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总承包单位与分包商在招投标、施工计划和生产控制等方面的行为动态影响着建设项目的结果。近年来,在建筑业数字化转型过程中,各大企业开发大量用于企业层与项目层的分包商管理系统,此类系统的交互作用主要体现项目基层管理与企业层管控两个层面。从供应链理论出发,研究总、分包单位在合作关系中新的可能性,并在此基础上建立将分包商纳入项目信息系统中的数字化管理模型,该模型旨在应用于施工总承包项目的信息管理系统中。  相似文献   

EPC 项目建设过程中存在二层链式委托代理结构。以委托代理理论为基础,分析 EPC 项目中业主、总承包商和分包商三者间的委托代理关系,建立二层链式委托代理的 EPC 激励模型。研究表明:在 EPC 模式下,业主可以通过鼓励总承包商进行更多合理分包获得更高效益,且业主的效益受到第二层委托代理关系中分包商的成本系数、风险规避度及其所面临的外界环境的不确定性负面影响;而当总承包商尽量多地选择工程分包时,其产出就越依赖分包商的努力,总承包商就需要对分包商进行更大的激励。  相似文献   

建筑项目分包商与合作伙伴关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伙伴关系(Partnering)模式的提出对于建筑业长足、稳定的发展起到了积极的推进作用。传统意义上的伙伴关系通常针对业主与承包商间的合作关系,忽视了分包商参与伙伴关系的重要性。合作伙伴关系旨在提出分包商应融入伙伴关系模式中,充分发挥其能动作用。日本建筑业实践证明,合作伙伴关系的存在具有超越性和合理性。实现合作伙伴关系的途径包括:业主对于分包商参与合作伙伴关系的推动途径,以及使伙伴关系延伸到分包层次的技术途径。  相似文献   

刘海保  王华强 《山西建筑》2009,35(25):265-266
结合自身工作实践,介绍了国内工程施工管理现状,阐述了国内工程分包中存在的问题,并对总承包商与分包商之间的权利、义务及配合等进行了探讨,提出了分包商索赔时应考虑事项,以期规范分包商与总承包商之间的合作。  相似文献   

以EPC总承包商与分包商间的委托代理问题为切入点,分析二者之间的激励困境;通过分析总承包商与分包商之间信息不对称的问题,建立相对业绩评价体系,并明确评价指标、权重以及计算方法;最后通过将相对业绩评价引入分包合同以及建立分包商资源库来构建激励机制。通过相对业绩评价方法,能客观准确地评价分包商的行为,进而给予激励与惩罚。  相似文献   

根据澳门的工程实践,对燃气工程项目的设计-建造承包模式进行分析。业主采用设计-建造承包模式,通过招标方式选定燃气承包商,作为燃气项目的指定分包商,与项目总承包商签订分包合同。在设计-建造承包模式下,燃气指定分包商全面负责燃气工程项目的设计和施工。  相似文献   

所谓分包工程就是在工程承包过程中,承包商可以根据专业性质的不同或工程范围,将所承包工程中一些专业性强的部分或单项工程再分包给其他分包商。总承包商一般采用对外招标的形式选择分包商,分包商直接与总承包商签订分包合同,接受总承包商的管理、监督,同时总承包商仍对分包项  相似文献   

采用博弈论对总承包商与分包商之间的行为动机进行深入的研究,揭示了总承包商和分包商在个体理性下陷入“囚徒困境”的机理,并结合如何.走出“囚徒困境”,提出了双方的博弈关系、博弈方式,建立了博弈模型,提出了具体对策和措施。实证证明,该模型能够有效地解决企业的实际问题。  相似文献   

曾思军 《江西建材》2013,(1):256-257
针对不同的分包模式需有不同的管理模式相适应,但无论哪种模式,促进合同双方有效履约是根本,通过对分包商资源投入、分包工程结算等关键环节的有效控制,确保工程目标的受控,以达到总承包商和分包商双赢。  相似文献   

通过构建合作博弈模型,发现三方合作博弈的利益分配具有均衡解,即三方的合作可以有效实现。同时提出了承包商促进分包商合作、业主推动承包商与分包商合作及价值创造的有效途径。  相似文献   

基于业主、总承包商、分包商之间的多级委托代理关系,分别构建“业主—总承包商” 一级激励机制模型和“业主—总承包商—两个分包商” 二级激励机制模型,分析信息结构对多级工程供应链中多边决策行为的影响。研究发现: 无论是一级激励还是二级激励, 多边不对称信息的存在使得总承包商获得信息租金,从而扭曲总承包商工作努力和业主的收益; 业主在选择合作伙伴时, 委托代理链越长, 越要谨慎考察总承包商的能力水平;随着委托代理链的增长,业主和总承包商宁愿降低自身收益,以激励总承包商和分包商努力工作。  相似文献   

施工总承包管理模式已经成为我国大型建设项目的主流模式,随着业主对大型建设项目的工期、质量、安全等要求和期望越来越高,施工标段和分包单位越来越多,导致施工总承包管理难度不断加大.文中通过深圳湾体育中心大型建设项目实例,从管理理念和原则、管理组织机构以及总承包管理等方面系统地介绍了该项目施工总承包管理经验,供同行参考.  相似文献   

在总承包项目中总包商与其长期合作的分包商之间的协作关系值得关注,引入对各分包商相互协作的激励,利用委托代理理论,建立多分包商时团队协作激励的分包合同激励模型。模型分析表明,当分包商的工作相互独立、在时间和空间上不互相影响时,总包商可同时提供个体激励和团队激励;而当分包商之间的工作联系比较密切,在时间和空间上互相影响时,总包商可只提供团队激励来诱使分包商之间相互协作、互相帮助。  相似文献   

One of the main features of the Australian building industry is the high level of subcontracting of building works. This paper reports on a survey of 43 subcontractors regarding various aspects of the relationship between subcontractors and general contractors. In particular it reports on the practice of ‘bid shopping’ in which the general contractor in various ways attempts to reduce the subcontractor's price below that of the tender. Generally the subcontractors were strongly against bid shopping attempts to tie with general contractors and negotiations in general. However, the strength of the responses was determined by the size of the firms. The larger firms were more open to negotiations and deals than the smaller firms. The overall benefits to the general contractors who ‘shop’ are doubtful, most subcontractors adjust their mark up by up to 20% to allow for such negotiations.  相似文献   

李斌 《山西建筑》2012,(22):268-269
针对目前建筑市场中分包队伍管理不善的现状,结合实际工作经验,探讨了施工企业如何做好对分包方的安全管理工作,提出总包单位应高度重视和加强对分包单位的选择及控制,明确双方责任及目标,高度重视安全生产中人的因素。  相似文献   

A multi‐level safety climate model was tested in the Australian construction industry. Subcontracted workers’ perceptions of the organizational safety response (OSR) and supervisor safety response (SSR) in their own organization and that of the principal contractor were measured using a safety climate survey administered at a large hospital construction project in Melbourne. One hundred and fourteen construction workers completed the survey, representing nine subcontractors engaged at the project. Two requisite conditions for the existence of group‐level safety climates, i.e. (1) within‐group homogeneity; and (2) between‐group variation were satisfied for perceptions of subcontractors’ OSR and SSR. This supports the contention that subcontractors working in a single construction project exhibit a unique group‐level safety climate. Subcontracted workers also discriminated between group‐level safety climates (i.e. the SSR) in their own and in the principal contractor’s organizations. The results suggest some cross‐level influence. Perceptions of the SSR were positively predicted by perceptions of the OSR in both the principal and subcontractor organizations. Perceptions of the OSR of the principal contractor were also a significant predictor of the perceived OSR and SSR in the subcontractor organizations. Perceptions of the subcontractors’ SSR were a significant predictor of the rate of lost‐time and medical treatment incidents reported by the subcontractor. Although perceptions of the principal contractor’s SSR were not directly related to subcontractors’ injury rates, they were a significant predictor of subcontractors’ SSR, revealing an indirect link. The results suggest that supervisory personnel (e.g. foremen and leading hands) play an important role in shaping safety performance in subcontracted workgroups.  相似文献   

为解决实施 EPC(设计—采购—施工)工程总承包模式的铁路项目中总承包方与分包方之间利润分配不均匀的问 题,选取总分包双方的利润为研究对象,在达到帕累托集体最优的基础上,运用 Shapley 值法对总分包方和分包方的利润进 行分配,建立了以设计单位牵头的铁路 EPC 项目总分包之间的利润分配模型,并针对项目特点,进行双方投入资源与铁路 项目风险分配的修正。模型确定了总分包集体最优效益下的各自利润和创新优化收益分配比例,为铁路 EPC 项目中分包合 同的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

One of the defining characteristics of the construction industry is its subcontracting model of project organisation. Surprisingly, despite the criticality of the subcontractor/principal contractor relationship to successful project outcomes, research into this important relationship has been fragmented, disorganised and under-theorised. Mobilising theories of relationship quality to address this gap in knowledge, a survey of three hundred and thirty seven tier-one subcontractors in the Australian construction industry was undertaken to explore what factors influence relationship quality between subcontractors and principal contractors, whether these factors vary across the supply chain and how they affect overall relational satisfaction. The findings give subcontractors a missing voice in this important debate and provide a more nuanced understanding of this critical project relationship from a novel theoretical perspective. They indicate that from a subcontractor perspective, subcontractor/principal contractor relationship quality is determined by six key factors: integrity respect and fairness; prompt payment; willingness to negotiate risk and price; effective communication; concern for worker health, safety and well-being; and opportunities for early involvement in planning and design. Conceptually, when these factors are organised under the three dimensions of relationship quality theory (trust, satisfaction, and commitment), the results show that trust is by far the most important determinant of relationship quality. However, subcontractors cannot be treated as a homogeneous group and the factors that influence relationship quality and the importance of trust vary significantly between large and small subcontractors and by the amount of turnover-dependency in a relationship. Conceptually, the findings are important for refining the concept of relationship quality in a project management context and for helping construction project managers to improve often tenuous subcontractor relationships in an increasingly competitive industry where the quality of these relationships is a critical determinant of project outcomes and competitive advantage.  相似文献   

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