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Modal transition system (MTS) is a formalism which extends the classical notion of labelled transition systems by introducing transitions of two types: must transitions that have to be present in any implementation of the MTS and may transitions that are allowed but not required.The MTS framework has proved to be useful as a specification formalism of component-based systems as it supports compositional verification and stepwise refinement. Nevertheless, there are some limitations of the theory, namely that the naturally defined notions of modal refinement and modal composition are incomplete with respect to the semantic view based on the sets of the implementations of a given MTS specification. Recent work indicates that some of these limitations might be overcome by considering deterministic systems, which seem to be more manageable but still interesting for several application areas.In the present article, we provide a comprehensive account of the MTS framework in the deterministic setting. We study a number of problems previously considered on MTS and point out to what extend we can expect better results under the restriction of determinism.  相似文献   

Modal specification is a well-known formalism used as an abstraction theory for transition systems. Modal specifications are transition systems equipped with two types of transitions: must-transitions that are mandatory to any implementation, and may-transitions that are optional. The duality of transitions allows for developing a unique approach for both logical and structural compositions, and eases the step-wise refinement process for building implementations. We propose Modal Specifications with Data (MSDs), the first modal specification theory with explicit representation of data. Our new theory includes the most commonly seen ingredients of a specification theory; that is parallel composition, conjunction and quotient. As MSDs are by nature potentially infinite-state systems, we propose symbolic representations based on effective predicates. Our theory serves as a new abstraction-based formalism for transition systems with data.  相似文献   

Modal transition systems specify sets of implementations, their refining labelled transition systems, through Larsen & Thomsen’s co-inductive notion of refinement. We demonstrate that refinement precisely captures the identification of a modal transition system with its set of implementations: refinement is reverse containment of sets of implementations. This result extends to models that combine state and event observables and is drawn from a SFP-domain whose elements are equivalence classes of modal transition systems under refinement [HJS04], and abstraction-based finite-model properties proved in this paper. As a corollary, validity checking is model checking for Hennessy-Milner formulas that characterize modal transition systems with bounded computation paths. We finally sketch how techniques developed in this paper can be used to detect inconsistencies between multiple modal transition systems and, if consistent, to verify properties of all common implementations.Received January 2004Revised August 2004Accepted December 2004 by M. Leuschel and D. J. Cooke  相似文献   

Formal notations like B or action systems support a notion of refinement. Refinement relates an abstract specification A to a concrete specification C that is as least as deterministic. Knowing A and C one proves that C refines, or implements, specification A. In this study we consider specification A as given and concern ourselves with a way to find a good candidate for implementation C. To this end we classify all implementations of an abstract specification according to their performance. We distinguish performance from correctness. Concrete systems that do not meet the abstract specification correctly are excluded. Only the remaining correct implementations C are considered with respect to their performance. A good implementation of a specification is identified by having some optimal behaviour in common with it. In other words, a good refinement corresponds to a reduction of non-optimal behaviour. This also means that the abstract specification sets a boundary for the performance of any implementation. We introduce the probabilistic action system formalism which combines refinement with performance. In our current study we measure performance in terms of long-run expected average-cost. Performance is expressed by means of probability and expected costs. Probability is needed to express uncertainty present in physical environments. Expected costs express physical or abstract quantities that describe a system. They encode the performance objective. The behaviour of probabilistic action systems is described by traces of expected costs. A corresponding notion of refinement and simulation-based proof rules are introduced. Probabilistic action systems are based on discrete-time Markov decision processes. Numerical methods solving the optimisation problems posed by Markov decision processes are well-known, and used in a software tool that we have developed. The tool computes an optimal behaviour of a specification A thus assisting in the search for a good implementation C.Received September 2002 Accepted in revised form January 2004 by E.C.R. Hehner  相似文献   

We examine the transitions between sets of possible worlds described by the compositional semantics of Modal Dependence Logic, and we use them as the basis for a dynamic version of this logic. We give a game theoretic semantics, a (compositional) transition semantics and a power game semantics for this new variant of modal Dependence Logic, and we prove their equivalence; and furthermore, we examine a few of the properties of this formalism and show that Modal Dependence Logic can be recovered from it by reasoning in terms of reachability. Then we show how we can generalize this approach to a very general formalism for reasoning about transformations between pointed Kripke models.  相似文献   

We present a compositional approach for specifying concurrent behavior of components with data states on the basis of interface theories. The dynamic aspects of a system are specified by modal input/output automata, whereas changing data states are specified by pre- and postconditions. The combination of the two formalisms leads to our notion of modal input/output automata with data constraints (MIODs). In this setting we study refinement and behavioral compatibility of MIODs. We show that compatibility is preserved by refinement and that refinement is compositional w.r.t. synchronous composition, thus satisfying basic requirements of an interface theory. We propose a semantic foundation of interface specifications where any MIOD is equipped with a model-theoretic semantics describing the class of its correct implementation models. Implementation models are formalized in terms of guarded input/output transition systems and the correctness notion is based on a simulation relation between an MIOD and an implementation model which relates not only abstract and concrete control states but also (abstract) data constraints and concrete data states. We show that our approach is compositional in the sense that locally correct implementation models of compatible MIODs compose to globally correct implementations, thus ensuring independent implementability.  相似文献   

Timing and causality in process algebra   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 There has been considerable controversy in concurrency theory between the ‘interleaving’ and ‘true concurrency’ schools. The former school advocates associating a transition system with a process which captures concurrent execution via the interleaving of occurrences; the latter adopts more complex semantic structures to avoid reducing concurrency to interleaving. In this paper we show that the two approaches are not irreconcilable. We define a timed process algebra where occurrences are associated with intervals of time, and give it a transition system semantics. This semantics has many of the advantages of the interleaving approach; the algebra admits an expansion theorem, and bisimulation semantics can be used as usual. Our transition systems, however, incorporate timing information, and this enables us to express concurrency: merely adding timing appropriately generalises transition systems to asynchronous transition systems, showing that time gives a link between true concurrency and interleaving. Moreover, we can provide a complete axiomatisation of bisimulation for our algebra; a result that is often problematic in a timed setting. Another advantage of incorporating timing information into the calculus is that it allows a particularly simple definition of action refinement; this we present. The paper concludes with a comparison of the equivalence we present with those in the literature, and an example system specification in our formalism. Received December 20, 1993/February 23, 1995  相似文献   

Specification theories as a tool in model-driven development processes of component-based software systems have recently attracted a considerable attention. Current specification theories are however qualitative in nature, and therefore fragile in the sense that the inevitable approximation of systems by models, combined with the fundamental unpredictability of hardware platforms, makes it difficult to transfer conclusions about the behavior, based on models, to the actual system. Hence this approach is arguably unsuited for modern software systems. We propose here the first specification theory which allows to capture quantitative aspects during the refinement and implementation process, thus leveraging the problems of the qualitative setting. Our proposed quantitative specification framework uses weighted modal transition systems as a formal model of specifications. These are labeled transition systems with the additional feature that they can model optional behavior which may or may not be implemented by the system. Satisfaction and refinement is lifted from the well-known qualitative to our quantitative setting, by introducing a notion of distances between weighted modal transition systems. We show that quantitative versions of parallel composition as well as quotient (the dual to parallel composition) inherit the properties from the Boolean setting.  相似文献   

The use of formal methods in the development of time-critical applications is essential if we want to achieve a high level of assurance in them. However, these methods have not yet been widely accepted in industry as compared to the more established structured and informal techniques. A reliable linkage between these two techniques will provide the developer with a powerful tool for developing a provably correct system. In this article, we explore the issue of integrating a real-time formal technique, TAM (Temporal Agent Model), with an industry-strength structured methodology known as HRT-HOOD. TAM is a systematic formal approach for the development of real-time systems based on the refinement calculus. Within TAM, a formal specification can be written (in a logic-based formalism), analysed and then refined to concrete representation through successive applications of sound refinement laws. Both abstract specification and concrete implementation are allowed to freely intermix. HRT-HOOD is an extension to the Hierarchical Object-Oriented Design (HOOD) technique for the development of Hard Real-Time systems. It is a two-phase design technique dealing with the logical and physical architecture designs of the system which can handle both functional and non-functional requirement, respectively. The integrated technique is illustrated on a version of the mine control system.  相似文献   

A preorder based on execution speed, called performance preorder, is introduced for a simple process algebra with durational actions. Two processes and are related -- if they have the same functionality (in this case, we have chosen strong bisimulation equivalence) and is at least as fast as . Hence, this preorder supports the stepwise refinement “from specification to implementation” by increasing efficiency while retaining the same functionality. We show that the problem of finding faster implementations for a specification is connected to the problem of finding more distributed implementations of the same specification. Both performance preorder and the induced equivalence, called competitive equivalence, are provided with sound and complete axiomatizations for finite agents. Received: January 2, 1996 / October 31, 1996  相似文献   

Previous work has introduced the setting of Logic Labelled Transition Systems, called Logic LTS or LLTS for short, together with a variant of ready simulation as its fully-abstract refinement preorder, which allows one to compose operational specifications using a CSP-style parallel operator and the propositional connectives conjunction and disjunction.In this article, we show how a temporal logic for specifying safety properties may be embedded into LLTS so that (a) the temporal operators are compositional for ready simulation; (b) ready simulation, when restricted to pairs of processes and formulas, coincides with the logic’s satisfaction relation; (c) ready simulation, when restricted to formulas, is entailment.The utility of this setting as a semantic foundation for mixed operational and temporal-logic specification languages is demonstrated by means of a simple example. We also adopt the concept of may- and must-transitions from modal transition systems for notational convenience, and investigate the relation between modal refinement on modal transition systems and ready simulation on LLTS.  相似文献   

An expressive class of abstractions for labeled transition systems is that of disjunctive modal transition systems (DMTS), featuring may- and must transitions as well as disjunctive hypertransitions (OR). In order to describe exclusive choice adequately, we develop a variant of DMTSs called 1-selecting modal transition systems (OMTS) that, roughly speaking, interprets hypertransitions exclusively (XOR). These abstract models, DMTSs and OMTSs, are compared with respect to their expressive power. By giving transformations or showing their non-existence, we show that the two setting can express the same sets of labeled transition systems, but 1-selecting modal transition systems have a richer refinement preorder.  相似文献   

We propose a real-time extension to the process algebra CSP. Inspired by timed automata, a very successful formalism for the specification and verification of real-time systems, we handle real time by means of clocks, i.e. real-valued variables that increase at the same rate as time. This differs from the conventional approach based on timed transitions. We give a discrete trace and failures semantics to our language and define the resulting refinement relations. One advantage of our proposal is that it is possible to automatically verify refinement relations between processes. We demonstrate how this can be achieved and under which conditions.Partially supported by EPSRC grant GR/N22960.Received January 2004Revised September 2004Accepted December 2004 by M. Leuschel and D. J. Cooke  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly important that communication protocols be formally specified and verified. This paper describes a particular approach–the state transition model–using a collection of mechanically supported specification and verification tools incorporated in a running system called AFFIRM. Although developed for the specification of abstract data types and the verification of their properties, the formalism embodied in AFFIRM can also express the concepts underlying state transition machines. Such models easily express most of the events occurring in protocol systems, including those of the users, their agent processes, and the communication channels. The paper reviews the basic concepts of state transition models and the AFFIRM formalism and methodology and describes their union. A detailed example, the alternating bit protocol, illustrates varous properties of interest for specification and verification. Other examples explored using this formalism are briefly described and the accumulated experience is discussed.  相似文献   

Refinement of Petri nets is well suited for the hierarchical design of system models. It is used to represent a model at different levels of abstraction.Usually, refinement is a static concept. For many scenarios, however, it is desirable to have a more flexible form of refinement. For example in the context of service updates, e.g. version control in distributed systems, a mechanism for dynamic transition refinement is needed.The requirement of dynamic refinement at runtime is quite strong. Since we would like to redefine the system structure by itself, transition refinement cannot be implemented by a model transformation. Instead, an approach is needed which allows for dynamic net structures that can evolve as an effect of transitions firing. In previous work we introduced nets-within-nets as a formalism for the dynamic refinement of tokens. Here we consider an extension of nets-within-nets that uses special net tokens describing the refinement structure of transitions. Using this formalism it is possible to update refinements, introduce alternative refinements, etc. We present some formal properties of the extended formalism and introduce an example implementation for the tool Renew in the context of workflow modeling.  相似文献   

We show how a theory of specification refinement and program development can be constructed as a conservative extension of our existing logic for Z. The resulting system can be set up as a development method for a Z-like specification language, or as a generalisation of a refinement calculus (with a novel semantics). In addition to the technical development we illustrate how the theory can be used in practice.  相似文献   

This paper studies compositional reasoning theories for stochastic systems. A specification theory combines notions of specification and implementation with satisfaction and refinement relations, and a set of operators that together support stepwise design. One of the first behavioral specification theories introduced for stochastic systems is the one of Interval Markov Chains (IMCs), which are Markov Chains whose probability distributions are replaced by a conjunction of intervals. In this paper, we show that IMCs are not closed under conjunction, which gives a formal proof of a conjecture made in several recent works.In order to leverage this problem, we suggested to work with Constraint Markov Chains (CMCs) that is another specification theory where intervals are replaced with general constraints. Contrary to IMCs, one can show that CMCs enjoy the closure properties of a specification theory. In addition, we propose aggressive abstraction procedures for CMCs. Such abstractions can be used either to combat the state-space explosion problem, or to simplify complex constraints. In particular, one can show that, under some assumptions, the behavior of any CMC can be abstracted by an IMC.Finally, we propose an algorithm for counter-example generation, in case a refinement of two CMCs does not hold. We present a tool that implements our results. Implementing CMCs is a complex process and relies on recent advances made in decision procedures for theory of reals.  相似文献   

This paper deals with database updates. More precisely we focus on addition and deletion operations, when transition constraints are expressed on the database. In the first section, we present an overview of works in the fields of belief revision, knowledge base and database updates. We claim that database update semantics is a formulas-based (or syntactical) one. Furthermore, we pay attention to the notion of transition constraints, introduced in the database domain many years ago in order to constrain state changes. In the second section, we present the formalism we think necessary to express transition constraints and reason with them. It is a particular modal formalism which allows us to reason with the current state of the database and with its next state as well. In Sections 3 and 4, we intend to characterize the database state that follows from an addition or a deletion, taking transition constraints into account. We give importance to a notion of minimal change which extends the classical notion of minimal change on finite bases. We show that, when no transition constraint is expressed, the semantics we give to the addition (resp.: deletion) is a maxichoice one. We also focus on another particular case of transition constraints which could allow us to computationally generate the next database state. Then we discuss the problem of extending these cases to the general one. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Model mapping using formalism extensions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Object Management Group's model driven architecture defines a system development approach that formally separates system specification from platform implementations - in platform-independent models and platform-specific models, respectively. According to MDA, software development involves a sequence of model mappings that transform an initial PIM to a final PSM that is precise enough for direct translation into an executable program. A mapping is a set of rules and techniques for translating one model into another. When the starting and final models are expressed in the same formalism, the mapping is said to be intralanguage; otherwise, it is interlanguage. We focus here on interlanguage mapping, showing the central role of formalism extension mechanisms in managing the abstraction-level gap between languages as well as the platform-level details of specific implementations.  相似文献   

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