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Dam removal is an increasingly practised river restoration technique, and ecological responses vary with watershed, dam and reservoir properties, and removal strategies. Moderate‐sized dams, like Hemlock Dam (7.9 m tall and 56 m wide), are large enough that removal effects could be significant, but small enough that mitigation may be possible through a modified dam removal strategy. The removal of Hemlock Dam in Washington State, USA, was designed to limit channel erosion and improve fish passage and habitat by excavating stored fine sediment and reconstructing a channel in the former 6‐ha reservoir. Prior to dam removal, summer daily water temperatures downstream from the dam increased and remained warm long into the night. Afterwards, a more natural diel temperature regime was restored, although daily maximum temperatures remained high. A short‐lived turbidity pulse occurred soon after re‐watering of the channel, but was otherwise similar to background levels. Substrate shifted from sand to gravel–cobble in the former reservoir and from boulder to gravel–cobble downstream of the dam. Initially, macroinvertebrate assemblage richness and abundance was low in the project area, but within 2 years, post‐removal reaches upstream and downstream of the dam had diverse and abundant communities. The excavation of stored sediment and channel restoration as part of the dam removal strategy restored river continuity and improved benthic habitat while minimizing downstream sedimentation. This study provides a comparison of ecological effects with other dam removal strategies and can inform expectations of response time and magnitude. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Dam removal can restore fish passage, natural flow regimes, sediment transport in streams, dispersal of organic matter, and drift of aquatic insects. However, dam removal also impacts the riparian vegetation, with both immediate and delayed responses. In this study, we measure vegetation change at the Merrimack Village Dam site on the Souhegan River in Merrimack, NH, USA. The August 2008 removal caused a ~3‐m drop in water level and rapid erosion of impounded sediment, with ~50% removed in the first 3 months. Terrace, floodplain, and wetland communities were surveyed in summer 2007, 2009, 2014, and 2015. Temporal change was quantified using Analysis of Similarity on the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity matrix. Only herbaceous vegetation closest to the river channel and in the off‐channel wetland changed significantly. The herbaceous plots directly adjacent to the impoundment eroded to bare sand in 2009, but by 2014, the original riparian fringe community had re‐established in the newly developed floodplain. Between 2007 and 2014, the off‐channel wetland area changed from aquatic species to a stable terrestrial community that persisted without significant change in 2015. The vegetation response was greatest in areas with the largest geomorphic and hydrologic change. These included the channel margin where erosion and bank slumping created an unstable scarp. The mid‐channel island and off‐channel wetland were strongly affected by the lowered water table. However, large unvegetated areas never persisted nor did the areal coverage of invasive species expand, which are two frequent concerns of dam removal stakeholders.  相似文献   

随着通航、调度及生态方面需求的提高,对葛洲坝和三峡大坝两坝间河段进行新一轮治理已迫在眉睫。根据葛洲坝工程运行以来的实测资料,对该河段30余年来的河势变化进行了分析。分析表明:葛洲坝工程运行后至1983年,两坝间河段明显淤积,其后至1998年,淤积进程趋缓;1998年以后有一定的冲刷,尤其在2003年三峡工程运行以来,两坝间河段处于累积性的冲刷状态,冲刷部位主要以深槽为主,冲刷深度较大的河段主要发生在乐天溪深槽段和南津关深槽段,河段中部较为稳定;2008年后,冲刷幅度变小,个别年份甚至有回淤。30年来,河段先淤后冲,渐趋平衡,河势较为稳定;三峡工程运行后,两坝间冲淤与三峡工程下泄沙量关系并不明显,而受汛期来水影响较大,考虑到三峡水库仍将持续进行试验性蓄水,逐渐进入正常运行期,其中小洪水调度及汛期滞洪作用都将增强,洪水流量过程的调平在所难免,因此两坝间冲刷将不易发生,小幅淤积极为可能,总的河势及深槽大小、位置将相对稳定。  相似文献   

We examine how historic flooding in 2011 affected the geomorphic adjustments created by dam regulation along the approximately 120 km free flowing reach of the Upper Missouri River bounded upstream by the Garrison Dam (1953) and downstream by Lake Oahe Reservoir (1959) near the City of Bismarck, ND, USA. The largest flood since dam regulation occurred in 2011. Flood releases from the Garrison Dam began in May 2011 and lasted until October, peaking with a flow of more than 4200 m3 s?1. Channel cross‐section data and aerial imagery before and after the flood were compared with historic rates of channel change to assess the relative impact of the flood on the river morphology. Results indicate that the 2011 flood maintained trends in island area with the loss of islands in the reach just below the dam and an increase in island area downstream. Channel capacity changes varied along the Garrison Segment as a result of the flood. The thalweg, which has been stable since the mid‐1970s, did not migrate. And channel morphology, as defined by a newly developed shoaling metric, which quantifies the degree of channel braiding, indicates significant longitudinal variability in response to the flood. These results show that the 2011 flood exacerbates some geomorphic trends caused by the dam while reversing others. We conclude that the presence of dams has created an alternate geomorphic and related ecological stable state, which does not revert towards pre‐dam conditions in response to the flood of record. This suggests that management of sediment transport dynamics as well as flow modification is necessary to restore the Garrison Segment of the Upper Missouri River towards pre‐dam conditions and help create or maintain habitat for endangered species. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Tributaries located immediately downstream from a dam responded to lowered local base level by incising vertically, widening, and expanding headwardly. The eight tributaries examined, join the Osage River along a 17 km reach directly below the Bagnell Dam in central Missouri. These tributaries flow through unconsolidated alluvium, and respond rapidly to base level lowering. Local base level lowering below Bagnell Dam is believed to result from a combination of factors, including an increase in channel cross-sectional area caused by degradation and channel widening, and hydrological desynchronization of the trunk river and the tributaries during periods of high discharge. Of these, degradation appears to be the most important cause of tributary incision. Age dates from cores of trees which project cross-channel roots indicate that tributary entrenchment has occurred after the closure of Bagnell Dam in 1931. Root-armoured knickpoints, subaerially exposed cross-channel tree roots, broken-off roots, and ‘within channel’ terraces provided the basis for reconstruction of relative pre-entrenchment tributary profiles which, when extended to the Osage River confluence, reveals the magnitude of entrenchment at the tributary mouth. The tributaries incised on average, 2·2 m and widened approximately 2·3 m at their mouths. Root armouring protracts the adjustment period of the tributaries and results in stepped longitudinal profiles. Tributary incision is episodic, and the influxes of high sediment discharge are out of phase from tributary to tributary.  相似文献   

Dam removal has emerged as a critical issue in water resources engineering and management. Of particular concern in many regions of the USA is the effect of dam removal on downstream water quality and potential methods of decreasing sediment and nutrient loading to downstream reaches. Rapid revegetation of reservoir sediments has been suggested as a means of reducing the impact of dam removal, although little data exist about the role of vegetation in controlling the downstream release of sediment or nutrients. This study investigated an impounded riverine wetland complex on the Little River, North Carolina, before and after the removal of a low‐head dam. We quantified the leaching of interstitial nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to the adjacent river channel during reservoir dewatering and, through experimental manipulations, isolated the difference between physical (soil) and biological (plant) controls on N and P leaching from dewatering impoundment sediments. We found that the rate and the quantity of N and P leaching from impounded dewatering sediment are predominately controlled by sediment porosity and specific yield. Although vegetation controls on N and P leaching were statistically significant during the first growing season following dam removal, vegetation is likely to be more important as a long‐term control on sediment and nutrient loads. Our results suggest that the initial release of N and P from a dewatered reservoir will be difficult to control but that vegetation may play an important long‐term role. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent reservoir construction on Savery Creek provided an opportunity to examine the downstream effects of a dam on a small, meandering channel. The new dam, completed in 2005, modified the flow regime by reducing the magnitude of spring peaks and increasing baseflows, including a second period of high discharge in the fall. A time series of remotely sensed data spanning 1980–2011 was used to measure lateral migration rates, quantify areas of erosion and deposition, and map spatial patterns of channel change. Both migration rates, and gross erosion and deposition increased during the post‐dam era, although 2 years of exceptionally large snowmelt runoff also occurred during this time. Net sediment flux inferred from the image time series was negative for both the upper and lower reaches for the first photo pair after the dam's completion but became positive for the most recent photos. Detailed topographic surveys of five individual meander bends were used to produce digital elevation models of difference and infer bed material transport rates. For three sites located in the upper reach, downstream increases in transport rate implied a sediment deficit satisfied through channel incision and/or bank erosion. For two sites in the lower reach where sediment supply was greater, larger values of gross erosion were balanced by enhanced deposition and transport rates stabilized or increased along each bend. Together, these results suggest that Savery Creek has entered a period of adjustment as the channel adapts to altered, dam‐regulated supplies of water and sediment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dam removal is often implemented without adequate baseline monitoring to distinguish background variability from channel changes due to the removal. This study evaluated aerial photos as substitutes for multiple‐year pre‐removal field data to assess downstream channel changes associated with a small dam removal. The Brownsville Dam, a 2.1 m tall concrete dam on the Calapooia River, Oregon, was removed in 2007. We mapped bars and the low flow channel downstream from the dam and in an upstream control reach using aerial photos (1994–2008) and in the field prior to (2007) and following (2008) removal. The locations and magnitudes of changes in bar area and wetted width, relative to errors, indicate that downstream channel changes were a result of the removal. The maximum changes (?3520 ± 1460 m2 for bar area, 32 ± 8 m for wetted width) observed prior to dam removal with aerial photos were far downstream. In contrast, the maximum changes after removal were immediately below the dam (200 ± 90 m2 for bar area, ?11 ± 3 m for wetted width), and small in the upstream control (?150 ± 130 m2 for bar area, 9 ± 4 m for wetted width). The dominant errors were photo specific: exposure error for spring to summer comparisons, position error for photos not processed for this study and identification error for small scale photos not scanned from film. We found aerial photos to be an acceptable but coarse substitute for multi‐year pre‐removal field data, and suggest best practices to minimize errors. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Saint‐Sauveur dam was built in 1992 in the middle section of the Buëch River. Downstream of the dam, a channel incision by several meters was observed. A gravel replenishment operation was planned in order to restore the active channel. An equivalent of two times the mean annual bedload‐transport capacity (43,500 m3) was replenished downstream of the dam in September 2016. The aim of this paper is to quantify morphological change associated with sediment remobilization in order to evaluate the efficiency of the restoration works. The monitoring was based on a combination of (a) change detection using sequential high‐resolution digital elevation models (from airborne LiDAR data), (b) bedload tracing using active ultrahigh‐frequency radio‐frequency identification technology, and (c) complementary field surveys of channel grain‐size distribution and morphology for bedload‐transport computation. Field monitoring allows us to capture a net aggradation along a 2‐km reach after the first post‐replenishment flood. A sediment balance analysis was performed to back‐calculate bedload supply coming from the sluicing operation during the flood. Although the sediment replenishment operation clearly had a positive impact on the morphological conditions of the starved river reach, the effective bedload supply from artificial berms (22,650 m3) was insufficient to initiate substantial channel shifting along the restored reach and a subsequent amplification of the sediment recharge. The combination of high‐resolution topographic resurveys and sediment tracing was successful to evaluate the downstream propagation of sediment replenishment effects.  相似文献   

Condit Dam is one of the largest hydroelectric dams ever removed in the USA. Breached in a single explosive event in October 2011, hundreds‐of‐thousands of cubic metres of sediment washed down the White Salmon River onto spawning grounds of a threatened species, Columbia River tule fall Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. We investigated over a 3‐year period (2010–2012) how dam breaching affected channel morphology, river hydraulics, sediment composition and tule fall Chinook salmon (hereafter ‘tule salmon’) spawning habitat in the lower 1.7 km of the White Salmon River (project area). As expected, dam breaching dramatically affected channel morphology and spawning habitat due to a large load of sediment released from Northwestern Lake. Forty‐two per cent of the project area that was previously covered in water was converted into islands or new shoreline, while a large pool near the mouth filled with sediments and a delta formed at the mouth. A two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model revealed that pool area decreased 68.7% in the project area, while glides and riffles increased 659% and 530%, respectively. A spatially explicit habitat model found the mean probability of spawning habitat increased 46.2% after dam breaching due to an increase in glides and riffles. Shifting channels and bank instability continue to negatively affect some spawning habitat as sediments continue to wash downstream from former Northwestern Lake, but 300 m of new spawning habitat (river kilometre 0.6 to 0.9) that formed immediately post‐breach has persisted into 2015. Less than 10% of tule salmon have spawned upstream of the former dam site to date, but the run sizes appear healthy and stable. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Kentchurch Weir, a low‐head weir on the river Monnow, Wales, was demolished in August 2011, releasing a sediment wave that had formed behind the structure for at least a century. We surveyed channel topography and bed‐material composition through a 1.5‐km long reach prior to weir removal and then periodically over a 2‐year period. The fill material was finer than the ambient bed material with all particles mobilized by bankfull flows. Rapid degradation of the 1460‐m3 sediment fill in the previously impounded reach occurred as bed material appeared to disperse downstream, consistent with other studies of sediment waves in gravel‐bed rivers. The riverbed profile was gradually smoothed through the study reach by degrading the elevated fill as a migrating knickpoint and aggrading the channel bed and bars immediately downstream of the former weir location. Extensive bank erosion was evident in the previously impounded reach with up to 10 m of widening following a single flow event, increasing channel width by more than 20%. Mitigation measures to enforce the riverbanks have been required as the gradual dispersion of the sediment wave continues to force flow diversion towards the riverbanks. The evolution of sediment stores behind flow obstructions follows that of sediment waves and theory available to describe wave evolution should do much to improve management efforts that seek to minimize channel widening following weir removal. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Removal of two dams 32 m and 64 m high on the Elwha River, Washington, USA, provided the first opportunity to examine river response to a dam removal and controlled sediment influx on such a large scale. Although many recent river‐restoration efforts have included dam removal, large dam removals have been rare enough that their physical and ecological effects remain poorly understood. New sedimentary deposits that formed during this multi‐stage dam removal result from a unique, artificially created imbalance between fluvial sediment supply and transport capacity. River flows during dam removal were essentially natural and included no large floods in the first two years, while draining of the two reservoirs greatly increased the sediment supply available for fluvial transport. The resulting sedimentary deposits exhibited substantial spatial heterogeneity in thickness, stratal‐formation patterns, grain size and organic content. Initial mud deposition in the first year of dam removal filled pore spaces in the pre‐dam‐removal cobble bed, potentially causing ecological disturbance but not aggrading the bed substantially at first. During the second winter of dam removal, thicker and in some cases coarser deposits replaced the early mud deposits. By 18 months into dam removal, channel‐margin and floodplain deposits were commonly >0.5 m thick and, contrary to pre‐dam‐removal predictions that silt and clay would bypass the river system, included average mud content around 20%. Large wood and lenses of smaller organic particles were common in the new deposits, presumably contributing additional carbon and nutrients to the ecosystem downstream of the dam sites. Understanding initial sedimentary response to the Elwha River dam removals will inform subsequent analyses of longer‐term sedimentary, geomorphic and ecosystem changes in this fluvial and coastal system, and will provide important lessons for other river‐restoration efforts where large dam removal is planned or proposed. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

The Green River is a major tributary of the Colorado River with a drainage area of 115 770 km2 in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. The influence of Flaming Gorge Dam on sediment transport and the potential for future channel change were studied using comparative analysis of historical aerial photographs from 1952 to 1987 and geographical information systems, published sediment (1951-86) and discharge (1965-87) records, and sediment data collected during 1986-8. Since the closure of the dam in 1964, new equilibrium channel widths were apparently achieved by 1974 in the reach 161-279 km below Flaming Gorge Reservoir and by 1981 in the reach 465-509 km below the reservoir. Recent high flows have resulted in an increase in average channel width in both reaches as measured on aerial photographs taken in 1986 and 1987. Sediment data from US Geological Survey gauges on the Green River and its primary tributaries and three sites established on the Green River for this study suggest that bed material sediment transport in the Green River has now attained a quasi-equilibrium, with the river transporting just the load supplied to it. The potential for future channel changes exists, as evidenced by the response of the channel (i.e. channel widening) to the increased flows during 1983, 1984 and 1986. Future adjustments in channel characteristics should be limited to responses to changes in discharge and sediment supply and transport in the basin.  相似文献   

Downstream geomorphic responses of stream channels to dams are complex, variable, and difficult to predict, apparently because the effects of local geological, hydrological, and operational details confound and complicate efforts to apply models and generalizations to individual streams. This sort of complex geomorphic response characterizes the Sabine River, along the Texas and Louisiana border, downstream of the Toledo Bend dam and reservoir. Toledo Bend controls the flow of water and essentially prevents the flux of sediment from three‐quarters of the drainage basin to the lower Sabine River. Although the channel is scoured immediately downstream of the dam, further downstream there is little evidence of major changes in sediment transport or deposition, sand supply, or channel morphology attributable to the impoundment. Channels are actively shifting, banks are eroding, and sandbars are migrating, but not in any discernibly different way than before the dam was constructed. The Sabine River continues to transport sand downstream, and alluvial floodplains continue to accrete. The relatively small geomorphic response can be attributed to several factors. While dam releases are unnaturally flashy and abrupt on a day‐to‐day basis, the long‐term pattern of releases combined with some downstream smoothing creates a flow regime in the lower basin which mimics the pre‐dam regime, at least at monthly and annual time scales. Sediment production within the lower Sabine basin is sufficient to satisfy the river's sediment transport capacity and maintain pre‐dam alluvial sedimentation regimes. Toledo Bend reservoir has a capacity: annual inflow ratio of 1.2 and impounds 74% of the Sabine drainage basin, yet there has been minimal geomorphic response in the lower river, which may seem counterintuitive. However, the complex linked geomorphic processes of discharge, sediment transport and loads, tributary inputs, and channel erosion include interactions which might increase as well as decrease sediment loads. Furthermore, if a stream is transport‐limited before impoundment, the reduced sediment supply after damming may have limited impact. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

渭河下游河道输沙特性与形成窄深河槽的原因   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
通过实测资料分析得出:含沙量200kg/m^3以上的洪水,河道排沙能力强,500m^3/s流量的排沙比可达100%;含沙量100-200kg/m^3的洪水,800-1000m^3/s流量的排沙比才能达到100%,河槽排沙能力低,主槽淤积机会多,数量大,对河道不利;高含沙量小水,主槽淤积严重;高含沙量大洪水淤滩刷槽,形成窄深河槽。河岸抗冲稳定性较强,并经常出现高含沙量大洪水,是形成渭河下淤窄深河槽的  相似文献   

采用水流数学模型对三峡大坝至葛洲坝两坝间河段的通航水流条件进行研究,结果表明,枯水期日调节条件下两坝间河段的水面比降和流速变化均不影响本河段万吨级船队的航行条件。洪水期间大流量条件下两坝间航道水流条件十分复杂,在葛洲坝坝前水位为66.00 m、流量大于30 000 m3/s时,两坝间的水流条件不能满足现状条件下万吨级船队的通航;随着流量的增加,通航卡口段也随之增加,主要位于水田角、喜滩上下、石牌、偏脑等局部河段。研究成果可为两坝间航线选择与航道治理提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of river damming on geomorphic processes and riparian vegetation were evaluated through field studies along the regulated Green River and the free‐flowing Yampa River in northwestern Colorado, USA. GIS analysis of historical photographs, hydrologic and sediment records, and measurement of channel planform indicate that fluvial processes and riparian vegetation of the two meandering stream reaches examined were similar prior to regulation which began in 1962. Riparian plant species composition and canopy coverage were measured during 1994 in 36, 0.01 ha plots along each the Green River in Browns Park and the Yampa River in Deerlodge Park. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the vegetation data indicates distinctive vegetation differences between Browns Park and Deerlodge Park. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicates that plant community composition is controlled largely by fluvial processes at Deerlodge Park, but that soil chemical rather than flow related factors play a more important role in structuring plant communities in Browns Park. Vegetation patterns reflect a dichotomy in moisture conditions across the floodplain on the Green River in Browns Park: marshes with anaerobic soils supporting wetland species (Salix exigua, Eleocharis palustris, Schoenoplectus pungens, and Juncus nodosus) and terraces having xeric soil conditions and supporting communities dominated by desert species (Seriphidium tridentatum, Sarcobatus vermiculatus, and Sporobolus airoides). In contrast, vegetation along the Yampa River is characterized by a continuum of species distributed along a gradual environmental gradient from the active channel (ruderal species such as Xanthium struminarium and early successional species such as S. exigua, Populus deltoides subsp. wislizenii, and Tamarix ramossissima) to high floodplain surfaces characterized by Populus forests and meadow communities. GIS analyses indicate that the channel form at Browns Park has undergone a complex series of morphologic changes since regulation began, while the channel at Deerlodge Park has remained in a state of relative quasi‐equilibrium with discharge and sediment regimes. The Green River has undergone three stages of channel change which have involved the transformation of the historically deep, meandering Green River to a shallow, braided channel over the 37 years since construction of Flaming Gorge Dam. The probable long‐term effects of channel and hydrologic changes at Browns Park include the eventual replacement of Populus‐dominated riparian forest by drought tolerant desert shrublands, and the enlargement of in‐channel fluvial marshes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Applications of environmental models may provide imperative information to enable informed decision‐making of river management actions, which are often made in the face of high system complexity and uncertainty. We applied Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System(HEC‐RAS) and Curvilinear Hydrodynamics Three‐Dimensional (CH3D) models to aid in the decision‐making of the proposed removal of the Masten Dam, a small, ‘run‐of‐the‐river’ dam on the Loxahatchee River, a federally designated ‘Wild and Scenic River’ in south‐east coast of Florida (USA). Anthropogenic alteration of the system has led to changing hydroperiods and salinity regimes in the floodplain. Both models are calibrated against measured data taken at varying temporal and spatial scales. The HEC‐RAS modelling results show that removal of the Masten Dam would lower water levels in the upstream riverine reach, leading to reduced soil moisture or inundation in the floodplain. The CH3D modelling results indicate that dam removal would increase river salinity during the dry season in the tidal reach where salinity compliance for environmental flow regulation is measured. These environmental changes would exert additional stress on freshwater vegetation communities in the floodplain. Given the scarcity of water resources in the region, removal of the Masten Dam would not offer an effective restoration strategy. This study demonstrates not only the need for evaluation of dam removal on a case‐by‐case basis but also the usefulness of environmental models in providing the technical basis for such management decisions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diversion dams can negatively affect emigrating juvenile salmon populations because fish must pass through the impounded river created by the dam, negotiate a passage route at the dam and then emigrate through a riverine reach that has been affected by reduced river discharge. To quantify the effects of a main‐stem diversion dam on juvenile Chinook salmon in the Yakima River, Washington, USA, we used radio telemetry to understand how dam operations and river discharge in the 18‐km reach downstream of the dam affected route‐specific passage and survival. We found evidence of direct mortality associated with dam passage and indirect mortality associated with migration through the reach below the dam. Survival of fish passing over a surface spill gate (the west gate) was positively related to river discharge, and survival was similar for fish released below the dam, suggesting that passage via this route caused little additional mortality. However, survival of fish that passed under a sub‐surface spill gate (the east gate) was considerably lower than survival of fish released downstream of the dam, with the difference in survival decreasing as river discharge increased. The probability of fish passing the dam via three available routes was strongly influenced by dam operations, with passage through the juvenile fish bypass and the east gate increasing with discharge through those routes. By simulating daily passage and route‐specific survival, we show that variation in total survival is driven by river discharge and moderated by the proportion of fish passing through low‐survival or high‐survival passage routes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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