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This paper addresses the construction of guaranteed computable estimates for fully discrete solutions of parabolic problems. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work we investigate the a posteriori error estimation for a class of non‐linear, multicomponent diffusion operators, which includes the Stefan–Maxwell equations. The local error indicators for the global error are based on local boundary value problems, which are chosen to approximate either the global residual of the finite element approximation or the global linearized error equation. Using representative numerical examples, it is shown that the error indicators based on the latter approach are more accurate for estimating the global error for this problem class as the problem becomes more non‐linear, and can even produce better adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). In addition, we propose a new local error indicator for the error in output functionals that is accurate, inexpensive to compute, and is suitable for AMR, as demonstrated by numerical examples. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A p‐version, hierarchical finite element for curved, moderately thick, elastic and isotropic beams is introduced. The convergence properties of the element are analysed and some results are compared with results published elsewhere or calculated using a commercial finite element package. It is verified that, with the proposed element, shear locking does not affect the computation of the natural frequencies and that low dimensional, accurate models are obtainable. Geometrically non‐linear vibrations due to finite deformations, which occur for harmonic excitations with frequencies close to the first three natural frequencies of vibration, are investigated using Newmark's method. The influence of the thickness, longitudinal inertia and curvature radius on the dynamic behaviour of curved beams are studied. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Methods for a posteriori error estimation for finite element solutions are well established and widely used in engineering practice for linear boundary value problems. In contrast here we are concerned with finite elasticity and error estimation and adaptivity in this context. In the paper a brief outline of continuum theory of finite elasticity is first given. Using the residuals in the equilibrium conditions the discretization error of the finite element solution is estimated both locally and globally. The proposed error estimator is physically interpreted in the energy sense. We then present and discuss the convergence behaviour of the discretization error in uniformly and adaptively refined finite element sequences.  相似文献   

An s‐adaptive finite element procedure is developed for the transient analysis of 2‐D solid mechanics problems with material non‐linearity due to progressive damage. The resulting adaptive method simultaneously estimates and controls both the spatial error and temporal error within user‐specified tolerances. The spatial error is quantified by the Zienkiewicz–Zhu error estimator and computed via superconvergent patch recovery, while the estimation of temporal error is based on the assumption of a linearly varying third‐order time derivatives of the displacement field in conjunction with direct numerical time integration. The distinguishing characteristic of the s‐adaptive procedure is the use of finite element mesh superposition (s‐refinement) to provide spatial adaptivity. Mesh superposition proves to be particularly advantageous in computationally demanding non‐linear transient problems since it is faster, simpler and more efficient than traditional h‐refinement schemes. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the performance characteristics of the s‐adaptive method for quasi‐static and transient problems with material non‐linearity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An a posteriori error estimator is proposed in this paper for the p‐ and hp‐versions of the finite element method in two‐dimensional linear elastostatic problems. The local error estimator consists in an enhancement of an error indicator proposed by Bertóti and Szabó (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1998; 42 :561–587), which is based on the minimum complementary energy principle. In order to obtain the local error estimate, this error indicator is corrected by a factor which depends only on the polynomial degree of the element. The proposed error estimator shows a good effectivity index in meshes with uniform and non‐uniform polynomial distributions, especially when the global error is estimated. Furthermore, the local error estimator is reliable enough to guide p‐ and hp‐adaptive refinement strategies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The miscible displacement of one incompressible fluid by another in a porous medium is governed by a system of two equations. One is an elliptic equation of the pressure and the other is a parabolic equation of the concentration of one of the fluids. Since the pressure appears in the concentration only through its velocity field, we choose a mixed finite element method to approximate the pressure equation and for the concentration we use the standard Galerkin method. We shall obtain an explicit a posteriori error estimator in L2(L2) for the semi‐discrete scheme applied to the non‐linear coupled system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adaptive algorithms are important tools for efficient finite‐element mesh design. In this paper, an error controlled adaptive mesh‐refining algorithm is proposed for a non‐conforming low‐order finite‐element method for the Reissner–Mindlin plate model. The algorithm is controlled by a reliable and efficient residual‐based a posteriori error estimate, which is robust with respect to the plate's thickness. Numerical evidence for this and the efficiency of the new algorithm is provided in the sense that non‐optimal convergence rates are optimally improved in our numerical experiments. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to investigate the quality of the a posteriori error estimator based on the polynomial preserving recovery (PPR). The main tool in this investigation is the computer‐based theory. Also, a comparison is made between this estimator and the one based on the superconvergence patch recovery (SPR). The results of this comparison were found to be in favour of the estimator based on the PPR. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the verification of simulations performed using the finite element method. More specifically, it addresses the calculation of strict bounds on the discretization errors affecting pointwise outputs of interest which may be non‐linear with respect to the displacement field. The method is based on classical tools, such as the constitutive relation error and extraction techniques associated with the solution of an adjoint problem. However, it uses two specific and innovative techniques: the enrichment of the adjoint solution using a partition of unity method, which enables one to consider truly pointwise quantities of interest, and the decomposition of the non‐linear quantities of interest by means of projection properties in order to take into account higher‐order terms in establishing the bounds. Thus, no linearization is performed and the property that the local error bounds are guaranteed is preserved. The effectiveness of the approach and the quality of the bounds are illustrated with two‐dimensional applications in the context of elastic fatigue problems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A p‐version, hierarchical finite element for doubly curved, moderately thick, isotropic shallow shells is derived and geometrically non‐linear free vibrations of panels with rectangular planform are investigated. The geometrical non‐linearity is due to large displacements, and the effects of the rotatory inertia and transverse shear are considered. The time domain equations of motion are obtained by applying the principle of virtual work and the d'Alembert's principle. These equations are mapped to the frequency domain by the harmonic balance method, and are finally solved by a predictor–corrector method. The convergence properties of the element proposed and the influence of several parameters on the dynamic response are studied. These parameters are the shell's thickness, the width‐to‐length ratio, the curvature‐to‐width ratio and the ratio between curvature radii. The first and higher order modes are analysed. Some results are compared with results published or calculated using a commercial finite element package. It is demonstrated that with the proposed element low‐dimensional, accurate models are obtained. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the error estimates for the solutions of parabolic optimal control problem by mixed finite element methods. The state and co‐state are approximated by the lowest‐order Raviart–Thomas mixed finite element spaces, and the control is approximated by piecewise constant functions. The convergence for the states, co‐states and the control is demonstrated. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A refined non‐conforming triangular plate/shell element for geometric non‐linear analysis of plates/shells using the total Lagrangian/updated Lagrangian approach is constructed in this paper based on the refined non‐conforming element method for geometric non‐linear analysis. The Allman's triangular plane element with vertex degrees of freedom and the refined triangular plate‐bending element RT9 are used to construct the present element. Numerical examples demonstrate that the accuracy of the new element is quite high in the geometric non‐linear analysis of plates/shells. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The partition of unity for localization in adaptive finite element method (FEM) for elliptic partial differential equations has been proposed in Carstensen and Funken (SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2000; 21 : 1465–1484) and is applied therein to the Laplace problem. A direct adaptation to linear elasticity in this paper yields a first estimator ηL based on patch‐oriented local‐weighted interface problems. The global Korn inequality with a constant CKorn yields reliability for any finite element approximation uh to the exact displacement u. In order to localize this inequality further and so to involve the global constant CKorn directly in the local computations, we deduce a new error estimator µL. The latter estimator is based on local‐weighted interface problems with rigid body motions (RBM) as a kernel and so leads to effective estimates only if RBM are included in the local FE test functions. Therefore, the excluded first‐order FEM has to be enlarged by RBM, which leads to a partition of unit method (PUM) with RBM, called P1+RBM or to second‐order FEMs, called P2 FEM. For P1+RBM and P2 FEM (or even higher‐order schemes) one obtains the sharper reliability estimate . Efficiency holds in the strict sense of . The local‐weighted interface problems behind the implicit error estimators ηL and µL are usually not exactly solvable and are rather approximated by some FEM on a refined mesh and/or with a higher‐order FEM. The computable approximations are shown to be reliable in the sense of . The oscillations are known functions of the given data and higher‐order terms if the data are smooth for first‐order FEM. The mathematical proofs are based on weighted Korn inequalities and inverse estimates combined with standard arguments. The numerical experiments for uniform and adapted FEM on benchmarks such as an L‐shape problem, Cook's membrane, or a slit problem validate the theoretical estimates and also concern numerical bounds for CKorn and the locking phenomena. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The non‐linear programming problem associated with the discrete lower bound limit analysis problem is treated by means of an algorithm where the need to linearize the yield criteria is avoided. The algorithm is an interior point method and is completely general in the sense that no particular finite element discretization or yield criterion is required. As with interior point methods for linear programming the number of iterations is affected only little by the problem size. Some practical implementation issues are discussed with reference to the special structure of the common lower bound load optimization problem, and finally the efficiency and accuracy of the method is demonstrated by means of examples of plate and slab structures obeying different non‐linear yield criteria. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for solving any combination of linear–non‐linear equations. The method is based on the separation of linear equations in terms of some selected variables from the non‐linear ones. The linear group is solved by means of any method suitable for the linear system. This operation needs no iteration. The non‐linear group, however, is solved by an iteration technique based on a new formula using the Taylor series expansion. The method has been described and demonstrated in several examples of analytical systems with very good results. The new method needs the initial approximations for non‐linear variables only. This requires far less computation than the Newton–Raphson method. The method also has a very good convergence rate. The proposed method is most beneficial for engineering systems that very often involve a large number of linear equations with limited number of non‐linear equations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a non‐linear viscoelastic model with internal variable, thoroughly analyzed by Le Tallecit et al. (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg 1993; 109 :233–258). Our aim is to study here the implementation in three dimensions of a generalized version of this model. Computational results will be analyzed to validate our model on toy problems without geometric complexity, for which pseudo‐analytical solutions are known. At the end, we present a three‐dimensional numerical simulation on a mechanical device. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two triangular elements of class C0 developed on the basis of the principle of complementary work are applied in the static analysis of a thin plate. Some techniques to widen the versatility of the equilibrium approach for the finite element method are presented. Plates of various shapes subjected to diverse types of loading are considered. The results are compared with outcomes obtained by use of the displacement-based finite element method. By use of these two dual types of solutions, the error of the approximate solution is calculated. The lower and upper bounds for the strain energy are found.  相似文献   

In part I of this investigation, we proved that the standard a posteriori estimates, based only on local computations, may severely underestimate the exact error for the classes of wave-numbers and the types of meshes employed in engineering analyses. We showed that this is due to the fact that the local estimators do not measure the pollution effect inherent to the FE-solutions of Helmholtz' equation with large wavenumber. Here, we construct a posteriori estimates of the pollution error. We demonstrate that these estimates are reliable and can be used to correct the standard a posteriori error estimates in any patch of elements of interest. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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