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Landscape can be defined as a complex of human and natural interactions through time. Therefore, landscape identification requires a complete understanding of social, natural, economic, aesthetic and cultural values. Contributing to the aesthetic-visual integrity of the landscape, plants are a valuable indicator, recording the type and degree of the human – nature relationship over time. Our feelings, imagination and perception often contribute to the cultural dimension of the landscape and the role of plants in mythology can be used as a kind of linguistic code for helping to understand some aspects of cultural landscapes. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how a number of key plants were perceived in ancient cultures using some examples from the Mediterranean landscape and to use them to help to evaluate different dimensions of archaeological landscapes using the case of the ancient city of Side in Turkey. Multi-dimensional approaches in landscape evaluation which use symbolic meaning can generate valuable knowledge about cultural landscapes. This is precisely because cultural landscapes are the sum of biological, physical and cultural components, while plants as natural elements have bridged the biological and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

Natural amenities and the aesthetic value of agricultural landscapes are important territorial assets for improving rural tourism and the quality of the living environment. To identify which characteristics shape the visual quality of a landscape, a stated-preference survey was conducted (N = 200) using photorealistic landscape visualisations of four different landscape attributes (point green elements, linear green elements, crop diversity and presence of livestock). We estimated respondents’ preferences for landscape attributes, examined the extent of agreement among respondents and identified socio-economic factors influencing their responses. Results revealed that point elements had the highest general preference. About 70% of respondents preferred diverse and highly structured landscapes, while about 30% of respondents had opposing preferences. Preferences were also found to be dependent on the individual’s sociocultural background, such as their level of education, gender or age. These results can help to improve the multi-objective targeting of policies by including an aesthetic value perspective.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an increased interest in approaches for the identification and assessment of landscapes, which has been, in part, a response to the European Landscape Convention (ELC). In this article, we review landscape physiognomy, an important component of the Polish approach to the assessment and identification of its landscape. We address the relevance of physiognomy both in relation to the ELC and to the landscape character assessments approach, and then explore the theoretical basis of landscape physiognomic structure. We also expand the existing classification of landscape interiors; this is followed by combining three approaches: (1) physical geography in the field of comprehensive classification of natural landscapes; (2) landscape ecology studies on the spatial structure of land cover patches against the ‘landscape matrix’ and (3) the theory of landscape interiors. Presented ideas create the outline of the concept of landscape’s physiognomic structure.  相似文献   

Over the past 60 years, European mountain landscapes have been affected by land abandonment coupled with urbanisation through tourist exploitation. The Bormio surroundings (southern-central Alps, Italy) are an exemplary case study for these phenomena. To evaluate their landscape changes of the last 50 years, a sequence of two vegetation maps (1959, 1975) and a land-use map (2009) were harmonised in terms of spatial scale and thematic contents. The cartographic units were reclassified as Landscape Elements (LE) on the basis of their dominant species. Change at landscape and LE level were analysed by a set of non-redundant metrics. The loss and fragmentation of meadows, as well as an increasing recovery of woodlands and a doubling of urbanised areas, characterised landscape changes.

Meadows and subalpine shrublands were highlighted as being the most threatened landscape elements. The advisability of landscape monitoring for the conservation of the endangered habitats is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of depopulation, farm family income and changes in agricultural practices, etc. have resulted in the abandonment or destruction of traditional mountainous landscapes. An image-based stated choice survey was applied to explore the effects of various landscape change processes on the preferences of a mostly urban sample (N = 410). The 128 digitally generated landscape scenarios represented various kinds and intensities of agricultural and tourism use of a historic terraced area in Austria. Latent class segmentations identified four segments, with different preferences for natural, managerial and social landscape features. While a preference for a more complex, mysterious and natural landscape was found for three segments, one segment preferred more open landscapes. The results indicate that landscape change can affect humans in different ways, and that evolutionary and cultural preference theories are useful in explaining landscape preferences.  相似文献   

Although property is a basic ingredient of planning, its repercussions on the profession have rarely been considered. Building on the critical analysis of property, I argue that planning is giving in to the “property effect,” the unquestioned assumption that natural and built landscapes are propertied. Looking specifically at one case-study of land-use planning in Tibneen (Lebanon), I show planning interventions replicate inequalities embedded in property relations, maintain the dominance of propertied representation of the landscape, and limit possible claims over natural and built landscapes to those formulated within the framework of the ownership model. Consequently, land-use planning determines the possible futures of particular towns and regions through the institutional structures of the property regimes in place and within the historically and geographically contingent political-economies where these regimes operate.  相似文献   

Landscape design is an expression and repository of cultural values and beliefs, and in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the designed landscape faces particular challenges. Globalization is seen as a potential threat to landscape identity, which is even more significant for a country which has built its economy and self-image from its unique natural landscape. The potential for resistance is limited by the small size and youth of the profession of landscape architecture in New Zealand. While traditions of farming and gardening extend back to early European settlement in the mid nineteenth century, and beyond to indigenous Maori practices of land modification, professional landscape design is a relatively recent development (the first tertiary course in landscape architecture began at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in 1969). Landscape design in New Zealand draws its vocabulary from the power of the country's natural heritage landscapes, convinced that a naturalistic aesthetic exclusively represents environmental health. Some of the core values of New Zealand society are, however, overlooked by designers. The need to develop a critically informed design language which includes the farming landscape along with the natural one is argued. The invention of such a language, referred to as a complex ecological aesthetic, is seen as a potential source of design expression that is invigorated by the tension between mechanistic and natural landscape aesthetics. It therefore has the potential to promote environmental health, while being regionally grounded, and can help face the challenges that globilization poses to the landscape.  相似文献   

陈筝  李晔 《风景园林》2021,28(12):85-92
结合大数据的街景,风景园林师能够快速、有效地对建成环境的感受进行评价。但是目前街景分析主要依靠图像内容语义分割等高级认知,较少考虑人视知觉初级加工特征。研究证据表明在视知觉初级加工中,丰富的高频细节信息可以提升人们对环境的喜好并强化环境恢复效果。为了探索不同景观风貌的细节差异,筛选了150张自然景观、69张城市景观、60张不同林冠覆盖率的树林景观以及31张中国古典园林典型景观图像,并对代表它们的高频细节信息进行了傅里叶斜率分析。结果表明,看似简单的自然要素,如岩体和砂石、水面、修剪草坪等,比城市人工景观的细节要丰富多变,其傅里叶斜率仍然更接近自然。特别指出的是,中国古典园林的傅里叶斜率更加接近典型自然,呈现出更加丰富、更加类似于自然的复杂细节。本研究拓展了提升街道环境感受的可能的途径,即除了利用植物等自然要素之外,还有可能通过模拟自然丰富多变的细节和形态来实现。  相似文献   

Restoration ecology (RE) offers a conceptual meeting ground and methodological approaches for all those concerned with the past, present and future of ecosystems and landscapes. It combines ecological theory, nature conservation concerns and recognition of the need to develop new management tools for ecosystems and landscapes. In our approach, ‘vital ecosystem attributes' (VEAs) of ecosystems and landscapes are monitored along transects permitting detailed assessment of the impact of economic and RE interventions at the scale of whole landscapes. This also enables quantitative and qualitative comparisons among ecosystems and/or among landscapes. At a new long-term ecological research site (LTER) at Cazarils, southern France, we are studying ecosystem and landscape responses to past and present human uses and perturbations, and to contemporaneous interventions aimed at restoration, rehabilitation and landscape reintegration. In this paper, we present selected baseline data of landscape-wide ranges concerning several different VEAs of both above- and below-ground components of biodiversity as well as soils. The purpose is to describe an approach to landscape research planning and ecosystem management in areas with complex geomorphological, ecological and cultural–historical features such as the Mediterranean region, and surrounding arid or semiarid lands.  相似文献   

在本文中,对城市建设中越来越人工化的景观建设提出质疑,提出野趣景观的概念。野趣景观的产生和发展有以下五种途径:历史遗留下来的原生"野趣"自然景观,由经济林地发展而来的为风景林地,由农业耕作景观发展而来的自然景观,自然的溪流和湿地,工业化历史文化景观。为此需要在尊重自然景观发展演变规律的基础上,创造富有生机和活力的新型城市自然景观。  相似文献   

EU policy for the conservation of cultural landscapes is of particular importance for a region such as Sicily (Italy) which is the site of many Mediterranean traditional cultural landscapes as well as new landscapes created by contemporary agriculture. Such variety of landscape, however, is not supported or confirmed by specialised inventories that identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present paper is to draw up a preliminary inventory and present a brief characterisation of MTLs in Sicily, in line with the multidisciplinary experiences and approaches implemented at European and national levels. In defining the typological units, the terminology used to identify Sicilian MTLs was modified by experiences developed on the mainland, with entries such as: bocage/semi-bocage, coltura promiscua, Mediterranean open field, mountain landscape, huerta and terrace landscape. Using different spatialised data layers, including those concerned with the main historical processes of land use and land use change, a total of eight MTLs have been detected, mapped, and concisely described. The distribution and importance of terracing systems within the different MTLs is highlighted as one of the most relevant traditional elements in the rural scenario.  相似文献   

As a supplement to the western European typology from Landscape and Urban Planning, 18 (3–4): 289–352 (Meeus et al., 1990), a survey is made of the landscapes of northern and eastern Europe. Thirty landscapes are identified on a continental scale. This pan-European landscape typology is based on the integration of landscape formation factors. The basis for a regionally differentiated geography, morphology and scenery of the man-made landscape is provided by land form, soil and climate on the one hand and regional culture, habits and history on the other. This typology can be used as a reference for a discussion about the actual appearance of the landscape. The map of European landscapes is only a reconnaissance and is therefore not intended as a blueprint for action, but rather as a way of looking at landscape heterogeneity, a set of principles to stimulate the discussion of landscape development throughout the continent.  相似文献   

Popular interest in seasonal landscapes reflects the importance of ephemera in people's appreciation of landscapes. Landscape management tends to focus on long-term and reasonably permanent qualities, typically at annual and, especially, decadal time scales. However, human interest in shorter-term and ephemeral landscape qualities—such as seasonal qualities—allows people to use scales of direct human experience to identify and define landscapes. Brassley (1998 Brassley, P. 1998. On the unrecognized significance of the ephemeral landscape. Landscape Research, 23: pp.?119?–?132 [Google Scholar]), reviewing the ‘unrecognized significance of the ephemeral landscape’, notes that permanent components are managed through planning instruments; while ephemera may be crucial to landscape appearance, they are largely unprotected or not managed. Here a seasonal landscape of historic peanut farming that remains, in small pockets, in northern New South Wales, Australia, is examined with a view to identifying sustainable management of this landscape. The landscape becomes visually distinctive during the annual cycle of cropping when peanuts are placed in rows of stooks. Stooks are small circular stacks of harvested plants built around a tomato stake and capped by a sack, used to dry the peanuts immediately after harvesting; they appear to be unique. Following Brassley's observations regarding the lack of management of ephemera in landscapes, the long-term viability and conservation of this landscape are examined. The problem is further heightened by the fact that, while this landscape is visually distinctive, it also represents a social and agricultural activity that is in decline and unlikely to survive in the near future. This raises questions about the long-term sustainability of such a seasonal landscape—it is truly ephemeral both annually and in the long term—and options for the retention of at least some of the key landscape components within a contemporary landscape are explored.  相似文献   


In contrast to the declining socio-economic legacy of the loss of coalmining and heavy industry, the landscapes of the south Wales valleys have witnessed a remarkable environmental transformation within living memory. Yet an apparent paradox exists between reported community pride in these landscapes with emerging community-led economic initiatives, and seeming indifference towards or disconnection from them. In this paper, we draw upon analysis of qualitative material from two pieces of research in different Valleys’ localities to explore landscape relationships with respect to radical landscape changes, reported disconnections and emergent community-led countryside activities. We consider these in the context of emerging models and notions of landscape identities. We conclude that the changed landscape character in the Valleys is impacting on landscape perceptions, valuation and uses with new existential identities emerging amongst some. Greater insights into evolving landscape identities might inform better land use policy and natural resource management to bring about socio-economic and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

Landscape design is an expression and repository of cultural values and beliefs, and in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the designed landscape faces particular challenges. Globalization is seen as a potential threat to landscape identity, which is even more significant for a country which has built its economy and self-image from its unique natural landscape. The potential for resistance is limited by the small size and youth of the profession of landscape architecture in New Zealand. While traditions of farming and gardening extend back to early European settlement in the mid nineteenth century, and beyond to indigenous Maori practices of land modification, professional landscape design is a relatively recent development (the first tertiary course in landscape architecture began at Lincoln College (now Lincoln University) in 1969). Landscape design in New Zealand draws its vocabulary from the power of the country's natural heritage landscapes, convinced that a naturalistic aesthetic exclusively represents environmental health. Some of the core values of New Zealand society are, however, overlooked by designers. The need to develop a critically informed design language which includes the farming landscape along with the natural one is argued. The invention of such a language, referred to as a complex ecological aesthetic, is seen as a potential source of design expression that is invigorated by the tension between mechanistic and natural landscape aesthetics. It therefore has the potential to promote environmental health, while being regionally grounded, and can help face the challenges that globilization poses to the landscape.  相似文献   

Mountain landscape is a significant landscape type among all natural landscape resources, design of constructions in mountain landscapes should take multiple factors into consideration. Taking Science Popularization and Education Hall of Jiangxi Wuyi Mountain Nature Reserve for example, this paper explored the architectural design in mountain landscapes from the perspectives of spatial form, facade design, color materials and design experience, in order to achieve the integration of landscape constructions and natural environment.  相似文献   

The European Landscape Convention   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adopted in Florence (Italy) on 20 October 2000, the European Landscape Convention is aimed at promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscapes and organising European cooperation on landscape issues. It is the first international treaty to be exclusively concerned with all dimensions of European landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the Parties and relates to natural, urban and peri-urban areas, whether on land, water or sea. It therefore concerns not just remarkable landscapes but also ordinary everyday landscapes and blighted areas. The Convention represents an important contribution to the implementation of the objectives of the Council of Europe: these seek to protect Europeans' quality of life and well-being, taking into account landscape, cultural and natural values. The member states of the Council of Europe signatory to the European Landscape Convention declared their concern to achieve sustainable development based on a balanced and harmonious relationship between social needs, economic activity and the environment. The cultural dimension is also of fundamental importance.  相似文献   

文章提出东西方复合视角下的田园山水城市概念,其核心内涵包括:生态约束下的城市增长管理、田园山水景观风貌塑造和历史文化遗产保护。以杭州市为例,基于RS、GIS技术,运用绿色基础设施评价方法,分析杭州市田、园、山、水要素分布状况,结果表明:生态系统服务功能整体水平良好,田园山水要素充沛且分布范围广泛;田园山水要素地域不均等性突出,表现在东西部和行政区域差异。最后,在分析政策现状及问题基础上,认为当前空间政策制定应当重视构建田园山水要素体系以实现杭州市“双屏夹带”,水网纵横,田城交融的理想城市格局。  相似文献   

Our identity is tied to where we are and how we engage with the landscapes in which we find ourselves. But what happens if the landscape which we use for our everyday life is drastically altered by a catastrophic upheaval, for example, when forest fires ravage the landscape? In this paper, interviews with individuals affected by the largest forest fire in modern Swedish history are used to exemplify our conceptualisation of how landscape identity is impacted by dramatic change. We address the phases of stability, change and progression in relation to the case. Finally, we propose that landscape identity can be utilised as a central concept for engaging with the social aspects of the impact of forest fires.  相似文献   

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