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The projections of the olfactory bulb, the primordial dorsal, piriform and hippocampal pallia, and of the dorsal thalamus were studied in the lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and HRP coupled to the wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP). There was obtained an experimental morphological evidence of the presence of the direct thalamo-telencephalic projections in this vertebrate species. The anterior and posterior parts of the dorsal thalamic nucleus, the nucleus of Bellonci, the primordial geniculate bodies, the rostral part of the midbrain were identified as the sources of the telencephalic afferents. These connections may serve as a morphological substrate for transmission of nonolfactory impulses to the telencephalon of the lamprey. The projections of the nucleus of Bellonci into the primordial hippocamp were compared to the limbic thalamo-hippocampal pathways of other vertebrates. We have established, that the fibers ascending from the dorsal thalamus were distributed in the same areas, as those descending from the olfactory bulb. These are: mainly the primordial hippocamp and only a few fibers reach the dorsal and piriform pallia, as well as an area free of olfactory projections--the dorsal part of the subhippocampal lobe. We have also demonstrated that, the secondary olfactory fibers mainly projected ipsilaterally to the primordial dorsal and piriform pallia. A lesser dense bulbar projection has been observed ipsilaterally in the primordial hippocamp and in the ventral part of the subhippocampal lobe. Only few olfactory projections were found in the pallial areas and in the subhippocampal lobe contralaterally. The olfactory fiber terminals were also observed ipsilaterally in the septum, striatum, preoptic area and in the contralateral olfactory bulb. Bilateral bulbofugal projections also occur in the diencephalon, namely in the ventral thalamus and in the hypothalamus. Caudally, the secondary olfactory fibers can be traced up to the area of the posterior tuberculum. Afferents to the olfactory bulb in the river lamprey originate in the subhippocampal lobe, in all three pallial formations and probably in the dorsal thalamus. These structures are at the same time the target zones for the olfactory bulb efferent projections, thus being connected reciprocally with the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Of 325 patients with retinal detachments, 110 patients (34%) had aphakic eyes. These detachments were subdivided into three types based on their clinical appearance during indirect ophthalmoscopy and slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Fifty-two patients (47%) had aphakic detachments (Type 3), categorized by small tears due to traction along a prominent posterior or vitreous base and the absence of visible retinal degeneration. Fifty of the 52 patients in this group were operated on by using a modification of the nondrainage procedure developed by Custodis, and employing cryosurgical coagulation and an external encircling buckle using a 3-mm silicone sponge. The sponge was secured beneath the retinal tear, and its length was shortened to produce a moderately elevated buckle. Although 50% of retinal tears were open at the end of the operation, 60% of all eyes operated on without drainage reattached in 16 hours, 90% in one week, and the remainder in two weeks. Visual acuity of 70% of these patients was 6/15 (20/50) or better when tested six months after surgery. The operation did not wall away peripheral fluid, but closed retinal tears completely, reduced circumferential vitreous traction, and avoided drainage of subretinal fluid.  相似文献   

We report on a 12-year-old girl with postthoracotomy neuropathic pain. A variety of treatments for the pain were ineffective. The symptoms resolved following the institution of therapy with gabapentin.  相似文献   

1. The simultaneous effects of an intravenous glucose infusion on plasma urea, glucose and alanine kinetics were investigated in normal post-absorptive man. 2. The primed constant intravenous infusion of compounds labelled with stable isotopes, [15N2]urea, [6-2H]glucose and [3-13C]alanine, was used. 3. The rate of appearance of glucose and urea in the plasma was rapidly reduced by the 17.7 mumol min-1 kg-1 glucose infusion. 4. In contrast, during the glucose infusion there was an increased rate of appearance of alanine in the plasma, and an increased percentage of glucose carbon atoms derived from alanine. 5. Reduced production of glucose and urea during the glucose infusion was not due to decreased gluconeogenesis from alanine.  相似文献   

Previous studies on crustacea have demonstrated significant diurnal rhythms in blood glucose. However, glucose concentration in the blood of food-deprived Penaeus monodon, held in indoor or outdoor tanks, did not exhibit a diurnal rhythm under photoperiods of 8 h light and 16 h darkness (8L: 16D) or under a 13.5L: 9.5D photoperiod, with simulated or natural full moon conditions. Prawns held on photoperiods of constant light, 20L : 4D, 16L : 8D, 12L : 12D, 8L : 16D, 4L : 20D, or continuous darkness did not have significantly different mean blood glucose levels. Mean blood glucose levels varied between 0.77 and 1.39 mmol/L, depending on conditions. Pronounced and significant increases in blood glucose levels occurred within 20 min of feeding, with peak levels after 100 min. The rise in blood glucose level observed after feeding was independent of the eyestalks, and hence putative crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone, and was not from endogenous carbohydrate stores. Under appropriately controlled conditions, blood glucose concentrations can be used as an index of nutritional status in penaeid prawns.  相似文献   

Vanadate, an inhibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), elicited time-and-dose-dependent increases in glucose transport in rat muscle L6 cells in culture: the rate was increased by 150-175% over control in 24 h at 75-100 microM. In contrast, molybdate, another inhibitor of PTPases, failed to stimulate glucose transport. The effect of vanadate was not blocked by tyrosine kinase inhibitors, genistein or tyrphostin RG 50864, implying that tyrosine kinase activation may not mediate the action of vanadate. The ability of vanadate to stimulate glucose transport was preserved in cells whose protein kinase C (PKC) activity was down-regulated by prior exposure to phorbol esters (TPA), suggesting that the vanadate effect was unrelated to the TPA-sensitive PKC isoform(s). Okadaic acid, an inhibitor of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A, was a potent activator of glucose transport increasing the rate 7-fold in 24 h at a concentration of 50 nM. The increases in GLUT-1 mRNA level in response to vanadate and TPA were paralleled bh much smaller increases in immunoreactive GLUT-1 protein level, whereas okadaic acid treatment markedly elevated GLUT-1 protein without a concomitant change in GLUT-1 mRNA levels.  相似文献   

The emigratory behavior and locomotor activity of yellow-eyed (y/y), wild-type (+/+), and heterozygous (+/y) house flies was examined at 8 fc (86 lx) and 1600 fc (17,223 lx) light intensities. At 8 fc, emigration rate and activity of the y/y flies was similar to that of the +/+ and +/y flies. However, at 1600 fc, the y/y flies emigrated at twice the rate and showed an activity of about one-third that of the other genotypes. The behavior of the +/+ and +/y flies remained similar regardless of the experimental design or light intensity. The excessive neural stimulation by high-intensity light resulting from reduced shielding pigments led to behavioral modifications in the visual and tactile responses of the y/y flies.  相似文献   

Eleven patients suffering from chronic disabling tinnitus underwent an FDG-PET study (positron emission tomography with [18F]deoxyglucose). Nine tinnitus patients revealed a significantly increased metabolic activity in the left, 1 in the right primary auditory cortex (PAC, Brodmann area 41). These results were statistically significant when compared to 14 healthy control individuals without tinnitus. A negative result was obtained from a chronic tinnitus patient but who had no subjective complaints during the period of PET investigation. One patient was first investigated during a disabling tinnitus period, later during a period with tinnitus relief and again when suffering from severe tinnitus. The metabolic activity of his left PAC was in good accordance with the subjective degree of tinnitus complaints present during each PET investigation. Although for the first time these results give objective evidence of tinnitus sensation and localization, they are difficult to interpret because of the limited research data available that combine functional brain imaging and acoustic stimuli.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cell-suspension cultures were used to isolate one beta-1,3-glucanase (EC and two chitinases (EC The beta-1,3-glucanase (M(r) = 36 kDa) and one of the chitinases (M(r) = 32 kDa) belong to class I hydrolases with basic isoelectric points (10.5 and 8.5, respectively) and were located intracellularly. The basic chitinase (BC) was also found in the culture medium. The second chitinase (M(r) = 28 kDa), with an acidic isoelectric point of 5.7, showed homology to N-terminal sequences of class III chitinases and represented the main protein accumulating in the culture medium. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the basic beta-1,3-glucanase (BG) and the acidic chitinase (AC) were shown to be monospecific. The anti-AC antiserum failed to recognize the BC on immune blots, confirming the structural diversity between class I and class III chitinases. Neither chitinase exhibited lysozyme activity. All hydrolases were endo in action on appropriate substrates. The BC inhibited the hyphal growth of several test fungi, whereas the AC failed to show any inhibitory activity. Expression of BG activity appeared to be regulated by auxin in the cell culture and in the intact plant. In contrast, the expression of neither chitinase was apparently influenced by auxin, indicating a differential hormonal regulation of beta-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities in chickpea. After elicitation of cell cultures or infection of chickpea plants with Ascochyta rabiei, both system were found to have hydrolase patterns which were qualitatively and quantitatively comparable.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In wild-type (WT) Columbia and Landsberg erecta ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., trichomes are present on the adaxial surfaces of all rosette leaves but are absent from the abaxial surfaces of the first-formed leaves. We have determined that both long-day (LD) photoperiod and gibberellin (GA) stimulate trichome formation. WT plants grown in LD conditions produce the first abaxial trichome on earlier leaves than plants grown in short-day (SD) conditions. Photoperiod sensitivity of abaxial trichome formation on WT plants develops gradually over time, reaching the maximum sensitivity about 24 d after germination. Application of gibberellic acid to WT plants growing in SD conditions accelerates the onset of abaxial trichomes. Conversely, application of 20 to 80 mg L-1 paclobutrazol, a GA biosynthesis inhibitor, to wild-type plants suppresses trichome initiation on the abaxial epidermis. The GA-deficient mutants ga1-5 and ga4-1 and the GA-insensitive mutant gai-1 exhibit delayed onset of abaxial trichomes when grown in LD conditions. The null mutant ga1-3 produces completely glabrous leaves when grown in SD conditions. Application of gibberellic acid to glabrous ga1-3 plants consistently induces earlier formation of trichomes on the adaxial epidermis than on the abaxial epidermis, demonstrating a difference between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces in their response to GA with regard to trichome formation.  相似文献   

Recently, two commercial enteral formulae for diabetic patients have been made available in Spain: a high-complex-carbohydrate, low-fat formulation (HCF) and a low-carbohydrate formulation (RCF). This study compares the effects of the two enteral nutritional formulae in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) treated with sulfonylurea or insulin. Fifty-two type 2 diabetes patients were randomly assigned to receive one of the two enteral formulae. Test enteral formula breakfast (250 cc) were consumed at approximately 0900 h after routine medications (insulin or oral agents) had been taken. Venous blood samples were obtained during fasting, before medication, and at 30 and 120 min after the start of the meal. The glycemic response of patients to the HCF was significantly greater than to RCF, but lower than in the sulfonyl type 2 diabetes treated groups. The incremental glucose response was within acceptable levels except in insulin treatment type 2 diabetes patients given HCF. Glucose, insulin, and C-peptide responses were higher in HCF than RCF groups. Two-factor analysis of variance on mean increments of blood glucose and C-peptide from basal levels to 30 min show the type of enteral nutrition as the main factor (P = 0.0010 and P = 0.0005, respectively). The RCF formula supplies 50.0% of energy as fat and 33.3% as carbohydrates, so it may be a ketogenic diet. It was found that both ketone bodies were higher after RCF than after HCF ingestion, but without statistical significance. We conclude that the partial replacement of complex digestible carbohydrates with monounsaturated fatty acids in the enteral formulae for supplementation of oral diet may improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. The long-term effects of enteral diets high in monounsaturated fatty acids need further evaluation in patients with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of twelve solvent extraction chemicals was studied in the albino rat after intraperitoneal injection of the chemicals, and in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii Rich.) after exposure to the chemicals in the aquaria water. The tested chemicals included the following technical products: one primary aliphatic amine (Primene JM-T), two secondary aliphatic amines (Amberlite LA-1 and Adogen 283), two tertiary aliphatic amines (Adogen 383 and Alamine 336), one quaternary amine (Aliquat 336), two organophosphorus compounds (TBP, tributyl phosphate and HDEHP, di-(2-ethyl)-hexylphosphoric acid), one synthetic carboxylic acid (Versatic 10), one naphthalene-sulphonic acid (NA-SUL AS-50), one substituted oxime (LIX 64N) and one aliphatic alcohol (2-ethylhexanol). The intraperitoneal 96 hours LD 50 in the rat for the tested chemicals varied between less than 50 mg/kg b.w. to more than 5000 mg/kg b.w. Ninety six hours LC 50 in the rainbow trout was not possible to determine for three of the twelve tested chemicals due to their low water solubility. When determined, the LC 50 at 15°C was in the range 0.11–56 mg/l based on the amounts added.The present study discusses the acute toxicity of the chemicals mentioned above, gross pathological changes in the rat and behavioural changes in the fish.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypotheses that the accumulation of 30 min of moderate intensity, intermittent exercise, 5d/week-1, for 32 weeks, will increase aerobic capacity, alter body composition and improve blood lipids, insulin and glucose. Secondly, to identify individuals who may respond to moderate intensity, intermittent exercise. SUBJECTS: Thirteen sedentary, moderately obese females, aged 43 +/- 11 (y), body mass index (BMI) 32.7 +/- 7.7 (kg/M2), body fat 40.6 +/- 8.8 (%), VO2max 24.0 +/- 4.6 (ml/kg-1/min-1). MEASUREMENTS: Aerobic capacity, body composition, blood lipids, fasting insulin and glucose, energy intake. RESULTS: Group data showed no significant changes for aerobic capacity, body composition, blood lipids, insulin or glucose. However, 7 of the 13 subjects increased aerobic capacity, lost fat weight and improved insulin. Adherence to the exercise regimen was excellent with 82.6 +/- 10.0% of the exercise completed. CONCLUSIONS: Moderate intensity, intermittent exercise for a total of 30 min, 5d/week,-1 for 32 weeks duration, was not a sufficient stimulus to significantly increase aerobic capacity, and alter weight, body composition or improve blood lipids, insulin or glucose for the entire group. However, those subjects who increased aerobic capacity and decreased fat weight were significantly older, had lower maximal aerobic capacity and greater body fat at baseline compared to the six subjects who did not increase aerobic capacity and decrease fat weight. For both groups, moderate intensity, intermittent exercise showed excellent adherence and this may be a useful model for future research studies.  相似文献   

The type 1 copper in Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy at low microwave frequencies. Partially resolved ligand hyperfine structure was observed in the perpendicular region of the spectra at both S-band (2.4 GHz) and L-band (1.1 GHz). A trial and error method, requiring several hundred simulations, has been used to simulate the low frequency EPR data and yield an optimum value of 30 MHz for ACUx, more than one half that previously reported. The fit between the simulated and experimental data is sensitive to changes in the Euler angles and, in particular, to the angle alpha which rotates the Cu A-tensor about the z-axis. Thus, the A- and g-tensors for copper in P. aeruginosa azurin do not appear to be coincident. A value for the Euler angle beta of at least 10 degrees does not disturb the fit between the simulated and experimental data. These studies demonstrate the advantage of evaluating EPR parameters from simulations at more than one frequency, especially at low frequencies where ligand superhyperfine structure may be resolved for type 1 copper.  相似文献   

Ithasbeenreportedthattherareearthel ements (REE)haveabeneficialfunctiononcropyieldandqualityaswellasstress resis tance[1] .However,mostoftheresearcheswerefocusedontheeffectsofREEcompoundoncropyieldindexes ,orlimitedattissuelev el ,whiletheresearchontheeffect…  相似文献   

Bioconcentration curves of 2,4-dinitrotoluene(2,4-DNT) in carps (whole fish, liver, intestine and muscle) were investigated using semistatic system. For whole fish, its curve could be described as a gentle peak which began with a rise in concentration to summit or steady state, then declined and reached lower level followed by another steady state. For liver and intestine, their curves both contained two successive peaks, with the second peak followed by slight fluctuation. Bioconcentration factors of 2,4-DNT in whole fish during the first and second steady state were 9.15 and 4.15,(97.86 and 44.39, based on lipid content), respectively. By logarithmic plotting, two straight-lines with different slopes(3.6 and 0.1 d-1) were measured for elimination. According to peaky curves of 2,4-DNT in whole fish, liver and intestine, smaller BCFs than calculated BCFs based on the regression equations for inert chemicals, and large rate constants of elimination, biotransformation was inferred to have happened in tissues such as liver, intestine, and other tissues. Two metabolites were separated from liver and identified as 4-amino-2-nitrotoluene(4A2NT) and 2,4-diamino-toluene(2,4-DAT) on HPLC, their retention times were 23.1 and 8.8 min, respectively. In bioconcentration test of 2,4-DNT in liver, two metabolites and parent were determined at the same time at intervals, higher concentrations of 4A2NT and 2,4-DAT were found when level of 2,4-DNT declined. Such results demonstrated our inference that metabolism caused the declines in bioconcentration curves. A one-compartment model was set up to simulate the bioconcentration, in which biotransformation adhered to Delayed Enzyme-Catalytic Logarithmic Kinetics. Good fit of model curves with measured values could be observed.  相似文献   

HSP47, a 47-kDa heat-shock protein (HSP), is a member of a group of HSPs with the unique characteristics of collagen binding as well as transformation sensitivity. The protein belongs to the serpin (serine protease inhibitor) superfamily as determined from its amino acid sequence homology. We have isolated and characterized the mouse HSP47 including about 1 kb of the 5'-flanking region. This gene spans about 7.8 kb, consisting of six exons separated by five introns. This exon-intron structure is different from other serpin family proteins. Southern blot analysis revealed the existence of a single copy of HSP47. The promoter region contains a TATA box, four Sp1-binding sites and one AP-1-binding site. A complete heat-shock element (HSE) was found between nucleotides (nt) -61 and -79. Furthermore, the heat inducibility was reproduced by transfecting mouse BALB/3T3 cells with a plasmid carrying cat under the control of the HSE-containing fragment (nt -197 and +38) of HSP47. Computer analysis of the promoter region did not show marked homology to other vertebrate promoters.  相似文献   

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