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首先研究了微型电磁发电微电源输出能量理论分析模型,通过理论分析得到感应线圈匝数及导线横截面半径的最优尺寸。然后利用AnsoftMaxwell软件建立了微电源结构仿真模型,通过仿真分析计算得到不同方向上电磁感应强度B的变化规律以及永磁体振子与感应线圈在不同相对位置下所产生感应电动势的变化曲线。仿真分析结果同时表明:当永磁体振子与感应线圈相对距离为1.25mm时,线圈产生最大感应电动势2.65mV,最大输出功率为0.6626滋W,本文的建模与仿真分析过程将为电磁发电微电源结构的整体结构设计和制作提供依据。  相似文献   

王纪森  严江 《测控技术》2012,31(4):52-55
针对国内飞机弹射筒地面弹射试验的试验情况,开发一套基于C8051F120单片机的弹射筒弹射过载信号采集仪.介绍该系统硬件和软件的设计方法及工作原理,重点对系统电路的设计进行论述并基于PROTEUS7.6平台进行电路仿真;软件开发基于LabWindows/CVI虚拟仪器平台,功能合理,人机交互好.应用结果表明,该采集系统运行稳定可靠,精度高,具有一定的实用性和推广价值.  相似文献   

在工业设计进行的流程中,计算机辅助设计悄然的穿插在每一个相对独立的主题活动之中.从一个完整的设计流程审视,计算机辅助设计的作用显而易见.它在设计流程数据管理,产品效果表现以及计算机辅助模型制作等广泛应用,发挥了工具化的作用.在应用过程中,促进了其自身的发展和工业设计的发展.  相似文献   

Targeting the BCL6 protein is a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of B cell lymphomas. One approach to treat these diseases consists of finding drug candidates able to disrupt the interactions established between BCL6 and its corepressors. Thus, this work presents a thorough comparative analysis of the interactions between the BCL6 BTB (bric-a-brac tramtrack broad complex) protein domain and its SMRT, NcoR and BCOR corepressor BBDs (BCL6 binding domain) through molecular dynamics. Moreover, a theoretical structure is presented and checked for the BCL6BTB–NcoRBBD complex. Considering the BBDs to be composed of 17 amino acids, our analyses show the region involving residues 4–15 of these 17 to play a main role in the protein–corepressor interactions. Particularly SER11 seems to have a high relevance as it establishes specific bonds with BCL6BTB and is one of the only two residues sequence equivalent for the three studied corepressors. From this study, 14 pharmacophoric points have been proposed divided in two groups which coincide with residues 4–11 and 11–15, being SER11 a hinge point. This finding suggests the possibility of searching for 2 small molecule inhibitors, mimicking 8 and 7 pharmacophoric points, respectively, which could incorporate a hydrogen donor pharmacophoric point mimicking SER11 in any or both molecules. In short, the present work aims to contribute further knowledge in the modeling of drugs mimicking BCL6BTB–corepressor complexes.  相似文献   

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