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Subpixel mapping of snow cover in forests by optical remote sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forest represents a challenging problem for snow-cover mapping by optical satellite remote sensing. To investigate reflectance variability and to improve the mapping of snow in forested areas, a method for subpixel mapping of snow cover in forests (SnowFrac) has been developed. The SnowFrac method is based on linear spectral mixing modelling of snow, trees and snow-free ground. The focus has been on developing a physically based reflectance model which uses a forest-cover map as prior information. The method was tested in flat terrain covered by spruce, pine and birch forests, close to the Jotunheimen region of South Norway. Experiments were carried out using a completely snow-covered Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene, aerial photos and in situ reflectance measurements. A detailed forest model was photogrammetrically derived from the aerial photos. Modelled and observed TM reflectances were compared. In the given situation, the results demonstrate that snow and individual tree species, in addition to cast shadows on the snow surface from single trees, are the most influencing factors on visible and near-infrared reflectance. Modelling of diffuse radiation reduced by surrounding trees slightly improve the results, indicating that this effect is less important. The best results are obtained for pine forest and mixed pine and birch forest. Future work will focus on deriving a simplified reflectance model suitable for operational snow-cover mapping in forests.  相似文献   

Wet snow cover mapping by means of airborne and spaceborne SAR is operational today and successfully applied in rugged high mountain terrain and in agricultural area. This paper proposes a numerical study to estimate the accuracy of wet snow mapping by using a radar backscattering model that simulates backscattering from a multi-layer snowpack for various snow cover conditions and for SAR parameters specific to Radarsat (C-HH). Field measurements carried out in numerous sites during the winters of 1994 to 1996 in several areas of Quebec (Canada) have allowed to choose some typical snow profiles and the corresponding snow/soil parameters. Results indicate that under the assumptions used in the model and the simulations, for the standard mode S1 of Radarsat (20 to 27.4) and in the case of wet snow cover with liquid water content of 1%, the optimum relative under-and over-estimation of wet snow pixels are of the order of 23.9% and 13.4%, respectively. For wet snow cover at 2%, the algorithm operates with a relative under-estimation of wet snow pixels around 8.5% and a relative over-estimation of the order of 1.7%. For wet snow with liquid water content of 4%, the relative under-and over-estimation of wet snow pixels is around 0.8% and 0.3%, respectively. They are negligible for wet snow with liquid water content higher than 4%. With the standard mode S7 of Radarsat (44.9 to 49.4), the wet snow mapping algorithm leads to a slightly lower performance than with the standard mode S1. The accuracy of the method for wet snow mapping demonstrates the high potential of SAR for snow monitoring. It is considered sufficient when the liquid water content of the snowpack is higher than 1% for actual snow conditions similar to those eight observed conditions used in this study.  相似文献   

An up-to-date spatio-temporal change analysis of global snow cover is essential for better understanding of climate–hydrological interactions. The normalized difference snow index (NDSI) is a widely used algorithm for the detection and estimation of snow cover. However, NDSI cannot discriminate between snow cover and water bodies without use of an external water mask. A stand-alone methodology for robust detection and mapping of global snow cover is presented by avoiding external dependency on the water mask. A new spectral index called water-resistant snow index (WSI) with the capability of exhibiting significant contrast between snow cover and other cover types, including water bodies, was developed. WSI uses the normalized difference between the value and hue obtained by transforming red, green, and blue, (RGB) colour composite images comprising red, green, and near-infrared bands into a hue, saturation, and value (HSV) colour model. The superiority of WSI over NDSI is confirmed by case studies conducted in major snow regions globally. Snow cover was mapped by considering monthly variation in snow cover and availability of satellite data at the global scale. A snow cover map for the year 2013 was produced at the global scale by applying the random walker algorithm in the WSI image supported by the reference data collected from permanent snow-covered and non-snow-covered areas. The resultant snow-cover map was compared to snow cover estimated by existing maps: MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1 v5.1, 2012), Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organizations (GLCNMO v2.0, 2008), and European Space Agency’s GlobCover 2009. A significant variation in snow cover as estimated by different maps was noted, and was was attributed to methodological differences rather than annual variation in snow cover. The resultant map was also validated with reference data, with 89.46% overall accuracy obtained. The WSI proposed in the research is expected to be suitable for seasonal and annual change analysis of global snow cover.  相似文献   

The VEGETATION (VGT) sensor in SPOT 4 has four spectral bands that are equivalent to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) bands (blue, red, near-infrared and mid-infrared spectral bands) and provides daily images of the global land surface at a 1-km spatial resolution. We propose a new index for identifying and mapping of snow/ice cover, namely the Normalized Difference Snow/Ice Index (NDSII), which uses reflectance values of red and mid-infrared spectral bands of Landsat TM and VGT. For Landsat TM data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIITM=(TM3-TM5)/(TM3+TM5); for VGT data, NDSII is calculated as NDSIIVGT=(B2-MIR)/(B2+MIR). As a case study we used a Landsat TM image that covers the eastern part of the Qilian mountain range in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau of China. NDSIITM gave similar estimates of the area and spatial distribution of snow/ice cover to the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI=(TM2-TM5)/(TM2+TM5)) which has been proposed by Hall et al. The results indicated that the VGT sensor might have the potential for operational monitoring and mapping of snow/ice cover from regional to global scales, when using NDSIIVGT.  相似文献   

Accurate areal measurements of snow cover extent are important for hydrological and climate modeling. The traditional method of mapping snow cover is binary where a pixel is considered either snow-covered or snow-free. Fractional snow cover (FSC) mapping can achieve a more precise estimate of areal snow cover extent by estimating the fraction of a pixel that is snow-covered. The most common snow fraction methods applied to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images have been spectral unmixing and an empirical Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI). Machine learning is an alternative for estimating FSC as artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been successfully used for estimating the subpixel abundances of other surfaces. The advantages of ANNs are that they can easily incorporate auxiliary information such as land cover type and are capable of learning nonlinear relationships between surface reflectance and snow fraction. ANNs are especially applicable to mapping snow cover extent in forested areas where spatial mixing of surface components is nonlinear. This study developed a multilayer feed-forward ANN trained through backpropagation to estimate FSC using MODIS surface reflectance, NDSI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and land cover as inputs. The ANN was trained and validated with higher spatial-resolution FSC maps derived from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) binary snow cover maps. Testing of the network was accomplished over training and independent test areas. The developed network performed adequately with RMSE of 12% over training areas and slightly less accurately over the independent test scenes with RMSE of 14%. The developed ANN also compared favorably to the standard MODIS FSC product. The study also presents a comprehensive validation of the standard MODIS snow fraction product whose performance was found to be similar to that of the ANN.  相似文献   

Monitoring the extent of snow cover plays a vital role for a better understanding of current and future climatic, ecological, and water cycle conditions. Previously, several traditional machine learning models have been applied for accomplishing this while exploring a variety of feature extraction techniques on various information sources. However, the laborious process of any amount of hand-crafted feature extraction has not helped to obtain high accuracies. Recently, deep learning models have shown that feature extraction can be made automatic and that they can achieve the required high accuracies but at the cost of requiring a large amount of labelled data. Fortunately, despite the absence of such large amounts of labelled data for this task, we can rely on pre-trained models, which accept red-green-blue (RGB) information (or dimensions-reduced spectral data). However, it is always better to include a variety of information sources to solve any problem, especially with the availability of other important information sources like synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery and elevation. We propose a hybrid model where the deep learning is assisted by these information sources which have until now been left out. Particularly, our model learns from both the deep learning features (derived from spectral data) and the hand-crafted features (derived from SAR and elevation). Such an approach shows interesting performance-improvement from 96.02% (through deep learning alone) to 98.10% when experiments were conducted for Khiroi village of the Himalayan region in India.  相似文献   

Taking three snow seasons from November 1 to March 31 of year 2002 to 2005 in northern Xinjiang, China as an example, this study develops a new daily snow cover product (500 m) through combining MODIS daily snow cover data and AMSR-E daily snow water equivalent (SWE) data. By taking advantage of both high spatial resolution of optical data and cloud transparency of passive microwave data, the new daily snow cover product greatly complements the deficiency of MODIS product when cloud cover is present especially for snow cover product on a daily basis and effectively improves daily snow detection accuracy. In our example, the daily snow agreement of the new product with the in situ measurements at 20 stations is 75.4%, which is much higher than the 33.7% of the MODIS daily product in all weather conditions, even a little higher than the 71% of the MODIS 8-day product (cloud cover of ~ 5%). Our results also indicate that i) AMSR-E daily SWE imagery generally agrees with MOD10A1 data in detecting snow cover, with overall agreement of 93.4% and snow agreement of 96.6% in the study area; ii) AMSR-E daily SWE imagery underestimates the snow covered area (SCA) due to its coarse spatial resolution; iii) The new snow cover product can better and effectively capture daily SCA dynamics during the snow seasons, which plays a significant role in reduction, mitigation, and prevention of snow-caused disasters in pastoral areas.  相似文献   

Snow cover information is an essential parameter for a wide variety of scientific studies and management applications, especially in snowmelt runoff modelling. Until now NOAA and IRS data were widely and effectively used for snow‐covered area (SCA) estimation in several Himalayan basins. The suit of snow cover products produced from MODIS data had not previously been used in SCA estimation and snowmelt runoff modelling in any Himalayan basin. The present study was conducted with the aim of assessing the accuracy of MODIS, NOAA and IRS data in snow cover mapping under Himalayan conditions. The total SCA was estimated using these three datasets for 15 dates spread over 4 years. The results were compared with ground‐based estimation of snow cover. A good agreement was observed between satellite‐based estimation and ground‐based estimation. The influence of aspect in SCA estimation was analysed for the three satellite datasets and it was observed that MODIS produced better results. Snow mapping accuracy with respect to elevation was tested and it was observed that at higher elevation MODIS sensed more snow and proved better at mapping snow under mountain shadow conditions. At lower elevation, IRS proved better in mapping patchy snow cover due to higher spatial resolution. The temporal resolution of MODIS and NOAA data is better than IRS data, which means that the chances of getting cloud‐free scenes is higher. In addition, MODIS has an automated snow‐mapping algorithm, which reduces the time and errors incorporated during processing satellite data manually. Considering all these factors, it was concluded that MODIS data could be effectively used for SCA estimation under Himalayan conditions, which is a vital parameter for snowmelt runoff estimation.  相似文献   

A feasible method for mapping the fraction of Snow Covered Area (SCA) in the boreal zone is presented. The method (SCAmod) is based on a semi-empirical model, where three reflectance contributors (wet snow, snow-free ground and forest canopy), interconnected by an effective canopy transmissivity and SCA, constitute the observed reflectance from the target area. Given the reflectance observation, SCA is solved from the model. The predetermined values for the reflectance contributors can be adjusted to an optional wavelength region, which makes SCAmod adaptable to various optical sensors. The effective forest canopy transmissivity specifies the effect of forests on the local reflectance observation; it is estimated using Earth observation data similar to that employed in the actual SCA estimation. This approach enables operational snow mapping for extensive areas, as auxiliary forest data are not needed.Our study area covers 404 000 km2, comprising all drainage basins of Finland (with an average area of 60 km2) and some transboundary drainage basins common with Russia, Norway and Sweden. Applying SCAmod to NOAA/AVHRR cloud-free data acquired during melting periods 2001-2003, we estimated the areal fraction of snow cover for all the 5845 basins. The validation against in situ SCA from the Finnish snow course network indicates that with SCAmod, 15% (absolute SCA-units) accuracy for SCA is gained. Good results were also obtained from the validation against snow cover information provided by the Finnish weather station network, for example, 94% of snow-free and fully snow-covered basins were recognized. A general formula for deriving the statistical accuracy of SCA estimates provided by SCAmod is presented, complemented by the results when the AVHRR data are employed.Snow melting in Finland has been operatively monitored with SCAmod in Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) since year 2001. The SCA estimates have been assimilated to the Finnish national hydrological modelling and forecasting system since 2003, showing a substantial improvement in forecasts.  相似文献   

System reliability assessment is one of the major acts in the operation and maintenance of every industrial and service sector, which also holds true for maritime transportation system. The complexity of the maritime transportation system is a prime obstacle in the evaluation of the operational reliability of the system; mainly due to the fact that statistical data on the important parameters and variables is scarce. This makes the application of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic a viable option to overcome the data problem with regards to imprecision or vagueness in parameters and variables values. In this paper, the different decisive factors, affecting maritime transportation systems, are modeled in the form of linguistic variables. Techniques such as aggregation, mapping of fuzzy sets using distance measure and fuzzy logic rule base are used to arrive at subjective operational reliability value. The complete procedure is demonstrated with an example.  相似文献   

Three methods, supervised classification (SC), digital number (DN) statistics and Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), are used to map snow cover and then calculate snow cover area. Data sets from Landsat TM, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and NOAA/AVHRR are selected because these sensors of different spatial resolution provide the most up to date remote sensing data for China. The results show that the best method for obtaining the snow index is different for each of these sensor products because of their different spatial and temporal resolutions and objectives of application. Reflectivity threshold statistics (RTs) should be used if the data series is incomplete; whereas SC needs a relatively accurate signature file for classification. A valid and rational method has been certified which selects NDSI for extracting snow pixels. Meanwhile, we introduce the brightness compensation method for decreasing the impact of topographic shading on distinguishing of snow pixels.  相似文献   

Land use/land cover change, particularly that of tropical deforestation and forest degradation, has been occurring at an unprecedented rate and scale in Southeast Asia. The rapid rate of economic development, demographics and poverty are believed to be the underlying forces responsible for the change. Accurate and up-to-date information to support the above statement is, however, not available. The available data, if any, are outdated and are not comparable for various technical reasons. Time series analysis of land cover change and the identification of the driving forces responsible for these changes are needed for the sustainable management of natural resources and also for projecting future land cover trajectories. We analysed the multi-temporal and multi-seasonal NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data of 1985/86 and 1992 to (1) prepare historical land cover maps and (2) to identify areas undergoing major land cover transformations (called ‘hot spots’). The identified ‘hot spot’ areas were investigated in detail using high-resolution satellite sensor data such as Landsat and SPOT supplemented by intensive field surveys. Shifting cultivation, intensification of agricultural activities and change of cropping patterns, and conversion of forest to agricultural land were found to be the principal reasons for land use/land cover change in the Oudomxay province of Lao PDR, the Mekong Delta of Vietnam and the Loei province of Thailand, respectively. Moreover, typical land use/land cover change patterns of the ‘hot spot’ areas were also examined. In addition, we developed an operational methodology for land use/land cover change analysis at the national level with the help of national remote sensing institutions.  相似文献   

Timely information on spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of snow cover in the pan-Arctic zone is needed, as snow cover plays an important role in climate, hydrology and ecological processes. Here we report estimates of snow cover in the pan-Arctic zone (north of 45° N) at 1-km spatial resolution and at a 10-day temporal interval over the period of April 1998 to December 2001, using 10-day composite images of VEGETATION sensor onboard Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT)-4 satellite. The results show that snow covered area (SCA) in North America (north of 45° N) increased from 1998 to 2001, while SCA in Eurasia (north of 45° N) decreased from 1998 to 2000 but increased in 2001. There were large spatial and temporal variations of snow cover in the pan-Arctic zone during 1998-2001.  相似文献   

The free availability of decametre global satellite images and high-performance supercomputing provides opportunities for the development of many global products, including land cover, forest change, water, and cropland. However, some regions are particularly hard to map. Identification of these regions aids the understanding of map accuracy issues. In this study, we analysed seven maps produced with different algorithms/approaches but using the same classification system and training samples. A common validation dataset was used to identify regions incorrectly classified by all maps. These were defined as difficult to map regions (DMRs). They covered around 16% of the world’s ice-free terrestrial areas. Our analysis indicated that (1) grassland, shrubland, forest, and cropland were the most common land-cover types that could not be correctly classified, but impervious surfaces had the greatest proportion of misclassification; (2) incorrect classification mainly occurred in tropical/subtropical grassland/savanna/shrubland and desert/xeric shrubland; (3) the spatial distribution of DMRs was almost consistent with slope/elevation changes along latitude/longitude; and (4) the hotspot areas of land-cover mapping studies did not align with the DMRs. Our results suggest that there is a need for further work on DMRs to improve global land-cover mapping accuracy.  相似文献   

The present study deals with spatio-temporal snow cover distribution in Northwest Himalaya (NWH) in a discourse on regional topography and prevalent climatology. Snow cover variation during 2001–2012 in NWH and eight major river basins was examined using MODIS data on board the Terra satellite. Slope match topographic correction was applied to eliminate the differential illumination effect on satellite imagery. The impact of cloud cover was removed by generating a 10-day maximum snow cover product. Annual and seasonal analysis shows a decreasing trend in snow cover area (SCA) over the entire NWH. Maximal SCA was observed in the windward river basins of the Lower and the Middle Himalayan zones and in the highly glaciated Shyok river basin of the Upper Himalaya. Monthly snow cover duration (SCD) maps revealed the effect of longitudinal variation as well as the strong influence of regional climatology and topography. The relationship of SCA with altitude and aspect was studied in all the river basins of NWH. The study shows a linear increment of SCA/D with increasing respect to elevation in all river basins. The maximum rate of SCA/D change with elevation was observed in the Jhelum river basin. In the Middle Himalayan Zone, an effect of basin orientation in regard to elevation was observed. Mean annual SCA at altitudes of up to 4500 m shows a decreasing trend. Seasonal analysis of aspect-wise snow cover shows that southern slopes have lower SCA during winter months. The difference in SCA between northern and southern slopes is even higher in summer and the monsoon period.  相似文献   

Binary snow maps and fractional snow cover data are provided routinely from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). This paper investigates how the wide observation angles of MODIS influence the current snow mapping algorithm in forested areas. Theoretical modeling results indicate that large view zenith angles (VZA) can lead to underestimation of fractional snow cover (FSC) by reducing the amount of the ground surface that is viewable through forest canopies, and by increasing uncertainties during the gridding of MODIS data. At the end of the MODIS scan line, the total modeled error can be as much as 50% for FSC. Empirical analysis of MODIS/Terra snow products in four forest sites shows high fluctuation in FSC estimates on consecutive days. In addition, the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) values, which are the primary input to the MODIS snow mapping algorithms, decrease as VZA increases at the site level. At the pixel level, NDSI values have higher variances, and are correlated with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in snow covered forests. These findings are consistent with our modeled results, and imply that consideration of view angle effects could improve MODIS snow monitoring in forested areas.  相似文献   

Accurate mapping of land-cover diversity within riparian areas at a regional scale is a major challenge for better understanding the influence of riparian landscapes and related natural and anthropogenic pressures on river ecological status. As the structure (composition and spatial organization) of riparian area land cover (RALC) is generally not accessible using moderate-scale satellite imagery, finer spatial resolution imagery and specific mapping techniques are needed. For this purpose, we developed a classification procedure based on a specific multiscale object-based image analysis (OBIA) scheme dedicated to producing fine-scale and reliable RALC maps in different geographical contexts (relief, climate and geology). This OBIA scheme combines information from very high spatial resolution multispectral imagery (satellite or airborne) and available spatial thematic data using fuzzy expert knowledge classification rules. It was tested over the Hérault River watershed (southern France), which presents contrasting landscapes and a total stream length of 1150 km, using the combination of SPOT (Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre) 5 XS imagery (10 m pixels), aerial photography (0.5 m pixels) and several national spatial thematic data. A RALC map was produced (22 classes) with an overall accuracy of 89% and a kappa index of 83%, according to a targeted land-cover pressures typology (six categories of pressures). The results of this experimentation demonstrate that the application of OBIA to multisource spatial data provides an efficient approach for the mapping and monitoring of RALC that can be implemented operationally at a regional or national scale. We further analysed the influence of map resolution on the quantification of riparian spatial indicators to highlight the importance of such data for studying the influence of landscapes on river ecological status at the riparian scale.  相似文献   

The presence of snow cover affects the regional energy and water balance, thus having a significant impact on the global climate system. Temporal knowledge of the onset of snow melt and snow water equivalent (SWE) values are important variables in the prediction of flooding, as well as water resource applications such as reservoir management and agricultural activities. Microwave remote sensing techniques have been effective for monitoring snow pack parameters (snow extent, depth, water equivalent, wet/dry state). Coincident ground data, airborne polarimetric C-band (5.3 GHz) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and passive microwave radiometer data (19, 37 and 85 GHz) were collected on four dates (1 December 1997, 6 March 1998, 12 March 1998 and 9 March 1999) over two flight lines in Eastern Ontario, Canada. The multitemporal, multi-sensor data were analysed for changes in SAR polarimetric signatures and microwave brightness temperatures as a function of changing snow pack parameters. Results indicate that certain parameters such as linear polarizations and pedestal height are sensitive to changes in snow pack parameters, and respond differently to various snow conditions. SWE values derived from the passive microwave brightness temperatures compare well with ground measurements, with the exception of low snow volume and in the presence of significant ice layers.  相似文献   

In the present study, spectroradiometer (350–2500 nm) experiments are carried out in the field to understand the influence of snow grain size, contamination, moisture, ageing, snow depth, slope / aspect on spectral reflectance and to determine the sensitive wavelengths for mapping of snow and estimation of snow characteristics using satellite data. The observations suggest that, due to ageing and grain-size variation, the maximum variations in reflectance are observed in the near-infrared region, i.e. around 1040–1050 nm. For varying contamination and snow depth, the maximum variations are observed in the visible region, i.e. around 470 and 590 nm, respectively. For the moisture changes, the maximum variations are observed around 980 and 1160 nm. Based on the spectral signatures of seasonal snow, the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) is studied, and snow indexes, such as grain and contamination indexes, are proposed. The study also suggests that the NDSI increases with ageing, grain size and moisture content. The NDSI values remain constant with variations in slope and aspect. Attempts are made to estimate seasonal snow characteristics using multispectral Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) Indian Remote Sensing (IRS-P6) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra satellite data and validated with snow-meteorological observatory data of the study area.  相似文献   

Current satellite-based remote-sensing approaches are largely incapable of estimating precipitation over snow cover. This note reports a proof-of-concept study of a new satellite-based approach to the estimation of precipitation over snow-covered surfaces. The method is based on the principle that precipitation can be inferred from the changes in the snow water equivalent of the snowpack. Using satellite-based snow water equivalent measurements, we derived daily precipitation amounts for the northern hemisphere for three snow-accumulation seasons, and evaluated these against independent reference datasets. The new precipitation estimates captured realistic-looking storm events over largely un-instrumented regions. However, the data are noisy and, on a seasonal scale, the amount of precipitation is believed to be underestimated. Nevertheless, current uncertainty in snow measurements, albeit large (50–100%), is still lower than direct precipitation measurements over snow (100–140%) and therefore this approach is still useful. The method will become more feasible as the quality of remotely sensed snow measurements improves.  相似文献   

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