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储能技术的研究开发现状及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
储能系统在稳定电网、利用可再生能源方面起着重要作用。介绍了各种储能方式及其特点.综述了大型储能技术的研究开发状况,其中氧化还原液流电池具有成本低、效率高、寿命长等优点,商业化前景看好。  相似文献   

钒氧化还原液流储能电池   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
介绍了钒氧化还原液流储能电池(VRB)的原理及特点,并与其他储能电池体系进行了比较;论述了VRB的国内外研发现状。由于VRB具有循环寿命长、能量效率高、深度放电性能好、运行费用少及环境危害小等优点,使VRB非常适合用于风力发电场及太阳能光伏发电站以及电网调峰等的储能,其开发及在储能领域应用具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

液流电池作为一种典型长时储能电池,是可再生能源为主体的新型电力系统的重要组成部分。液流电池技术的不断发展对工程化电堆开发和系统设计提出了更高要求,相比于传统实验测试方法周期长成本高的特点,模拟仿真技术高效而便捷,近年来在液流电池高功率电堆和大容量储能系统设计方面起到了重要作用。本文将基于现有研究工作,重点围绕液流电池基础科学问题的模拟仿真、电堆数值模拟与动态仿真、储能系统模拟仿真与设计三个方面,对液流电池模拟仿真研究现状进行综述和分析,最后对未来液流电池模拟仿真技术的进一步发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

大规模高效储能技术是解决可再生能源发电不连续、不稳定、不可控特性的重要途径,也是构建坚强智能电网的核心技术。本文对各种储能技术进行了综合分析,并对适用于大规模储能的抽水储能、压缩空气储能、钠硫电池、锂离子电池、铅酸电池和液流电池的技术特点、优劣势、发展前景进行了深入阐述;最后,对储能技术的发展思路进行了探讨,认为坚持技术开发与应用示范并重,进一步降低储能设备成本,提高其可靠性和稳定性并辅以一定的鼓励政策,是推进储能技术的产业化和实用化的重要途径。  相似文献   

刘畅 《能源评论》2013,(2):18-19
传统的化石燃料资源有限,注定了在人类能源利用史上只能是匆匆过客:从长远的能源供应来看,唯有绿色可再生能源才是可持续发展的救命稻草。绿色能源是否有更“绿色”的存储方式?液流电池这种匹配绿色能源的蓄电技术,  相似文献   

针对北方某园区办公建筑物提出了基于光伏发电、铁-铬液流电池储能、热泵冷热双供、水储能等关键技术的冷热电储综合能源系统方案,并对能源系统进行全年逐时能耗分析和效益分析,通过编写计算程序、优化算法等处理方法,考虑了初投资、全年能耗、运行成本、节能率、全生命周期成本等评价指标,开展迭代优化设计。结果表明:当储罐体积为920 m3、热泵台数为14台时,热泵储能耦合方案为最优,全生命周期成本为1347.08万元。利用铁-铬液流电池储能系统进行储电储热、水储能系统储热储冷,使得全年平均光伏用电占全部用电的65.3%。在冷热能源供应层面,储能供应占全部供冷供热能量的67%以上,其中3月、9月、11月实现100%储能供能。  相似文献   

作为全球全钒液流电池领域的领先企业,大连融科储能技术发展有限公司(以下简称"融科储能")一直致力于为客户提供安全、可靠、高效、经济和环保的能源。经过多年的创新研究和示范项目的成功实践,融科储能在大型风电/光伏电站、智能微电网、电动汽车充电站、孤岛、绿色建筑、  相似文献   

We demonstrate an excellent performance of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon (N-MPC) for energy storage in vanadium redox flow batteries. Mesoporous carbon (MPC) is prepared using a soft-template method and doped with nitrogen by heat-treating MPC in NH3. N-MPC is characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The redox reaction of [VO]2+/[VO2]+ is characterized with cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The electrocatalytic kinetics of the redox couple [VO]2+/[VO2]+ is significantly enhanced on N-MPC electrode compared with MPC and graphite electrodes. The reversibility of the redox couple [VO]2+/[VO2]+ is greatly improved on N-MPC (0.61 for N-MPC vs. 0.34 for graphite), which is expected to increase the energy storage efficiency of redox flow batteries. Nitrogen doping facilitates the electron transfer on electrode/electrolyte interface for both oxidation and reduction processes. N-MPC is a promising material for redox flow batteries. This also opens up new and wider applications of nitrogen-doped carbon.  相似文献   

In this work, accelerated degradation charge‐discharge tests have been applied to compare the performance of a bench‐scale vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB), when charged under galvanostatic conditions and under the highly variable conditions of current produced by wind turbines. Wind speed patterns applied for the VRFB charge were obtained during 3 representative days in winter, in Ciudad Real (Spain). The accumulated and delivered charge capacities and the different efficiencies (coulombic, voltage, and energy) were analyzed during 3 charge and discharge cycles. The conversion of the different vanadium species during the charge‐discharge cycles indicated that the operation mode had a strong influence on the performance of the VRFB and helped to explain the charge profiles obtained. Although, similar efficiencies and charge/discharge capacities were found, the VRFB operated in wind‐charging mode performs slightly worse than the VFRB operated in galvanostatic mode. Increased crossover of vanadium species in the negative electrolyte compartment explains the differences found. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that this type of technology seems to be promising for the storage of electricity produced by wind turbines.  相似文献   

Flow batteries have unique characteristics that make them especially attractive when compared with conventional batteries, such as their ability to decouple rated maximum power from rated energy capacity, as well as their greater design flexibility. The vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) seem to have several advantages among the existing types of flow batteries as they use the same material (in liquid form) in both half‐cells, eliminating the risk of cross contamination and resulting in electrolytes with a potentially unlimited life. Given their low energy density (when compared with conventional batteries), VRFB are especially suited for large stationary energy storage, situations where volume and weight are not limiting factors. This includes applications such as electrical peak shaving, load levelling, UPS, and in conjunction with renewable energies (e.g. wind and solar). The present work thoroughly reviews the VRFB technology detailing their genesis, the basic operation of the various existing designs and the current and future prospects of their application. The main original contribution of the work was the addressing of a still missing in‐depth review and comparison of existing, but dispersed, peer reviewed publications on this technology, with several original and insightful comparison tables, as well as an economic analysis of an application for storing excess energy of a wind farm and sell it during peak demand. The authors have also benefited from their background in electric mobility to carry out original and insightful discussions on the present and future prospects of flow batteries in mobile (e.g. vehicle) and stationary (e.g. fast charging stations) applications related to this field, including a case study. Vanadium redox flow batteries are currently not suitable for most mobile applications, but they are among the technologies which may enable, when mature, the mass adoption of intermittent renewable energy sources which still struggle with stability of supply and lack of flexibility issues.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风力发电具有明显的随机性,间歇性,不可控性和反调峰特性,风力发电的大规模并网给电网调峰和稳定,安全运行带来了巨大压力,造成弃风限电现象愈加严重,严重影响了风力资源的有效利用和经济效益.全钒液流电池储能电站在能量管理系统的调度下,对风力发电输出功率进行平滑,配合风电场功率预报系统,提高风电场跟踪计划发电能力,改善了风电场并网电能质量,降低了对电网的冲击与影响,同时也提高了风电场输出功率可控性,有利于提高电网对风电的接纳能力.国电龙源卧牛石风电场配套的5 MW/10 MW∙h全钒液流电池储能系统为目前世界上最大规模的全钒液流电池储能系统.本文介绍了该全钒液流电池技术特点和储能系统的设计,成组方案及功能,并对储能技术在可再生能源发展中的作用进行了展望.  相似文献   

Principle and characteristics of vanadium redox flow battery (VRB), a novel energy storage system, was introduced. A research and development united laboratory of VRB was founded in Central South University in 2002 with the financial support of Panzhihua Steel Corporation. The laboratory focused their research mainly on the selection and preparation of electrode materials, membrane material and modification, stable concentrated electrolyte producing approach, test cell configuration design and optimization. Some relevant foundation problems, such as state of vanadium in sulfurous acid with various additives, the difference of electrochemical reaction rate in anode and in cathode, the crossover of vanadium ions and so on, have been emphasized. The details of these studies have been given and discussed. A 5 kW VRB stack was fabricated in the laboratory and its performances, especially electrochemical performance such as voltage efficiencies, energy efficiencies, and durability, were fully tested. The results will be shown in the talk.The key technologies of developing VRB, such as to improve the activity of its electrode materials, the stability of electrolyte and selectivity of separator, were also discussed. In addition, the research progresses in other laboratories in China were briefly introduced.  相似文献   

全钒氧化还原液流电池(VRB)作为一种新兴的电化学储能系统在解决可再生能源利用方面具有良好的应用前景.离子交换膜作为全钒液流电池的关键功能材料之一,应具有钒离子透过率低,电导率高,化学稳定性好等性能.本文论述了VRB的工作原理和特点,综述了近年来国内外相关的研究进展,对商品化离子膜,新型阳离子膜,新型阴离子膜,两性离子膜在VRB中的研究应用进行了对比与分析,并指出它们各自需要改进的地方;最后提出应大力开发低成本的国产全氟磺酸离子膜,为实现VRB大规模的产业化奠定基础.  相似文献   

大规模储能技术是实现可再生能源并网和普及应用的核心技术,也是发展能源互联网、分布式发电、电力辅助调频、离网供电、安全备用电源等领域的关键使能技术。液流电池是一类新兴的大规模储能技术,经过近几年的快速发展,已经具备规模应用的竞争力。液流电池具备安全性好、单个循环储能时间长、功率/容量独立设计、储能容量大和寿命长等特点。目前液流电池成本偏高,高成本制约了液流电池储能技术大规模商业化应用。针对这一行业"痛点"问题,本文通过创新型的电池堆结构、新型关键材料和工艺研究,将液流电池堆功率密度提高2~4倍,实现电池堆的小型化,有效提高关键部件利用率,有望将液流电池系统成本降低20%~30%。  相似文献   

The commercial development and current economic incentives associated with energy storage using redox flow batteries (RFBs) are summarised. The analysis is focused on the all‐vanadium system, which is the most studied and widely commercialised RFB. The recent expiry of key patents relating to the electrochemistry of this battery has contributed to significant levels of commercialisation in, for example, Austria, China and Thailand, as well as pilot‐scale developments in many countries. The potential benefits of increasing battery‐based energy storage for electricity grid load levelling and MW‐scale wind/solar photovoltaic‐based power generation are now being realised at an increasing level. Commercial systems are being applied to distributed systems utilising kW‐scale renewable energy flows. Factors limiting the uptake of all‐vanadium (and other) redox flow batteries include a comparatively high overall internal costs of $217 kW?1 h?1 and the high cost of stored electricity of ≈ The commercial development and current economic incentives associated with energy storage using redox flow batteries (RFBs) are summarised. The analysis is focused on the all‐vanadium system, which is the most studied and widely commercialised RFB. The recent expiry of key patents relating to the electrochemistry of this battery has contributed to significant levels of commercialisation in, for example, Austria, China and Thailand, as well as pilot‐scale developments in many countries. The potential benefits of increasing battery‐based energy storage for electricity grid load levelling and MW‐scale wind/solar photovoltaic‐based power generation are now being realised at an increasing level. Commercial systems are being applied to distributed systems utilising kW‐scale renewable energy flows. Factors limiting the uptake of all‐vanadium (and other) redox flow batteries include a comparatively high overall internal costs of $217 kW?1 h?1 and the high cost of stored electricity of ≈ $0.10 kW?1 h?1. There is also a low‐level utility scale acceptance of energy storage solutions and a general lack of battery‐specific policy‐led incentives, even though the environmental impact of RFBs coupled to renewable energy sources is favourable, especially in comparison to natural gas‐ and diesel‐fuelled spinning reserves. Together with the technological and policy aspects associated with flow batteries, recent attempts to model redox flow batteries are considered. The issues that have been addressed using modelling together with the current and future requirements of modelling are outlined. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Electrochemical energy storage is one of the few options to store the energy from intermittent renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Redox flow batteries (RFBs) are such an energy storage system, which has favorable features over other battery technologies, e.g. solid state batteries, due to their inherent safety and the independent scaling of energy and power content. However, because of their low energy-density, low power-density, and the cost of components such as redox species and membranes, commercialised RFB systems like the all-vanadium chemistry cannot make full use of the inherent advantages over other systems. In principle, there are three pathways to improve RFBs and to make them viable for large scale application: First, to employ electrolytes with higher energy density. This goal can be achieved by increasing the concentration of redox species, employing redox species that store more than one electron or by increasing the cell voltage. Second, to enhance the power output of the battery cells by using high kinetic redox species, increasing the cell voltage, implementing novel cell designs or membranes with lower resistance. The first two means reduce the electrode surface area needed to supply a certain power output, thereby bringing down costs for expensive components such as membranes. Third, to reduce the costs of single or multiple components such as redox species or membranes. To achieve these objectives it is necessary to develop new battery chemistries and cell configurations. In this review, a comparison of promising cell chemistries is focused on, be they all-liquid, slurries or hybrids combining liquid, gas and solid phases. The aim is to elucidate which redox-system is most favorable in terms of energy-density, power-density and capital cost. Besides, the choice of solvent and the selection of an inorganic or organic redox couples with the entailing consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Alkaline‐based organic redox flow batteries (AORFBs) attract significant interest because they can retain the advantages of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFBs) while being low‐cost because expensive vanadium is replaced with easily synthesizable metal‐free organic compounds and earth‐abundant raw materials. A comprehensive experimental study on the performance of AORFBs using alloxazine 7/8‐carboxylic acid (ACA) and ferrocyanide was conducted to investigate the feasibility of these batteries as large‐scale energy storage systems. The operating conditions, such as the electrolyte concentration, flowrate, and temperature, were varied in this study. The results show that the present AORFB achieves an energy efficiency above 76% at 80 mA cm?2 at elevated temperature (55°C). Compared with those of VRFBs, AORFBs exhibit very good thermal stability and capacity retention. A large‐scale AORFB was constructed and tested to confirm the effectiveness of AORFBs.  相似文献   

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