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白光有机发光二极管的制备方法   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
有机发光二极管(OLEDs) 以其制备工艺简单、成本低、发光颜色可在可见光区内任意调节、易于大面积制作和可制成柔性器件等优点,被认为是未来重要的显示技术之一,在照明光源领域也显示了诱人的应用前景.文章阐述了实现白光OLEDs的方法及其近期进展,并结合自身工作介绍了白光OLEDs的制备方法,最后对白光OLEDs目前存在的问题及其发展趋势进行了讨论.  相似文献   

OLED白光照明技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在固体照明领域,OLED得到了迅速发展,特别是对于照明亮度、效率和寿命方面,OLED有望成为下一代高效光源。W-OLED(白光有机电致发光器件)由于在照明和平板显示背光源的应用前景,是照明研究的新兴领域。  相似文献   

叠层有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode,OLED)白光器件具备低功耗、高亮度、高色域等性能优势。然而,由于效率、寿命及驱动电压等性能仍有较大改进空间,叠层结构的材料及电学结构仍需进一步优化。本文重点介绍叠层OLED白光器件的最新研究进展,总结了三类电荷产生层(Charge Generation Layer,CGL)在工程化应用中存在的问题以及其非破坏性检测方法;综述高效叠层OLED白光器件的“全磷光体系”、“并行通道激子收集”及“混合磷光热活性型延迟荧光(Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence,TADF)体系”最新研究成果,对器件寿命问题进行总结,探讨分析“分级掺杂”、“四色混合TADF体系”等从结构方面提出优化方案,并针对不同发光材料体系中的CGL材料及结构综述叠层OLED白光器件实现较低工作电压的技术方法,最后对叠层OLED白光器件的材料和结构提出改进建议。  相似文献   

叠层有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode,OLED)白光器件具备低功耗、高亮度、高色域等性能优势。然而,由于效率、寿命及驱动电压等性能仍有较大改进空间,叠层结构的材料及电学结构仍需进一步优化。本文重点介绍叠层OLED白光器件的最新研究进展,总结了三类电荷产生层(Charge Generation Layer,CGL)在工程化应用中存在的问题以及其非破坏性检测方法;综述高效叠层OLED白光器件的“全磷光体系”、“并行通道激子收集”及“混合磷光热活性型延迟荧光(Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence,TADF)体系”最新研究成果,对器件寿命问题进行总结,探讨分析“分级掺杂”、“四色混合TADF体系”等从结构方面提出优化方案,并针对不同发光材料体系中的CGL材料及结构综述叠层OLED白光器件实现较低工作电压的技术方法,最后对叠层OLED白光器件的材料和结构提出改进建议。  相似文献   

有机电致发光二极管(OLED)具有制备工艺简单、抗震性能好、能耗较低,且能够在不同材质的基板上制造、柔韧、易弯曲等特点,是现代显示技术的重要研究方向,而其在照明领域的应用前景也被人们所看好。文章结合最新的研究成果,对OLED应用于照明的优势及遇到的问题与挑战做了简要讨论,并概括分析了解决这些问题的方法。  相似文献   

基于红绿/蓝双发光层,制作了结构为ITO/MoO 3(10nm)/NPB(40nm)/TCTA(10nm)/CBP:R-4B(2%):GIR1(14%,X nm)/mCP:Firpic(8%,Y nm/BCP(10nm)/Alq3(40nm)/LiF(1nm)/Al( 100nm)的白色全磷光有机电致发光器件(OLED),通过 调节红绿发光层的厚度X与蓝光发光层的厚度Y,研究了不同发光层厚度器件发 光性能的影响。研究发现:当X 为23nm、Y为7nm时,器件的光效和色坐标都具有 很高的稳定性,在电压分别为5、 10和15V时,色坐标分别为(0.33,0.37)、(0.33,0. 37)和(0.34,0.38);在电压为 5V时,电流密度为0.674mA,亮度为158.7cd ,最大电流效率为26.87cd/A;利用电子阻 挡材料TCTA和空穴阻挡材料BCP能够显著提高载流子的复合效率。分析认为:发光层顺序 为红绿/蓝时,更有利于蓝光的出射,从而使白光的色坐标更稳定。  相似文献   

我们研制成功了两种磷光白光有机发光器件。在1000cd/m^2的亮度下,一种器件的外部量子效率为20%。色座标CIE为(0.38,0.39),另一种器件的光效为251m/W.色座标为(O.39,0.44),在100cd/m^2的亮度下,借助于光外耦合增强技术,前者的EQE达到了37%,而后者的光效则提高到511m/W。  相似文献   

张静  张方辉 《光电子.激光》2012,(11):2056-2060
使用绿色磷光材料GIr1作为掺杂剂,制备了基于CBP材料的一系列绿色有机电致发光器件(OLED)。其器件的结构为ITO/MoO3(50nm)/NPB(40nm)/TCTA(10nm)/CPB:GIr1(30nm,x%)/BCP(10nm)/Alq3(20nm)/LiF(1nm)/Al(100nm),其中x%为发光层客体掺杂质量分数。对7种不同的掺杂剂质量分数进行了比较,研究了它们的电致发光(EL)特性。结果显示,对发光面积为2.72cm2的器件,GIr1的最佳掺杂比为14%,器件的起亮电压为3.5V,器件的最大电流效率26.2cd/A,其相应的EL主峰位于524nm,色坐标为(0.34,0.61),得到了发光性能稳定的绿色OLED。  相似文献   

大功率白光LED的制备和表征   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
用 1mm× 1mm的大尺寸GaN基蓝光发光二极管 (LED)芯片和YAG∶Ce黄光荧光粉在食人鱼支架上封装大功率白光LED。其 2 0 0mA下的发光功率为 13.8mW ,约为相同LED外延片制备的普通尺寸LED的 10倍。同时改变注入电流 ,发现功率曲线直到 2 0 0mA仍没有出现饱和或下降的趋势 ,白光的色温从 5 30 0K下降至 4 80 0K。同时研究了不同荧光粉混合比例对白光色度的影响  相似文献   

低色温高显色性大功率白光LED的制备及其发光特性研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
郑代顺  钱可元  罗毅 《光电子.激光》2006,17(12):1422-1426
用GaN基大功率蓝光LED芯片作为激发光源,分别用荧光粉转换法和红光LED补偿法制备了不同相关色温及显色指数的白光LED。对器件的发光特性研究表明,采用监光LED芯片激发单一黄色荧光粉,虽可以获得光通量和发光效率较高的白光LED,但其色温较高,显色性较差;在黄色荧光粉中添加红色荧光粉,由于光谱中红色成分的增加,可降低器件的色温,并提高器件的显色性,但由于目前红色荧光粉的转换效率较低,致使器件的整体发光效率不高;采用蓝光LED芯片激发黄色荧光粉,同时用红光LED进行补偿,通过调整蓝光和红光LED芯片的工作电流以及荧光粉的用量,可获得低色温和高显色性白光LED,而且整体发光效率较高。  相似文献   

面向彩色有机微显示的有机白光顶发射器件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以比铝、银等金属材料透光性更好的铜作为白光有机顶发射器件的顶电极,将其应用到基于Al底电极的蓝、黄互补色顶发射白光有机电致发光器件(TEWOLED),通过合理设计器件结构,制备出的器件具有较低的驱动电压和较高的效率,4V下亮度超过1 000cd/m2、功率效率达到28.5lm/W,效率滚降较小。我们利用p型电学掺杂结构和电子注入缓冲层结构分别解决了铝和铜电极功函数同空穴传输层的HOMO能级和电子传输层的LUMO能级不匹配问题,并通过TcTa光学覆盖层的调节作用使器件具有较好的光谱稳定性。基于Cu顶电极的TEWOLED与采用Al作为互连金属的CMOS工艺兼容,我们将该器件与硅基CMOS驱动电路结合,获得了SVGA白光有机微显示器件,为彩色有机发光微显示的实现奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用DCJTB作为色彩转换膜实现白色有机电致发光的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用橙红色荧光材料4-(二氰基亚甲基)-2-叔丁基-6-(1,1,7,7-四甲基久罗尼定基-4-乙烯基)-4H-吡喃(DCJTB)作为色彩转换材料,结合蓝色有机电致发光器件实现了较好的白光发射。分别通过真空蒸镀和旋转涂覆两种不同的工艺进行色彩转换膜(CCL)的制备,发现不同的转换膜制备工艺对白光器件的性能影响不明显。当采用浓度比例为20mg/ml的DCJTB溶液通过旋涂方法制备CCL后,所得到白光器件的起亮电压为3.4V,在12V时达到最大亮度为1 939cd/m2,且该器件的最大电流效率为1.34cd/A(在电流密度为3.23mA/cm2时)。当驱动电压从5V增加到9V时,该白光器件的色坐标仅从(0.36,0.33)变化到(0.33,0.31)。表现出良好的色纯度和色稳定性。  相似文献   

Organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) are known to heat up when driven at high brightness levels required for lighting and bright display applications. This so called Joule heating can in the extreme case lead to a catastrophic failure (breakdown) of the device. In this work, we compare the effect of Joule heated and externally heated OLEDs by their electrical and optical response. A reduction in resistance is observed at elevated temperatures, both, for Joule heating, and for externally heated samples driven at low current density. In both cases, we attribute the change in resistance to a higher mobility of charge carriers at the elevated temperatures. Additionally, we observe a quenching of the emission efficiency in heated single layers as well as in OLEDs, treated with an external heat source as well as on Joule heated samples.  相似文献   

Low color temperature (CT) lighting provides a warm and comfortable atmosphere and shows mild effect on melatonin suppression. A high-efficiency low CT organic light emitting diode can be easily fabricated by spin coating a single white emission layer. The resultant white device shows an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 22.8% (34.9 lm/W) with CT 2860 K at 100 cd/m2, while is shown 18.8% (24.5 lm/W) at 1000 cd/m2. The high efficiency may be attributed to the use of electroluminescence efficient materials and the ambipolar-transport host. Besides, proper device architecture design enables excitons to form on the host and allows effective energy transfer from host to guest or from high triplet guest to low counterparts. By decreasing the doping concentration of blue dye in the white emission layer, the device exhibited an orange emission with a CT of 2280 K. An EQE improvement was observed for the device, whose EQE was 27.4% (38.8 lm/W) at 100 cd/m2 and 20.4% (24.6 lm/W) at 1000 cd/m2.  相似文献   

Efficient light extraction for organic light emitting diodes (OLED) using scalable processes and low-cost materials are important prerequisites for the future commercialization of OLED lighting devices. The light-extraction technology exhibited in this paper uses polymer-based high-refractive index scattering layers processed from solution. The scatter matrix formulation incorporates two types of nanoparticles for refractive index tuning and scattering, respectively. Planarization by the same material in order to reduce surface defects was critical for achieving highly increased device yield. Highly efficient and defect-free large-area (1.8 cm2) white OLED devices were fabricated on top of the scattering layer in a bottom emitter configuration. Light extraction enhancement leads to an overall efficiency gain of up to 81% for luminances of 5000 cd m−2.  相似文献   

基于BAlq的有机电致发光器件的磁效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了ITO/NPB(40nm)/BAlq(60nm)/BCP(5nm)/LiF(0.8nm)/AI有机电致发光器件(OLED)的磁效应.实验结果表明,磁场在10mT时,器件的效率最大增加了34%,这一结果是由于三线态激子与三线态激子间的相互淬灭产生激发单线态激子从而使单线态激子比率增加,致使电致发光(EL)增强.当磁...  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a promising way to fabricate micro-cavity OLEDs (organic light emitting diodes) with the concept of “super top emission” with soluble optical path-length compensation layer (OPCL) formed by Laser Induced Thermal Imaging (LITI) technology. OPCL is an additional layer for setting the cavity length corresponding to intrinsic wavelength of emitter. The resultant OLEDs gave a saturated three primary colors (RGB) after transmitting through common color filters by micro-cavity effect. By this approach, we could simplify the fabrication process of full color OLEDs by reducing conventional color patterning step, fine metal mask method. We also suggested the blending system of polymer and small molecule as transfer layer and this could improve the quality of laser patterning by controlling the surface energy adequately. Also, this system could be a solution to LITI problem of chronic contaminant because transferred materials could remain after cleaning process. Devices fabricated by soluble/LITI process showed comparable or even better performances and the device characteristics could enhance by further study of optimizing several parameters such as materials property and laser patterning condition. Also, we expect that this concept could lead to develop the fabrication process of large and high-resolution OLED displays.  相似文献   

《Organic Electronics》2014,15(1):337-341
Solution processing of low-molecular weight organic materials for optoelectronic devices is a challenging task due to often strong molecular aggregation. We present a facile and universal route for suppressing the aggregation of molecules during wet-deposition of emission layers for organic light emitting diodes by incorporating electronically inactive polymers. Moderate polymer concentrations of about 10 wt.% lead to only minor changes of the electrical performance while at the same time improving the film formation and consequently the device luminance significantly. The device performance matches the performance of vacuum processed devices with the same device architecture.  相似文献   

Microdisplays based on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have a small form factor, and this can be a great advantage when applied to augmented reality and virtual reality devices. In addition, a high-resolution microdisplay of 3000 ppi or more can be achieved when applying a white OLED structure and a color filter. However, low luminance is the weakness of an OLED-based microdisplay as compared with other microdisplay technologies. By applying a tandem structure consisting of two separate emission layers, the efficiency of the OLED device is increased, and higher luminance can be achieved. The efficiency and white spectrum of the OLED device are affected by the position of the emitting layer in the tandem structure and calculated via optical simulation. Each white OLED device with optimized efficiency is fabricated according to the position of the emitting layer, and red, green, and blue spectrum and efficiency are confirmed after passing through color filters. The optimized white OLED device with color filters reaches 97.8% of the National Television Standards Committee standard.  相似文献   

The correlation of accumulation charges at the interfaces of organic layers and carrier mobility in organic light emitting devices (OLEDs) were investigated through the impedance versus voltage (Z-V) characteristics of devices. The properties of devices with various combinations of cathode structures, HTLs and ETLs were investigated to understand the impedance transition in Z-V characteristics of OLEDs. It was observed that there is an extra impedance transition before devices turn on when the hole mobility in the HTL is much greater than the electron mobility in the ETL in the devices, which makes the Z-V characteristics a potential tool to compare the electron mobility in ETL and hole mobility in HTL.  相似文献   

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