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There has been a recent shift by environmental agencies towards recognising the positive contribution made by humankind to the creation of valued landscapes. This discussion outlines the growing appreciation of cultural landscapes in various European countries. Particular attention is given to protected areas and the role of local communities in Britain. Landscape is concerned with more than mere marks on the ground, but also with the associations that people attach to their localities.  相似文献   

鲁中山区乡村景观个性特质评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村景观是景观科学研究的一个前沿领域,在中国快速的城市化进程中,乡村景观规划实践势在必行,乡村景观特质成为乡村健康持续发展的加速器。为此,以鲁中山区西营镇的5个自然乡村为调查研究对象,以乡村景观的分类为依据,运用德尔菲法结合专家意见和论证构建了由总目标层、要素指标层和功能指标层组成的乡村景观个性特质评价体系,并以此为依据分析探讨调研区域内5个乡村景观的个性特质,并总结提炼个性特质评价的规律,为乡村景观个性特质确定提供方法的借鉴。  相似文献   

对城市水景住区设计的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵祥  李嘉华  成斌 《工业建筑》2007,37(1):115-117
当前城市水景住区也快速发展,但人们对之认识尚不全面。在此对水景在居住区中的作用、水景的设计手法等作了探讨,并以实例分析了上述原则在水景住区中的运用。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the visual perception of agricultural cultivated landscapes by examining the role of five specific landscape components as predictors of visual preferences: field size, lot shape, land texture, crop texture and built elements. The Lower Galilee in northern Israel was chosen as the study area. The landscape was viewed by 90 participants using a photographic representation. Overall, the preference ratings indicated a relatively positive judgment of the agricultural cultivated landscapes. More specifically, the findings suggest that visual preferences regarding agricultural cultivated landscapes may be explained to a large extent by land textures, crop textures and lot shapes that are associated with complexity and fertility. Despite these findings, the intensification of agriculture over the last decades in many agricultural areas is still characterised by the removal of boundaries and the reduction of crop types. Increasing knowledge related to the visual perception of these landscapes may encourage the managers of agricultural areas to begin taking into account several crucial factors that influence the aesthetic quality of cultivated lands.  相似文献   

The range of environmental activity in the North West of England is as diverse as its landscapes. These embrace some of the finest, but also some of the most degraded, landscapes in the UK; to date however, there has been no overall co‐ordination of initiatives aimed at their protection and rehabilitation. The emergence of regional planning guidance, a regional economic strategy and the agenda of sustainable development demands a more integrative, strategic approach to environmental action. This paper details the development of a regional landscape strategy which seeks to provide the connection between action at the regional and the neighbourhood levels through the co‐ordination, reinforcement and innovation of environmental activity. The regional landscape strategy provides a focus around which the interests of public, private and voluntary bodies can coalesce and a medium for the articulation of policy aspirations relating to the sustainable planning and management of landscapes.  相似文献   

刘滨谊   《中国园林》2023,39(11):6-14
高层建筑群的兴起为人类景观感知带来了新问题——高层景观,主要是指城市高空的聚居者由建筑或场所之内向外部周围观看引发的景观空间感知。高层景观为人类身心健康带来了新的机遇与挑战,对于聚居者“一览众山晓”的积极作用与远离绿化、缺乏户外活动场地的负面影响并存。然而,迄今关于这种高层景观的人类身心影响研究尚未开展。作为起步性研究,尝试从揭示基本规律着手,选取上海地区相对120m高度上的高层景观,研究面对城市空间、绿地和水景的景观时,个体生理和心理的反应影响:基于阶段性视觉刺激,借助脑电图、心率变异性和皮肤电导测量了20名被试者的压力水平,并使用改进的语义差异问卷评估了其心理反应。结果显示,面对绿色空间和水景的高层景观,会引起α相对波活动增加,使副交感神经活动显著增加,相比面对城市建筑的高层景观,被试者的放松程度更高。此外,相比于面对城市建筑景观,被试者在高层观看绿色景观和水景图像时表现出了更大的舒适感和放松感。这些发现初步揭示了居聚于城市高层建筑中的人类个体关于高层景观感受的基本规律,凸显了为高层聚居个体提供自然景观视觉刺激的重要性。  相似文献   

The range of environmental activity in the North West of England is as diverse as its landscapes. These embrace some of the finest, but also some of the most degraded, landscapes in the UK; to date however, there has been no overall co-ordination of initiatives aimed at their protection and rehabilitation. The emergence of regional planning guidance, a regional economic strategy and the agenda of sustainable development demands a more integrative, strategic approach to environmental action. This paper details the development of a regional landscape strategy which seeks to provide the connection between action at the regional and the neighbourhood levels through the co-ordination, reinforcement and innovation of environmental activity. The regional landscape strategy provides a focus around which the interests of public, private and voluntary bodies can coalesce and a medium for the articulation of policy aspirations relating to the sustainable planning and management of landscapes.  相似文献   

In this paper, landscape is defined as any part of the Earth’s surface in which various aspects, such as terrestrial, aquatic, natural and cultural interact with differing dominance. Within landscapes, energy and material flows over time are major driving forces of landscape dynamics. Such a comprehensive approach to landscape should also be applied in landscape planning, however this is rarely the case in Switzerland. The concept of landscape aesthetics in particular is neglected, therefore, four theses are formulated and discussed in this paper.The tourist industry promotes Switzerland with pictures showing beautiful scenery. Some of the landscape elements shown, e.g. ecclesiastical buildings and historical profane buildings, are widely recognised for their aesthetic values, and scientifically examined by art historians and other disciplines. Strangely enough, this is not the case for cultural landscapes, despite the fact that they also reflect the history of human culture. This paradox evolves from the dichotomy between natural sciences and humanities. There is a lack of multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary approaches to studying cultural landscapes. The long-term genesis of the elements of the cultural landscape is illustrated by the typical structure of traditional cultural landscapes, i.e. “the hides of land” (i.e. strip-shaped forest clearings) (Hufenfluren).Between 1750 and 1850, many painters depicted the beauty of the traditional cultural landscape. Their paintings are acknowledged as a part of culture and treated accordingly, but this is not the case for the remains of the cultural landscape they painted. Comparing maps from different points in time reveal the loss of elements of cultural landscapes. Results show how traditional systems of land use led to highly structured landscapes, whereas today’s land-use levels out the scenery. Lack of public support significantly reduces the success of the legal tools to limit this process.  相似文献   

刘海燕 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):24-25
对农村景观的定义和要素进行了介绍,分析了农村及农村景观的现状,对农村建设及规划过程中存在的问题进行了探讨,结合农村景观的影响因素,具体阐述了农村景观的重塑方法和途径,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

陈李波 《华中建筑》2008,26(3):169-171
城市景观依感知类型而言,可以分为城市视觉号观和城市非视觉景观。较之城市视觉景观主要注重城市景观所呈现的外在形式美而言,非视觉景观则更加重视城市景观所蕴含的内在的生活美以及市民个人的亲身体验。因此城市视觉景现和非视觉景观应视作城市蒂观互为彰显的两个层面,两者在我们对城市景观的欣赏与体验中处于同等地位,甚至在某些层面而言,后者更为重要与迫切。  相似文献   

考察了乡村景观作为文化景观在世界遗产保护领域的状况,阐述了全球城市化进程中持续演进的乡村景观所面临的管理议题,探索了农业可持续产品及其认证、乡村发展模式与技术,以及确保乡村景观重要特性及其组成的指导条例,使乡村景观免遭新的人工构筑和植物品种的损害,最后提出乡村景观的保护需要社区住民的积极参与。  相似文献   

认知自然景观——以桦木沟国家森林公园为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然是风景园林创作的本源,对自然景观的理解对于风景园林学科和行业的发展显得尤为关键。植物景观是风景园林中的重要元素,理性地认知自然植被景观对于植物景观规划设计具有非常高的价值。本文通过对桦木沟国家森林公园进行现场踏查,分析了自然植物景观形式的特性,探索自然植被景观的规律,阐述其在风景园林的实践之中应用的可能。  相似文献   

莫娜  张伶伶 《新建筑》2011,(6):124-126
将中国传统景观中具有表达礼制意义的景观意境类型定义为礼制性景观意境。根据实例中具体表意倾向的不同,将其划分为"天人相接型"、"事死如生型"以及"仰奉先贤型"三种表意模式。通过对三种表意模式的比较,揭示出中国传统景观意境生成中的表意诉求。  相似文献   

景观资源评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
评价景观的价值,目的在于开发、利用和保护景观.识别与评价能够满足人类心理需求的景观资源,防止景观的破坏或影响,以满足人类社会可持续发展的要求.景观评价首先要求识别景观资源,识别具有保护意义的景观;然后评价景观影响,评价景观的价值.景观作为一种自然资源,不仅具有美学价值,还具有经济价值,即景观的可利用性和经济性.  相似文献   

EU policy for the conservation of cultural landscapes is of particular importance for a region such as Sicily (Italy) which is the site of many Mediterranean traditional cultural landscapes as well as new landscapes created by contemporary agriculture. Such variety of landscape, however, is not supported or confirmed by specialised inventories that identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present paper is to draw up a preliminary inventory and present a brief characterisation of MTLs in Sicily, in line with the multidisciplinary experiences and approaches implemented at European and national levels. In defining the typological units, the terminology used to identify Sicilian MTLs was modified by experiences developed on the mainland, with entries such as: bocage/semi-bocage, coltura promiscua, Mediterranean open field, mountain landscape, huerta and terrace landscape. Using different spatialised data layers, including those concerned with the main historical processes of land use and land use change, a total of eight MTLs have been detected, mapped, and concisely described. The distribution and importance of terracing systems within the different MTLs is highlighted as one of the most relevant traditional elements in the rural scenario.  相似文献   

本文从宏观的角度对安溪现有城市特色景观资源进行分类整理,寻求城市现存景观的突出特征。在尊重城市自然景观、历史景观及文化资源原有特征的基础上,提出安溪城市特色景观的构建方略。  相似文献   

潘莹  方逸真  施瑛 《风景园林》2020,27(1):83-89
粤北古驿道沿线传统聚落是古驿道"文化线路"遗产的有机组成部分,一些学者已开展沿线传统聚落的研究,但未从景观视角确立聚落中的观测指征。结合Google earth和ArcGis软件以及实地调研,对粤北古驿道中的连州丰阳-东陂古道、西京古道、梅岭古道沿线的传统聚落进行定点采样和定量分析。采用比较研究的方法研究其宏观层面的聚落高程、聚落规模,中观层面的聚落景观格局、居住地内部肌理、坑塘布局特点以及微观层面的民居平面形制。结合移民史和地方志等史料进行环境作用机制分析,得出不同层面的聚落景观差异分别受不同的主导因子影响,自然地理条件主要影响其宏观层面,民族民系与移民文化主要作用于中观、微观层面。通过对比研究,明确粤北不同古驿道沿线聚落景观资源的差异,以期为各条古驿道保护提供更有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

论乡土景观及其对现代景观设计的意义   总被引:41,自引:3,他引:38  
该文探讨了乡土景观的含义,论述了解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义,提出乡土景观是指当地人为了生活而采取的对自然过程和土地及土地上的空间及格局的适应方式,是此时此地人的生活方式和价值观在大地上的投影。因此,乡土景观是包含土地及土地上的城镇、聚落、民居、寺庙等在内的地域综合体。这种乡土景观反映了人与自然、人与人及人与神之间的关系。乡土景观的这种理解包含几个核心的关键词:即,它是适应于当地自然和土地的,它是当地人的,它是为了生存和生活的,三者缺一不可。这可以从乡土景观的主体、客体及相互关系方面来理解解读乡土景观对现代景观设计的意义在于理解景观是乡土经验的一种历史记载,帮助设计师用种新的、非自我的视角,设计内在人生活的景观,从种不自觉的、没有设计师的景观和唯设计师的景观,走向自觉的为使用者而设计的景观。  相似文献   

张春彦  钱丰  王玫 《风景园林》2021,28(3):21-24
风景是否一直存在?风景"出现"的标准是什么?法国的地理学家、东方学家边留久(Augustin Bereque)尝试总结了风景出现的7条标准,基于这些标准便能针对某一族群或者某一种文化去相对确切地谈论风景。基于人类学的视角,从人类的存在不同于动物以及石头等物质的存在这一观点出发,讨论人类的存在是和辻哲郎(Watsuji Tetsur?)所谓的"风土性"(f?dosei)存在;围绕拉维莱特学派(La Villette School)阿兰·罗热(Alain Roger)、边留久等学者的研究成果,指出风景不是环境,实际是人类对环境的主观表达;借助边留久的7条标准,可以得出人类对风景的真正认知思考始于4世纪的中国。同时,围绕人类如何建构世界与表达环境(自然),对人类的风景认知整体展开讨论,反思风景园林学科研究。  相似文献   

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