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A considerable portion of software systems today are adopted in the embedded control domain. Embedded control software deals with controlling a physical system, and as such models of physical characteristics become part of the embedded control software. In current practices, usually general-purpose languages (GPL), such as C/C++ are used for embedded systems development. Although a GPL is suitable for expressing general-purpose computation, it falls short in expressing the models of physical characteristics as desired. This reduces not only the readability of the code but also hampers reuse due to the lack of dedicated abstractions and composition operators. Moreover, domain-specific static and dynamic checks may not be applied effectively. There exist domain-specific modeling languages (DSML) and tools to specify models of physical characteristics. Although they are commonly used for simulation and documentation of physical systems, they are often not used to implement embedded control software. This is due to the fact that these DSMLs are not suitable to express the general-purpose computation and they cannot be easily composed with other software modules that are implemented in GPL. This paper presents a novel approach to combine a DSML to model physical characteristics and a GPL to implement general-purpose computation. The composition filters model is used to compose models specified in the DSML with modules specified in the GPL at the abstraction level of both languages. As such, this approach combines the benefits of using a DSML to model physical characteristics with the freedom of a GPL to implement general-purpose computation. The approach is illustrated using two industrial case studies from the printing systems domain.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce JMSeq, a Java-based tool for monitoring sequences of method calls. JMSeq provides a simple but expressive language to specify the observables of a Java program in terms of sequences of possibly nested method calls. Similar to many monitoring-oriented environments, verification in JMSeq is done at runtime; unlike all other approaches based on aspect-oriented programming, JMSeq uses code annotation rather than instrumentation, and therefore is suitable for component-based software verification.  相似文献   


Real-time and embedded systems are required to adapt their behavior and structure to runtime unpredicted changes in order to maintain their feasibility and usefulness. These systems are generally more difficult to specify and verify owning to their execution complexity. Hence, ensuring the high-level design and the early verification of system adaptation at runtime is very crucial. However, existing runtime model-based approaches for adaptive real-time and embedded systems suffer from shortcoming linked to efficiently and correctly managing the adaptive system behavior, especially that a formal verification is not allowed by modeling languages such as UML and MARTE profile. Moreover, reasoning about the correctness and the precision of high-level models is a complex task without the appropriate tool support. In this work, we propose an MDE-based framework for the specification and the verification of runtime adaptive real-time and embedded systems. Our approach stands for Event-B method to formally verify resources behavior and real-time constraints. In fact, thanks to MDE M2T transformations, our proposal translates runtime models into Event-B specifications to ensure the correctness of runtime adaptive system properties, temporal constrains and nonfunctional properties using Rodin platform. A flood prediction system case study is adopted for the validation of our proposal.


Runtime verification permits checking system properties that cannot be fully verified off-line. This is particularly true when the system includes complex third-party components, such as general-purpose operating systems and software libraries, and when the properties of interest include security and performance. The challenge is to find reliable ways to monitor these properties in realistic systems. In particular, it is important to have assurance that violations will be reported when they actually occur. For instance, a monitor may not detect a security violation if the violation results from a series of system events that are not in its model.We describe how combining runtime monitors for diverse features such as memory management, security-related events, performance data, and higher-level temporal properties can result in more effective runtime verification. After discussing some basic notions for combining and relating monitors, we illustrate their application in an intrusion-tolerant Web server architecture under development at SRI.  相似文献   

针对软件测试和静态程序验证中存在的连续性程序执行验证和推理问题,提出一个基于程序插桩和布尔逻辑的运行时程序验证框架——RPA。定义一种用于描述运行时程序性质和规范的动态逻辑语言RPAL,实现自动化插桩以收集运行时程序状态信息,设计一个支持高效验证的句子调度算法。实验结果表明,结合合适的谓词扩展,RPA可以有效地验证和分析软件逻辑,发现潜在的软件错误。  相似文献   

Optimized temporal monitors for SystemC   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SystemC is a modeling language built as an extension of C++. Its growing popularity and the increasing complexity of designs have motivated research efforts aimed at the verification of SystemC models using assertion-based verification (ABV), where the designer asserts properties that capture the design intent in a formal language such as PSL or SVA. The model then can be verified against the properties using runtime or formal verification techniques. In this paper we focus on automated generation of runtime monitors from temporal properties. Our focus is on minimizing runtime overhead, rather than monitor size or monitor-generation time. We identify four issues in monitor generation: state minimization, alphabet representation, alphabet minimization, and monitor encoding. We conduct extensive experimentation and identify a combination of settings that offers the best performance in terms of runtime overhead.  相似文献   

This article presents an approach to enrich the MATLAB1 language with aspect-oriented modularity features, enabling developers to experiment different implementation characteristics and to acquire runtime data and traces without polluting their base MATLAB code. We propose a language through which programmers configure the low-level data representation of variables and expressions. Examples include specifically-tailored fixed-point data representations leading to more efficient support for the underlying hardware, e.g., digital signal processors and application-specific architectures, without built-in floating point units. This approach assists developers in adding handlers and monitoring features in a non-invasive way as well as configuring MATLAB functions with optimized implementations. Different aspect modules can be used to retarget common MATLAB code bases for different purposes and implementations. We validate the proposed approach with a set of representative examples where we attain a simple way to explore a number of properties. Experiment results and collected aspect-oriented software metrics lend support to the claims on its usefulness.  相似文献   

H. Szer 《Software》2015,45(10):1359-1373
Static code analysis tools automatically generate alerts for potential software faults that can lead to failures. However, these tools usually generate a very large number of alerts, some of which are subject to false positives. Because of limited resources, it is usually hard to inspect all the alerts. As a complementary approach, runtime verification techniques verify dynamic system behavior with respect to a set of specifications. However, these specifications are usually created manually based on system requirements and constraints. In this paper, we introduce a noval approach and a toolchain for integrated static code analysis and runtime verification. Alerts that are generated by static code analysis tools are utilized for automatically generating runtime verification specifications. On the other hand, runtime verification results are used for automatically generating filters for static code analysis tools to eliminate false positives. The approach is illustrated for the static analysis and runtime verification of an open‐source bibliography reference manager software. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一种嵌入式操作系统运行时验证方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为测试、模型检验等开发阶段所用技术的有效补充,运行时验证技术越来越受到广泛的关注。然而,当前的运行时验证技术主要用于应用软件,很少专门针对操作系统进行研究。对面向嵌入式操作系统的运行时验证框架和关键技术进行了研究,并结合一个开源嵌入式操作系统FreeRTOS进行了设计与实现。首先提出了一种面向嵌入式操作系统的运行时验证和反馈调整框架,然后针对框架中的关键技术部分,完成了规约语言的设计、三值语义监控器的生成、FreeRTOS嵌入式操作系统相关接口的实现等主要工作。  相似文献   

ContextA distributed business process is executed in a distributed computing environment. The service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm is a popular option for the integration of software services and execution of distributed business processes. Entailment constraints, such as mutual exclusion and binding constraints, are important means to control process execution. Mutually exclusive tasks result from the division of powerful rights and responsibilities to prevent fraud and abuse. In contrast, binding constraints define that a subject who performed one task must also perform the corresponding bound task(s).ObjectiveWe aim to provide a model-driven approach for the specification and enforcement of task-based entailment constraints in distributed service-based business processes.MethodBased on a generic metamodel, we define a domain-specific language (DSL) that maps the different modeling-level artifacts to the implementation-level. The DSL integrates elements from role-based access control (RBAC) with the tasks that are performed in a business process. Process definitions are annotated using the DSL, and our software platform uses automated model transformations to produce executable WS-BPEL specifications which enforce the entailment constraints. We evaluate the impact of constraint enforcement on runtime performance for five selected service-based processes from existing literature.ResultsOur evaluation demonstrates that the approach correctly enforces task-based entailment constraints at runtime. The performance experiments illustrate that the runtime enforcement operates with an overhead that scales well up to the order of several ten thousand logged invocations. Using our DSL annotations, the user-defined process definition remains declarative and clean of security enforcement code.ConclusionOur approach decouples the concerns of (non-technical) domain experts from technical details of entailment constraint enforcement. The developed framework integrates seamlessly with WS-BPEL and the Web services technology stack. Our prototype implementation shows the feasibility of the approach, and the evaluation points to future work and further performance optimizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an “end-to-end” approach that supports dynamic reconfiguration of software architectures taking advantage of graphical modeling, formal methods and aspect-oriented programming. There are three ingredients of the proposal. The specification end of the solution is covered by a new UML profile enabling to specify the desired architectural style (model), its invariants and the intended reconfiguration operations. In order to verify the consistency of the model and the preservation of the invariants after every reconfiguration, we automatically generate formal specifications in Z notation from the defined model. At the runtime enforcing end of the solution, we propose to encode the enforcement logic as aspect in the AspectJ language. The third important ingredient that makes our approach end-to-end is the automatic translation of formal specifications into aspect-based enforcement code.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present an aspect-oriented approach and propose a high-level language called SHL (Security Hardening Language) for the systematic security hardening of software. The primary contribution of this proposition is providing the software architects with the capabilities to perform security hardening by applying well-defined solutions and without the need to have expertise in the security solution domain. At the same time, the security hardening is applied in an organized and systematic way in order not to alter the original functionalities of the software. This is done by providing an abstraction over the actions required to improve the security of a program and adopting aspect-oriented programming to build and develop the solutions. SHL allows the developers to describe and specify the security hardening plans and patterns needed to harden systematically security into open source software. It is a minimalist language built on top of the current aspect-oriented technologies that are based on advice-poincut model and can also be used in conjunction with them. We explore the viability and relevance of our proposition by applying it into several security hardening case studies and presenting their experimental results.  相似文献   

Adaptive Web systems (AWS) are Web-based systems that can adapt their features such as, presentation, content, and structure, based on users’ behaviour and preferences, device capabilities, and environment attributes. A framework was developed in our research group to provide the necessary components and protocols for the development of adaptive Web systems; however, there were several issues and shortcomings (e.g. low productivity, lack of verification mechanisms, etc.) in using the framework that inspired the development of a domain-specific language for the framework. This paper focuses on the proposal, design, and implementation of AWL, the Adaptive Web Language, which is used to develop adaptive Web systems within our framework. Not only does AWL address the existing issues in the framework, but it also offers mechanisms to increase software quality attributes, especially, reusability. An example application named PENS (a personalized e-News system) is explained and implemented in AWL. AWL has been designed based on the analysis of the adaptive Web domain, having taken into account the principles of reuse-based software engineering (product-lines), domain-specific languages, and aspect-oriented programming. Specially, a novel design decision, inspired by aspect-oriented programming paradigm, allows separate specification of presentation features in an application from its adaptation features. The AWL’s design decisions and their benefits are explained.  相似文献   

The extension of frameworks with domain-specific modeling languages (DSML) has proved to be an effective way of improving the productivity in software product-line engineering. However, developing and evolving a DSML is typically a difficult and time-consuming task because it requires to develop and maintain a code generator, which transforms application models into framework-based code. In this paper, we propose a new approach for extending object-oriented frameworks that aims to alleviate this problem. The approach is based on developing an additional aspect-oriented layer that encodes a DSML for building framework-based applications, eliminating the need of implementing a code generator. We further show how a language workbench is capable of automating the construction of DSMLs using the proposed layer.  相似文献   

Modern web application development frameworks provide web application developers with high-level abstractions to improve their productivity. However, their support for static verification of applications is limited. Inconsistencies in an application are often not detected statically, but appear as errors at run-time. The reports about these errors are often obscure and hard to trace back to the source of the inconsistency. A major part of this inadequate consistency checking can be traced back to the lack of linguistic integration of these frameworks. Parts of an application are defined with separate domain-specific languages, which are not checked for consistency with the rest of the application. Examples include regular expressions, query languages and XML-based languages for definition of user interfaces. We give an overview and analysis of typical problems arising in development with frameworks for web application development, with Ruby on Rails, Lift and Seam as representatives.To remedy these problems, in this paper, we argue that domain-specific languages should be designed from the ground up with static verification and cross-aspect consistency checking in mind, providing linguistic integration of domain-specific sub-languages. We show how this approach is applied in the design of WebDSL, a domain-specific language for web applications, by examining how its compiler detects inconsistencies not caught by web frameworks, providing accurate and clear error messages. Furthermore, we show how this consistency analysis can be expressed with a declarative rule-based approach using the Stratego transformation language.  相似文献   

Transaction management is a known crosscutting concern. Previous research has been conducted to express this concern as an aspect. However, such work has used general-purpose aspect languages which lack a formal foundation, and most importantly are unable to express advanced models of transaction management. In this paper, we propose a domain-specific aspect language for advanced transaction management, called KALA, that overcomes these limitations. First, KALA is based on a recognized formalism for the domain of advanced transaction management, called ACTA. Second, as a consequence of being based on the ACTA formalism, KALA covers a wide variety of models for transaction management. Finally, being a domain-specific aspect language, KALA allows programmers to express their needs at a higher level of abstraction than what is achieved with general-purpose aspect languages. This paper reports on the design of KALA and its implementation over Java, based on the Reflex AOP kernel for domain-specific aspect languages.  相似文献   

介绍了一个用来验证嵌入式系统硬件/软件,及其交互功能的硬件/软件协同验证环境,硬件/软件功能分别使用系统提供的EHDL语言及ESDL语言设计和描述,该协同验证环境由嵌入式软件调试器和嵌入式硬件模拟器组成,其采用了指令集结构的协同模拟模型,利用该集成环境,硬件/软件的设计错误可以在系统制造之前被发现并修改。  相似文献   

Metrics offer a practical approach to evaluate properties of domain-specific models. However, it is costly to develop and maintain measurement software for each domain-specific modeling language. In this paper, we present a model-driven and generative approach to measuring models. The approach is completely domain-independent and operationalized through a prototype that synthesizes a measurement infrastructure for a domain-specific modeling language. This model-driven measurement approach is model-driven from two viewpoints: (1) it measures models of a domain-specific modeling language; (2) it uses models as unique and consistent metric specifications, with respect to a metric specification metamodel which captures all the necessary concepts for model-driven specifications of metrics. The benefit from applying the approach is evaluated by four case studies. They indicate that this approach significantly eases the measurement activities of model-driven development processes.  相似文献   

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