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Young people are increasingly prone to physical inactivity, which may have severe negative effects on their health in adulthood. The aim of this literature review was to identify components and characteristics of parks that have an effect on youth physical activity, and to discuss how these findings can be applied in park design. The results show that access to green space is the most frequently reported predictor of park use among youth. The review identified a range of characteristics and components of urban green spaces important to youth physical activity. These include sports fields/facilities for movement, walkways and paths, shadow and shelter, trees, water elements, maintenance, renovation, form and size, openness, naturalness and safety. The study identifies some shortcomings in the currently available literature on the topic. Studies investigating the importance of specific park components and characteristics are few, and youth is an understudied age group.  相似文献   

杨忆妍  李雄 《风景园林》2013,(3):115-120
摘要:英国的伯肯海德公园是世界园林发展史上第一个真正意义上的城市公园。伯肯海德公园是在英国工业革命快速发展导致城市居住条件恶化,引发的包括公园运动在内的各种改革运动背景下产生的。它的历史背景、设计及建造过程都是独特而创新的,并且,这座公目的布局及交通游线等园林设计内容在今天看来仍旧是值得学习的,其造园风格和手法符合时代和地方的需求,并顺应时代发展,自始至终都广受人们喜爱,实为一部经典的历久弥新之作。  相似文献   

高杰 《风景园林》2012,(5):99-104
营造儿童友好型社会,给人们良好的育儿环境,已经成为全社会不得不面临的问题。从儿童视角出发,分析日本社会儿童成长发育环境的特征,为儿童提供适合的室外游戏活动空间,以解决社会问题,创造适于儿童健康成长与教育的环境等方面的问题,进行了诸如"森林幼儿园"等以自然为游戏空间的探索,更从国家层面对于儿童友好型环境的设计规划提出"十二条基本原则"等方针政策。考虑中国经济发展阶段和社会现状,与日本存在差距的同时也存在发展路径上的历史相似性,日本体验自然儿童游戏空间的建设为中国儿童游戏空间的营造和儿童教育提供了宝贵的经验参考。  相似文献   

Children’s playground design is an important sector of landscape design,and a site design type with which landscape architects are often confronted.Based on basic principles for the design of children’s playground,construction of current children’s playground was analyzed,excellent design cases were analyzed,and design concepts for the healthy growth of children through outdoor games were explored,and it was stressed that the design should enable children to be enlightened and gain social experience in games.  相似文献   

梅江风景区的规划定位为全方位开放、具有郊野风格的、注重生态的、集儿童游乐、体育功能、生态保育、市民娱乐活动于一体的综合性市民风景区。项目充分利用地热资源设置温泉养生、地热水广场、地热植物群落等。并在公园中设计潜流式、表流式、生态湿地等生态水处理系统来进行生态调节。  相似文献   

Scholars have criticized the capacity of playgrounds to support children's participation in public life. Fences of childhood, such as walls, fences, and enclosures, dominate children's “public” spatial experiences in the global north. Challenging well-established critiques of the fenced playground as a space that segregates and controls childhood experiences, this study offers a novel and nuanced perspective, emphasizing the qualities of the playground fence that support play and playful connections, on, through, and around it. Employing an ethnographic methodology, this study includes 167h of observations in three typical urban public playgrounds in Greece and 65 semi-structured interviews with 124 participants. Drawing on recursive thematic qualitative analysis, the fence emerges as a blurred boundary, that is, an element that transgresses assumptions and questions spatial classifications and hierarchies. Rarely the subject of design discourse, these findings are particularly significant in design disciplines globally and offer new understandings on the possibilities afforded by the playground fence. Emergent themes, namely, indeterminacy, climbabilty, playability, and porosity, are proposed as principles to guide fenced playground design as part of a fundamental reconceptualization. This reconceptualization positions the fenced playground as a public space infrastructure, supporting intergenerational interaction and play as well as children's presence and play in the public realm.  相似文献   

泪珠公园 不一样的城市住区景观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国城市住区景观设计实践仍然停留在风格化设计阶段,过于偏重视觉形态设计,忽视了城市居民对自然的向往,忽视了景观作为生命系统的本质含义。在这种背景下,作者希望通过对当代城市住区景观设计的典范——纽约泪珠公园设计元素和设计手法的研究,总结该公园的主要景观设计特点,指出值得国内风景园林师借鉴的设计策略,以此来激发国内房地...  相似文献   

[目的]已有风环境研究多从单一条件对城市空间风环境进行评价并提出优化策略,忽略了人群有效活动空间的影响,以简化体块代替公园物理环境部分要素,一定程度影响了风环境模拟分析结果的准确性。[方法]以占北京市风力资源70%的延庆区4个典型城市公园为对象,从公园人群游憩活力视角,结合场景建模技术、通讯探针和人工智能识别技术,确定公园游客活动范围,以此作为公园风环境评价的研究区域;利用不同季节风速、风压和涡旋分布等评价要素量化评价公园风环境质量,并以公园风环境质量综合评价来表征公园现状风环境质量优劣程度;以公园风环境质量评分方式相关性评价来表征公园进行风环境适应性改造的难易程度。[结果]结果表明:百泉公园现状风环境质量最差,且评分随季节变化呈现出明显差异性和不规律性;集贤城市森林公园风环境质量评分随季节变化有规律地逐渐减小,且进行风环境适应性改造难度最小。[结论]研究建立了全面的公园风环境质量评价体系,对延庆区城市公园建设和管理具有应用价值,为华北地区城市公园风环境质量评价提供创新方法。  相似文献   

Urban green spaces have been shown to promote health and well-being and recent research indicates that the two primary potentially health promoting uses of pocket parks are ‘rest and restitution’ and ‘socialising’. The aim of this study is to identify features in pocket parks that may support these uses. The relationship between the two types of use and the shape, size, noise level, greenness, as well as ‘elements’ (paved and unpaved trails, café, historical feature, table, other seating than benches, flowerbeds, view outside park, playground) in nine pocket parks in Copenhagen were analysed. The results show that ‘green features’ do not seem to be of crucial importance for ‘socialising’ whereas, as expected, features promoting gathering should be prioritised. For ‘rest and restitution’, the main results show that ‘green ground cover’ and ‘enclosed green niches’ are important, while ‘disturbing features’ (playground, view outside park) should be avoided. The results add knowledge about the features which support the health promoting use of pocket parks to the existing body of research.  相似文献   

从声景的概念出发,在回顾并总结国内外园林声景研究与声景设计理论和经验的基础上,探讨了城市公园声景设计的一些具体手法,并指出在城市公园设计中将声景与其他景素结合起来,可以营造出更为真切丰富的园林空间。  相似文献   

传统的城市公园设计实践和环境行为学理论通常更注重空间分析而忽略时间要素,造成设计结果缺乏前瞻性。文章从列斐伏尔“空间三元”辨证理论出发,讨论“空间实践”、“空间再现”、“再现空间”与环境行为学拓展理论之内在联系,强调时间维度的参与,具有创新性的实践意义。以皇城根遗址公园为研究对象,采用实地调查法收集不同空间和时间条件下游人的活动数据并进行统计处理,探讨公园的环境和游人行为特征,以及时间维度如何贯穿空间系统与空间功能变迁始终,并影响行为组织方式。最后提出城市公园空间行为组织与时间维度相结合的可行性方法,建议在设计实践中应强调空间序列的时序性、空间要素的时效性、空间视效和功能的可持续发展性。  相似文献   

土尔库体育公园是市中心一处独特的休闲场所。观众主看台所在的位置是一个具有地域文化价值的位置.也是这个美丽公园里的重要组成部分。现在的设计是1981年举办的建筑设计公开赛的获奖作品,主体施工完成于1989年。  相似文献   

本文以益阳茶文化公园的景观雕塑设计为依托,探讨了文学中的叙事性概念在景观雕塑中的运用,提出了叙事性的景观设计手法,希望能为景观的叙事性设计提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

国标编制相关的城市公园绿地主要规划 指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公园绿地是城市人居环境建设的重要生态基础设施。在参与国家《城市绿地规划标准》的编制过程中,通过对159个中国城市(含港澳台地区)主要公园类型发展现状的大样本数据分析,提炼相关的城市公园建设主要规划指标,包括公园绿地的面积规模、绿地率和功能分区。研究表明:我国城市综合公园的建设规模多为10~50hm^2,社区公园多为0.1~5hm^2;综合公园的绿地率平均值为75%左右,社区公园绿地率平均值为65%左右。综合公园需具备儿童游戏、休闲游憩、运动康体和文化科普4项基本功能,兼容园务管理、演艺娱乐与商业服务等配套功能。社区公园需具备儿童游戏和休闲游憩2项基本功能,兼容运动康体和文化科普等辅助功能。合理地确定城市公园绿地的规划指标,有利于我国城市绿地规划理论与实践走上科学化、法制化、规范化的发展轨道。  相似文献   

As Taiwanese people's awareness of civic consciousness has risen over the past decade, the government has undergone administrative reform to allow citizens to participate in public affairs. The Neighbourhood Park Improvement Plan (NPIP), as executed by the Taipei City Government, is aimed at encouraging community involvement in the planning and design of neighbourhood parks. The purpose of this study was to examine the outcome of the NPIP by comparing facility suitability and functional benefit, as well as park users' emotional bonding and involvement intention, with regards to improved and unimproved neighbourhood parks. The results indicated that park users considered the facility suitability and functional benefits of improved parks to be better than those of unimproved parks. In addition, users' emotional bonding to, and involvement intention for, improved parks were stronger than those of unimproved parks. Based on the findings, suggestions were made for community involvement in park improvement projects.  相似文献   

In 2006 the UK Government announced a move to zero-carbon homes by 2016. The demand posed a major challenge to policy-makers and construction professionals entailing a protracted process of policy design. The task of giving content to this target is used to explore the role of evidence in the policy process. Whereas much literature on policy and evidence treats evidence as an external input, independent of politics, this paper explores the ongoing mutual constitution of both. Drawing on theories of policy framing and the sociology of classification, the account follows the story of a policy for Zero Carbon Homes from the parameters and values used to specify the target. Particular attention is given to the role of regulatory impact assessments (RIAs) and to the creation of a new policy venue, the Zero Carbon Hub. The analysis underlines the way in which the choices about how to model and measure the aims potentially transforms them, the importance of policy venues for transparency and the role of RIAs in the authorization of particular definitions. A more transparent, open approach to policy formulation is needed in which the framing of evidence is recognized as an integral part of the policy process.  相似文献   

居住区儿童游戏场是城市儿童日常游戏的主要场所,其铺装需从多方面考虑进行设计.从设计原则、设计内容、材料选择三方面探讨了居住区儿童游戏场铺装设计的重点,提出了游戏场铺装设计应满足不同年龄段儿童游戏需求,不同游戏区域的合理划分,以及增加地形与美观元素的设计来增加场地吸引力的细节等,为居住区儿童游戏场铺装设计和材料选择提供借鉴.  相似文献   

从诸多方面对儿童游戏场空间进行了综合的阐述,即从儿童对户外空间的本能需求,到生活群体至生活空间,最后还从社会经济条件和自然条件的基础上,如何建立起一套完整、客观的儿童户外活动、游戏场所空间的规划设计的理论体系,提出了作者的见解和多年的研究成果,奠定了作者在此领域的主宰地位,并成为此后从事这方面专门研究的理论基础。  相似文献   

何济钦 《中国园林》2004,20(4):15-18
日本的近邻公园由于服务半径短、随时可以自由进入、离日常生活较近,被人们昵称为"贴身公园".日本东京附近某住宅区内的樱花公园,便是一个典型的案例.公园内除一个简易演出台外,全部种植了各种植物,为住民营造了一个绿色的世界.  相似文献   

汶川地震对我国公园防灾减灾系统建设的启示   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
城市公园具有防灾减灾功能并在汶川地震中发挥了积极作用。但是,汶川地震也暴露出城市公园防灾减灾系统建设存在突出问题,分析结果显示:这些问题归根结底是指导思想和规划理念存在误区,同时也与我国城市公园理论研究缺乏、规划设计水平不高、法规体系建设滞后、防灾减灾系统不健全以及投资渠道单一等现状密切相关。针对这些问题,在总结国外的先进经验的基础上提出设立防灾公园体系专项规划等建设性意见。  相似文献   

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