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张勇 《冶金动力》2022,(6):122-126
钢铁行业是国民经济的重要基础,也是环保监管的重点行业。面对新形势下的环境风险管理要求,梳理了突发环境事件应急预案的内容和工作流程,分析了钢铁企业的环境风险特点,提出了钢铁企业突发环境事件应急预案编制要点和注意事项。  相似文献   

人类在遭受自然灾害袭击的同时,也面临着突发疫情、不明原因疾病、战争、社会动乱、工矿交通事故等灾难的影响.这些突发的公共卫生事件对人类产生了巨大的生命成胁,因此,各国政府都高度重视对突发公共卫生事件的应急处理.我们国家也要从观念、体制、政策和法制上不断完善,采取相应措施,积极关注健康与发展,进一步促进我国公共管理体制改革与制度创新.  相似文献   

根据企业突发环境事件应急预案编制指南,以及相关环境保护法律法规、标准和技术规范,分析了黄金采选企业突发环境事件应急预案编制工作程序中企业基本情况调查、环境风险评价及应急能力评估等关键要点,为完善环境应急预案体系,增强环境应急预案的科学性、实效性和可操作性提供依据。  相似文献   

十年前,在中国还很少有人谈起"突发群体事件"这一概念,而当今有越来越多的人时常谈起,各种研究层出不穷,这是因为,近年来不仅一般性突发事件频繁发生,而且群体性事件也日益增长.通过时这类事件的观察分析,可以得出,只要发生突发群体事件,就伴随有谣言的产生.如果对谣言进行有效的危机管理,可以减轻此类事件的严重程度,因此本文对突发群体事件的谣言危机管理进行研究.  相似文献   

科技政策评估是科技政策制定与完善的必要环节,完善的科技政策评估可以推动科技政策制定的民主化和科学化进程.但是,目前科技政策评估的内涵和评估框架在我国学术界还没有进行过系统性研究.本文就是围绕着这两点开展研究,特别是在科技政策评估内涵的研究基础上,提出了科技政策评估的三个可操作性的评估框架,并设计了此框架下的总体指标.  相似文献   

生态系统服务是人类可持续发展的物质基础和自然资本.对生态系统服务价值的评估有利于人们认识自然生态系统对人类福利的重要性,是生态学、地理学等自然科学利用经济学方法进一步影响社会决策的尝试.但由于生态系统的复杂性和经济系统对生态系统服务反映的模糊性,目前尚难准确评估生态系统服务价值.多尺度综合研究与动态参与式评估、物产价值与非物质性服务价值的分离研究、对边际价值的调查与模拟研究、与生态补偿等相关领域的结合研究、非物质性服务价值的市场化研究等是生态系统服务价值评估研究的深化方向.  相似文献   

[目的]评估休闲农业体验价值.[方法]从感觉体验、情感体验、思维体验、行为体验和关联体验5个方面为休闲农业体验价值评估设计一级指标,对这5个一级指标进行进一步细化,得出20个细分指标,为细分指标设置更为具体的评分点,采用德尔菲法确定各一级因素和二级因素的标度,建立判别矩阵,利用Matlab软件计算各级评估因素权重,在根据客观实际进行模糊判别,从而得到评估结果.[结果]休闲农业体验价值评估总分为83.12.[结论]休闲农业体验价值评估等级为较好.  相似文献   

在突发公共安全事件中产生的公共信息资源具有突发性,实时性,重大性的特点,是公众所关注的焦点.在此类公共信息资源的管理中要尽量防止信息不对称现象的产生,满足公众的信息知情权,同时建立相关的突发公共事件的公共信息资源管理应急预案,由专门的机构来负责预案执行,以实现对突发公共安全事件信息的有效管理.  相似文献   

在我国社会现代化发展水平不断提高以及各项法律法规内容不断完善的背景下,矿业权价值评估方法得到了多元化发展,所涉及的内容越来越广泛。在我国社会经济整体发展水平不断提高的环境下,在矿产行业中,矿业权交易在无形资产评估领域具有的重要性越来越高,选择的矿业评估参数和评估方法是否具有较高合理性,对矿业权评估价值具有重要影响本人针对矿业权价值评估相关方法展开详细分析,为我国矿产行业整体发展水平的进一步提高奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

依据<中国湿地百科全书>及四川省林业厅调查数据,将四川省湿地类型划分为河流湿地、湖泊湿地、沼泽和沼泽化草地、水田湿地、池塘湿地、水库湿地两大类6种类型,采用定量货币化方法对四川省湿地生态系统服务功能价值进行了估算,为四川省湿地保护与规划提供生态经济理论依据.结果表明,四川省湿地生态服务功能的总价值达7 483.03亿元人民币,相当于四川省2009年GDP的52.88%,各项湿地生态功能价值中最高的是固碳释氧功能价值达3 422.00亿元人民币,约占45.73﹪,其次是水分调节功能和物质生产功能,说明湿地对四川省的生态环境和国民经济有重要作用,并和人们的生产、生活、娱乐密切相关.  相似文献   

Many engineering and environmental problems that involve the determination of unknown system characteristics from observation data can be categorized as inverse problems. A common approach undertaken to solve such problems is the simulation-optimization approach where simulation models are coupled with optimization or search methods. Simulation-optimization approaches, particularly in environmental characterization involving natural systems, are computationally expensive due to the complex three-dimensional simulation models required to represent these systems and the large number of such simulations involved. Emerging grid computing environments (e.g., TeraGrid) show promise for improving the computational tractability of these approaches. However, harnessing grid resources for most computational applications is a nontrivial problem due to the complex hierarchy of heterogeneous and geographically distributed resources involved in a grid. This paper reports and discusses the development and evaluation of a grid-enabled simulation-optimization framework for solving environmental characterization problems. The framework is designed in a modular fashion that simplifies coupling with simulation model executables, allowing application of simulation-optimization approaches across problem domains. The framework architecture utilizes standard communications protocols and the message passing interface with an application programming interface to establish a connection between a centralized search application and simulation models running on TeraGrid resources. Sets of performance and scalability results for solving a groundwater source history reconstruction (SHR) problem are presented. The results show that for a given set of resources, parameters controlling the granularity at various levels of parallelism play an important role in the overall parallel performance. A production run for solving the SHR problem using three geographically distributed grid resources indicates that even in a cross-site grid environment a factor of 90 speedup is possible using 140 computer processors.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework has been developed to investigate value innovations within construction companies. A visual metaphor has been defined to model the innovation system where the elements of the model are objectives, strategies, environmental barriers/drivers, and organizational factors. The major idea is that none of the elements of the model alone can explain the innovative capability, and elements as well as their interrelations should be considered concurrently to investigate how the innovation system works in construction companies. An application of the framework has been demonstrated by 11 cases taken from the Turkish construction industry. General findings of the research have been reported as well as specific company examples that demonstrate the major mechanisms of the innovation system. The research findings have revealed that environmental factors can have both hindering and supporting impacts on the innovation system, depending on other elements of the framework. The type of innovations is strongly related to company targets, strategies, strengths/weaknesses, and environmental factors. Moreover, matching of appropriate strategies with organizational properties leads to an increase in innovative capacity.  相似文献   

Environmental awareness is increasingly important to society, government, and industry, and there is a strong demand for sustainable development practices. The importance of supply chain management is critical, as it characterizes and influences the life cycles of all products. Within the major logistics trends, outsourcing has a significant potential to increase sustainability in the supply chain as third-party logistics providers (3PLs) focus on improving resource utilization and making processes more efficient. However, their motivation is largely economic, and an environmental perspective is rarely seen in 3PLs. As consumers demand greener alternatives and, subsequently, environmental regulatory measures are implemented, 3PLs will have to become more environmentally and socially aware in order to develop sustainability goals. This study compares two scenarios using life-cycle assessment (LCA): one where logistics functions are handled in-house, and an alternative scenario where such functions are outsourced to a 3PL. The impacts of logistics outsourcing on energy utilization, global warming potential, and fatalities are first quantified in the supply chain of an automobile. Even though vehicle operation, responsible for most of the impacts considered, is outside the domain of logistics functions, logistics outsourcing nonetheless has the potential to reduce energy use and global warming potential by 0.4–2% and fatalities by 0.8–3.3% throughout the entire life cycle of a typical automobile. Road and air transportation are found to account for most of the impacts in all selected metrics. Analyzing logistics outsourcing in the other sectors of the U.S. economy revealed the same trend as observed in the supply chain of an automobile.  相似文献   

针对锌湿法冶炼企业工艺特点,结合企业突发环境事件相关编制文件,对锌湿法冶炼企业突发环境事件应急预案编制过程中的要点进行了梳理,包括突发环境事件风险评估报告、环境应急资源调查报告、突发环境事件应急预案三个部分的内容。  相似文献   

《环境空气质量标准》第三次修订中新增了PM2.5标准限值,在标准发布通知中规定了分期实施的要求。环评及其管理要求中是否评价PM2.5以及评价的深度,目前存在各种意见。文章通过对PM2.5的成因和来源的分析,给出了相关建议。  相似文献   

矿山环评中值得关注的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着矿山项目的增加,国家对矿山的环保要求也日益规范和严格.本文总结矿山项目环境影响评价工作中遇到的问题,对矿山项目中尾矿库、废石场选址的合理性,矿山开发与国家产业政策的符合性以及清洁生产等问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

针对开拓方案选择中损失资源的计价问题作了分析,选择现值法计算矿产资源价值的基础上,给出了损失资源的计价模型和留保安矿柱造成经济损失的计算方法。  相似文献   

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