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为了解低温矿物相对硅酸盐水泥水化的影响,测定了水泥的凝结时间、早期化学收缩性能、力学性能和砂浆限制膨胀率,观察了含低温矿物相的水泥水化产物微观形貌。研究发现,低温矿物相可促进水泥水化硬化;当以质量比例10%的低温水泥替代P.Ⅱ硅酸盐水泥,并混合质量比例15%的粉煤灰,其构成的三元胶凝材料的性能符合P.O52.5级水泥要求;在复合胶凝体中掺入硬石膏,可提高水泥中的钙矾石生成量,获得微膨胀水泥。低温熟料可部分替代硅酸盐熟料生产通用硅酸盐水泥和微膨胀水泥。  相似文献   

针对钢渣作为水泥原料烧制熟料的问题,本文采用实验室试烧的方法,研究了钢渣配料对水泥熟料易烧性、物理力学性能以及安定性的影响。并通过XRD、DTA-TG等测试方法研究了各组水泥水化产物的组成。实验结果表明:掺加钢渣配料能够改善生料的易烧性;掺加适量的钢渣不会影响水泥熟料的强度;掺加不同量的钢渣没有给水泥的水化产物的组成带来明显改变。  相似文献   

用熟蚀变煤矸石和磨细矿渣粉代替部分水泥熟料,制备煤矸石质少熟料水泥.采用XRD分析方法研究了蚀变物料和各龄期水化产物的矿物成分,通过胶砂试块的强度、标准稠度用水量、凝结时间及安定性分析来表征少熟料水泥的性能,采用SEMEDS分析表征净浆试块3d、28d水化产物的微观形貌与显微成分.结果表明,750℃热蚀变煤矸石的XRD图谱中没有黏土类矿物的衍射峰,制备的少熟料水泥的基本性能达到GB 175-2007中42.5级普通硅酸盐水泥的标准要求,而且早期强度明显优于42.5级普通硅酸盐水泥.  相似文献   

少熟料磷渣水泥水化机理的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用X射线衍射、扫描电镜及差热分析等测试手段,对少熟料磷渣水泥的水化产物进行了分析,并结合三甲基硅烷化法和压汞仪对该种水泥的水化硬化过程进行了研究.  相似文献   

为完成青藏铁路多年冻土区桥梁钻孔灌注桩混凝土水化放热量的定量分析以及进一步确定持续低温环境下的混凝土水化放热计算模型,需要探究在持续低温环境下的混凝土水化放热情况.依照试验测定的数据计算出持续低温环境((3±1)℃,(8±1)℃,(13±1)℃)下水泥净浆的水化放热量随龄期增长的变化规律,结果发现:持续低温环境下水泥水化在各个龄期放出的热量以及水化程度都较水泥水化温度不受限制时有所减少,且持续低温环境的温度越低时,这一趋势越是明显;通过对试验数据的分析和拟合,得出了考虑不同持续低温环境对水泥水化放热计算模型影响的水化热计算模型,模型的计算结果不仅与实测数据吻合得较好,而且能较准确地预测在不同持续低温环境下水泥水化放热量随龄期的变化规律.该模型中各项参数物理意义明确,计算结果可靠实用,具有一定的推广应用价值.  相似文献   

为实现磷石膏的高质化利用,采用等温微量热仪、X射线衍射仪及全自动压汞仪研究了硅酸盐水泥熟料细度对磷建筑石膏水化行为的影响,并对其绝干强度进行了评价。结果表明,水泥熟料的掺入显著提高了磷石膏浆体的水化放热速率和放热量,且随着熟料细度的增大,水化放热速率和放热量提高;掺入细度为310、450 m^(2)/kg熟料的磷建筑石膏试样钙矾石和Ca(OH)_(2)衍射峰强度更高,生成的C-S-H、钙矾石等水化产物的填充作用降低了磷石膏的孔隙率,且随着熟料细度的增大,总孔隙率呈先减小后增大的趋势;掺入细度为310 m^(2)/kg熟料的磷建筑石膏硬化体28 d绝干强度最高,抗压和抗折强度相比于纯磷石膏提高了125.2%、117.2%。  相似文献   

在现代施工和其它许多情况下,要求制备的混凝土混合物的流动性必须保持4—6小时。利用普通缓凝添加剂,在加大剂量时,必然会导致混凝土强度下降,而利用某些氟化物延缓混凝土的凝固时间,能达到良好的效果。但由于这种材料的稀缺,其实用价值不大。  相似文献   

研究了水化热抑制剂与不同缓凝剂对水泥凝结时间、砂浆强度的影响,及水化热抑制剂与柠檬酸缓凝剂对水泥单矿(C3A、C3S、C2S)与水泥体系水化历程的影响.结果表明:水化热抑制剂与缓凝剂对水泥的凝结时间均有一定的延缓,并使砂浆强度有所提高,其中柠檬酸与水化热抑制剂使28 d抗压强度分别提高了15.4%、12.9%;水化热抑...  相似文献   

Cement manufacture has undergone extensive change in its attempts to rise to the successive challenges posed by society. The hydration of Portland cement is a complex phenomenon that depends on both reagent characteristics and reaction conditions. It is a well-known fact that the curing temperature plays an important role on the hydration kinetics. The present study is the first to be undertaken on the effect of curing temperature on white Portland cement paste hydration over long hydration times (365 days at 20 °C and 124 days at 60 °C). The technique used, 29Si and 27Al NMR spectroscopy, is particularly well adapted to the study of cement hydration. White cement hydration generates a C–S–H gel in which the aluminium taken up forms bridge bonds. After nine days at 60 °C, the degree of reaction expressed in terms of the Al(IV)/Al(VI) ratio nearly doubles the value found after 90 days at 20 °C.  相似文献   

Investigated herein is the effect of temperature on heat development in cement pastes and concretes with and without silica fume cured at relatively high temperatures often encountered in tropical environment. With an initial temperature of 30°C, adiabatic temperature rise of the concrete with 8% silica fume as cement replacement was similar to that of the control Portland cement concrete up to about 18 h. After 24 h, however, the temperature of the silica fume concrete was lower than that of the control concrete. Since the concrete with 8% silica fume had a higher 28-day compressive strength (72.5 MPa) than the control concrete without silica fume (59.2 MPa), the concrete with silica fume is likely to have a lower temperature rise as compared with the control concrete of equivalent 28-day strength by reducing cementitious materials content with the same water content. The extent of heat evolution in the silica fume pastes was generally greater at lower temperatures of 20-50°C, but less at 65°C than in the control paste. At the relatively high curing temperatures, the degree of cement hydration in the paste with silica fume was lower than that in the control cement paste at early ages. However, the pozzolanic reaction started even before 24 h after water was added.  相似文献   

Investigated herein is the effect of temperature on heat development in cement pastes and concretes with and without silica fume cured at relatively high temperatures often encountered in tropical environment. With an initial temperature of 30°C, adiabatic temperature rise of the concrete with 8% silica fume as cement replacement was similar to that of the control Portland cement concrete up to about 18 h. After 24 h, however, the temperature of the silica fume concrete was lower than that of the control concrete. Since the concrete with 8% silica fume had a higher 28-day compressive strength (72.5 MPa) than the control concrete without silica fume (59.2 MPa), the concrete with silica fume is likely to have a lower temperature rise as compared with the control concrete of equivalent 28-day strength by reducing cementitious materials content with the same water content. The extent of heat evolution in the silica fume pastes was generally greater at lower temperatures of 20–50°C, but less at 65°C than in the control paste. At the relatively high curing temperatures, the degree of cement hydration in the paste with silica fume was lower than that in the control cement paste at early ages. However, the pozzolanic reaction started even before 24 h after water was added.  相似文献   

This paper describes the behaviour of sulphate resistant cement paste hydrated at temperatures ranging from 4 to 85 °C. A number of techniques and methods were used to study hydration: compressive strength, thermogravimetry, X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion porosimetry, backscattered electron imaging in conjunction with energy dispersive X-ray analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Early age compressive strength was found to be higher in cement pastes cured at 40 and 85 °C than in the materials hydrated at 4 and 22 °C, due to the formation of larger quantities of hydrated product in the former. The MAS NMR findings showed that this higher early age strength was related to increased CSH gel polymerization rates, and a concomitantly larger average number of units in the SiO4 chains. The formation of CSH gels with very long chains at early ages hindered the uptake of further hydration products, however. This in turn generated more porous and less cohesive structures, causing a decline in mechanical strength, as confirmed by the backscattered electron imaging and porosity results.  相似文献   

以某水泥熟料筒仓为例,对仓壁稳态传热和仓顶散热两种温度传递过程进行了研究探讨,在现有算法的基础上,结合有限元的计算结果,提出了一种可行的温度折减解决方案,确保筒仓设计的安全性和经济性。  相似文献   

PRC低水胶比体系硅酸盐水泥水化特性与力学性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王甲春  唐明 《混凝土》2002,19(4):53-55
本文研究了PRC(Pore Reduced Cement)材料的成型压力和养护龄期对水泥强度发展的影响和成型工艺与材料力学性能之间的联系,探讨了在PRC低水胶比体系中水泥的水化程度随龄期变化的规律和水泥水化产物微观形貌特点以及优化成型工艺来提高材料性能。  相似文献   

通过比较分析了不同煅烧温度(1200、1250、1280、1300、1350、1400、1450℃)下制成的普通硅酸盐水泥熟料和不同C2S含量(40%、45%、50%、55%)的高强低钙水泥熟料,初步确定了高强低钙水泥熟料的煅烧温度范围为1300~1400℃,以及煅烧温度与熟料矿物组成之间的影响规律。  相似文献   

制备并表征了水化硫铝酸盐水泥粉体材料(HCSAP),并结合水化热、化学收缩、XRD、TG、SEM等测试研究了HCSAP对硫铝酸盐水泥自身水化进程的影响.结果表明:在大水灰比条件下,硫铝酸盐水泥完全水化后主要生成钙矾石、水铝黄长石、单硫型水化硫铝酸钙及少量氢氧化铝.在硫铝酸盐水泥中混掺10%HCSAP,该改性浆体后期水化...  相似文献   

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