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Online services and applications extend the influencing opportunities of traditional word-of mouth (WOM). Unlike traditional word-of-mouth, the online environment allows for special features such as anonymity in user-generated content. Furthermore, the personality of online users affects their motivation when creating this content. The aim of this paper is to link specific online activities, i.e., the posting of product ratings and participation in discussions in online forums, with certain personality traits within an empirical study. The findings, based on an online survey with more than 16,900 completed questionnaires, indicate that opinion leaders in the online environment cannot be compared with traditional opinion leaders in terms of their articulation and personality structure. In regard to online activities with a high influencing potential, the results of moderated regression analyses show that persons with an introverted personality are more active as online opinion leaders due to the lack of social recognition they experience. The results have implications for how marketers should present incentive structures to address and integrate potential online opinion leaders, and how scholars should understand the role of opinion leaders in the online environment.  相似文献   

对在线打分行为的动态研究能够帮助深入理解社交网络用户集群行为和信任关系的演化机制,当前许多在线系统用户能够通过对物品进行打分传达自己的观点。通过去趋势波动分析法研究了用户打分行为在信任关系建立前后的长记忆效应,并通过随机化打分时间和信任时间建立零模型,最后进行用户打分行为异质性分析。采用Epinions数据集进行实证研究,结果表明用户打分的长记忆效应在信任关系建立前出现下降趋势(8.06%),并于之后逐步回升(8.43%),而在两个零模型中赫斯特指数分别稳定在0.5和0.6左右,且用户长记忆效应变动与用户度呈正相关,Pearson相关系数分别为0.9358和0.9278。该工作有助于深入理解用户集群行为和信任关系的动态演化机制。  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(4):528-540
At present, as customers often turn to social media platforms to share their service experience, this study aims to examine the determinants of their negative word-of-mouth communication using social networking sites following a service failure. Although many studies have examined the electronic word-of-mouth communication, studies on negative word-of-mouth communication using social media platforms remain sparse. Building on the cognitive dissonance theory and social support theory, this study proposes and empirically examines the role of contextual, individual and social networking factors in determining the customers’ intentions to engage in negative word-of-mouth communication using social networking sites. Self-reported retrospective survey was used to obtain responses from 206 online shoppers. The results of the structural equation modelling showed that feeling of injustice, firm attribution, firm image, face concern, reappraisal, use intensity and tie strength are key antecedents of negative word-of-mouth communication. The findings provide valuable insights for managers in developing effective Webcare interventions for negative word-of-mouth communication on social networking sites.  相似文献   

Intelligent agents can play a pivotal role in providing both software systems and augmented interfaces, to individual users from all walks of life, to utilise the Internet 24 h a day, 7 days a week (24×7), including interaction with other users, over both wireless and broadband infrastructures. However, traditional approaches to user modelling are not adequate for this purpose, as they mainly account for a generic, approximate, idealised user. New user models are therefore required to be adaptable for each individual and flexible enough to represent the diversity of all users using information technology. Such models should be able to cover all aspects of an individual’s life—those aspects of most interest to the individual user themselves. This paper describes a novel intelligent agent architecture and methodology both called ShadowBoard, based on a complex user model drawn from analytical psychology. An equally novel software tool, called the DigitalFriend based on ShadowBoard, is also introduced. This paper illustrates how aspects of user cognition can be outsourced, using, for example, an internationalised book price quoting agent. The Locales Framework from Computer Supported Co-operative Work is then used to understand the problematic aspects of interaction involved in complex social spaces, identifying specific needs for technology intervention in such social spaces, and to understand how interactions amongst mobile users with different abilities might be technically assisted in such spaces. In this context, the single user-centred multi-agent technology demonstrated in the DigitalFriend is adapted to a multi-user system dubbed ShadowPlaces. The aim of ShadowPlaces is to outsource some of the interaction necessary, for a group of mobile individuals with different abilities to interact cooperatively and effectively in a social world, supported by wireless networks and backed by broadband Internet services. An overview of the user model, the architecture and methodology (ShadowBoard) and the resulting software tool (the DigitalFriend) is presented, and progress on ShadowPlaces—the multi-user version—is outlined.
Connor GrahamEmail:

This research examines the characteristics that contributed to the success of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the fields of software, sciences, and management using data mining and semantic analysis together with content analysis. A total of 3,460 reviews regarding 5 different MOOCs that received a 5/5 grade were extracted from the CourseTalk website and analysed according to the community of inquiry model. It was found that, as well as in academic online courses, the characteristics that contributed to MOOCs' success were distributed between all 3 presence elements according to the community of inquiry model: teaching (36%), social (23%), and cognitive (36%; and technological [5%]). This is contrary to the perception that MOOCs mostly contain teaching presence elements. The four leading characteristics were teacher, exercise, atmosphere, and workload. Cluster analysis resulted in 5 types of students with similar presence element preferences. This shows that successful MOOCs enable students with different preferences to consume content and activities according to their individual preferences. These findings could be the base of future research on the subject of adapting MOOC activities and content to students' varied preferences, as well as further understanding the characteristics that contribute to successful MOOCs or other fully online courses.  相似文献   

This work presents a systematic method for the dynamic modeling of multi-rigid links confined within a closed environment. The behavior of the system can be completely characterized by two different mathematical models: a set of highly coupled differential equations for modeling the confined multi-link system when it has no impact with surrounding walls; and a set of algebraic equations for expressing the collision of this open kinematic chain system with the confining surfaces. In order to avoid the Lagrangian formulation (which uses an excessive number of total and partial derivatives in deriving the governing equations of multi-rigid links), the motion equations of such a complex system are obtained according to the recursive Gibbs–Appell formulation. The main feature of this paper is the recursive approach, which is used to automatically derive the governing equations of motion. Moreover, in deriving the motion equations, the manipulators are not limited to planar motions only. In fact, for systematic modeling of the motion of a multi-rigid-link system in 3D space, two imaginary links are added to the \(n\)-real links of a manipulator in order to model the spatial rotations of the system. Finally, a 2D and a 3D case studies are simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Many businesses have commenced using social media for crisis communication with stakeholders. However there is little guidance in literature to assist organisational crisis managers with the selection of an appropriate crisis response strategy. Traditional theories on crisis communication may not adequately represent the social media context. This study took a qualitative approach and explored organisational use of social media for crisis communication at seventeen large Australian organisations. An analysis of 15,650 Facebook and Twitter messages was conducted, drawing on the lens of Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) (Coombs & Holladay, 2002). Findings suggested that when large Australian organisations responded to crises via social media, they lacked an awareness of the potential of social media for crisis communication. Organisations often did not respond to stakeholder messages or selected crisis response strategies that may increase reputational risk. The paper contributes important understandings of organisational social media use for crisis communication. It also assists crisis managers by providing six crisis response positions and a taxonomy of social media crisis messages that stakeholders may send to organisations. Key implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Social presence is a concept found to facilitate effective learning experiences in online education. However, there is limited understanding of the theoretical notion in the literature. In an attempt to broaden the understanding of social presence, the current investigation examined two issues: a) distinction between social presence and interactivity, and b) multidimensional nature of social presence and its predictive validity for online learning experiences. Data were collected from 210 undergraduate students using an online survey. Findings indicate that social presence and interactivity are related but distinct constructs. Both psychological involvement and co-presence appear to be under the concept of social presence. The data indicate strong predictive validity of social presence for online learning experiences when it is measured with both dimensions of psychological involvement and co-presence.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种GPS接收机研发平台的设计方案。由Zarlink公司的GP2015和GP2021芯片组成射频前端及相关器模块,用单片机对其控制并进行数据采集,把采集到的数据通过串口转发到PC机中进行数据分析和位置解算,并最终得到定位信息。本方案可以替代高端的GPS开发设备,结构简单、成本低廉、软硬件可利用资源丰富。充分利用本平台,可以很快设计出新的GPS产品。  相似文献   

Using social psychology, this study discursively explores barriers limiting the online experiences of people with disabilities. Twenty-one people in New Zealand with physical and sensory disabilities volunteered to participate in an online interview. Data demonstrated a disabling differentials repertoire (pattern), comprising four linguistic resources: negative reactions (when disability was disclosed), exclusion, gatekeeping, and disability costs. In addition to the technology alone, human values embedded in the construction of online technology, and participants’ cultural competency, as well as stereotyped attitudes and economic factors prevalent offline, define and restrain people with disabilities’ online experience. The social identity model of deindividuation is discussed.  相似文献   

Decision field theory (DFT), widely known in the field of mathematical psychology, provides a mathematical model for the evolution of the preferences among options of a human decision-maker. The evolution is based on the subjective evaluation for the options and his/her attention on an attribute (interest). In this paper, we extend DFT to cope with the dynamically changing environment. The proposed extended DFT (EDFT) updates the subjective evaluation for the options and the attention on the attribute, where Bayesian belief network (BBN) is employed to infer these updates under the dynamic environment. Four important theorems are derived regarding the extension, which enhance the usability of EDFT by providing the minimum time steps required to obtain the stabilized results before running the simulation (under certain assumptions). A human-in-the-loop experiment is conducted for the virtual stock market to illustrate and validate the proposed EDFT. The preliminary result is quite promising.  相似文献   

为减少非线性系统的Volterra级数模型在线建模的计算量,根据多模型合成的思想。提出一种基于预设模型在线合成被测系统当前Volterra级数模型的新方法。建立了模型合成的公式和方法.仿真实验表明。该方法具有较高的建模精度。能有效减少Volterra模型在线建模的计算量。并且易于工程实现.  相似文献   

Universal Access in the Information Society - One of the major problems of using massive online open courses (MOOCs) commonly reported in the literature is the high dropout rate of students. Active...  相似文献   

面向通信基站备用电源管理设计并实现了一种蓄电池组容量在线监测系统。系统采用基于Modbus总线的主从结构,使用消息派遣机制对任务间消息传递进行统一管理,可实现蓄电池单体电压、组压、放电电流和温度数据的实时采集、存储和处理。针对基站蓄电池组的串联结构,设计了一种基于BP神经网络的安时电池容量估计方法。实验数据表明:该系统具有估计精度高,测试效率高的特点,可满足实际应用需要。  相似文献   

The impacts that the lack of physical cues and non-verbal cues of emotional expression has on the student learning experience in text based online environments were targeted separately in this study. A questionnaire was constructed with separate items for non-verbal cues of emotional expression and cues to physical identity. The survey also included questions about students’ previous experience with technology and collaboration, and their motivations for undertaking the course. Views about their interactions with other students were also sought. The responses of 256 students who had undertaken a text based online course where collaboration was a mandatory requirement were collected and subsequently analysed using cluster analysis. Four distinct cohorts of students were identified. Using a conceptual approach borrowed from neuroscience, modularity, it has been possible to encapsulate the effects of three distinct aspects of collaborating in text based online contexts, lack of cues to physical identity, lack of cues to emotional expression and interaction experience. These aspects were analysed alongside the student profiles for each of the four cohorts. The findings indicate that the external factors that an individual student brings to a learning context can impact on the learning experience. Neuroscientifically based knowledge that is relevant for the findings of the survey are identified and considered in terms of the questions raised from an interdisciplinary perspective.  相似文献   

周震  袁正道 《计算机应用》2020,40(1):202-206
物联网(IoT)通信系统具有活跃用户数低、数据帧短等特性,而信道估计和多用户识别所需的导频和用户识别码会显著降低IoT系统的通信效率和响应速度。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于非正交多址接入(NOMA)的盲信道估计和多用户检测算法。首先,利用码分多址(CDMA)系统中的扩频矩阵对每个用户所占用载波进行分配,并采用差分编码解决盲估计所引发的星座点旋转问题;其次,根据用户所分配载波具有的稀疏性,引入伯努利-高斯(B-G)分布作为先验分布,利用变量间的隐马尔可夫特性进行因式分解和建模,由用户数据的稀疏特征进行多用户识别;最后,应用消息传递算法对上述模型进行推导,解决NOMA引起的多用户干扰,得到面向IoT环境的联合信道估计和检测接收算法。仿真结果表明,相对于块稀疏单测量向量(BS-SMV)算法和块稀疏自适应子空间求解(BSASP)算法,所提算法能够在不提高复杂度的条件下获得约1 dB的性能增益。  相似文献   

Developing a precise dynamic model is a critical step in the design and analysis of the overhead crane system. To achieve this objective, we present a novel radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) modeling method. One challenge for the RBF-NN modeling method is how to determine the RBF-NN parameters reasonably. Although gradient method is widely used to optimize the parameters, it may converge slowly and may not achieve the optimal purpose. Therefore, we propose the cuckoo search algorithm with membrane communication mechanism (mCS) to optimize RBF-NN parameters. In mCS, the membrane communication mechanism is employed to maintain the population diversity and a chaotic local search strategy is adopted to improve the search accuracy. The performance of mCS is confirmed with some benchmark functions. And the analyses on the effect of the communication set size are carried out. Then the mCS is applied to optimize the RBF-NN models for modeling the overhead crane system. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of mCS through comparing with that of the standard cuckoo search algorithm (CS) and the gradient method.  相似文献   

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