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Verifying the accuracy and rigor of data exchanged within and between businesses for the purposes of traceability rests on the existence of effective and efficient interoperable information systems that meet users’ needs. Interoperability, particularly given the complexities intrinsic to the seafood industry, requires that the systems used by businesses operating along the supply chain share a common technology architecture that is robust, resilient, and evolves as industry needs change. Technology architectures are developed through engaging industry stakeholders in understanding why an architecture is required, the benefits provided to the industry and individual businesses and supply chains, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. This article begins by reiterating the benefits that the global seafood industry can capture by implementing interoperable chain‐length traceability and the reason for basing the architecture on a peer‐to‐peer networked database concept versus more traditional centralized or linear approaches. A summary of capabilities that already exist within the seafood industry that the proposed architecture uses is discussed; and a strategy for implementing the architecture is presented. The 6‐step strategy is presented in the form of a critical path.  相似文献   

Interoperability of communication and information technologies within and between businesses operating along supply chains is being pursued and implemented in numerous industries worldwide to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. The desire for greater interoperability is also driven by the need to reduce business risk through more informed management decisions. Interoperability is achieved by the development of a technology architecture that guides the design and implementation of communication systems existing within individual businesses and between businesses comprising the supply chain. Technology architectures are developed through a purposeful dialogue about why the architecture is required, the benefits and opportunities that the architecture offers the industry, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. An assessment of how the finance, travel, and health industries and a sector of the food industry—fresh produce—have implemented interoperability was conducted to identify lessons learned that can aid the development of interoperability in the seafood industry. The findings include identification of the need for strong, effective governance during the establishment and operation of an interoperability initiative to ensure the existence of common protocols and standards. The resulting insights were distilled into a series of principles for enabling syntactic and semantic interoperability in any industry, which we summarize in this article. Categorized as “structural,” “operational,” and “integrative,” the principles describe requirements and solutions that are pivotal to enabling businesses to create and capture value from full chain interoperability. The principles are also fundamental to allowing governments and advocacy groups to use traceability for public good.  相似文献   

建设烟草行业质量追溯体系是世界卫生组织《烟草控制框架公约》的具体要求,是提升行业整体技术体系的重要组成部分,也是践行"国家利益至上、消费者利益至上"行业共同价值观的集中体现。本文综述了我国烟草行业追溯技术的研究进展和质量追溯体系在烟草种植、打叶复烤、卷烟制造、专卖流通、零售流通环节的应用现状和不足,对构建烟草行业全产业链质量追溯体系进行了分析与展望,为我国烟草行业质量追溯体系的建设与发展提供参考。   相似文献   

Increasing globalization of our food supply combined with recent outbreaks of foodborne disease has heightened concerns over food safety issues around the globe. In response to these growing concerns, both by government and consumers, many nations are looking at food traceability as a means to restore confidence in the food supply and limit damages incurred by the sale and distribution of unsafe products. Traceability, which allows for the tracking of food products through all steps of production, distribution, and sales, can provide information on the nature, origin, and quality of a product; allowing consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions while providing the mechanisms for quick and thorough product recall procedures. Implementing traceablity systems will require improved vertical intergration between entities and the development of standars for the collection and dissemination of traceability data. Fortunately, rapid advances in information technology have made it possible to implement traceability systems within the food industry. This review will explore the current trends toward tracebility in the U.S. seafood industry. Current legislation, both here and abroad, and its effects on the seafood industry will be explored, and the design of a traceability system will be discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着食品产业规模逐步扩大,食品供应链中存在的安全风险给监管工作带来了新挑战,为了实现多元主体共同参与食品安全监管,形成食品安全社会共治模式,探索研究食品安全社会共治体系,就食品生产、加工、流通、销售、监管等环节产生的数据进行深入分析,提出了基于物联网的食品安全社会共治体系数据架构.该架构提供了各社会共治主体相关...  相似文献   

The rise in milk adulteration and contamination, fraud incidents and improper handling necessitates effective traceability systems in the Indian dairy industry. Thus, this review investigates current trends, associated challenges, traceability and its fundamental applications to address food safety and quality issues. The paper covers the evolution of milk adulteration and contamination detection techniques from conventional to emerging. Such information and analytical technologies can improve transparency and safety in the dairy industry by implementing effective traceability systems. This review will explore the challenges and future opportunities associated with the current situation in the Indian dairy industry.  相似文献   

刘骞 《肉类研究》2010,(7):63-69
我国肉制品质量与安全问题日益突出,如何在供应链的各个环节,采取措施保障肉品安全管理体系,具有现实的意义。构建肉类食品的原料安全生产系统、全面质量管理系统、溯源管理系统等安全保障措施是构成肉类食品安全保障体系的重点。并且本文从提高中国肉类加工食品的市场竞争力出发,针对目前中国肉类加工食品尚未形成完善的供应链管理模式这一现状,提出了在新型的肉类供应链安全管理模型,旨在推进我国肉类工业健康稳步发展。  相似文献   

为了把粮食各个环节的信息利用计算机与信息技术进行采集,并将各环节的产品标识信息链接起来,形成一条可追溯链条。结合粮食行业现状,通过粮食信息采集追溯服务标准研究,建立粮食生产、收购、储存、加工、销售环节粮食质量安全追溯链,实现粮食从田间到餐桌的质量追溯服务。  相似文献   

Requirements related to food safety and associated legislation and certification have increased a lot in recent years. Among these are the requirements for systematic recordings to be made throughout the supply chain so that in case of a food crisis it is possible to trace back to source of contamination, and to perform a targeted recall of potentially affected food items. These systematic recordings must be connected to the food items through unique identifiers, and the recordings, the identifiers and the documentation of how ingredients and food items join or split up as they move through the supply chain is what constitutes a traceability system. For the food industry, the traceability system is also an important tool for controlling and optimizing production, for getting better industrial statistics and better decisions, and for profiling desirable product characteristics. Current status is that many food producers have good, often electronic traceability systems internally, but exchange (especially electronic exchange) of information between the links in the supply chain is very time-consuming or difficult due to the diversity and proprietary nature of the respective internal systems. To facilitate electronic interchange of this type of data, an international, non-proprietary standard is needed; one that describes how messages can be constructed, sent and received and also how the data elements in the messages should be identified, measured and interpreted. The TraceFood Framework was designed for this purpose, and it contains recommendations for “Good Traceability Practice”, common principles for unique identification of food items, a common generic standard for electronic exchange of traceability information (TraceCore XML), and sector-specific ontologies where the meaning and the inter-relationship of the data elements is defined. The TraceFood Framework is a joint collaboration of many EU-funded projects dealing with traceability of food products; especially the integrated project TRACE where most of the work related to specification, design and testing of the framework has taken place.  相似文献   

食品供应链可追溯体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立食品及其供应链活动准确、及时的可追溯体系已经成为食品行业健康发展的一个主要因素。文中主要讨论了食品供应链及其可追溯体系的概念、可追溯系统的分类及特征、用于可追溯体系建立的技术及其发展等内容。同时指出了有关食品可追溯体系后续有待研究的一些问题。  相似文献   

Interoperability is a critical component of full‐chain digital traceability, but is almost nonexistent in the seafood industry. Using both quantitative and qualitative methodology, this study explores the barriers impeding progress toward large‐scale interoperability among digital traceability systems in the seafood sector from the perspectives of seafood companies, technology vendors, and supply chains as a whole. We highlight lessons from recent research and field work focused on implementing traceability across full supply chains and make some recommendations for next steps in terms of overcoming challenges and scaling current efforts.  相似文献   

粮油质量安全关乎国家的稳定发展,但目前还存在诸多粮油质量安全问题,特别是异构系统间数据的可信互联、高效互通得不到保障。因此,本研究首先在对粮油质量安全全链条信息流转特性进行分析的基础上,构建粮油质量安全全链条架构,并对典型环节进行关键信息分类。然后基于可信区块链和可信标识构建粮油质量安全可信溯源模型,对区块数据结构、标识体系编码规则、存储方式等进行定义和重构,并提出链网连接器的概念及具体架构方案。最后,以典型粮油品种小麦为例,基于超级账本Fabric开源框架设计并研发了小麦质量安全可信溯源系统,对模型进行了系统实现验证和案例分析。结果表明,研究的模型及系统实现了粮油质量安全全链条信息互联互通,并且保证了跨链信息交互的安全与全流程可追溯性。  相似文献   

本文是基于物联网(RFID)技术,分别通过业务功能设计、框架设计、流程设计和系统应用,构建了一套进口葡萄酒溯源体系,实现了进口葡萄酒从葡萄庄园,葡萄酒酿造者,运输用酒桶,灌装或包装,进出口检验检疫监管、口岸中转、通关、配送等的全过程信息采集、记录和整理,实现了严密监管与源头可溯,能与国际食品安全监管追溯体系接轨,为葡萄酒全溯源提供技术支持。本研究将物联网技术应用于进口葡萄酒行业,借助其提供的数据信息,服务于葡萄原料种植企业、生产企业、流通企业、监管部门和消费者,对加快通关和葡萄酒全供应链溯源监均都具有一定意义。  相似文献   

目的设计开发基于数据库技术的茶叶质量安全追溯系统,并在云南双江勐库茶叶有限责任公司实际运用实施。方法通过对公司茶叶产业链分析,运用数据库技术,建立包括茶园原料基地管理、原料采购管理、精加工管理、库存管理、销售管理等不同权限的登录终端的追溯平台手机APP以及相对应电脑数据库,并将该追溯信息采集系统在企业生产链各部门实际运用。结果企业生产链上各部门通过追溯信息采集系统,打通了生产链上各环节信息壁垒,形成了全产业链中的信息链并进行长效监控体系。结论通过追溯系统的建立,实现了原料端、生产端、运输端、流通端到终端等环节的无缝连接,提高了生产效率,确保了产品质量。  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,食品安全问题一直以来都是人民群众和政府重点关注的问题。由于近几年食品安全问题事件频发,不仅造成了严重的信任危机,而且对人们的身体健康也造成了极大的威胁。在传统的溯源体系中,信息仍然存在不准确、不透明、不安全等问题,而区块链具有防止篡改、全过程可追溯、去中心化分布式存储等特点。将区块链技术与溯源技术相结合可以更好地的解决传统溯源体系中的问题,能够实现真正意义上的溯源,切实保障了供应链上全体成员以及广大人民群众的权益。本文将介绍了区块链技术,梳理总结近些年基于区块链的食品安全溯源体系的研究与应用并进行总结,有效的说明了构建基于区块链溯源体系时的着眼点,对于区块链溯源体系的推广有着重要作用。  相似文献   

食品安全已成为一个国家、乃至整个世界面临的一个根本性的公共卫生问题,食品安全监管是各级政府的重要责任。"十三五"期间,针对北京市食品监管现状,建议北京市政府开展食品安全智慧监管科技保障工程,研发食品安全快速检测装备、便携技术、在线检测技术。利用信息化技术和数据采集设备,建设京津冀一体化、互联互通的信息平台,实现信息共享,提高监督抽检的针对性,实现对问题样品全过程的信息溯源。  相似文献   

当今食品安全问题频发,如何保障食品质量安全已愈发成为世界人们所关注的焦点,而随着信息化程度不断提高,计算机信息技术已成为食品质量安全控制的必要手段。计算机信息技术是主要用于管理和处理信息所采用的各种技术的总称,包含信息的获取、加工、表达、交流、管理及评价。本文主要介绍国内外计算机技术在食品质量安全与检测中的应用现状,如利用计算机进行食品科学相关信息的查询与检索、模拟生产过程来有效控制潜在风险因素、快速计算食品生产消费过程中的数据,设计网络平台感官评价代替繁复人工环节、为实现食品生产链全程可追溯创造有利条件等,以期为政府监管部门提供有效监管渠道,并为食品企业建立食品安全追溯体系,提升食品管理的信息化程度,发挥信息技术在食品安全管理中的应有价值和作用。  相似文献   

目的开发设计获取茶叶生产链上各环节追溯数据的茶叶质量追溯系统的终端APP。方法通过对茶叶产业链分析,运用数据库技术建立包括种植基地、生产基地、检测机构和经销网络等茶叶生产链上的4个基础数据库,以及用于各基础数据库数据整合分析的中心数据库。同时结合EAN.UAA编码技术实现茶叶生产链上数据的统一编码与采集。结果通过茶农、茶企、检测机构和经销商4个不同登录终端的追溯APP,分别独立获取数据并存储到基础数据库。通过分析生产链上产销数据之间环环相扣的关系,实现了消费者获取的溯源数据的真实性和可靠性。结论通过追溯APP的应用,可以提升追溯数据的客观性,改善了追溯效果。  相似文献   

乳制品供应链是从生鲜乳供应到乳制品生产加工、质量检测、运输仓储以至分销零售的全过程,其中多个环节存在较高的质量安全风险和隐患。区块链作为新科技革命中的一项颠覆性技术,为乳制品供应链质量安全监测进行技术赋能:去中心化体系强化生鲜乳供应环节质量监测,公私钥技术助力乳制品加工环节污染问题控制,数字签名技术确保乳制品运输与储存环节相衔接。以区块链为底层技术,构建乳制品供应链质量安全信息监测平台,能够实现数据实时采集、过程实时监测、隐患实时报警、事故有效溯源,有助于推动乳品工业创新发展。  相似文献   

射频识别(RFID)技术在食品溯源中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术操控简单、灵活、实用,已被应用于食品溯源系统中,旨在保障食品原料的质量安全。文章介绍了食品安全与溯源概念及RFID技术,综述了其在乳品、畜产品、水产品、果蔬等食品溯源系统中的应用研究进展,分析了RFID技术的优势及其推广应用难点,为食品的质量安全溯源体系提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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