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基于离散事件动态系统理论,提出了一种崭新的用于控制ATM网络中ABR业务流量的监控方案,这种方案具有简单易于实现的特点,仿真结果与理论预测值的一致证明了该方案的正确性。  相似文献   

基于速率自适应预测的ATM网络ABR业务流量控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文深度将自适应预测方法引入ABR流控算法中。ATM网络的国带宽模型是一非平稳随机过程。高速网络中可用带宽的反馈信息由于线路的传播时延造成了流理控制的滞后。西方节AB国的这两特点,对ATM Forum的TM4.0规定进行了一定的修改,采用离散化的ATM网传输模型,提出了一种基于速率自适应预测的ABR业务流控方法,较好地补偿了时延带来的控制的滞后效应,且具有参数易于选择的优点。通过仿真,论证了该方法  相似文献   

ABR(Available Bit Rate)业务可以提高ATM网络的利用率,能让用户LAN通过广域网进行高吞吐量、低丢失率的互通。可以预计,未来ATM网上的数据业务将主要用ABR连接来传输。ABR业务中的首要问题是流量控制。文章在比较了几种流量控制方案后,认为显速率反馈是ABR业务流及拥塞控制的一个有效方法,是完善ABR业务的一个重要手段,并对显速率算法作了进一步研究。  相似文献   

ATM网络中ABR业务的流量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘益林  杨传厚 《数字通信》1997,24(1):13-15,25
本文讨论了ATM网络中ABR业务的特性及基于ABR业务的拥塞控制机制,了拥塞控制技术的最新发展情况,并比较了各种控制机制的优缺点。  相似文献   

ATM网中ABR业务及其反馈流量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABR(AvailableBitRate)业务是近年来为了充分利用ATM网络的剩余带宽而提出的一种新型业务类型,自从1993年被ATM论坛正式提出以来得到了很快的发展。文章对该业务的特点和发展过程作了较全面的介绍,对该类型业务的流量控制方法作了比较深入的分析和研究,对流量控制中关键因素的改进提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

ATM网络中ABR业务的开环控制机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ATM网络中ABR业务的流量控制是ATM论坛的流量管理规范(TM4.0)中没有完全解决的问题,ABR基于速率的闭环控制方案在最大-最小准则下获得了一定进展。但在拥塞发生在信源外或对突发性业务进行控制的情况下,添加开环控制的ABR拥塞控制可以获得比闭环控制更佳的作用。研究了ABR的开环控制方案,早期的UILI机制本身存在在一定的问题,在交换机处采用基于计数的UILI机制能够取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

ATM网中的ABR业务的缓存性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
ABR业务是ATM网为充分利用网络的剩余带宽而提供的一种新型数据业务。ABR业务采用反馈式流量控制,因而交换结点的缓存成了关系业务服务的关键问题。本文通过对一个简单ABR流量控制模型分析得出;适当地设置交换结点的缓存大小和门限值,可以保证该结点处无信元丢失,同时保证输出线路容量得到充分利用。对一个复杂模型的模拟结果表明,本文提出的缓存大小和门限值的设置方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

文章针对一种简单的拥塞控制模型,分析了拥塞控制的缓存性能,得到了精确的缓存空间B和阈值θ。指出拥塞控制运行机制缓存过大的原因,给出了合理的拥塞控制运行机制的缓存性能的分析。仿真结果验证了分析的正确性。  相似文献   

ATM网中ABR业务的缓存性能   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
ABR(AvailableBitRate)业务是ATM网为了充分利用网络的剩余带宽而提供的一种新型数据业务。ABR业务采用反馈式流量控制,因而交换结点的缓存成了关系业务服务质量的关键问题。本文通过对一个简单ABR流量控制模型的分析得出:适当地设置交换结点的缓存大小和门限值,可以保证该结点处无信元丢失,同时保证输出线路容量得到充分利用。对一个复杂模型的模拟结果表明,本文提出的缓存大小和门限值的设置方法是行之有效的。  相似文献   

论文讨论了ATM网络中ABR业务的特性及基地ABR业务的拥塞控制机制,了拥塞控制技术的最新发展情况,并比较了各种控制机制的优缺点。  相似文献   

We propose a novel explicit rate flow control algorithm intended for available-bit-rate (ABR) service on an ATM network subject to loss and fairness constraints. The goal is to guarantee low cell loss in order to avoid throughput collapse due to retransmission by higher level protocols. The mechanism draws on measuring the current queue length and bandwidth availability, as well as tracking the current number of active sessions contending for capacity, to adjust an explicit bound on the source transmission rates. We identify the factors that affect queue overflows and propose simple design rules aimed at achieving transmission with controlled loss in a dynamic environment. We also discuss how conservative design rules might be relaxed by accounting for statistical multiplexing in bandwidth sharing among bursty ABR sources and variable-bit-rate (VBR) sources  相似文献   

Scalable flow control for multicast ABR services in ATM networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a flow-control scheme for multicast ABR services in ATM networks. At the heart of the proposed scheme is an optimal second-order rate control algorithm, called the α-control, designed to deal with the variation in RM-cell round-trip time (RTT) resulting from dynamic drift of the bottleneck in a multicast tree. Applying two-dimensional rate control, the proposed scheme makes the rate process converge to the available bandwidth of the connection's most congested link sensed by the traffic source. It also confines the buffer occupancy to a target regime bounded by a finite buffer capacity as the system enters the equilibrium state. It works well irrespective of the topology of the multicast tree. Using the fluid analysis, we model the proposed scheme and analyze the system dynamics for multicast ABR traffic. We study the convergence properties and derive the optimal-control conditions for the α-control. The analytical results show that the scheme is stable and efficient in the sense that both the source rate and bottleneck queue length rapidly converge to a small neighborhood of the designated operating point. We present simulation results which verify the analytical observations. The simulation experiments also demonstrate the superiority of the proposed scheme to the other schemes in dealing with RM-cell RTT and link-bandwidth variations, achieving fairness in both buffer and bandwidth occupancies, and enhancing average throughput  相似文献   

This paper proposes a systematic approach to the rate-based feedback control based on the supervisory control framework for discrete event systems. Since communication networks can be represented as discrete event systems, we design the supervisor to generate the admissible behavior for TCP wireless networks. It is shown that the controlled networks guarantee the fair sharing of the available bandwidth and avoid the packet loss caused by the-buffer overflow of TCP wireless networks.  相似文献   

为提高ATM网络流量管理性能,在随动控制结构上,进一步考虑时延因素的影响,提出了一种基于离散模型的改进的ABR流量控制算法。给出了保证时滞系统闭环稳定的参数选择方法,实现了拥塞避免和可用带宽的动态公平分配,保证了服务质量。仿真结果进一步验证了理论的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

一种新型的ABR流量控制算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨磊  陈秋双 《通信学报》2003,24(5):37-42
提出了一种基于随动系统的ABR流量控制算法,该算法应用了跟踪系统的反馈机制,通过检验缓存中的队列长度来控制源端速率。理论证明,这种算法不仅提高了缓存的利用率,同时大大降低了信元丢失率,以及拥塞产生的可能。仿真结果表明,该算法在实际应用中也是可行的。  相似文献   

王晟  李乐民 《通信学报》2000,21(8):14-20
本文提出了一种新的用于ATM网中的ABR点对多点连接的反馈合并算法。新算法不仅能同时解决“合并噪声”和“合并延迟”问题,而且由于提供一种根据反向资源管理信元的CI域判断支路拥塞程度的机制,因此即使在ER交换机与二进制交换机并存的网络环境中仍然性能优越,这是现有算法所无法做到的。我们的仿真结果清楚地表明了这一点。  相似文献   

多媒体通信中基于ABR业务的融入凭证方式的速率控制机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种融入基于凭证方式的基于速率的流量控制模型,该模型继承了基于凭证方法的记数机制,通过设定高低缓存门限和调节速率升降因数来控制源端速率。仿真结果表明,这种控制机制不仅能够保证缓存的充分利用,而且能够提高其在减少信元丢失、降低传输时延等方面的性能。  相似文献   

In the ATM Forum activities, considerable efforts have focused on the congestion control of point-to-point available bit rate (ABR) service. We present a novel approach that extends existing point-to-point (unicast) congestion control protocols to a point-to-multipoint (multicast) environment. In particular, we establish a unified framework to derive a multicast congestion control protocol for an ABR service from a given rate-based unicast protocol. We generalize a known necessary and sufficient condition on the max-min fairness of unicast rate allocation for a multicast service. Using this condition, we show that the resulting multicast protocol derived using our framework preserves the fairness characteristics of the underlying unicast protocol. The practical significance of our approach is illustrated by extending a standard congestion control mechanism for an ABR service to a multicast environment. The performance of the resulting multicast protocol is examined using benchmark network configurations suggested by the traffic management subworking group at the ATM Forum, and simulation results are presented to substantiate our claims  相似文献   

本文提出了一种ABR业务模糊流量控制机制,仿真结果表明它有效地避免了网络阻塞,在网络的吞吐量上要高于强比例速率控制算法(EPRCA)。该机制与连接业务的特性无关,且不需要改变有关ABR闭环反馈的流量控制结构,这为算法的实际应用提供了前提。  相似文献   

For the issue of flow control for Available Bit Rate (ABR) traffic in ATM network,a new improved Explicit Rate (ER) algorithm named Dynamic Double Threshold Congestion Indication (DDTCI) algorithm is presented based on the Explicit Forward Congestion Indication (EFCI) Current Cell Rate (CCR) algorithm and Relative Rate (RR) algorithm. Different from the early ER algorithm, both the high-level and the low-level threshold is dynamically changing according to the state of the bottleneck node. We determinate the congestion state with the information of the two dynamic threshold, and control the cell rate of the source by feed back mechanism. Except for the well performance in both link utilization and fairness in distribution of available bandwidth, the improved algorithm can alleviate the fluctuation of sending rate dramatically. The mechanism is modeled by a fluid model, and the useful expressions are derived.Simulation results show up our conclusion.  相似文献   

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