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Carlos L. De Pablo María J. Roldán-Martín Pilar Martín De Agar 《Landscape Research》2013,38(5):571-589
Landscape is organised in mosaics: sets of patches with a defined pattern of boundaries through which patches interact. Changes in patches cause changes in mosaics. Landscape change has two components: a quantitative one, referring to the areas in which changes happen, and a qualitative one, referring to the degree of similarity among the mosaics substituting each other. The quantitative component informs on the magnitude of the change: the total area in which landscape mosaics have changed; the qualitative one informs on the significance thereof: the ecological differences between the mosaics substituting each other. This paper presents an index for quantifying landscape change and for discriminating between magnitude and significance therein. It was tested by study of changes in the landscape mosaics in Madrid, Spain. Results show that the index developed is useful for this purpose. This enables objective comparison of different landscape changes presenting different combinations of magnitude and significance. 相似文献
The quantification of landscape patterns and the changes caused by suburbanisation processes is essential to the understanding of the causes and consequences of the human-induced spatial patterns. By using spatial gradients along main roads near cities, we attempted to quantify the influence of roads on the suburbanisation process and settlement structure in Estonia. The rapid suburbanisation process that has been influenced by the revision of planning principles and land reform has created preconditions for creation of scattered housing areas around cities. Landscape metrics gradients were calculated for three roads leading out of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Results showed that the urbanisation-related fragmentation of landscapes decreases with distance from the road. The number of buildings is highest between 100 and 500 meters from the road. Distance from the city causes less difference in fragmentation than distance from the road. Because of the land reform and revision of planning principles that took place after the Soviet period, suburbanisation has not, however, been symmetrical in relation to roads. We could not detect significant in-filling near the roads and therefore this should be under more serious consideration in planning process in the future. 相似文献
以1996年和2008年的昆明城市土地利用图为数据源,运用景观格局指数对城市景观梯度格局进行定量分析和比较,研究表明城市景观格局梯度变化与城市建设开发强度密切相关,1996年环城路内是城市建设的核心区域,一、二环间开发建设的力度较小,二环以外城市建设用地较为分散;2008年一、二环之间的开发力度为最大,一、二环间的景观格局梯度变化幅度最大,表明此时期昆明城市空间扩张进入快速的“外延式”扩张阶段。快速城市化是推动昆明市景观格局变化的主要驱动力,政策性因素导致城市景观格局方向性变化。 相似文献
Spatiotemporal changes of landscape pattern in response to urbanization 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
The combined method of urban gradient analysis and landscape metrics in analyzing the changes of landscape pattern has been widely applied since its introduction by Luck and Wu (2002). In order to address the temporal dynamics of landscape change, this study integrated transect analysis with temporal trend analysis and specifically discussed how changes of residential pattern are related to forms of urban growth. Using Dane County, Wisconsin, USA as an example, a 60 km transect passing through the City of Madison was set up to represent a continuum of rural-urban-rural landscapes. Changes of landscape pattern from 1968 to 2000 were analyzed by FRAGSTATS with four metrics—percentage of landscape (PLAND), Shannon's evenness index (SHEI), patch density (PD), and mean patch size (MPS). Findings from metric analyses revealed that the degree of land-use diversity and landscape fragmentation is positively related to the degree of urbanization.Specifically, at the class-level, residential land-use type shows the strongest positive relationship to the degree of urbanization in all of the class-level metrics adopted. Changes in residential land-use pattern were further analyzed with the number of housing units. The analyses revealed that there are different patterns of residential development along the transect in the study area—with the core urban area expanding outward in a contiguous manner while the rural areas have scattered development. This study demonstrated the additional insights into landscape change by integrating the spatial and the temporal perspectives and by targeting the forms of residential developments. 相似文献
景观城市主义在工业废弃地改造中的应用——以美国马萨诸塞州军事保护区的景观再生为例 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
景观城市主义是指景观替代建筑成为新一轮城市发展过程中的基本媒介.该理论被证实适用于一系列的城市发展问题,如工业废弃地的再生改造不断萎缩的城市再生以及快速发展的新城开发等。本文重点研究美国马萨诸塞州军事保护区的景观再生案例.该地区自1911年以来,一直用作美军的新兵训练军事器械的维修和保养基地等.这些军事活动不但对基地内的水源和土壤造成了很深的污染.也严重影响了上游城市波土顿的地下水资源。本文从研究减少污染的具体方法入手,提出了将之改造成为一个干净健康的大众公园的生态再生策略.并阐述了它所蕴藏的思想内涵及给我们带来的启示。 相似文献
绿地是城市生态建设不可或缺的重要内容,目前城区绿地景观系统建设正处于起步阶段,因此,清醒地面对存在问题,并找出对策,研究各种景观形式,具有相当积极的现实意义。本文就绿地景观设计的原则、要点及景观形式等方面谈谈自己的初浅看法供大家参考。 相似文献
Rapid economic development has induced urbanisation in China, especially in most of China's karst geological mountain regions. Jinan City belongs to the karst geological mountain region of north China and is well known for its fractured karst springs. The spatial pattern of its land use has been profoundly transformed by rapid urbanisation, and the urban hills are facing changes in the city. Although the urban area of Jinan City keeps enlarging and the dwelling conditions are increasingly improving, the destruction of Jinan's urban hills occurs owing to the mass construction of the market housing and excessive real estate investment in the karst mountainous region within the city, thereby resulting in the degradation of the urban mountainous environment and threatening the settlement safety of Jinan's residents. 相似文献
成渝城市群是西部地区的国家级城市群,伴随成渝城市群城镇化进程的加快,城市建设用地扩展与林地、耕地保护的矛盾日益加剧。以成渝城市群四川境内的13个主要城市市域范围为研究对象,首先应用形态学空间分析(MSPA)方法,准确识别并量化了各城市绿色基础设施(GI)网络结构要素,其次计算出各城市GI网络结构要素的土地利用类型占比,最后应用聚类分析法(ClusterAnalysis),以13个城市的土地利用类型在GI网络结构要素中所占比例作为变量因子,根据GI网络中景观组成的相似程度对13个城市进行分类,分析并总结了不同类别下城市GI景观组成的特征及差异。结果表明:各城市的核心区和连接桥是主要GI网络结构要素类型,7类GI网络结构要素在城市中主要由耕地和林地构成,不同城市在景观组成特征上具有一定相关性。研究结果对客观认识各城市GI特征、成渝城市群的生态网络构建及其保护规划有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
近年来景观都市主义理念的提出已经使广场、公园等城市开敞空间的界定变得模糊,开敞空间承载着城市的社会生活、生命体验和价值体系。本文以江西省南丰县明日橘子园广场设计为例,规划地块在地域性、文化表现及地形塑造方面都具有典型的代表性。充分利用和发挥现场的山地优势,借助地势构造生态空间场所,用现代的设计理念结合传统的造园手法,在构园形式上营造自然山水意象。 相似文献
From waste land to Canada's tobacco production heartland: Landscape change in Norfolk County,Ontario
Lawrence Niewójt 《Landscape Research》2013,38(3):355-377
The cultural landscape of Norfolk County displays the remnants of numerous cycles of transformation. In the mid-19th century, the region was the hub of the Lake Erie timber trade and a major supplier to America's growing urban markets. By the start of the 20th century, much of the forest was gone, many farms were abandoned and the region was plagued by severe soil erosion. Within a few decades the problems of a degraded environment and depressed local economy were long forgotten: the Ontario government targeted the sandy ‘waste lands' with a reforestation programme, and the introduction of flue-cured tobacco in 1922 marked the beginning of an era of unprecedented prosperity. Conceptualizing landscape change as a continuum rather than discrete episodes allows us to expose the multitude and complexity of human responses to perceived environmental problems and earlier interventions in the land. Taking a longer historical perspective also highlights how natural phenomena (i.e. storm events), economic choices, government decisions, and the unexpected outcomes of human intervention all played a role in the creation of waste land in the Norfolk Sand Plain and its subsequent transformation into Canada's tobacco production heartland. 相似文献
《Landscape Research》2007,32(3):355-377
The cultural landscape of Norfolk County displays the remnants of numerous cycles of transformation. In the mid-19th century, the region was the hub of the Lake Erie timber trade and a major supplier to America's growing urban markets. By the start of the 20th century, much of the forest was gone, many farms were abandoned and the region was plagued by severe soil erosion. Within a few decades the problems of a degraded environment and depressed local economy were long forgotten: the Ontario government targeted the sandy 'waste lands' with a reforestation programme, and the introduction of flue-cured tobacco in 1922 marked the beginning of an era of unprecedented prosperity. Conceptualizing landscape change as a continuum rather than discrete episodes allows us to expose the multitude and complexity of human responses to perceived environmental problems and earlier interventions in the land. Taking a longer historical perspective also highlights how natural phenomena (i.e. storm events), economic choices, government decisions, and the unexpected outcomes of human intervention all played a role in the creation of waste land in the Norfolk Sand Plain and its subsequent transformation into Canada's tobacco production heartland. 相似文献
Issa Ouedraogo Patrice Savadogo Mulualem Tigabu Roy Cole Per Christer Oden Jean-Marie Ouadba 《Landscape Research》2013,38(3):303-320
Forest cover decline is one of the most important environmental issues in the tropics. The present study was carried out in Burkina Faso, West Africa, and aimed at assessing the trajectories of forest cover change and measuring landscape metrics of the trajectory classes in order to better understand the processes of change. Landsat and ASTER images acquired over a period of 30 years were used for cover change detection and the Fragstats package was used to compute landscape metrics with five unifying change classes. Results showed a substantial increase in cropland with concurrent decline in forest cover. Deforestation represented 63% of the Percentage of Landscape (PLAND) in 2006, while reforestation accounted for only 28%. Both of these classes had high Normalized Landscape Shape Index (NLSI) values, indicating that they were present as scattered small patches. The old cultivation (30-year permanent cropland) was aggregated (IJI ≈ 0) while deforestation exhibited highly interspersed patches. The old forest and old cultivation presented lower Area Weighted Fractal Dimension Index (FRAC_AM), but deforestation and reforestation had the higher FRAC_AM. These results confirmed that there was a high level of deforestation and fragmentation in southern Burkina Faso and justify the need for a proper management plan to ensure the sustainable use of forest resources. 相似文献
适应气候变化是景观设计中一个密切相关的主题,通过两个设计案例进行研究。1)"绿心"气候公园。体现了倡导的设计思想和区域性研究成果。"绿心"研究计划始于2010年,最初是为经济、农业和创新的综合创新网络部门制定。该计划建议:将填海造地和脆弱的泥炭地转变为"气候缓冲区",使水系统更具弹性、减少土地沉降、抵御洪水,并通过恢复泥炭地来吸收CO-_2,有助于抵消温室效应。"气候缓冲区"也为800万居民增加了景观的多样性和吸引力。2)阿姆斯特尔兰专题研究。阿姆斯特尔兰是紧靠阿姆斯特丹南部的一个具有吸引力的农村地区,也是"绿心国家景观"的一部分。"绿心"区域设计研究、阿姆斯特尔兰专题研究于2019年开展,由我们担任北荷兰、南荷兰和乌得勒支的空间质量省级顾问。阿姆斯特尔兰是"绿心"中一个具有文化和历史价值的开放式农业景观,沿经阿姆斯特尔河渗入阿姆斯特丹的城市肌理中。对于该区域探究了2种设计思路及方案。1)如何使农业景观具有可持续性且不受气候影响;2)将农业景观转变为自然景观并积极促进泥炭地的增长,会产生什么意义。这2个方案的目标一致,都旨在保留阿姆斯特尔兰,使之成为阿姆斯特丹周边城区的一处重要的开放空间。 相似文献
以中国风景营建传统的当代价值发掘为核心,从“人文—空间”一体化的视角阐述风景营建传统的理念、模式和方法,在此基础上确立了“人文”与“空间”互动的空间范围、功能区划和空间层级,并结合福建永泰县月洲村的风景实践特征解析,从保护、规划、研究等方面提出传承策略,旨在为当前乡村风景营建提供新视角。研究表明,古人在“天人合一”的理想追求中,始终将聚落与自然环境视为一个整体,在遵从空间活动特征的基础上,构架“四望—生态”“近村—生产”“聚落—生活”的风景层级,实现人文与自然系统的融合。当代传承应跨越社会形态的认识束缚,从科学体系上弘扬其当代意义。 相似文献
园林意境的感知、时空变化与创造 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
中国古典园林历史悠久,其中蕴含着博大精深的中国传统文化.通过对意境的感知,意境的时空变化,以及意境的创造等内容,浅析中国古典园林之意境,分析古典园林之内涵,达到园林意境创作的"情景交融",在有限的园林艺术形象中感受无限的诗情画意. 相似文献
“八景”是中国古代城市人居环境营建中约定俗成的一种组景现象。如何更为深入地对“八景”起源、形成、发展进行系统的梳理、归纳和再认识,更具现实意义。从人居环境角度入手,通过对历史材料进一步梳理和研判,对“八景”的历史进行了溯源,归纳总结了城市人居环境“八景”模式从虚到实的嬗变路径与特点。我国古代城市人居环境“八景”模式嬗变可分为起源、萌芽、形成、发展、衰落5个历史阶段,贯穿我国古代人居环境建设的始终,具有人居内涵上的一脉相承、生成模式的多源汇聚和传播方式相互融合的特点。结论可为城乡建设中加强历史文化保护传承提供参考。 相似文献
首义公园是针对辛亥革命武昌首义的第一个纪念性城市建设。以园林形态,而非通常的纪念碑、纪念堂等建筑形式加以纪念,有政治、社会、经济、文化等诸多层面的原因。近百年来,由于各层面因素在不同的历史发展阶段有着不同的特点,首义公园的纪念性表现形式因之嬗变,故大体经历了由园林形态逐渐景观化的过程。 相似文献
In this paper, agricultural landscape change at the small scale (for example, at the farm and field level) is studied to conceptualize the processes that change these landscapes (such as features, forms and functions) according to the decisions that farmers make. The case study is olive plantations on the island of Lesvos, Greece. The five-year differences in land cover, land use and landscape at the small scale of a number of olive fields in the same area are studied in three dimensions: symbolic, productive and ecological, with data that come from the observation of practices and vegetation measurements. A conceptual framework is constructed that links the changes of six different landscapes at the individual olive field level with specific management choices of farmers. Findings demonstrate that although olive plantations are of the same land cover and land use class as at the large scale, diverging practices create different landscapes at the small scale along a continuous line with many intermediate cases. The findings also demonstrate that the whole system is dynamic, with the different small-scale landscapes changing into each other continuously due to different practices. Understanding this dynamic diversity requires studying human interventions at the right scale, the one that corresponds to the scale of the changes at the farm. 相似文献