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为了解决软件定义无人机自组网(Software-defined Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc Network, SDUANET)中转发黑洞和更新轮次问题,提出了一种软件定义无人机自组网快速一致性更新机制(Software-defined Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Ad Hoc Network Fast Consistent Update Mechanism, SDUANET-FCU)。新机制首先对节点进行分类操作,对可能会导致转发黑洞的发送操作进行约束;其次,针对含有两个规则的节点提出一种基于混合规则的两轮一致性更新策略;最后,将计算得出的Flow-mod发送顺序整合到两轮更新顺序中。仿真结果表明,在软件定义无人机自组网场景下,相比于现有的软件定义网络(Software Defined Network, SDN)更新方法,SDUANET-FCU降低了转发黑洞的概率和控制消息的数量,减少了平均更新轮次。 相似文献
传统无线路由方式不能很好地适应无人机自组网通信链路不稳定、节点能量受限等特点,为此,提出了一种新的基于信任的路由方案。首先,考虑了节点传输数据包所产生的能耗,对已有的分簇算法进行优化,选择剩余能量超过阈值的节点作为转发候选。其次,引入转发正确率、节点交互频度、探测成功率等信任因子对节点行为进行建模,由簇头节点汇聚所有的信任信息,并利用贝叶斯理论评估节点信任值。最后,在传统按需路由协议基础上,通过节点剩余能量、节点信任值及跳数来计算整体路由成本,并基于路由成本选择转发节点,确保了路由路径上的节点性能及行为可靠。所提方案有效提高了分组投递率及吞吐量,降低了端到端时延与转发能耗。 相似文献
无人机自组网(UAV Ad Hoc Network, UANET)是一种新型的移动自组织网络形式,具有3D空间中高移动性、拓扑结构频繁变化、带宽资源有限等特点,其中路由协议是UANET中一个重要且关键的部分。由于UANET中无人机节点的移动性,不断变化的拓扑结构使得寻找适合应用在UANET中的路由协议的过程比较复杂,网络中的链路中断和无人机节点失效也会导致网络资源的损失,降低了网络的可靠性和稳定性;因此,寻找源节点和目的节点之间的传输路由协议十分必要。结合上述问题,提出了适用于无人机自组网的基于最短路径的改进路由算法,该算法可以实现多路径传输,并且从丢包率、端到端时延和抖动三个方面来评估该算法的性能。仿真结果表明,改进的路由算法在无人机随机分布的高流量场景下,获得了比已有算法更好的性能。 相似文献
软件定义无人机自组网场景下,相较于软件定义有线网络,其网内节点数量更多导致各节点流表数量爆发式增长。针对原OpenFlow v1.5协议中主动下发流表的机制与flow_mod消息结构对于无线环境与多跳流表下发的不兼容,导致无人机自组网场景下流表下发开销过大以及收包率降低。对于无人机自组网场景下OpenFlow v1.5协议中的问题,通过组播切包组包去尾策略与流表源、目的地址自适应压缩策略,减少了头部开销,提升了无线资源利用率,并减少了冗余的流表项部分,在保证功能不缩减的情况下较显著地减少了开销。OPENET 14.5仿真验证显示,此机制大幅减少了网络控制开销,提高了网络吞吐量,降低了端到端时延与丢包率。 相似文献
软件定义网络(Software Defined Network,SDN)依靠着其集中控制、可编程性和数控分离等优点,能够有效解决无人机网络(Flying Ad Hoc Network,FANET)面临的任务拓扑高度变化、网络链路连接不稳定、网络安全防护脆弱以及应用程序的异构性等问题,极大地提升FANET的灵活性和可靠性。针对SDN架构与FANET的结合问题,描述了SDN的体系架构,并以SDN控制器部署方式为关注点分类别概括了近几年软件定义无人机网络(Software-defined Flying Ad Hoc Network,SD-FANET)的研究进展,重点阐述了结合移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC)的SD-FANET研究现状,最后指出了SD-FANET的应用场景和一些具体的未来研究方向。 相似文献
设计无人机自组网媒体接入控制(Medium Access Control,MAC)协议时,需要考虑其控制开销和数据传输的可靠性。鉴于此,结合现有无线自组网多跳时分多址接入(Time Division Multiple Access,TDMA)协议和无人机自组网特点,提出了一种高效可靠的无人机自组网多跳TDMA协议。首先采用高效负载均衡的时隙请求信息上传机制,选择一个负载较小的节点转发节点时隙请求信息;然后根据相互通信的父节点删除重复节点的时隙请求信息,减少相同节点的时隙请求信息转发次数;最后通过实时更新节点时隙请求信息机制,提高节点时隙请求信息传输的可靠性。仿真结果表明,该协议在数据传输成功率、平均时延、控制开销方面优于现有协议,可较好地应用在无人机自组网中。 相似文献
针对低空消费级无人机这种低慢小目标,采用理论建模和对实验中飞行温度参数实测的方法,建立了目标红外辐射模型以及背景辐射参数模型,得到了与实测结果比较相符的红外探测距离。指出了对这类低红外辐射目标,对阳光反射和背景噪声必须精细估算才能得到比较准确的红外作用距离。另外,通过对分析结果的讨论,对未来无人机红外探测系统的设计提出了一些建议。 相似文献
在未来高对抗环境下,夺取空中优势至关重要,无人作战飞机(UCAV)的参战将实现飞行员零伤亡。人工智能(AI)作为无人作战飞机未来发展的颠覆性技术之首,将从力量倍增器或作战支持转变为真正的人类替代者。从AI对UCAV的作用与意义出发,介绍了国外UCAV相关的人工智能项目的研究进展,总结了UCAV相关的AI智能算法,分析了UCAV的发展趋势。随着人工智能技术、机载处理技术以及传感器技术的进步,UCAV将在未来战争中实现智能协同、智能任务与智能飞行,成为空战的主力。 相似文献
Abdul Mannan Mohammad S. Obaidat Khalid Mahmood Aftab Ahmad Rodina Ahmad 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2023,36(5):e5423
The unmanned aerial vehicle network communication includes all points of interest during the coverage path planning. Coverage path planning in such networks is crucial for many applications, such as surveying, monitoring, and disaster management. Since the coverage path planning belongs to NP-hard issues, researchers in this domain are constantly looking for optimal solutions for this task. The speed, direction, altitude, environmental variations, and obstacles make coverage path planning more difficult. Researchers have proposed numerous algorithms regarding coverage path planning. In this study, we examined and discussed existing state-of-the-art coverage path planning algorithms. We divided the existing techniques into two core categories: Classical and reinforcement learning. The classical algorithms are further divided into subcategories due to the availability of considerable variations in this category. For each algorithm in both types, we examined the issues of mobility, altitude, and characteristics of known and unknown environments. We also discuss the optimality of different algorithms. At the end of each section, we discuss the existing research gaps and provide future insights to overcome those gaps. 相似文献
Yu‐Chee Tseng Shih‐Lin Wu Chih‐Min Chao Jang‐Ping Sheu 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2006,19(8):877-896
This paper considers the channel assignment problem in a multi‐channel MANET environment. We propose a scheme called GRID, by which a mobile host can easily determine which channel to use based on its current location. In fact, following the GSM style, our GRID spends no communication cost to allocate channels to mobile hosts since channel assignment is purely determined by hosts' physical locations. We show that this can improve the channel reuse ratio. We then propose a multi‐channel MAC protocol, which integrates GRID. Our protocol is characterized by the following features: (i) it follows an ‘on‐demand’ style to access the medium and thus a mobile host will occupy a channel only when necessary, (ii) the number of channels required is independent of the network topology, and (iii) no form of clock synchronization is required. On the other hand, most existing protocols assign channels to a host statically even if it has no intention to transmit [IEEE/ACM Trans. Networks 1995; 3 (4):441–449; 1993; 1 (6): 668–677; IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352], require a number of channels which is a function of the maximum connectivity [IEEE/ACM Trans. Networks 1995; 3 (4):441–449; 1993; 1 (6): 668–677; Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM'97, November 1997; IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352], or necessitate a clock synchronization among all hosts in the MANET [IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. 1999; 17 (8):1345–1352; Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM'99, October 1999]. Through simulations, we demonstrate the advantages of our protocol. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Najmun Nisa Adnan Shahid Khan Zeeshan Ahmad Johari Abdullah 《International Journal of Network Management》2024,34(3):e2258
Software-defined networking (SDN) has received considerable attention and adoption owing to its inherent advantages, such as enhanced scalability, increased adaptability, and the ability to exercise centralized control. However, the control plane of the system is vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, which are a primary focus for attackers. These attacks have the potential to result in substantial delays and packet loss. In this study, we present a novel system called Two-Phase Authentication for Attack Detection that aims to enhance the security of SDN by mitigating DoS attacks. The methodology utilized in our study involves the implementation of packet filtration and machine learning classification techniques, which are subsequently followed by the targeted restriction of malevolent network traffic. Instead of completely deactivating the host, the emphasis lies on preventing harmful communication. Support vector machine and K-nearest neighbours algorithms were utilized for efficient detection on the CICDoS 2017 dataset. The deployed model was utilized within an environment designed for the identification of threats in SDN. Based on the observations of the banned queue, our system allows a host to reconnect when it is no longer contributing to malicious traffic. The experiments were run on a VMware Ubuntu, and an SDN environment was created using Mininet and the RYU controller. The results of the tests demonstrated enhanced performance in various aspects, including the reduction of false positives, the minimization of central processing unit utilization and control channel bandwidth consumption, the improvement of packet delivery ratio, and the decrease in the number of flow requests submitted to the controller. These results confirm that our Two-Phase Authentication for Attack Detection architecture identifies and mitigates SDN DoS attacks with low overhead. 相似文献