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受英语的影响,新闻报道和网络论坛上逐渐出现了"××门"现象,"门"渐渐地融入了人们的生活,其使用也日益蔓延到社会生活各个方面.与"门"一样,"哥""姐"也摆脱了其传统的意义束缚,逐渐被用在与说话人并非具有亲属关系的人身上.与很多新生事物一样,这些字眼儿的产生、发展、变异和流行与同时期的社会现状、社会心态以及社会价值取向不可分割.  相似文献   

汤显祖虽以<牡丹亭>著称,但从其一生的文学活动来看,应是一位诗人.因此,其"四梦"具有明显的诗作特征,在内容上,秉承了自娱言志的传统,表达了其在不同时期的人生观与社会观;在艺术上,为显示才华,语言典雅华丽,长于"辞"而短于"戏",具有案头化倾向.从明代沈璟、冯梦龙的<牡丹亭>改本,一直到清代叶堂的<纳书楹四梦全谱>、钮少雅的<格正还魂记词调>、<缀白裘>所收的艺人改本,皆为"四梦"在舞台上的演出与流传作出了贡献.  相似文献   

本文分析发现:话语标记"你说"有引介话题和征询对方意见两种话语功能,它源于由人称代词虚化为受话角色的"你"和语义虚化的"说"的结合.根据它与所指话语信息的位置关系,归纳出两种话语信息模式:"…,你说-,X…"(模式I);"…,X-你说呢,…"(模式Ⅱ),两种模式各有不同的语用功能.文章还考察了"你说"的两种词汇化机制,即语义规约化和相邻成分的层次消解.  相似文献   

何孝子案是发生于明弘治朝的血亲复仇案。就该案自身而言,其诸多细节影响着判决的走向;从司法运作角度论,案件暴露了在高度强化的皇权体制下司法运作模式存在的诸多弊端。该案从案牍材料变为道德教材,则体现了中国古代独特的法律文化。  相似文献   

The term "sensitivity" (as applied to an analytical method's performance) has again become a subject of controversy. Certain authorities (e.g., IUPAC) define a system's sensitivity as the response curve slope (or response/dose), others (e.g., IFCC) in terms of the detection limit. Many investigators have failed to perceive the contradiction between these concepts, wrongly assuming that maximizing "sensitivity" in the first sense maximizes it in the second (i.e., that they are inversely related). The existence of different meanings for this term (when used in the present context) is a source of confusion that has, among other things, led to erroneous ideas relating to immunoassay design. Such confusion should be terminated by adoption of one or the other of the definitions. However, the definitions are not of equal merit. We advance arguments against retention of the "slope" definition, which conflicts with the word's common meaning and is meaningless as an indicator of the performance of a measuring system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a large number of patients referred with persistent symptoms thought to represent chronic Lyme disease. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of nearly 800 patients referred with persisting nonspecific musculoskeletal and/or neurologic symptoms thought to represent chronic Lyme disease. RESULTS: Seventy-seven patients were found to have fibromyalgia, not ongoing Lyme disease, as the explanation of their chronic symptoms. Many had received multiple courses of antibiotic therapy for symptoms of fibromyalgia mistakenly attributed to chronic Lyme disease. No patient reported permanent and/or total resolution of fibromyalgia symptoms following antibiotic therapy. Appropriate therapy for fibromyalgia in those who remained compliant, however, was often effective in improving some if not all of the chronic symptoms. CONCLUSION: Fibromyalgia is a treatable and potentially curable disorder, and should be considered in the evaluation of patients with "refractory Lyme disease."  相似文献   

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