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据统计,2007年全球锦纶帘子布的产量为68万吨,中国锦纶帘子布为27万吨,占到了全球的40%,可见中国锦纶帘子布对全球市场举足轻重。 相似文献
我国锦纶帘子布市场现状及展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>一、近年我国锦纶帘布市场发展概况2001~2005年是我国锦纶产能发展的高峰期,尤其是2003~2004年山东、江苏等地锦纶6的扩建、新建能力呈现急速增长,使国内锦纶帘布产能实现了跨越式发展。但是由于市场需求增长严重滞后,产能大大过剩,导致一些新建项目刚开工就处于半停产状态。2004~2008年我国锦纶帘子布产能变化见表1。 相似文献
我国帘子布现状,发展态势与对策 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
一、帘子布发展历程简顾自 1888年英国人邓录普发明充气轮胎以来 ,110余年的历史就是帘子布行业从无到有、蓬勃发展的历史。充气轮胎刚发明的数年内 ,人们用亚麻平纹帆布作胎体增强材料 ,后因亚麻价格较高转而采用棉帆布。轮胎在使用时骨架材料受到拉伸力、压缩力的作用导致帆布受周期性的辗压 ,经、纬线在结点处互相磨损造成帆布强度的大幅度下降。为解决此问题 ,1893年 ,J.F.Palmer将经纬线密度相同的结构改为纬线密度 (6~ 12根 /10 cm)大大低于经线的结构。这种结构的织物就是直到今天仍在使用的帘子布。进入 2 0世纪后的一百年内 ,虽… 相似文献
就影响锦纶66白坯帘子布生产效率的原因进行了分析,从生产计划安排、加捻速度、落丝上架、标识线管理等方面入手找到了提高锦纶66白坯帘子布生产效率的有效措施,实现了白坯帘子布高质高量生产的目标,满足了疫情期间国内外客户对帘子布的采购需求,避免了因需求高不能及时交货的问题,降低了客户投诉及抱怨,提升了神马牌帘子布的品牌形象. 相似文献
我国锦纶帘子布的生产状况及市场前景 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
综述了国内锦纶帘子布的生产现状及目前国内帘子布市场近况,浅析了锦纶帘子布行业存在的差距和问题,提出了锦纶帘子布生产的发展趋势,必须发展原料工业,要注意消化、吸收、提高引进技术,加快老企业改造,走集约化经营和内涵发展道路;对帘子布的市场前景进行了预测。 相似文献
随着国内市场趋向供过于求,帘子布生产企业纷纷拓展国际市场。近年来出口逐年增长,但仍有部分高端产品,如改性尼龙66帘布和聚酯帘子布需要进口,以下是2007年以来我国化纤帘子布进 相似文献
回顾了锦纶发展简史,综述了国内锦纶生产现状,并论述了我国锦纶生产发展方向,必须大力发展原料工业;加快老企业的设备改造;使其达到规模经济,大力发展差别化、高附加值、功能性纤维。同时,提出了锦纶各品种的发展趋向。 相似文献
The thermal stability and radiation resistance of three polymers Nylon 6, acrylonitrile copolymer and polyester were investigated. The polymer samples were irradiated by low rate fission neutrons from a 252Cf source. The polyester showed a higher heat and radiation resistance than the two other polymers. It has to be recommended herein that polyester is the most suitable fiber for the manufacture of products in which heat buildup is produced during application, or products where radiation and heat resistance are required. 相似文献
Muncheul Lee Myung Sun Lee Tomiji Wakida Takako Tokuyama Goichi Inoue Shinzo Ishida Toshihiko Itazu Yukino Miyaji 《应用聚合物科学杂志》2006,100(2):1344-1348
In a previous article, we reported on the ozone‐gas treatment of wool and silk fabrics in relation to the gas‐phase processing of textile fabrics. The treatment incorporated an oxygen element into the fiber surface and contributed to an increase in water penetration into the fabric. In this study, nylon 6 and polyester fabrics were treated with ozone gas in the same way as that of the wool and silk fabrics. The treatment incorporated much more oxygen into the fiber surface in the form of ? COH and ? COOH, as shown by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis. Water penetration increased considerably with treatment, and the apparent dyeing rate and equilibrium dye uptake were also improved, especially for the polyester fabric, despite an increase in the crystallinity. Therefore, it seemed that the treatment brought about a change not only in the fiber surface but also in the internal structure of the fibers (the crystalline and amorphous regions) with regard to the dyeing behavior. Further, the mechanical characteristics of the ozone‐gas‐treated polyester and nylon 6 fabrics were measured with a Kawabata evaluation system apparatus. The shearing modulus and hysteresis widths increased with treatment, especially for the polyester fabric. Therefore, it was clear that the treatment caused a change in the fabric hand to crisp. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 100: 1344–1348, 2006 相似文献
橡胶是橡胶工业中最基础的原料。据世界橡胶研究组织(IRSG)统计,2003年全世界橡胶消耗量为1920万吨,其中,合成橡胶(SR)1112万吨,占59%;天然橡胶(NR)788万吨,占41%。中国大陆橡胶消费量345万吨,占世界消费总量的18.2%;其中,消费NR145.5万吨,SR199.5万吨,分别占世界消费总量的18.5%和17.9%。随着国内以轮胎工业为代表的橡胶工业的发展,中国在世界橡胶消费市场中所占的份额将进一步提升。改革开放后,特别是1998年以来,中国橡胶工业发展对橡胶原料的消费量迅速增长,全国橡胶表观消费量从1998年的197万吨上升到2004年的415万吨,年均增长率高… 相似文献
The material properties of engineering fabrics that are used to manufacture airbags can not be modeled easily by the available nonlinear elastic–plastic shell elements. A nonlinear membrane element that incorporates an elaborate tissue material model has been widely used by the auto industry for the airbag simulation studies. This model is highly computation intensive and does not differentiate between the various physical properties of the fabrics like fiber denier, the polymer fiber, and weave pattern. This paper introduces a new modeling technique that uses artificial neural networks. Experimental permeability data for fabrics under biaxial strain conditions were obtained through a blister-inflation technique and were used to train the proposed network architecture. In this training environment, various properties of the fabric can be incorporated and the network can be trained to generalize relative to the environment. Once trained, the cause–effect pattern is assimilated by the network with approprate weights to produce a desired output. Fabrics tested in this study included nylon 66 fabrics with three different fabric deniers: 420, 630, & 840 and two types of weave, and two 650-denier polyster fabrics having different calendering effects. The predictions obtained from this neural network model agreed very well with the experimental data. This indicates that neural nets can be considered as a serious design tool use in determining permeability and biaxial stress–strain relationships for textile fabrics used in airbags. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
橡胶具有优良的阻尼特性,广泛用于制造吸收冲击、减小或隔离震动的减震制品。随着现代科学技术的飞速发展和社会进步,以及人们对震害的重视,橡胶减震制品的用途日益广泛,对其性能要求也越来越高。本文将从橡胶减震制品所用的橡胶材料、助剂、产品结构设计、加工成型工艺及产品的应用范围等方面综述其技术现状及进展。一、橡胶材料从单用向共混改性方向发展橡胶减震制品的性能取决于橡胶材料、配方及配合技术、产品结构、加工成型技术等。其中主体材料橡胶是关键因素之一。橡胶减震制品对橡胶材料的要求是多方面的。最早应用的多是单一胶料,… 相似文献
一、我国橡胶机械行业的现状1.行业主要生产厂家及从业人员情况从20世纪80年代开始,我国橡胶机械行业得到了快速的发展,从事橡胶机械产品生产的企业数量,从公有制为主的30多家到2000年时的各种经济成分的企业已达到250家,从业人员约为3万人,其中技术人员约为3000人。近年来,在发展子午线轮胎的浪潮中,橡胶机械行业迎来新一轮的发展高峰,根据最新统计,全国橡胶机械企业已达到400家,主要骨干企业30家。全国主要橡机企业及其经济体制类型见表1。2.行业主要橡胶机械产品、产量与技术水平改革开放以前,我国橡胶机械行业处于落后局面。虽然能生产… 相似文献
Generation of hydroxyl radicals in the presence of buffered terephthalate solution produces flourescent 2-hydroxyterephthalate. Wool, nylon, cotton and polyester all generate hydroxyl radicals when irradiated with UVA light, and to a lesser extent with blue light, in terephthalate solution. Trace metal ions (particularly iron and copper) contribute to hydroxyl radical generation in wool and cotton. UVA irradation of wool in deuterated solution does not affect the concentration of hydroxyl radicals or the amount of yellowing observed relative to undeuterated solution. This suggests that 1O2 is not involved in the wet photoyellowing of wool. Although the photoinitiation stages are clearly different, it is likely that similar free radical processes are responsible for both hydroxyl radical production and wet photoyellowing in all four fibre types. This straight forward fluorescence technique has potential to correlate the free radical photodegeneration of fibres in the presence of various additives designed to improve performance. 相似文献
一、废橡胶(含废旧轮胎)循环利用行业现状据中国橡胶工业协会统计,今年上半年橡胶行业持续快速增长。中橡协8个分会266家会员企业统计显示,今年上半年共完成工业总产值729.4亿元,同比增长28.46%;出口交货值218.9亿元,同比 相似文献
目前,斜交轮胎用骨架材料主要以锦纶66和锦纶6浸胶帘子布为主,各轮胎生产厂家对这两种帘子布都有使用,本文针对这两种帘子布的性能特点,对它们的实用性及经济性进行简要分析。一、两种帘布的性能特点1.基本性能对比锦纶66与锦纶6同属脂肪族聚酰胺。锦纶6是由己内酰胺自聚而成,分子结构式为:NH(CH2)5COn;锦纶66则是由己二胺和己二酸缩聚而成,分子结构式为:NH(CH2)6NHCO(CH2)4COn。锦纶66分子中的酰胺基团形成氢键,有较强的次价力,拉伸后结晶度高,其软化点(235℃)、熔点(265℃)、抗张强度(70kN/cm)和模量(500kN/cm)都比锦纶6高,而伸长… 相似文献