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The CIO Institute formed in January 2002 is a subsidiary of the nonprofit Eastern Technology Council, an organization that focuses on supporting business in the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. The CIO Institute members are ask to contribute chapters to a best practice volume for IT. The resulting volume revealed three major categories of IT best practices that can make your IT group a positive force in the enterprise. This article excerpts, analyzes, and represents these CIOs' collected wisdom, as represented in the book, entitled CIO Wisdom II: More Best Practices (2005).  相似文献   

A group of CIOs dispute the view that "spend less, do not lead, manage risk" is becoming the new IT mantra.  相似文献   

The literature of the past three decades has not provided a consistent picture of payback for IT investment. Firm strategies and infrastructure play a part in determining return on investment and, in recent years, chief information officer (CIO) characteristics have been cited as essential factors in ensuring economic returns for IT investment. In our study we related CIO background and attitude toward IT investment to the objective measures of a firm's performance. The financial measures tended to be higher when the CIO was from IT rather than general management, however, an IT manager in a firm that had a strategic orientation to IT rather than a utilitarian one was more likely to have higher financial performance. Thus, although a CIO should have a technological background, the CIO who has a strategic rather than utilitarian orientation is more likely to help in forming a highly profitable company.  相似文献   


Based on 57 interviews with senior IT project managers in the UK Canada, USA and New Zealand, this article presents innovative practices they have developed during difficult projects. In our respondents' view, traditional project management methods and techniques are only a starting point. Through their quotes, they show how one has to be creative and entrepreneurial to lead projects successfully.  相似文献   

Viewed from the perspective of the activity competency model (ACM) and prior theoretical works, we developed a conceptual framework for investigating the capability of IT management personnel and its impact on the performance of a CIO. A scale for measuring a CIO's effectiveness and management capability was developed and validated. A partial least squares method was used to test the conceptual model empirically and hypotheses were tested through data collected in a large-scale survey. The results supported the proposed framework, and confirmed our hypotheses that both IT and managerial competencies have positive significant impact on the effectiveness of a CIO. We also found that his or her IT management capability significantly impacted the CIO's performance. Our findings are likely to be of particular value to those concerned with IT management training and competency development for CIOs.  相似文献   

Abstract Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now widespread in Australian schools but with variation in how, where, when and how much they are used. Computers may be located in a computer laboratory, distributed throughout the school, or students may use their own laptop computers. IT may be a subject in its own right or ICT may be used across all areas of the curriculum. It is how ICT is used in the school setting that is important in providing students with the skills to be participate in a 'knowledge society'. This paper examines the ways in which information and communication technologies influence teaching and learning in five Australian schools. Data were gathered through observation, interviews and document analysis in schools operating at the elementary and secondary grades in relatively technology rich environments. Each of the schools participated in the Australian component of the Second Information Technology in Education Study – Module 2 (SITES-M2) of innovative pedagogical practices. Several of the studies were of specific projects where ICT was the key enabler of the learning programme. Others focused on an entire school's approach to ICT as an agent for changed approaches to learning.  相似文献   

<正> CIO持证上岗应该是人才、市场和企业的“三赢”,而不是阻碍人才流动、约束信息化进程的“紧箍咒” 毕业于同济大学的毛宇,曾经有过多次IT方面的求职经历,但结果都不如意,每次他都只能怏怏而回。“专业不对口,又没有认证证书,再好的工作也只能对你说拜拜。”IT行业的不景气使很多用人单位抬高了人才招聘的门槛。但这一次,毛宇遇到了一个可能会改变他职业生涯的机会。  相似文献   

从2002年政府对CIO的重视程度来看,我们可以说在中国,政府与CIO正处于“蜜月期”;从CIO自身的成长成熟阶段来看,他们更大程度上又还在“学龄前”年纪。成长中的中国CIO少不了许多烦恼,他们必然要经历一个脱去青涩的过程……  相似文献   

为使残疾大学生更好地为社会发展服务,提高就业层次,笔者从调整和优化课程体系、采取多种教学方法、构建实践教学体系阐述了听障大学生IT创新人才培养模式。  相似文献   

CIO一词是何时传入中国的?许多人都认为是在1990年代中期以后,随着中国企业信息化的发展和企业管理水平的提高,人们才知道了这个名词.实际上这是一个误解.早在1980年代末翻译出版的一本MBA教材<管理信息系统--概念基础、结构与研制>(哈尔滨工业大学出版社1989年出版)中就已经明确提出了CIO的概念,并且给出了CIO的6条具体职责.这本书已经给出了有关CIO的明确定义--"对(企业)公共信息资源管理负责的高层次的组织管理者".尽管如此,由于当时在我国企业中对信息系统的应用还处于起步的阶段,CIO概念的提出,实际上并没有引起人们的注意,也没有企业试图设置这个职位.  相似文献   

This study presents a unified model of information technology (IT) continuance, by drawing upon three alternative influences that are presumed to shape continuance behavior: reasoned action, experiential response, and habitual response. Using a longitudinal survey of workplace IT continuance among insurance agents at a large insurance company in Taiwan, we demonstrate that the above influences are interdependent, complementary, and have crossover effects. This study advances IT continuance research by theorizing and validating a unifying model that extends prior perspectives and by explaining interrelationships between these perspectives.  相似文献   

<正> 上期内容回顾:经过冥思苦想,江一诚好像找到了国华科技的症结所在:治理结构问题还没有解决,其他的又怎么能理顺呢?问题找到了,可是并不等于就有了解决的办法,况且这也是江一诚鞭长莫及的事,他是心有余而力不足。  相似文献   

看似简单的网上购物其实有很多环节,它包括用Siebel的产品确定订单,用PeopleSoft的软件验证消费者的信用卡,用i2的技术检查产品是否有贷和用SAP的方案来运输货物等环节。  相似文献   

2003 CIO年     
<正> 2003年将是CIO们大有作为的一年。在大多数大公司中,CEO、COO和CFO们已欣然将CIO视为他们的领导者,在观念上确立了CIO的位置,即纵览企业全局,提高工作效率,既掌管分散的数据资产,又控制了无可争议的在世纪之交技术开支的习惯,伴随着经济  相似文献   

Reengineering is all you hear from the pundits, vendors, soothsayers, as well as anyone who either wants to separate your wallet from its contents or who may have a hidden agenda. Everyone wants you to trade in your Schwinn for a Lincoln. What is an IS manager to do?  相似文献   

陈飔 《软件工程师》2002,(10):53-54
没有什么比经历过的事更有说服力,对中国的CIO来说更是如此。经历可能是成功的,更可能是失败的;经历可以是经验,可以是教训,可以是感悟,也可以是启发。总之,经历使人成长。本刊从本期起,在CIO栏目中连载陈飔撰写的系列文章《助理CIO手记》,和您一起体验一个中国CIO的真实内心世界。  相似文献   

马晓星 《数码世界》2003,2(4):50-51
CIO是一个复合型人才.不仅要懂得企业的业务及其发展策略,同时还要非常了解和关注IT技术发展。从CIO的工作职责可以看出.一名合格的CIO必须具有对企业的信息战略进行规划的能力.具有丰富的信息技术知识.懂得IT行业的发展实情这些都是CIO做好本职工作的要素。下面我们就对CIO需要具有的几项基本的也是至关重要的素质进行详细的解说。  相似文献   

Empirical evidence for the business value of customer relationship management (CRM) systems remains unsolid in IS studies. This study proposes a new model for CRM value according to IT/IS usage theory and “two-stage model.” Empirical tests show that operational benefits of CRM are reflected in firms’ high revenue per employee, which leads to high profitability; strategic benefits of CRM are reflected in firms’ high customer satisfaction, which leads to high profitability and market valuation. Firm size positively moderates the operational and strategic benefits of CRM, while the industry’s product differentiation level negatively moderates operational and strategic benefits of CRM.  相似文献   

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