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中兴通讯以掌握自主知识产权为宗旨,在移动产品研发上,从系统到终端、从GSM到3G进行全系列研发。 首先,为移动通信运营商和用户提供全套的解决方案。包括系统设备、终端设备,也提供网络规划。 另外,为运营商提供配套设备以提高营运效率,包括基站环境监控系统、  相似文献   

近年来,我国移动通信发展迅速,已成为全球最具潜力的移动通信市场。然而由于种种原因,我国移动通信制造业的发展曾一度落后,从系统到终端的市场被外国公司垄断。我国政府部门、移动运营商及业界人士一直非常关心拥有自主知识产权的移动通信产品的研制,希望国内通信设备企业在这一领域有所作为。 从1997年开始,国外移动通信产品垄断国内市场的局面开始逐步被打破。经过不懈努力,以大唐、华为、中兴、东信等为代表的一批国内设备制造企业研制成功一系列拥有我国自主知识产权的GSM系统。1998年以后,国产GSM设备迈出了实用化的步伐,…  相似文献   

王毅 《现代通信》2006,(7):11-14
我国移动通信产业经过这几年快速发展,已经成长为国内通信领域的第一大业务群体,其用户数更是在2005年底达到3.70亿之巨,创造了世界和中国通信史上的奇迹。但是,随着移动电话普及率的上升,移动通信运营商发展的用户越来越多的是低端用户,且ARPU值正逐年下降,移动通信运营商急需开拓新的业务领域以使收入和利润保持在一个稳定的增长水平。移动增值业务是移动运营商在移动基本业务(话音业务)的基础上,针对不同的用户群和市场需求开通的可供用户选择使用的业务,它是移动通信和互联网相互融合的产物。移动增值业务是市场细分的结果,它充分挖掘…  相似文献   

移动电话: 用户总数跃居世界第一 截止到2001年7月,我国移动电话用户总数达到1.206亿户,用户总数超过美国(1.201亿户),跃居世界第一位。 1987年,我国的移动电话业务率先在广东开通,当年仅发展用户700余户。在移动电话业务发展初期,手机价格、入网费十分昂贵,移动电话用户增长缓慢。到90年代初期,移动电话依然被视为身份与地位的象征。1994年,中国联通公司的成立,打破了国内移动通信业务的独家经营局面。移动电话市场竞争机制的引入,使得手机入网费一降再降,移动电话用户数量开始大幅度增长。到1997年,经过十年的发…  相似文献   

程广辉 《数据通信》2005,(6):32-32,34
大唐作为TD-SCDMA标准的制定者,专注于TD-SCDMA相关产品的研发,特别是无线网络中最重要的NodeB产品研发。大唐移动NodeB产品在充分测试的基础上不断改进提高,目前该产品性能优越、设备运行稳定可靠,在同行业产品中处于领先地位。大唐移动NodeB产品的产业化发展大致经历了三个阶段。  相似文献   

经过20多年快速发展,中国电信业总体规模已居于世界最前列。与此同时,伴随运营业的发展,在政府主管部门的大力挟持下,国内通信制造业也在同国际通信巨头的全面竞争中迅速成长壮大。如今,来自中国的电信设备企业已经在全球范围内开拓市场。尤其是最近几年,主要在发达国家和地区发生的电  相似文献   

9月6日下午,中兴通讯张江研发中心项目签约仪式在上海张江高科技园区举行。上海市副市长周禹鹏,副秘书长、浦东新区区长胡炜,副区长王安德在张江高科技园区开发公司总经理戴海波,中兴通讯总裁侯为贵的陪同下出席了签约仪式。 中兴通讯是中国拥有自主知识产权、规模最大的通信设备制造业上市公司,是中国政府重点扶持的520户国有企业之一,拥有交换、接入、视讯、移动、数据、光通信等全系列通信产品,具备通信网建设、改造与优化一揽子方案解决能力,承担着中国第三代移动通信研究开发等多个国家重点科研项目。产品远销东南亚、西  相似文献   

TD-SCDMA标准的发展可追溯到1995年大唐开始的基于SCDMA的TD-SCDMA技术预研,其后在政府的大力支持培育下,TD-SCDMA技术不断成熟、产业不断壮大,至此TD- SCDMA已走过了10个春秋。大唐作为TD-SCDMA标准的制  相似文献   

龚振宇 《现代通信》2005,(11):23-25
虚拟网络运营商(VNO)是指那些没有基础网络而经营电信基础或增值业务的企业。虚拟运营商一般拥有自身的核心能力,包括技术能力、设备供应能力、市场能力、客户资源或者品牌效应等,通过与电信运营商在某些业务上建立合作关系,为客户提供电信服务。而移动虚拟网络运营商(MVNO)则指那些自身不具备频率资源,而通过利用移动运营商网络为客户提供自身品牌的移动业务并控制用户计费关系的企业。从移动网络和运营平台来看,移动虚拟运营商一般拥有自己的移动网络码号(MNC)以及打上自己商标的SIM卡,还可以拥有除基站系统外的网络基础设施(如GSM…  相似文献   

姚钢 《电子设计技术》2006,13(12):50-51
据Strategy Analytics公司射频和无线元器件服务部发布报告称,受手机市场的推动作用,超过半数RF元器件供应商在2006年Q2取得大幅盈利,而且VC投资RF元器件新兴公司的热情不减。同国际市场一样,今年以来中国RF芯片开发商的故事也让人兴奋。  相似文献   

The competitive potential of cellular mobile telecommunications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In mobile telecommunications the network needs to monitor the terminal status, i.e., switched on, switched off, busy, idle. Once a mobile terminal is switched on, it automatically informs the network accordingly (attachment action). Regarding the way that the network identifies that a terminal is switched off (detachment), a procedure called periodic attachment is proposed: the terminal (when switched on) periodically reports to the network its active status. If the network detects silence for more than an agreed time period it considers the terminal switched off. Paging signalling savings can be achieved if the network is informed early that a mobile terminal is switched off. However, periodic attachment requires access to the network database system, which might cause a bottleneck. In this paper the performance characteristics of periodic attachment and the induced signalling load are evaluated as influenced by the selection of the time-out period. A constant time-out period for the whole day can cause a large amount of database transactions especially during low traffic hours. A method for dynamic time-out period selection to fit the varying conditions during the day is proposed and evaluated  相似文献   

This paper describes the mobility management mechanisms for mobile telecommunications networks. There are two major types of mobility: radio network mobility and core network mobility. Radio network mobility supports radio link switching of a mobile user during conversation, and core network mobility provides roaming and tunnel‐related management for packet re‐routing due to user movement. Impact of mobility on both the radio and the core networks is addressed in this paper. Also, potential research issues on these topics are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In mobile telecommunications the network should monitor the terminal status, i.e.,switched on, switched off, busy. Once a mobile terminal is switched on, it automatically informs the network about its status (attachment action). However, regarding the way that the network can identify that a terminal is switched off (detachment), there are three alternatives: (a)Periodic detachment scenario. The terminal (when switched on) periodically informs the network about its state. If the network detects that there is no contact with the terminal for more than the agreed time period, it detaches the terminal, (b)Detach on unsuccessful paging. At the instance of a call terminating to a mobile terminal and after a number of unanswered paging messages, the terminal is detached. (c)Detachment action scenario. The moment that the mobile terminal is switched off, it informs the network about its status. Scenarios (a) and (c) claim that paging signaling savings can be achieved when the network is early informed that a mobile terminal is switched off. However, these scenarios require access to the network database, which is expected to be a bottleneck. On the other hand, scenario (b) requires no access to the database but does not guarantee paging signaling savings. In this paper we model the behavior of a terminal so as to compare the above scenarios in terms of performance. Note that paging signaling and database transactions are not the same cost.This paper was partially funded by the CEC through the RACE 2066 project MObile NETwork (MONET). The paper does not present the views of the project as a whole but those of the authors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fraudulent usage of mobile telecommunications services due to cloned subscriber identity modules (SIMs). In GSM or the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), a mobile phone or mobile station uses its SIM to gain network access through authentication. If the SIM of a legal user is cloned, then the cloned SIM can be used for GSM/UMTS authentication and fraudulent usage may occur. Under the existing GSM/UMTS mobility management and call setup procedures, we show how quickly the fraudulent usage can be detected. We also propose a simple solution to speed up the detection of potential fraudulent usage.  相似文献   

The peer-to-peer (P2P) paradigm not only allows end users to share own resources, but is also regarded as a new networking paradigm due to its robust, self-organizing character, abandoning infrastructure and relying on end-users equipment. In contrast to common fixed-line Internet file sharing P2P systems, in this paper, we address critical issues regarding scalable personal communications and heterogeneous mobile systems. We discuss challenges and present our solutions based on structured P2P.  相似文献   

Location area dimensioning is based on the tradeoff between the amount of signalling generated due to paging and location updating. The authors present a new approach which compares the frequency of location updates per mobile terminal with the frequency of mobile terminating calls. This leads to the concept of useless location updating, when location updating occurs but this information is not subsequently used.<>  相似文献   

This paper concerns telecommunications technologies prioritization for long-range R&D planning at the Korea Telecommunication Authority (KTA), which is the primary common carrier in Korea. Criteria weighting and technological importance ranking were determined by means of the Analytic Hierarchy Process as a decision aid, along with hierarchical representation and pairwise comparisons. The opinions derived from three divisions of KTA were analyzed and aggregated. Such aggregated prioritization weighting of technologies allows the corporation management to use it for funding decisions about technological aspects of its long-range planning for R&D projects during the period from 1992 to 2006; especially those concerning baseline budget level selection and the scope of research activities.<>  相似文献   

In order to be competitive, telecommunications service providers need new technologies that facilitate the rapid introduction of validated services in a cost-effective manner. Service engineering is a new discipline in which the telecommunications sector addresses the technologies and engineering processes required for service creation. Concurrent with these studies the development of applications in the Internet shows a new way to design telecommunications services based on the mobile agent paradigm. This brings new concepts that fit the requirements of service engineering. Therefore merging the approaches enables improvement of the service creation process. We illustrate this by presenting a framework for the formal design of telecommunications services using mobile agent technology complemented with formal methods. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, it relies on the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) and shows how to adapt its concepts to agent orientation. Second, it provides agent-based service designers with validation and verification tools to state the quality of their specifications  相似文献   

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