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介绍红外线性扫描浮法玻璃退火窑玻璃温度场在线监控系统,提出浮法玻璃红外测温技术所引入的影响测温精度的因素,并对退火窑玻璃带测温精度影响因素及误差进行综合分析。  相似文献   

This paper describes recent advances in the development of thermal scanner technology, data processing techniques and theoretical simulation of field applications at the University of Newcastle. These developments have improved the potential of this method for practical field studies in geology and hydrology in the Australian environment. Improvements in technology have enabled the signal output of the scanner to be stabilized and calibrated by the use of internal, black-body temperature reference sources, prior to recording on magnetic tape. These improvements have opened a new dimension for the analysis and processing of thermal scanner data. Both analog and digital processing methods are used for analysis and presentation. Special presentation methods such as density slicing, contrast stretching, boundary enhancement and contouring are all used to enhance specific aspects of the data, which then assist the interpreter in gleaning additional information about his field problem. Advances have been made by the present group in theoretical studies of soil and rock temperature changes in an active thermal environment. Variations in the ground surface temperature during the diurnal cycle provide information relating to the ground thermal properties. Thus the thermal scanner can be used to study variations in the thermal properties of the ground surface over large areas. The application of thermal scanning to Australian Geological, Hydrogeological and Hydrological problems is discussed.  相似文献   

提出了一种湿污绝缘子红外图像的综合分割算法,首先用窗口灰度拉伸算法对图像进行增强,接着对图像进行二值化;然后用形态学方法将图像中相关的区域连接起来,将不相关的区域分离开;最后用基于梯度的边缘轮廓扫描法对获得的图像进行处理,将绝缘子图像中的导线去除。仿真结果表明,该分割方法可以很好地将湿污绝缘子从背景上分割出来,边缘清晰,分割质量良好,为后续特征提取和污秽等级的确定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

设计了一款基于集条形码技术、嵌入式系统及语音芯片技术于一体、结构紧凑、操作简单方便的盲人扑克游戏辅助仪。该装置设计了常见的扑克游戏程序,使用者可根据兴趣方便地选择游戏种类。其主要特点是利用语音技术能够实时播报其他人的出牌信息并可根据需要耳机播报本人手中牌的信息,让盲人用"听"牌代替了"摸"牌,使盲人以及不懂盲文的低视力人群能像正常人一样打扑克、玩桥牌等,克服了现有低视力群体打牌游戏中常见的问题,如盲文识别错误等。  相似文献   

基于扫描线自适应角度限差法的地面点云滤波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭杰  刘建永  张有亮  朱玉 《计算机应用》2011,31(8):2243-2245
针对野外地形逆向工程中树木、建筑物或其他地物的滤波问题,通过分析传统方法中相邻两点限差阈值单一不能满足地形变化的需要,以及相邻三点限差误差积累等缺点,提出了一种基于扫描线的自适应角度限差法。该方法对扫描中心、基准点(已知地面点)和待判断点之间的角度进行限差,该角度随着宏观坡度的变化而变化,从而实现角度对地形的自适应。再通过移动窗口曲面拟合,对结果进一步优化。实验证明,所提出的方法能宏观把握地形坡度变化,较好地解决了起伏较大地形点云的滤波问题。  相似文献   

对基于水平线扫描方法的汽车牌照图像定位进行了深入的研究,探讨了整个牌照定位的算法过程,主要包括图像的采集、直方图修正、二值化、水平扫描等步骤。从理论和实验上证明了该方法的可行性和正确性。  相似文献   

针对现有足部轮廓三维重构方法精度低,鲁棒性差,成本昂贵且不符合实际足部生物力学研究要求等问题,设计了一种利用光学测量技术实现无接触式足部参数测量的系统。该系统一方面通过对足底扫描图像处理,构建足底轮廓点云,分割足底压力区域,计算足底相关参数;另一方面利用线结构光技术,重构足面轮廓,将足底轮廓点云与足面轮廓点云在系统规定世界坐标系内融合,形成完整足部轮廓点云,根据定义计算足部围度等足部系列参数。通过搭建相应硬件平台对多组人体足部进行测量,实验结果表明系统能够快速、精确地完成足部三维重构,具有很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Information technology research has mainly focussed on supporting visitors with guides, whilst a lot of opportunities for the development of technology for collecting, manipulating and re-travelling through material from the visits remain unexplored. On the basis of observations from a specific setting, we have developed prototype technology to combine multimedia content with position information. In particular, we developed mobile support to record and organise multimedia using the walked path in order to preserve more of the experience of the visit. We created tools to edit and store multimedia paths. Additional components make it possible to configure a mixed-media environment to navigate a multimedia path, using such physical interfaces as gesturing, and link the recorded media to other artefacts. When discussing field observations of current practices and prototype trials, we investigate what kind of functionality is needed to support the whole activity of collecting, manipulating and playing multimedia content in combination with position information.  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics are crucial factors influencing display performance. For an active-matrix display, signals are applied sequentially line-by-line, and the temporal response of each horizontal line changes depending on different timings. When recording the temporal response of a display, the probe of the measuring device must have the finite size and shutter time. As the finite-size probe records the temporal responses of multiple lines with different timings, the number of lines covered by the finite-size probe affects the obtained result. And the effects due to the timing difference of the sequential driving can be misinterpreted as the temporal response of the display. In this study, the contribution of the various factors, such as the camera shutter time, probe size of the measuring device, temporal transition time, and display frame rate was evaluated to separate the temporal characteristics of the display from the effect caused by these factors. A procedure to estimate only the temporal response of a display without such effects is devised. The effectiveness of the proposed procedure was verified based on the spatial temporal record obtained by a high-speed camera of video frame rates of 9000 and 12,000 per second.  相似文献   

The algorithms and techniques used in incremental scanning and parsing of the Galaxy language are presented. Incremental compilers, programming environments that feature instantaneous change processing as well as the execution time efficiency of compiled programs and code development using the Galaxy language are discussed. It is shown that the algorithms guarantee minimal rescanning and reparsing are space and time efficient and are easily adapted to any language of equivalent class, including such languages as C and Pascal  相似文献   

用FPGA实现高冲击过程中的加速度数据回收   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
FPGA(现场可编程逻辑门阵列)用做高速数据采集系统的主控制器具有单片机、DSP等通用CPU所不具备的特点:并行执行、速度快、低功耗等。基于FPGA的数据回收系统可以对高冲击过程中的加速度值进行实时采集回收。数据回收系统的设计采用自顶向下的模块化设计方法,对每个功能模块的设计进行了说明,最后对系统进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

While electronic documents are increasingly prevalent in the workplace there are many texts — such as books, magazines and letters — which are not easily available in an electronic form. Since many electronic document systems depend upon documents existing exclusively, or at least predominantly, in electronic form, this suggests an opportunity for document scanning technology. However, conventional scanners are limited by their large size and relatively cumbersome usage. Using a diary-based methodology, this study investigated the use of a new portable document scanning technology. In this paper we explore the need for document scanning, and how this portable device was used by our study participants. Document scanning is shown to be a goal-driven activity — individuals did not scan just to have an electronic version of a document, but to do something with electronic documents, in particular, distributing documents to others, archiving documents and reusing documents. The small design of this device also enabled a mode of usage distinct from that of conventional flarbed scanners. Its size meant that the device was a personal, rather than shared technology; that it could be easily stored when not being used; and that the scanner could be carried to the materials to be scanned, rather than the materials brought to the scanner. We discuss this interaction with the local environment as a case of local mobility — this is less to do with portability but with how a device's small size can make it fit better into work environments.  相似文献   

While the functional requirements of a system can be effectively modeled through the use case driven approach, there is no standard or de facto method for modeling non-functional requirements (NFR) of the system architecture. Often such requirements are dealt with in a reactive manner, rather than proactively. Yet increasingly a contributing factor in project difficulty and failure are the NFR imposed on the solution architecture. This paper outlines a control case approach to record and model NFR. This technique enables the control case to represent the NFR from different perspectives, most typically the various operating conditions. We also propose an extension to the “4 + 1” view model for depicting software architecture by adding the control case view. In addition, a detailed control case modeling example is illustrated to demonstrate how these techniques may be applied during development. Taken together, we suggest that the combination of both the use case and control case views thus reflects the complete requirements across the collective system life cycle views: design, process, implementation and deployment.  相似文献   

Night Vision: infrared takes to the road   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Driving after dark can be hazardous. Raytheon and General Motors hope to make it less so with Night Vision, a thermal imaging system that gives drivers a better view of the road beyond their headlights. The paper discusses the Night Vision system which uses a grill-mounted infrared camera and a head-up display unit that projects a virtual image through the windshield. The system gives drivers three-to-five times the visual range of typical low-beam headlights  相似文献   

左春荣 《计算机应用》1999,19(11):57-59
本文介绍了一个利用VFP5.0设计和实现的表单类,该表单类派生的对象可完成数据的增加,修改,查询和打印等多项的功能,给出了该表单类的界面设计,主要方法和事件的过程代码。  相似文献   


Visible and near-visible sensors, which have been widely used in the beginning of the period of interest, have been later overshadowed by the availability of sensors using the microwave part of the spectrum. However, the latter years of this period have shown an obvious come-back with numerous experiments flown with new generation equipment. This paper describes briefly the first generation sensors and how they were used in airborne experiments, explains the developments being conducted from mechanical to push-broom scanners and to non-scanning sensors, shows how some sensors were being integrated in comprehensive systems and what is the trend found in the later years of the period of reference. This is illustrated by examples of existing equipment in France and in Europe, and two case studies: one on the Dutch CAESAR push-broom scanner, the other on the Oceanographic Lidar System developed by the University of Oldenburg in Germany.  相似文献   

The stability and nonlinear behavior of synchronized coupled oscillators are studied via nonlinear control theory and applied to radar beam scanning arrays. The analysis indicates that only one stable equilibrium point exists when choosing a specific set of free running frequencies, and it is associated with the desired phase shift, but within a given range of values. Simulation results show that radar beam scanning arrays of oscillators with strong coupling have better angular resolution than arrays with weak coupling, and these arrays are more robust under the influence of randomness of the free running frequency.  相似文献   

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