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Higher cigarette prices influence cigarette purchase patterns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective: To examine cigarette purchasing patterns of current smokers and to determine the effects of cigarette price on use of cheaper sources, discount/generic cigarettes, and coupons.

Background: Higher cigarette prices result in decreased cigarette consumption, but price sensitive smokers may seek lower priced or tax-free cigarette sources, especially if they are readily available. This price avoidance behaviour costs states excise tax money and dampens the health impact of higher cigarette prices.

Methods: Telephone survey data from 3602 US smokers who were originally in the COMMIT (community intervention trial for smoking cessation) study were analysed to assess cigarette purchase patterns, use of discount/generic cigarettes, and use of coupons.

Results: 59% reported engaging in a high price avoidance strategy, including 34% who regularly purchase from a low or untaxed venue, 28% who smoke a discount/generic cigarette brand, and 18% who report using cigarette coupons more frequently that they did five years ago. The report of engaging in a price avoidance strategy was associated with living within 40 miles of a state or Indian reservation with lower cigarette excise taxes, higher average cigarette consumption, white, non-Hispanic race/ethnicity, and female sex.

Conclusion: Data from this study indicate that most smokers are price sensitive and seek out measures to purchase less expensive cigarettes, which may decrease future cessation efforts.


Temporal stability of an NDVI-LAI relationship in a Napa Valley vineyard   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Remotely sensed values for normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) were derived periodically from high-resolution Ikonos satellite images during the 2001 growing season, and compared with ground measurements of vineyard leaf area index (LAI) during that same period. These two derived variables were strongly related in six vineyard blocks on each of four occasions (R2= 0.91 to 0.98). Linear regression equations relating these two derived variables did not differ significantly by time-step, and a single equation accounted for 92 per cent of the variance in the combined dataset. Such temporal stability in that relationship opens the possibility of transforming NDVI maps to LAI units, at least on a localised basis, and minimising (or even eliminating) subsequent ground calibration. This reduction in fieldwork would then decrease information cost for viticulturists who wish to monitor LAI sequentially within season, or who wish to track year-to-year changes in climax LAI with a single image collected annually. To take advantage of this cost reduction, temporal consistency in spectral data values comprising NDVI must be assured. This present paper addresses that issue.  相似文献   



Evidence indicates that point of purchase (POP) advertising and promotions for cigarettes have increased since the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA). Retail promotions have the potential to offset the effects of cigarette tax and price increases and tobacco control programmes.


To describe the trend in the proportion of cigarette sales that occur as part of a POP promotion before and after the MSA.


Scanner data were analysed on cigarette sales from a national sample of grocery stores, reported quarterly from 1994 through 2003. The proportion of total cigarette sales that occurred under any of three different types of POP promotions is presented.


The proportion of cigarettes sold under a POP promotion increased notably over the sample period. Large increases in promoted sales are observed following implementation of the MSA and during periods of sustained cigarette excise tax increases.


The observed pattern of promoted cigarette sales is suggestive of a positive relationship between retail cigarette promotions, the MSA, and state cigarette tax increases. More research is needed to describe fully the relationship between cigarette promotions and tobacco control policy.  相似文献   

张玮  俞褀昌  戚大伟  周妍  吴达  陆捷 《食品与机械》2021,37(11):193-197
目的:比较基于不同指标的卷烟质量稳定性评价方法。方法:使用中心切割—二维气相色谱系统分析筛选卷烟烟气成分指标,建立合格产品指纹图谱,采用欧氏距离相似度对某卷烟3年内异地生产产品的烟气稳定性进行评价,并与基于卷烟烟气常规指标的烟气稳定性评价方法作比较。结果:基于烟气常规指标的烟气稳定性评价方法,未能充分体现因口数变化而导致的感官变化;基于逐口烟气成分指标的相似度分析更能够直观地反映卷烟在逐口抽吸时的感官质量波动;将逐口烟气成分指标相似度3倍的标准差作为允许控制上限,1倍的标准差为合理的波动范围,再以感官评吸判定介于其之间的产品,适合作为一种日常卷烟产品质量监控的方法。结论:相较卷烟烟气常规指标的卷烟质量评价方法,基于逐口烟气成分指标的相似度分析能更有效地反映卷烟逐口抽吸时的感官质量波动。  相似文献   

以叶片加料循环温度西格玛水平为评价指标,考察了卷烟生产中预热温度、循环热风温度设定值、PID控制P值对循环温度西格玛水平的影响.通过单因素和正交实验确定了最佳工艺条件:预热温度及循环热风温度设定值为循环热风温度标准值,PID控制P值为500.根据优化条件对WQ3318-SJ1525型加料机的温控程序进行优化,叶片加料循环温度的西格玛水平从原来的2.0提高到3.94.  相似文献   

为弥补现有质量稳定性评价方法灵敏性不足,运用统计技术设计一种卷烟生产过程质量稳定性评价方法。该方法将生产过程中的变量进行分类,针对不同类型的变量采用不同的方法计算其质量稳定性指数;根据不同工序以及工序中不同变量的重要程度赋予不同的权重,工序内采用加权平均的方法计算其质量稳定性指数,工序间(批次内)采用几何平均的方法计算其质量稳定性指数。将质量稳定性指数分成4个档次,80以上为优,质量最佳;70~80为良,质量较好;60~70为合格,质量合格;60以下较差,需要改进。结果表明,与六西格玛分析方法相比,该方法能够准确反映烟丝质量水平,提高了批次及工序质量稳定性评价结论的可靠性,根据各参数指标的计算结果,可查找出质量稳定性较差的原因,有效提升了制丝生产过程管控水平。  相似文献   

原料采购是餐饮企业成本控制中的重要环节,因此.企业管理者应深入分析目前原料采购中存在的主要问题,并有针对性的制定策略,降低成本,提高餐饮经营实效。  相似文献   

【目的】为探究表征卷烟抽吸过程稳定性的方法。【方法】开展了卷烟逐口锥高测定、曲线拟合研究,提出了评价逐口锥高稳定性的指标,并研究了烟丝及卷烟机参数对逐口锥高稳定性的影响。【结果】(1)逐口锥高呈先快速升高然后逐渐趋于稳定的变化规律,且变化主要发生于前3口之间;根据1~3口变化率占比可以表征逐口锥高变化的程度,1~3口变化率占比越低、逐口锥高越稳定。(2)不同牌号卷烟的1~3口变化率占比介于53.09%~96.37%之间。(3)卷烟机平准器凹槽深度、宽度和风室正、负压力是影响1~3口变化率占比的主要因素,通过上述参数优化可明显提高逐口锥高稳定性。【结论】逐口锥高可用于表征、评价卷烟抽吸过程的稳定性。  相似文献   

卷烟机烟支重量控制系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对目前卷烟机中常见的几种烟支重量控制系统进行了分析,指出了气-液重量控制装置和电子重量控制装置的局限性,说明了复合控制系统的特点及对提高卷烟重量控制精度和产品质量的作用.  相似文献   

编制卷烟市场景气指数是对卷烟销售市场进行监测预警的重要手段,本文基于景气循环理论,借鉴经济景气监测方法,从理论上建立了包括先行、一致和滞后指数在内的卷烟市场景气指数体系,并以广西为例,运用月度数据编制了2011年1月至2016年3月卷烟市场景气先行指数、一致指数和滞后指数。在此基础上,进一步建立了卷烟市场景气预警信号系统。该系统的建立有利于决策部门从宏观层面把握卷烟市场波动总体状况和未来发展趋势,及时调整相关政策,采取相应调控措施,确保卷烟市场在合理范围内运行。   相似文献   

Development of a method to assess cigarette smoke intake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tar and nicotine deliveries of cigarettes measured using current standardized smoking machine protocols provide poor estimates of smoke exposure. The characteristics of human smoking behavior vary considerably and differ from the rigid parameters used with current standardized smoking machine protocols. Current alternatives, including measurement of biomarkers, are invasive, time-dependent, and can be too expensive to be used as mechanisms for carrying out large-scale investigations required to help determine the influence of cigarette design on smoking behaviors. To obtain more reasonable estimates of mainstream smoke exposure, we developed a method to quantitatively measure solanesol, a naturally occurring component in tobacco that is deposited during smoking in the cigarette filter butt. Quantification of solanesol extracted from the filters using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry is efficient, rapid, and extremely reliable. We found that the amount of solanesol deposited in a cigarette filter is related to the mainstream smoke deliveries of tar and nicotine under a variety of smoking conditions. In addition, the amount of solanesol trapped in the filter remains stable at least 4 weeks after smoking. Measuring solanesol in cigarette filters as an exposure marker provides a noninvasive means to obtain reasonable estimates of mainstream tar and nicotine smoke deliveries under a wide variety of smoking conditions.  相似文献   

为了探究吸燃条件下卷烟纸对持灰能力的影响,以定量、透气度、碳酸镁添加量、助燃剂之钠钾比、酸根类型和助燃剂用量为参数,采用均匀试验设计方法设计、制备了12种不同卷烟纸参数组合的卷烟样品,通过单因素分析、回归分析等方法研究了卷烟纸参数对卷烟持灰能力的影响,并进行了卷烟纸参数优化.结果表明:① 随着卷烟纸参数组合的变化持灰能...  相似文献   

The tobacco industry is not obligated to disclose ingredients and additives used in manufactured tobacco production. This paper describes global reaction to a press release highlighting evidence that porcine haemoglobin ("pig's blood") was sometimes used in cigarette manufacturing while never being disclosed to smokers. The case study illustrates the power of press releases to ignite major interest in tobacco control issues.  相似文献   

卷烟烟气危害性指数研究   总被引:28,自引:21,他引:28  
为评价卷烟产品的危害性,研究建立了一种新的卷烟烟气危害性评价方法.用于分析评价的163个卷烟样品购自于中国市场.在分析卷烟主流烟气中29种有害成分(包括4种TSNAs、3种PAHs、8种羰基化合物、7种酚类物质、HCN、NO、NOx、NH3、CO、烟碱和焦油等)以及4种毒理学指标(小鼠吸入急毒试验、细胞毒性试验、Ames试验和细胞微核试验)的基础上,建立了烟气有害成分与毒理学指标的函数关系.通过采用无信息变量删除法和遗传算法,筛选出了最具代表性的7种卷烟烟气有害成分,即CO、HCN、NNK、NH3、B[a]P、苯酚和巴豆醛.多元线性回归分析表明,7种有害成分对毒理学指标影响显著,相关模型留一交叉验证的相对误差小于40%,对小鼠吸入急毒试验、细胞毒性试验、Ames试验和细胞微核试验的R2值分别为0.524、0.595、0.504和0.571.基于卷烟主流烟气中7种有害成分的释放量,建立了一种新的卷烟烟气危害性指数:H=Yco/C1+THCN/C2+YNNK/C3+YNH3/C4+YB[a]P/C5+YPHE/C6+YCRO/C7式中:Y--卷烟主流烟气有害成分释放量;C1~C7--参考值.应用研究建立的危害性指数对上述163个卷烟危害性进行了评价,结果表明,危害性指数排序不同于卷烟焦油量排序.  相似文献   

采用锥轮调头装置对Super9卷接机组的烟支调头部分进行了改造,并对采用圆盘调头技术和锥轮调头技术的结构原理、工艺流程、烟支输送线速度差和调整要求等进行了对比分析,同时还对两种调头技术对烟支表面起皱、空头和废品消耗所造成的影响进行了统计分析.实际使用效果表明,采用锥轮调头装置可以减少表面起皱和空头卷烟数量,减少废烟单耗.  相似文献   

为实现对卷烟纸均匀稳定施胶,对ZJ17卷烟机卷烟纸施胶系统进行改进设计,在其胶缸和喷胶嘴之间依次加装齿轮泵和质量流量计,并通过PLC控制器控制驱动齿轮泵的伺服电机,以及实现质量流量计的跟踪反馈。使用效果表明,改进后,同一机台卷烟机施胶量的标准偏差由原来的0.17mg/支降低到0.02 mg/支;不同机台施胶量由原来相差2.35 mg/支,降低到0.30 mg/支;卷烟感官质量稳定一致,改进设计的施胶系统具有很强的市场利用价值。  相似文献   

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