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This paper reviews one of the most important evolutions in the history of the 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention), namely, the interaction between culture and nature and the development of the cultural landscape categories. The World Heritage Convention currently covers 812 sites in 137 countries and is with 181 States Parties the most universal international legal instrument in heritage conservation. Among the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, 53 sites are recognized cultural landscapes focusing on the outstanding interaction between people and their environment. The paper further explains key case studies from World Heritage cultural landscapes from all regions of the world and highlights the innovations in the Convention's implementation through the landscape approach, particularly focusing on the management of complex properties involving local communities and indigenous people. The paper also outlines links to other international and regional Conventions and concludes with a future outlook of the landscape programme.  相似文献   

Spatial planning for landscape: mapping the pitfalls   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
While welcoming the European Landscape Convention and acknowledging the successes of conservation organizations such as the National Trust in Britain, the Czech Village Restoration Scheme and the French eco‐musées, this paper identifies some of the pitfalls that must be avoided if the fine words of the Convention are to be translated into effective action. These include problems with designation, conflicts between different types of conservation, and the side effects of gentrification and increased tourism. There is a call for more research to break down barriers to understanding between countries, between disciplines, and between academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

It is argued that the protection of landscape diversity is as important as the protection of bio‐diversity, in a world where an accelerating rate of technological change is forcing cultural landscapes to change in the direction of greater uniformity.  相似文献   

It is argued that the protection of landscape diversity is as important as the protection of bio-diversity, in a world where an accelerating rate of technological change is forcing cultural landscapes to change in the direction of greater uniformity.  相似文献   

Bam is one of Iran’s eight listed World Heritage Sites, and the first to be listed as a ‘Cultural Landscape’. The site is in the list of ‘World Heritage in Danger’ pending achievement of its desired state of conservation by 2010, as decided by the World Heritage Committee in its 30th session in Vilnius in 2006. This paper describes the World Heritage site and discusses the issues relating to its conservation and management.  相似文献   

"文化遗产"理念古已有之,但其所涵盖范围持续扩展,近一百年尤为明显。本文的研究目的即揭示这一重要观念在我国的扩展历程。主要采用文献阅读、田野调查、比较研究、系统分析的研究方法,从空间角度切入,阐述文化遗产的认知主要经历了从金石器物及其铭文,到重要历史建筑、世界遗产、城市遗产的扩展历程。并指出,这些扩展本质上都是源于价值观念的不断扩展,亦即越来越具包容性和多样性。  相似文献   

2008年国际古迹遗址理事会发布 了《文化线路宪章》,2013年欧洲文化线路 委员会发布了《“欧洲文化线路”授予条件 修订》,2013年世界遗产委员会修订了新的 《实施<世界遗产公约>操作指南》。作为研 究“文化线路”的主要三大国际机构,在各 自发布的文件中对文化线路这一类型遗产的 “术语”和相关描述存在一定差异。对上述 机构的发布的最新文件提取关键词和核心 思想,通过比较研究,指出,ICOMOS和世 界遗产委员会的定义,是以文化线路自身的 “遗产属性”为出发点,进而详细界定文化 线路的各项本质特性;而欧洲文化线路委员 会则在近30年的研究与实践之后,逐渐重视 遗产保护与社会发展的关系,其定义以文化 线路的“社会属性”为出发点,强调文化线 路对欧洲当代社会发展的意义。充分辨析、 比较三者的核心理念,有助于深化对文化线 路概念和意义的理解。  相似文献   

世界遗产概念挑战中国:第28届世界遗产大会有感   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
俞孔坚 《中国园林》2004,20(11):68-70
二战以后,特别是从20世纪70年代开始,国际世界遗产保护运动蓬勃发展.用什么样的态度来对待本国的自然和文化遗产,已成为一个国家文明程度的重要标志.自从20世纪80年代中,世界遗产概念被中国学者和主管部门接受后,世界遗产的内涵和随之而来的所在国的责任也日益被我们所认识.签署<世界遗产公约>和保护管理世界遗产工作的深入开展,使改革开放中的中国,再次面临了挑战.这对中国故有的体制和观念意味着什么?对文化和自然遗产的认识应该走出历史文物和风景名胜的局限;应该从"死的"和孤立的"点"走向"活的"和联系的完整的文化景观和自然系统网络;应该从片面的、不平衡的封建帝王和贵族的壮丽和辉煌,走向更全面的、反映中国文明历程中独特的人民与土地关系的文化景观.相应地,我国遗产的规划、保护管理和利用的观念和方法也应进行全面的变革.  相似文献   

Kormantsin is a coastal town in Ghana with a ruined fort, a remnant from the Atlantic slave trade. Kormantsin is an important cultural landscape—of slavery. Landscapes of slavery are cultural landscapes because they involve poignant human history, significant land manipulation, and human perceptions/ideologies regarding land use and race. Kormantsin's cultural landscape is documented and discussed using images and accounts from 17th- and 18th-century travellers, and contemporary photographs and texts; the landscape image (including a fort) at the slave trade's zenith is ascertained, and it is suggested how landscape may have been used to facilitate the trade. The study reveals a pathway possibly traversed by slaves from this fort. It is determined that the fort's landscape has changed relatively little since the slave trade. It is suggested that this historic landscape be preserved for future use and interpretation.  相似文献   

Kormantsin is a coastal town in Ghana with a ruined fort, a remnant from the Atlantic slave trade. Kormantsin is an important cultural landscape—of slavery. Landscapes of slavery are cultural landscapes because they involve poignant human history, significant land manipulation, and human perceptions/ideologies regarding land use and race. Kormantsin's cultural landscape is documented and discussed using images and accounts from 17th- and 18th-century travellers, and contemporary photographs and texts; the landscape image (including a fort) at the slave trade's zenith is ascertained, and it is suggested how landscape may have been used to facilitate the trade. The study reveals a pathway possibly traversed by slaves from this fort. It is determined that the fort's landscape has changed relatively little since the slave trade. It is suggested that this historic landscape be preserved for future use and interpretation.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research undertaken for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities by a team at the University of Milan, an emerging and converging conception of landscape which is shared by many nations in Europe is identified. It is characterized by the integration of culture, by a shift of emphasis from places of excellence to consideration of the whole territory, by the wish to conserve cultural identity and by a concern for the quality of life of whole populations. In addition to regarding the landscape as an artefact, it can also be regarded as a document, an archive or a palimpsest. Shortcomings in the way that landscapes are currently read are identified, and the range of criteria employed to assess the values of particular landscapes are considered. Finally, there is a plea for a serious exchange of information regarding methodology and operational expertise, in the light of the European Landscape Convention.  相似文献   

在2013年06月23日柬埔寨金边第37届世界遗产大会上,“红河哈尼梯田文化景观”被成功列入《世界遗产名录》。红河哈尼梯田文化景观的“突出普遍价值”在于红河哈尼族在相对恶劣的自然环境下,依据其独特的社会宗教文化体系与自然和谐相处并实现农业耕作。它是一个人与自然和谐相处的典范,以及蕴含深厚的生态智慧典型案例。从遗产地聚落选址、森林保护、水资源管理利用、一体化的农耕方式、独特的社会宗教文化体系等方面阐述了红河哈尼梯田文化景观世界遗产中蕴含的生态智慧,从另一视野深刻揭示了世界遗产的本质特征。在此基础上,探讨了持续千余年的红河哈尼梯田文化景观世界遗产地对景观及城市规划的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

国外关于工业遗产的研究开始较早、进展较快,本文在介绍工业遗产研究起源和发展概况的同时,简介了欧美若干国家的研究情况,并在文献分析和个案调查的基础上总结了国外工业遗产研究发展的特点和态势。  相似文献   

Drawing upon research undertaken for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities by a team at the University of Milan, an emerging and converging conception of landscape which is shared by many nations in Europe is identified. It is characterized by the integration of culture, by a shift of emphasis from places of excellence to consideration of the whole territory, by the wish to conserve cultural identity and by a concern for the quality of life of whole populations. In addition to regarding the landscape as an artefact, it can also be regarded as a document, an archive or a palimpsest. Shortcomings in the way that landscapes are currently read are identified, and the range of criteria employed to assess the values of particular landscapes are considered. Finally, there is a plea for a serious exchange of information regarding methodology and operational expertise, in the light of the European Landscape Convention.  相似文献   

In 2006, the spotlight has very much been on the Modern Movement, with the major exhibition at the V&A in London - ‘Modernism: Designing a New World 1914-1936’. Here, Edward Denison describes how Giuseppe Pettazzi's Fiat Tagliero service station in Asmara in Eritrea, East Africa, epitomised Italy's futuristic ambitions for a new colony. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

世界文化遗产“突出的普遍价值”评价标准的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》中的文化遗产概念,对1977年至今以来不同版本的《实施世界遗产公约的操作指南》中,世界文化遗产“突出的普遍价值”评价标准的修订过程进行研究,分4个历史时期梳理了突出的普遍价值概念、评价标准、真实性和完整性条件、特殊类型遗产列入导则的主要变化,分析了标准修订的进步与局限,归纳了导致标准修...  相似文献   

"天地之中"历史建筑群的价值评估工作,是一次抽丝剥茧、去伪存真、整体定位的历史文化综合研究与评价的工作,它破除人云亦云、众口相传的一些不准确、不专业的内容,深入到历史建筑背后深层次的动因之中,水到渠成地提炼出"天地之中"这一人文理念;并将国内"三大价值"评估模式与世界文化遗产的"突出普遍价值"模式进行了对接。其总体保护规划在价值评估成果的基础上,同时解决整体保护与单体保护的问题,既为申遗保驾护航,又利用这一难得的机会大力推动了当地文物保护工作,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

武当山是中国重要的道教圣地,园林营建活动历史悠久、空间广袤、建造技术精湛,达到了皇家所要求的宏伟、威严和道教所追求的玄妙、超然,是人文美与自然美的高度统一。本文通过对世界遗产武当山文化景观的概述,认为武当山是人类文化的见证和古代科学技术的典范,也是我们建设山地人居环境的生动教材。  相似文献   

中国已经有越来越多的项目列入了世界遗产名录,申遗热的背后还缺乏对遗产地旅游发展的理性思考。以宏观的视角,借助GIS空间分析的手段,从遗产资源到旅游产品转化的能力、可进入条件、基础客源市场条件和遗产城市依托条件4个角度来衡量和评价中国世界遗产地的存在问题和开发潜力。4个指标得分都高的遗产地还需在保持现状的基础上不断提升优化;存在一个短板的景区中,资源转化能力弱的遗产地需要加强保护;覆盖人口少的遗产地应创新营销;可进入条件差和设施依托弱的景区应做好设施配套。当有多个指标存在局限时,遗产地要根据自身的情况,从资源保护、市场营销、区域合作、设施建设、产品创新多个角度选择旅游开发方向。  相似文献   

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