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本文针对部分企业对疏水阀作用认识不足,以热压机密闭式凝结水回收系统为研究对象,通过计算分析了疏水阀漏汽率对密闭式凝结水回收系统经济性的影响。  相似文献   

凝结水回收器的研制与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
1前言长期以来,在凝结水回收系统中存在着两大难题,一是疏水阀质量不过关,二是给水泵被高温凝结水“汽蚀”破坏。历经数年研制成功的“凝结水回收器”(已获国家专利),在一些蒸汽锅炉上使用效果很好。现将原理及试验简述如下。2高位水箱不能防止水泵汽蚀破坏的原因...  相似文献   

长期以来,在凝结水回收系统中存在着两大难题,一是疏水阀质量不过关,二是给水泵被高温凝结水"汽蚀"破坏。根据本人在1982年以来的蒸汽供热工程设计中,因凝结水回收设施的简陋,形成大量宝贵凝结水排放,造成能源浪费和热污染状况,历经数年研制成功了"凝结水回收器"已获国家专利。在一批蒸汽锅炉上使用效果很好。现将原理及试验简述如下。1高位水箱不能防止水泵汽蚀破坏的原因多年来普遍认为高位水箱到水泵的垂直高差越大越好,高差大有利于水泵防止高温凝结水汽蚀破坏甚至将此写人规范。试验发现并非如此,静态时水头存在,泵动时静压…  相似文献   

长期以来,在凝结水回收系统中存在着两大难题,一是疏水阀质量不过关,二是给水泵被高温凝结水“汽蚀”破坏。历经数年研制成功的“凝结水回收器”(已获国家专利),在一些蒸汽锅炉上使用效果很好。现将原理及试验简述如下。一、高位水箱不能防止水泵汽蚀破坏的原因长期...  相似文献   

前言在工业上,蒸汽除作为动力使用之外,还可应用它做热源。在蒸汽作热源使用中,最早是用汽水分离器排出蒸汽形成的凝结水,随着发展,蒸汽疏水阀以良好的性能取代了汽水分离器。而今蒸汽疏水阀不断地更新改进,各国已开发研制出多种类型性能好、使用方便的节能型蒸汽疏水阀。1.蒸汽疏水阀在发展蒸汽疏水阀是将用汽设备和管路中的凝结水有目的地排放到蒸汽设备系统之外的自动阀门。它是由蒸汽和凝结水物理性能差异而启动  相似文献   

用汽设备都必须安装疏水阀,凝结水通过疏水阀带出大量显热,如果疏水阀维护不善,便会排出大量蒸汽,这些蒸汽的熱量如不加以回收利用,就是能量的极大浪费。因此凝结水的回收和利用是工矿企业节能的重要课题。一、凝结水回收的意义许多工矿企业没有回收凝结水,有些工矿企业虽有凝结水回收系统,但因管理不善,造成能量的大量浪费。凝结水回收可以取得显著的经济效益,因凝结水热量被利用后,可以节约燃料,相应减少环境污染。凝结水返回锅炉被利用,则可以减少工业用水量及软水制备  相似文献   

国家颁发的“供热系统节能工作暂行规定”,对企业的疏水阀应用管理以及凝结水的回收节能提出了具体的标准和要求。供热系统中疏水阀的选用和布置,以及凝结水回收系统的论证和设计,必须确定用热设备的蒸汽需要量,掌握凝结水排放的特点和数据。本文根据国外有关资料经编译整理而成,介绍用热设备蒸汽需要量的确定方法,以及一些常见用热设备的蒸汽耗量(或凝结水量)的估算,其中还提及各种应用场合下疏水阀排水量的确定。  相似文献   

胡连营 《节能》1998,(4):40-42
针对凝结水回收系统疏水阀的类型选择问题,从分析疏水特性要求的角度,比较不同类型疏水阀的性能。  相似文献   

正确选择和使用疏水阀是蒸汽系统能否大幅度节能的关键,国产疏水阀种类繁多,性能各异,多数能阻汽排水,但质量相差悬殊。选择疏水阀必须根据蒸汽设备特点及凝结水回收方式,才能使蒸汽能量得到合理的利用。如孔板疏水阀必须在负荷和压力稳定工况下才好用,热动力式及浮桶式疏水阀则应  相似文献   

在1990年第四期中介绍了疏水阀的选择方法和安装时应注意的问题,并针对内容列举了有关不正确的或者说是不太理想的选择和安装示例(即图四)。现就图四按序号作如下解释,仅供参考。①应为机械型。不能用温度控制型的疏水阀来排主蒸汽管线的凝结水。应该希望主蒸汽管线产生的凝结水及时的排出。②1.设备的进汽管应从主蒸汽管道上边接入,以防主蒸汽管道内所产生的凝结水流入设备;2.该设备所选用的疏水阀最好为机械型,能排饱和水,这样设备升温快,效率高:3.疏水阀排出的凝结水要提升,会增加疏水阀的背压,影响排放效率,故最好增加一个回收泵来提升,又可防水击发  相似文献   

大连石化水汽产用情况调查,主要针对蒸汽(3.5MPa、1.0MPa、0.3MPa或0.5MPa蒸汽)、含油和含盐凝结水、循环水、热媒水、除盐水,以及中、低压除氧水、含油和含盐污水、酸性水和汽提净化水等。共发现各类水汽问题31项,绘制完成了车间夏季工况下水汽平衡图和水汽调查报告,最终完成了全厂水汽调研报告。通过回收酮苯装置的凝结水,合理利用汽提净化水,回收新区透平蒸汽,将机泵密封除盐水改为0.3MPa或0.5MPa蒸汽,完善循环水计量问题,更换Ⅰ精制凝结水罐等措施,夏季工况下,全厂可节约除盐水50t/h、除氧水25t/h,回收凝结水30t/h,增加净化水回用140t/h,减少含油污水排放180t/h,同等工况条件下,全厂水耗可降至0.25t水/t油水平,节水效果明显。针对冬季蒸汽量突增,开展了全厂伴热管网系统优化改造工作,停用了一批无效伴热,改变了以往伴热线无序管理的状态,冬季热电厂发汽量由正常的800t/h,降至700t/h以下,冬季节水节汽效果明显。  相似文献   

蒸发器使用蒸汽中有浪费现象,通过选用节能型疏水阀及回收凝结水余热,取得较好效果。  相似文献   

宁波太平洋大酒店采取多种技改措施,例采用多台泵控制空调冷热需求量,撤消锅炉接入城市蒸气管网,对水系统查漏,对楼层走道进行灯具更换等,效果显著。  相似文献   

The paper presents the improvement of energy management in a steam system used for corrugated board production. The system consists of a steam boiler (fired with natural gas), steam and condensate pipelines and a corrugated board production installation (steam consumer). In the existing system, the boiler works in unison with an open condensate tank. This tank is responsible for energy losses due to secondary steaming. Therefore, a system of a closed tank has been proposed to eliminate these energy losses. The coefficients of thermal performance and the energy losses in both cases (open and closed tank) are compared. The study shows that the losses of the closed steam system are always lower than those of the open system. The coefficient of performance could be increased by about 8% by the proposed modernization. The recovery of expenses for modernization should be very quick, taking place within a year.  相似文献   

陈祥 《中外能源》2014,(9):91-93
扬子石化0.8Mt/a延迟焦化装置由于建成较早,加工工艺落后,2011年综合能耗达到23.04kg标油/t。结合装置特点,实施燃料气、蒸汽及用水节能措施。燃料气降耗方面,对达到使用年限的加热炉空气预热器热管进行部分更换,加热炉效率由90%提高至92%;使用气体脱硫装置的富余0.5MPa蒸汽作为热源,对燃料气进行加热,减少燃料气实际耗量5.16%。蒸汽节能方面,利用富余0.5MPa蒸汽替代1.0MPa蒸汽,节省1.0MPa蒸汽用量5.11t/h;随着装置凝结水回收项目的竣工,计划改用凝结水替代部分大吹汽蒸汽;同时,现场消除蒸汽漏点,更换腐蚀、减薄的碳钢管线,将其材质升级为不锈钢。节水方面,使用硫回收净化污水替代工业水,节省工业水用量7000t/a;拟将装置各点排放的凝结水集中回收,补入装置除氧罐或放水罐,进一步节省工业水用量。上述措施的实施,使装置能耗由2012年的22.93kg标油/t降至2013年的21.25kg标油/t,降幅达7.3%。  相似文献   

长庆石化连续重整装置存在1.0MPa、1.7MPa、2.3MPa、3.5MPa四种不同压力的蒸汽产生的凝结水,导致出装置凝结水温度较高(达到180℃)、流量较大(为42.6t/h),该凝结水汇至公司凝结水管网。高温蒸汽凝结水在流动过程中,产生二次闪蒸,形成气液混相流,当流速增加或改变流向时引起水击,影响管网安全运行和下游除油、除铁装置的平稳运行。为了消除连续重整装置高温凝结水存在的隐患,2012年4月,决定对长庆石化凝结水余热回收系统实施改造。改造工程分两个阶段进行:2012年5月15第一阶段,凝结水罐V410吊装配管施工完成,投用后管网水击现象有所好转,但未能彻底解决;2013年10月第二阶段装,装置大检修中新增一台换热器、两台凝结水泵,同年11月12日施工完成。改造后,出装置凝结水温度由180℃降至128℃,除氧水温度提高12℃,每小时多产蒸汽5.4t,每年创效439万元,实现了高温凝结水的回收再利用,降低了装置运行风险。  相似文献   


In this paper, a parametric analysis of two solar heating and cooling systems, one using an absorption heat pump and the other one using an adsorption heat pump, was performed. The systems under investigation were designed to satisfy the energy requirements of a residential building for space heating/cooling purposes and domestic hot water production. The system with the absorption heat pump was analyzed upon varying (i) the solar collectors’ area, (ii) the volume of the hot water storage, (iii) the volume of the cold water tank, and (iv) the climatic conditions. The system with the adsorption heat pump was evaluated upon varying (i) the inlet temperature of hot water supplied to the adsorption heat pump, (ii) the volume of the hot water storage, (iii) the volume of the cold water tank, and (iv) the climatic conditions. The analyses were performed using the dynamic simulation software TRNSYS in terms of primary energy consumption, global carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, and operating costs. The performance of the solar heating and cooling systems was compared with those associated with a conventional system from energy, environmental and economic points of views in order to evaluate the potential benefits.  相似文献   

An adsorption heat pump with a direct contact system for steam generation has been developed and the feasibility of the proposed system was confirmed both theoretically and experimentally. The basic cycle for the system has been proposed to use zeolite–water working pairs in the p‐T‐x equilibrium curve. To generate steam above 150°C from low‐energy level water at 80°C, a direct contact adsorption heat pump prototype was constructed. The experimental results show that steam could be generated by the direct contact system and the relationship between the amount of water adsorbed and the change in temperature with time is discussed. This study is expected to serve as a foundation for developing continuous adsorption heat pump systems for steam generation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The wood manufacturing industry in Sweden is not very often the subject of academic research activities. In certain parts of Sweden, generally in rural areas, this industrial branch is of major importance as a local employer. If the companies could grow and prosper it would lead to a more vivid countryside and decrease migration to larger towns and cities. The council of the European Community has therefore introduced certain funds for research projects in such rural areas. This paper describes the use of electricity and heat in a carpentry factory. The result shows that energy conservation measures and load management might be of significant importance in order to make the company more profitable. Even small savings can be the difference between survival or bankruptcy. For the studied factory it is obvious that much equipment for heating purposes are in a poor state. The steam system which could be useful for decreasing the use of electricity heating suffers from leaking steam traps and other imperfections which lead to severe losses in both kilowatt-hours and money. The steam system is therefore not used in an optimal way. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

闫丽涛  史志杰 《节能技术》2014,(2):182-184,189
某国产300 MW机组暖风器疏水回收方案为"暖风器—疏水泵—除氧器",运行过程中经常发生暖风器开裂、泄漏;疏水泵汽蚀;疏水无法正常回收等故障。为了解决此问题,建议采用"暖风器—疏水器—凝汽器"方案。利用等效热降理论对两种方案进行了热经济性比较,并给出详细的计算过程。最终得出"暖风器—疏水器—凝汽器"方案系统简单,经济性好。  相似文献   

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