显微镜研究在pH 3条件下橄榄油与椰子油不同比例复配(10∶ 0、9∶ 1、8∶ 2、7∶ 3)的混油基对于乳清分离蛋白-蛋黄卵磷脂稳定的乳液体系流变性质及冻融稳定性的影响。结果表明:随着椰子油比例增加,乳液黏度增加,弹性模量增加,橄榄油与椰子油质量比7∶ 3复配混油基制得的乳液具有最大的黏度和最高的弹性模量;所有乳液在4~40 ℃弹性模量下降,说明乳液在贮存、冷藏运输过程中内部结构完整,乳液具有良好的稳定性;蛋黄卵磷脂能够提高含椰子油(饱和脂肪酸含量高)乳液的冻融稳定性,并且椰子油比例越大(饱和程度越高),冻融稳定性提高效果越好;乳液冻融稳定性从高到低依次为橄榄油与椰子油质量比为7∶ 3>8∶ 2>9∶ 1>10∶ 0。  相似文献   

The structure of triacylglycerols in vegetable oil blends was enzymatically modified, and the blends were incorporated into skim caprine milk to produce goat milk-based infant formula analogs, homologous to human milk. A modified lipid containing palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids, resembling the composition of human milk fat, was synthesized by enzymatic interesterification reactions between tripalmitin and a vegetable oil blend containing a 2.5:1.1:0.8 ratio of coconut, safflower, and soybean oils. A commercial sn-1,3-specific lipase obtained from Rhyzomucor miehei, Lipozyme RM IM, was used as the biocatalyst. The effects of substrate molar ratio and reaction time on the incorporation of palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids at the sn-2 position of the triacylglycerols were investigated. The fatty acid composition and sn-2 position of the experimental formulas were analyzed using gas chromatography. Results showed that the highest incorporation of palmitic acid was obtained at 12 h of incubation at 55°C with a substrate molar ratio of 1:0.4 of tripalmitin to vegetable oil blend. However, the modified milk interesterified for 12 h at a 1:1 molar ratio had a greater resemblance to human milk compared with the other formulas. The level of oleic acid incorporation at the sn-2 position increased with the molar ratio of tripalmitin to vegetable oil blend. It was concluded that, unlike the original goat milk and other formulas, the formulated caprine milk with a molar ratio of 1:1 and a 12-h incubation was similar to the fatty acid composition of human milk.  相似文献   

Blended oils, consisting of coconut oil with sunflower oil or soybean oil, were prepared (22–24% linoleic acid) to provide higher amounts of PUFA to coconut oil consumers. Animal experiments were carried out to find the effects of coconut oil blends, using weanling rats, by feeding native and blends of oils at 10% level in the diet for 60 days. Serum cholesterol levels were reduced by 5% and 21%, respectively, in rats given blended oils containing CNO/SFO and CNO/SBO while liver cholesterol did not show a significant change when rats were given blends in comparison with rats given CNO. Serum and liver lipid analyses also showed significant change in TG concentration in rats fed blended oils compared with rats given CNO. These studies indicated that the atherogenic potentials of a saturated fatty acid-rich CNO can be significantly decreased by blending with an oil rich in unsaturated lipids in appropriate amounts.  相似文献   

研究了精炼工艺对椰子油品质的影响。分析了毛椰油、碱炼油、脱色油、脱臭油的理化指标、脂肪酸、甘油酯组成和脂肪伴随物(甾醇、生育酚、多酚)的变化情况。结果表明:精炼工艺使椰子油的酸值、过氧化值显著降低,脂肪酸和甘油酯组成无显著变化;总甾醇、总生育酚和多酚含量显著降低,损失率分别为63.77%、68.03%、71.20%。综上表明,精炼能够显著影响油脂品质,需注重油脂适度加工技术的应用。  相似文献   

Ozvural EB  Vural H 《Meat science》2008,78(3):211-216
Ten treatments of frankfurters were produced with interesterified oil and oil blends (palm oil, palm stearin, cottonseed oil, hazelnut oil and their mixtures) and were compared to control, produced with all animal fat. Addition of interesterified oil and oil blends affected (p < 0.05) the moisture and fat content and pH values of frankfurters. According to the colour measurements, the brightness value (L) of most of the samples with interesterified oil and oil blends were higher (p < 0.05) than the control. The fatty acid composition of frankfurters was modified. The PUFA/SFA values of frankfurters were increased due to the presence of interesterified oil and oil blends in the formulation. Frankfurters with 100% interesterified cottonseed oil or with interesterified oil blends with 66.6% and 83.4% cottonseed oil had PUFA/SFA ratio higher than 0.4 and are considered better than all others from the health point of view. Frankfurters produced with 100% interesterified cottonseed and hazelnut oil or with interesterified hazelnut oil blends had the same (p > 0.05) scores for sensory attributes with the control, while all other treatments were also acceptable.  相似文献   

Chemically interesterified blends (CIB) and non‐interesterified blends (NIB) of corn and palm oils (75%w/25%w) were studied in the production of Turkish White cheese (TWC) to modify the fatty acid composition of traditional product. Milk fat (3%) was replaced by CIB and NIB for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. All cheese groups were ripened at 5 °C for 90 days. Samples were taken from each group after 3, 30, 60 and 90 days and analysed for their basic composition, lipolysis and proteolysis. CIB‐incorporated cheeses showed a higher degree of lipolysis than the control sample and the NIB‐incorporated counterparts. Fatty acid composition and sensory properties of the final product showed that the incorporation of CIB and NIB in TWC improved the nutritional content of the product because it altered the fatty acid composition without any adverse effect on sensorial quality. We concluded that in production of TWC, 50% of milk fat could be successfully replaced with CIB and NIB, preferably CIB, because of its superior sensory quality.  相似文献   

为解决传统植脂奶油所用部分氢化植物油中饱和脂肪酸与反式脂肪酸带来的健康问题,以椰子油-葵花籽油混合油(质量比1∶ 1)为基料油,β-环糊精和大豆卵磷脂为复合乳化剂,采用物理复配法制备植脂奶油,采用单因素试验研究了水分含量、β-环糊精和大豆卵磷脂添加量对植脂奶油持油性、持水性和稳定性的影响,并通过响应面法优化了制备工艺条件。结果表明:植脂奶油最优制备工艺条件为β-环糊精添加量6.0%、大豆卵磷脂添加量1.1%、水分含量38.0%,在此条件下植脂奶油的持油性和持水性分别达到98.9%和93.8%;对植脂奶油的稳定性分析也进一步说明了持油性、持水性与稳定性之间的正向关系。综上,以β-环糊精和大豆卵磷脂为复合乳化剂,采用物理复配法制备的椰子油-葵花籽油基植脂奶油是一种潜在的营养健康植脂奶油。  相似文献   

本研究以椰子片为原料,探究焙烤对椰子中油脂的理化性质、脂肪酸组成、结构及氧化动力学的影响。结果表明,在200℃下椰子片经过200~220 s的焙烤,所提取椰子油的品质未发生明显改变,脂肪酸组成和含量无显著变化,仅有少量氧化产物生成。氧化动力学研究结果表明,焙烤后椰子油的氧化诱导期(IP)增加,氧化反应表观活化能(Ea)、活化焓(ΔH)和活化熵(ΔS)都明显增大,说明焙烤处理增加了椰子油的氧化稳定性,这可能与焙烤过程中产生的美拉德产物有关。  相似文献   

初榨椰子油富含中碳链脂肪酸,具有抗氧化、抗菌、易消化吸收、不在体内堆积脂肪等优势,在烘焙领域中具有良好的应用前景。对初榨椰子油作为烘焙用油的比较优势、初榨椰子油与其他物质混合在烘焙食品中的使用、初榨椰子油在烘焙相关领域中的应用进行分析,为其在烘焙领域中的应用与发展提供参考。  相似文献   

以明胶、阿拉伯胶为壁材,采用复合凝聚法制备天然椰子油微胶囊。用TG酶作为固化剂,以包埋率为主要评价指标,采用单因素试验和正交试验对天然椰子油微胶囊制备工艺进行优化。重点探讨p H、壁材质量浓度、芯壁比、反应温度对天然椰子油微胶囊制备的影响,并分析天然椰子油微胶囊产品的基本性质。结果表明:天然椰子油微胶囊制备的最佳条件为p H 3.5、壁材质量浓度20 g/L、芯壁比2∶1、反应温度40℃,该条件下制备的天然椰子油微胶囊产品的水分含量(2.88±0.31)%、表面油含量(4.20±0.05)%、包埋率(93.75±0.28)%、平均粒径413μm。  相似文献   

Hard fractions of palm oil and coconut oil, blended in the ratios of 90:10, 85:15, 80:20 and 75:25, were interesterified for 8 h using Lipozyme TL IM. Major fatty acids in the blends were palmitic acid (41.7–48.4%) and oleic acid (26.2–30.8%). Medium‐chain fatty acids accounted for 4.5–13.1% of the blends. After interesterification (IE), slip melting point was found to decrease from 44.8–46.8 °C to 28.5–34.0 °C owing to reduction in solids content at all temperatures. At 37.5 °C, the blends containing 25% coconut stearins had 17.4–19% solids, which reduced to 0.4–1.5% on IE, and the slip melting point (28.6 and 28.8 °C) indicated their suitability as margarine base. The reduction in solid fat index of the interesterified fats is attributed to the decrease in high‐melting triacylglycerols in palm oil (GS3 and GS2U type) and increase in triolein (GU3) content from 1 to 9.2%. Retention of tocopherols and β‐carotene during IE was 76 and 60.1%, respectively, in 75:25 palm stearin and coconut stearin blend.  相似文献   

采用复合酶法从椰子种皮中提取高品质椰子种皮油。研究了椰子种皮原浆的预处理、复合酶组成、酶解温度和酶解时间对椰子种皮提油率和油品质量的影响。结果表明,复合酶法提取椰子种皮油的最佳工艺条件为:在100℃将椰子种皮原浆预煮2 h,加入20%的水,再添加0.1%木瓜蛋白酶、0.1%纤维素酶和0.2%果胶酶(均以椰子种皮原浆质量计),50℃酶解15 h。在最佳工艺条件下,椰子种皮提油率为16.8%;所得椰子种皮油品质良好,酸值(KOH)为2.19 mg/g,总酚酸含量为0.49 mg/mL,各项指标均比市售干法椰子种皮油显著提高。  相似文献   

Palm oil (PO) and sunflower oil (SFO) blends with varying proportions were subjected to enzymatic interesterification (EIE) using a 1,3‐specific immobilised lipase. The interesterified blends were evaluated for their slip melting point (SMP), solid fat content (SFC) at 10–40 °C, p‐anisidine value, peroxide value, free fatty acids (FFA), induction period of oxidation at 110 °C (IP110) and composition of fatty acids by gas chromatography. Under EIE treatment, the blends of PO and SFO in different proportions (20:80, 40:60, 50:50, 60:40 and 80:20) had saturated and unsaturated fatty acid content in the range of 37.6–52.0% and 48.0–62.4%, respectively. The blends showed a considerable reduction in their SFC, SMP, peroxide value and oxidative stability at 110 °C, but presented increase in FFA and p‐anisidine value. The optimum condition for minimising the fatty acid in oil was obtained, at 64 °C, using 8.9% enzyme and 3 h reaction time.  相似文献   

针对食用椰子油椰香味浓郁,但必需脂肪酸和油脂伴随物缺乏的问题,研究了采用超声波辅助水酶法从牛油果浆与椰浆中制备牛油果椰油的方法。通过单因素实验优化了制备工艺,并分析了所得油脂的品质指标。结果表明,牛油果椰油的适宜制备工艺条件为:在椰浆中添加30%的牛油果浆(以椰浆质量计)、0. 25%的木瓜蛋白酶和0. 05%果胶酶(以总物料质量计),于60℃酶解1h,然后超声处理2 h,将物料冷冻(-20℃)、解冻(60℃,1 h) 2次后离心提油。在适宜条件下,油得率为26. 4%,牛油果椰油呈现淡绿色,兼具椰子及牛油果特有的芳香味,酸价(KOH)为0. 36 mg/g,所得牛油果椰油强化了椰子油的营养价值,其不饱和脂肪酸含量为10. 55%,总酚酸、类胡萝卜素和黄酮含量分别为(0. 24±0. 15) mg/g、(0. 61±0. 03) mg/kg、(0. 013±0. 002) mg/m L。  相似文献   

对水酶法提取椰子油的工艺进行了研究,并分析了椰子油的理化指标。在单因素实验的基础上,通过正交实验优化得到水酶法提取椰子油的最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶1、复合酶比(纤维素酶与木瓜蛋白酶质量比) 1∶1、酶解温度55℃、加酶量0. 25%、酶解时间16 h,在此条件下椰子油提取率可达83. 2%。所提取的椰子油的酸价(KOH)和过氧化值分别为0. 56 mg/g和0. 36 mmol/kg,均优于行标NY/T 230—2006。  相似文献   

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