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利用惰性溶剂除去生物质中的可溶抽提物得到相应的抽提残渣,采用FT-IR对抽提残渣和生物质原样进行结构表征,并利用管式炉反应器以10℃/min的升温速率对抽提残渣和生物质原样进行热裂解实验,以了解它们的热裂解产物分布及热解规律。结果表明,抽提物的去除不会改变生物质的基本结构,对其热失重行为的影响也很小。热裂解三相产物中气体产物产率最大,达50%,其主要成分为H2,CO,CO2,CH4以及小分子烃类。与生物质原样相比,抽提残渣中的H2产率上升,而CO产率下降。液相产物中主要是酚类、烷烃类、四氢呋喃类、酮类、酸类、酯类、多环芳香类化合物和少量脱水单糖。其中酚类物质含量最多,超过55%。而且在抽提残渣的焦油产物中,酚类的总量和种类均比生物质原样多,其他类物质产率与生物质原样相比则有所减少。 相似文献
单个大颗粒褐煤干燥、热解机理的研究对于褐煤提质技术的开发具有重要的理论与实际意义,可用于该过程的数值计算与优化研究.对于单个大颗粒褐煤而言,在干燥、热结过程中内部存在较大的温度、水含量及挥发分含量的梯度,所涉及到的科学问题为多孔介质传热与传质问题.文中主要针对褐煤的干燥机理、热解机理及堆积态干燥过程机理进行了详细的文献调研. 相似文献
用化学平衡软件“Factsage”计算了稻草秸秆在200~800℃温度范围内热解条件和500 ~900℃温度范围内燃烧条件下,与Cl相关的各种无机物质的热力学平衡分布.采用管式炉反应器,研究了秸秆在热解和燃烧条件下的Cl的析出规律.理论计算结果表明,当温度低于600℃时,Cl主要以固态KCl的形式存在;在温度超过600℃,热转化中Cl的气化析出随温度升高而增加,在氧化性气氛下该趋势加剧.管式炉实验与理论计算的生物质Cl析出率随温度升高的变化趋势总体吻合,但是析出份额上有显著差异. 相似文献
利用色谱分析技术对油泥-煤混合燃料热解产物的析出规律进行研究。研究表明油泥-煤混合燃料热解主要产物为H2、N2、CO2、CO、CH4、C2H6、C2H4、C3H8和C3H6。无机气体产量在热解温度900℃达到最大值,烃类气体产量在热解温度650℃达到最大值。热解产物产量在煤占混煤比例为40%时达到最大值。 相似文献
秸秆类生物质闪速热解规律 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
为了研究闪速加热条件下生物质的热解挥发特性,设计了等离子体加热高温层流炉作为实验设备。用有代表意义的玉米秸秆粉末,在该层流炉上进行了4个加热温度(800K,850K,900K,950K)的热解实验研究。得出了不同加热温度和停留时间下玉米秸秆粉末热解的实验数据;根据这些实验数据和Arrhenius一级反应动力学模型方程,分析得出相应的化学动力学参数:表观频率因子和表观活化能。研究发现,在闪速加热条件下,玉米秸秆粉末的热解化学动力学参数并不随工况的变化而改变,具有统一的公式。用这个模型进行了相应工况的理论计算,得到了挥发份随停留时间和反应温度变化的曲线,并与实验结果进行了比较。结果表明,实验值和模型计算预测值有很好的一致性,所得的模型和相应的动力学参数具有广泛适用性。本项研究结论对秸秆类生物质的闪速热解规律的研究和热解装置的优化设计有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
为了获得南昌市青山湖污水处理厂污泥的热解特性,采用差热天平对污泥进行热重分析实验,获得了不同加热速率下污泥的TG-DTG曲线。根据实验结果对干燥污泥热解过程进行了分析,并对实验数据进行了处理。利用微分法确定了热解机理并求出反应动力学参数——频率因子A、活化能E。 相似文献
以稻壳为试验原料,DHC-32为催化剂.高纯N2为载气,在管式炉中研究了热解温度和DHC-32催化剂对稻壳热解气化特性的影响.试验结果表明:稻壳热解气中H2,CO含量随热解温度升高而增加,CH4CO2含量随热解温度升高而呈下降趋势;添加DHC-32催化剂后,未改变H2,CO,CH4,CO2含量随热解温度的变化趋势,但对4种气体的相对含量有一定的影响;在试验温度范围内,添加10%DHC-32催化剂比3%DHC-32催化剂对稻壳热解气影响更大一些. 相似文献
污泥热解残渣水蒸气气化制取富氢燃气 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用固定床反应器,进行了污泥热解残渣水蒸气气化制取富氢燃气的研究。考察了反应温度、固相停留时间、水蒸气流量及催化剂对气化效果及气体产物组成的影响。结果表明:随着反应温度的升高,气体产率由0.096 7 m3/kg逐渐增加到0.460 0 m3/kg,燃气中H2含量由17.87%逐渐增加到52.44%;在最佳固相停留时间为15min时,气体产率达到0.540 m3/kg;最佳水蒸气流量为1.19 g/min,此时产气量达到最大值0.61 m3/kg,H2含量为64.7%;添加催化剂有利于气体中H2含量的提高。 相似文献
Fengmin Chang Cuiping Wang Qibao Wang Jinwei Jia 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2016,38(4):472-477
To promote engineering application of municipal sludge pyrolysis technology, pilot-scale sludge pyrolysis device systems integrated were set up to study the effectiveness of sewage sludge pyrolysis. With the application of various operating conditions, the optimal conditions and products were obtained. And comparing the operational effectiveness of pilot-scale experiment with the bench experiment, the optimal operating conditions and product characteristics coincide with those of the bench experiment. Through energy balance analysis, energy produced from pyrolysis oil and gas together or just from sewage-char is almost sufficient to supply the energy required for sewage sludge pyrolysis. 相似文献
采用活性污泥微波热解所得的残余半焦作为吸附剂,研究了其对亚甲基蓝的吸附效果.试验结果表明,当热解时间为15 min、热解原料中半焦添加量为10%的条件下,污泥半焦的吸附容量达到80.01 mg/g.动力学分析表明,亚甲基蓝在污泥半焦表面的吸附符合准二级动力学模型,吸附速率常数为6.83×10-4 g/(mg·min).分别用Langmuir和Freundlich等温方程对数据进行拟合,等温吸附过程能较好地用Freundlich吸附等温线描述,这表明磷在半焦表面的吸附受多种机制影响. 相似文献
Mechanism of wet sewage sludge pyrolysis in a tubular furnace 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Beiping Zhang Sijiang XiongBo Xiao Dongke YuXiaoyuan Jia 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(1):355-363
The main objective of this work was to develop a preliminary mechanistic understanding of wet sewage sludge decomposition from starting constituents to final products, including intermediates formed during the pyrolysis process. Sewage sludge with a moisture content of 84.2 wt% was pyrolyzed at different temperatures in a tubular furnace, the pyrolysis products (hydrogen-rich fuel gas, tar and solid char) were detected by micro-GC, GC-MS, and FTIR, respectively. The high moisture content of wet sewage sludge generated a steam-rich atmosphere at high temperatures, leading to an in situ steam reforming of the volatile compounds and a partial gasification of the solid char, which contributed to the production of hydrogen-rich fuel gas. The pyrolysis process can be divided into two steps: at a relatively low temperature (<600 °C), the breaking of the C-H bonds of alkyl gave rise to the release of CH4 and C2 hydrocarbons, and a large amount of CO and CO2 evolved as the result of CO decreasing, both processes indicated the decomposition of volatile compounds. The increasing absorbance amount of C-O and C-Haromatic demonstrated the formation of tar. As temperature increased further, the diminishing IR absorbance of C-O and C-Haromatic was accompanied by a significant reduction of tar yield and an increase of H2. H2 was considered as an indicator for the occurrence of tar cracking. The Diels-Alder reaction mechanism followed by dehydrogenation was employed to explain the PAHs formation. 相似文献
S. Antony Raja Z. Robert KennedyAuthor VitaeB.C. PillaiAuthor Vitae C. Lindon Robert LeeAuthor Vitae 《Energy》2010
Fluidized bed flash pyrolysis experiments have been conducted on a sample of jatropha oil cake to determine particularly the effects of particle size, pyrolysis temperature and nitrogen gas flow rate on the pyrolysis yields. The particle size, nitrogen gas flow rate and temperature of jatropha oil cake were varied from 0.3 to 1.18 mm, 1.25 to 2.4 m3/h and 350 to 550 °C. The maximum oil yield of 64.25 wt% was obtained at a nitrogen gas flow rate of 1.75 m3/h, particle size of 0.7–1.0 mm and pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C. The calorific value of pyrolysis oil was found to be 19.66 MJ/kg. The pyrolysis gas can be used as a gaseous fuel. 相似文献