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蓝思琪  罗涛  黄丽坤  刘江 《风景园林》2019,26(8):101-105
中国已进入老龄化加速发展时期,如何适应老龄化社会的特殊环境需求是未来社区建设和景观规划的新视角。以福建省为例,通过大规模现场问卷调查,利用数理统计方法解析居民年龄及地方依恋程度对自然景观偏好的影响。结果发现: 1)年龄对自然景观偏好有显著影响,地方依恋对自然景观偏好无显著影响; 2)老年人(≥ 60 岁)与儿童(6~9 岁)的“弱”认知特征,使两组人群的自然景观偏好度较低,表现出老年人向“儿童化”回归的现象; 3)青年(15~19 岁)、中年组(20~59 岁)自然景观偏好度明显高于老年组和儿童组,且青年组偏好度最高,可能是教育程度和时代背景影响所致。研究结果对社会老龄化背景下合理完善社区景观规划设计与管理具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

The privatisation of social housing transformed many transitional countries in Central and Eastern Europe into societies with predominant homeownership and a marginalised rental sector. The case of Slovenia shows that, despite a low level of government support of homeowners, the homeownership rate has remained at its unsustainably high level and households continue to express strong preferences for homeownership. The paper explores factors explaining current homeownership preferences in Slovenia. A comprehensive model of housing preferences is built. The model follows the proposition that tenure preferences are strongly influenced by general cultural norms and factors characterising the social, economic and political environments. The model is tested using structural equation modelling based on a survey of Slovenian households. The results reveal that the strong preferences for homeownership in Slovenia can be explained by the firm perceptions of the financial advantages of homeownership and by the lack of available rental alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper explored individuals' attitudes towards the traditional farm landscape and using the contingent valuation method (CVM) their willingness to pay (WTP) for agricultural activities aimed at its protection. Analysis of consumer attitudes towards the countryside can provide information from which policy-makers can ascertain if policy measures aimed at enhancing and protecting the rural landscape are in line with citizens' views and expectations. Results from a Generalized Tobit Interval model suggest that attitudes regarding the importance of particular landscape attributes have a differential impact on WTP. A variety of background variables and whether individuals live in the countryside were also found to strongly influence WTP. More generally, the results would indicate broad public support for second pillar objectives under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) such as the protection of the traditional farm landscape.  相似文献   

李焜  薛诗睿 《中国园林》2024,40(2):78-84
从2012年开始,意大利政府制定并实施了《适用于历史乡村景观登记的国家标准》,创建了《国家历史乡村景观目录》,将历史村落及其环境的保护落实于国家层面的保护体系之中,并提出VASA历史环境评估分析法,以实现乡村景观完整性评估的科学性和精确性。在回顾传统聚落历史环境整体保护相关理论与思潮的基础上,对当前中国传统聚落评价认定指标体系进行了分析,指出其中有关遗产完整性评价的指标缺乏客观性与可操作性,因而提出引入VASA方法以优化我国相关评价认定指标体系,并结合具体案例进一步论述了VASA方法在我国传统聚落评价认定指标体系中应用的适宜性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the preferences of residents towards green areas and, in particular, for agricultural environments in Vantaa City, southern Finland. The study area includes three growing suburbs and farming land immediately adjacent to the city centre. During the study period, new residential areas in the fringe area, combined with a simultaneous build-up of the road network, resulted in fragmentation and increased land use diversity. We found that the farming land at the fringe of the city had a greater recreational role than its basic function linked to either food or fodder production. Visual mapping of pleasant places proved the importance of public traditional farms and that preserved nature areas were preferred more than constructed parks for residents living in the urban fringe. This suggests that an emphasis in careful urban land use policy might be placed more upon the maintenance of natural areas that remain unchanged.  相似文献   

运用历史比较法、内容分析法,对中华人民共和国 成立以来我国乡村景观及其治理体系的演进历程进行全景式分 析。将治理模式分为起步阶段、改革阶段和完善阶段,结合各 时期乡村景观建设成效,归纳治理影响因素与对景观的调节机 制,认为国家对乡村的定位决定景观治理目标与重点,土地、 人口管理、经济产业等制度改革引导乡村治理的潜力挖掘,行 政财政体制制约乡镇的治理效能,社会文化嬗变加速治理程序 的价值转向。最后,基于演变路径提出建议,以期探索更加规 范化、法制化的乡村景观建设与治理模式。  相似文献   

王敏  侯晓晖  汪洁琼 《风景园林》2017,24(6):95-104
关注当前中国乡村景观面临的生态冲击与风貌特色危机,正视美丽乡村发展的新需求以及推进过程中所面临的三大误区。本研究引入生态审美理论,以乡村景观风貌在生态价值与审美体验上的要素耦合与内在关联为切入点和概念框架,从空间规划的角度,尝试回答"乡村景观风貌规划如何实现生态—审美双赢"的关键性问题,提出基于生态—审美双目标体系的乡村景观风貌规划的技术路径,形成以地域性(locality)、多样性(diversity)与服务价值(services)为联结和关键的乡村景观风貌整体发展思路与基本实践方法。通过崇明东滩地区案例进行"落地"探索,进一步明确规划过程中的技术要点,验证实践途径的可操作性、典型性和普适性,为当前如火如荼的美丽乡村规划建设提供新思路、新范式。  相似文献   

杭州灵隐寺前的冷泉亭始建于唐元和年间,历经1 200多年变迁,从一座山中路亭演变成为一处著名的人文景点。它的演变极具代表性,反映了中国古代风景建筑的文化特征和风景营造中的审美嬗变,具有研究价值。梳理了冷泉亭的景观变迁历程,分析变化背后的原因,总结各时期发展特点。重点辨析了冷泉亭变迁过程中的建筑选址、体量、存废三方面的权衡关系。认为在长期发展中,风景建筑受人的审美和环境作用,其形式和位置不断被调整,以达到一种新的平衡。该案例的研究,对于理解古代风景建筑的营造逻辑具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to find out what locals and tourists in a Central-Alpine, multilingual cross-border region expect from an Alpine landscape, with a special focus on agriculture. Using a standardised questionnaire, we carried out more than 3500 face-to-face interviews with locals and tourists in Tyrol (Austria) and South Tyrol (Italy). The questionnaire comprised (1) content-related questions and (2) questions to collect demographic data on the interviewees. We employed nonparametric methods to analyse the survey results and differences between demographic groups. More than 70% of the study participants liked traditional land-use and did not have major reservations about agricultural intensification or extensification. Of those interviewed, 73% were in favour of giving public financial support to farmers. The findings obtained in this study suggest broad acknowledgement and acceptance of environmental compensation schemes and the maintenance of extensive and traditional land-use systems.  相似文献   

汤辉  冯思懿  朱凯   《中国园林》2021,37(10):42
以乡村庄园为代表的英国乡村景观遗产保护有着悠 久的实践历史,其近20年来借助系统而丰富的活动设置和灵 活的空间利用,从过去静态的博物馆式保护模式向融入当前各 阶层、各年龄段公众生活的可持续场所转变,代表着当前世界 乡村景观遗产保护与发展的理论与实践方向。通过对英国英格 兰地区36处乡村庄园遗产地的实地考察,结合以文献综述、 调查访问和案例分析为主的研究方法,梳理英国乡村景观遗产 保护理念转向注重活动、与公众健康与福祉相联系的发展历 程,从组织机构、活动类型与活动保障探讨其活动安排策略, 并结合中国乡村景观遗产实际总结出以“多元价值”为本、以 “儿童活动”为基、以“协同资源”为纲、以“公众参与”为 领的经验启示。  相似文献   

马越 《中国园林》2019,35(10):89
城市滨水地区是城市生态资源、景观资源和市民活动的重点区域。以广东佛山东平河为例,首先对场地中水利建设对变水位下河滩、堤岸、植被的影响做了分析,并针对洪水、潮汐的不同影响程度采取了相应的分级设计模型构想。在实践中,根据不同水位情况,运用低洼高筑、水道疏浚、植被恢复等多种方式,通过工程、生态、景观的手段恢复了滨水自然生境,营造了活跃的公共空间,实现了水利堤岸改造、生态修复、景观营造的有机结合,让陆地和水域自然衔接、和谐共生。  相似文献   

EU policy for the conservation of cultural landscapes is of particular importance for a region such as Sicily (Italy) which is the site of many Mediterranean traditional cultural landscapes as well as new landscapes created by contemporary agriculture. Such variety of landscape, however, is not supported or confirmed by specialised inventories that identify and classify the typical Main Traditional Landscape (MTL). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present paper is to draw up a preliminary inventory and present a brief characterisation of MTLs in Sicily, in line with the multidisciplinary experiences and approaches implemented at European and national levels. In defining the typological units, the terminology used to identify Sicilian MTLs was modified by experiences developed on the mainland, with entries such as: bocage/semi-bocage, coltura promiscua, Mediterranean open field, mountain landscape, huerta and terrace landscape. Using different spatialised data layers, including those concerned with the main historical processes of land use and land use change, a total of eight MTLs have been detected, mapped, and concisely described. The distribution and importance of terracing systems within the different MTLs is highlighted as one of the most relevant traditional elements in the rural scenario.  相似文献   

王国伟   《中国园林》2021,37(7):83
新村空间设计语汇模块化是村落景观设计较为普遍的现象,也是地域特征弱化和空间不契合空间行为等问题的主要原因之一。古村落宅间元素是村民日常生活与村落环境在相互影响下长期适应性发展的结果,宅间元素模式研究可促进丰富新村空间设计语汇。以徽州地区古村落为例,从宅间元素的分类、图示、与空间行为的关联3个方面论述了古村落宅间元素模式研究方法论。通过徽州茆田新村景观设计阐述了宅间元素模式的应用,论述了基于古村落宅间元素模式的村落景观设计优化策略,有益于形成并推广地方空间设计语汇,避免过度依赖和使用既有的、来自城市的广场、草坪、树池等元素造成的全国村落的无差别设计。  相似文献   

城镇建设冲击并蚕食着乡村景观,使其风貌特征和地域美学逐渐丧失。从空间过程的角度研究乡村景观格局的特性与演变规律是对其进行保护与调控的基础。首先提出乡村景观格局演变的多尺度分析框架;其次以图式语言呈现了乡村古镇乌镇各尺度空间格局特征;最后分析了影响格局演变的多尺度空间过程。研究发现:自然生态过程是整体尺度上反映人们对人居安全和水患防范基本需求的主导过程;经济生产过程是复合尺度上促使乌镇交通与产业彼此适应与景观格局发展的主要动因;人文文化过程是单一尺度上使景观格局向着人的意愿与需求呈现地方特征的主要驱动。研究结论对制定乡村景观多尺度保护、恢复、维护和提升策略具有启发作用。  相似文献   

近年,面向国际的乡村旅游推进了乡村振兴以及塑造国家形象的概念发展,乡村景观的发展思路也随之产生变化,基于使用者角度了解乡村景观的实际感知反馈,能够明确乡村景观的核心魅力以及不同人群的关注重点。以日本冲绳恩纳村为例,通过Python语言收集各国游客的旅游评论数据并进行文本挖掘方法展开研究。由分析结果可知,各国游客普遍对于恩纳村持有好感,关注于体现海洋性地域特色的自然景观以及多民族融合的文化景观。不同游客群体受到东西方文化背景和日常生活环境等因素的影响,在旅游目的、观光期待、文化认同以及空间环境需求方面存在关注差异。由此案例在乡村旅游的国际化探索中呈现的经验和不足,为中国乡村景观的发展提出4点思考。  相似文献   

张鹏  韩锋  杜爽 《中国园林》2023,39(6):58-63
“关联性文化景观”中“自然元素”与其“非物质 要素”的结合方式因高度抽象的表达及多样的意义生成背景, 其阐释途径的合理解读具有复杂性,对之进行解读是揭示“关 联性文化景观”的重要途径之一。首先以分析心理学派代表人 物荣格《哲学树》中的11幅心理绘画“树原型”作为研究材 料,通过总结普适性的“还原性文本”,分析其叙事文本、意 指作用、隐喻关系;进而揭示其蕴含的人类视野中宏大的“世 界树原型象征”,通过文化升华后的“原型象征”进一步阐释 人类对“自然元素”的意义加工和修饰;最终得以形成超越 “自然元素”单纯本体的“哲学树”。并以此建构理解“关联 性文化景观”自然原型象征意义的途径,指出人类通过意识形 态下基于个人或集体的精神世界中“自然元素”印刻在“还原 性文本”中的方式,具象化“非物质要素”与“自然元素”动 态呈现关系在“关联性文化景观”语境下的表达方式,为解读 其他“关联性文化景观”原型象征的诸多意义提供参考。  相似文献   

Under climate change many species may need to shift polewards to track suitable bioclimatic conditions. This movement is likely to be impeded by intensively modified landscapes, but little is known in practice about how species undergo range expansion in these conditions. Using biological record data, this paper explores the occurrence of five butterfly species undertaking range expansion in the UK through an urbanised landscape to better understand the ‘pathways’ or landscape features used to expand their distributions. The findings demonstrate that the two most adaptable species were able to navigate well through the urban matrix. Significantly, the remaining three species used more rural pathways, with two using stepping stones of habitat patches and landscape corridors and the final, most specialised species using near-connected chains of woodland habitat. These findings emphasise the importance of retaining corridors of open land around hostile matrices and in this instance, a planning designation ‘Green Belt’ proved to be particularly effective in providing broad pathways of open land for range expansion through a heavily urbanised landscape.  相似文献   

韦诗誉 《风景园林》2018,25(12):110-115
将乡村聚落景观研究置于人类学视野之下有利于科学认知乡村所独具的人地关系价值。对山区聚落的典型代表——桂北龙脊村和瑞士弗林村的聚落景观分别展开研究,首先剖析其空间单元与社会建构、生产活动的关系,进而阐释中观层面的组团分布或受自然地理限定或以公共活动为中心,而两者在宏观格局上则因农业生产活动的不同呈现出截然不同的形态。从乡村聚落景观生成的源头探索人类活动与空间的深度交融;通过2个跨文化案例的比较研究,剖析乡村聚落景观多样性的成因——自然要素、文化要素、生产要素与空间要素之间丰富的关联,揭示乡村聚落景观的多元价值内涵。  相似文献   

张德顺  刘鸣 《中国园林》2020,36(2):106-111
园林树木的服务功能直接影响着城市绿地系统和城市生态系统的健康与稳定。但是,多年以来,园林树种选择机制和方法却缺少理论支撑,常常具有主观性和随意性。通过上海50种园林树种"植物功能性状-生态系统服务"评价框架的构建和17个性状变量因子分析发现,树种功能性状与生态系统服务之间存在一定的关联性。在形态上,树高决定了树木形态和树冠大小,对小气候调节、径流调蓄、空气净化和消声减噪等调节服务具有不同程度的贡献。叶片性状影响固碳释氧,以及养分供给等生态系统过程,并最终反馈在树种种间服务差异上。树种的文化服务直接与人类偏好相关,具有复杂性和特殊性,需要根据实际需求做出权衡与取舍。"植物功能性状-生态系统服务"评价框架为园林树种的选择和树种规划提供了一种客观理性的方法,便于针对不同的生态系统服务提供相应的树种选择依据,以实现城市绿地综合效益的定量化与最优化。  相似文献   

张云路  李雄 《中国园林》2023,39(1):26-28
2022年9月在教育部新发布的《研究生教育学科专业目录(2022年)》中,风景园林学科转为专业学位,并将其专业学位类别上升到博士层次。面对新形势和新变化,风景园林专业学位教育发展迎来了新的机遇。围绕国家战略和社会经济发展的需求,丰富和完善风景园林专业学科教育体系,高质量地培养出满足风景园林行业需求、富有实践创新思维的高层次人才是时代所需和人民所向。以“要求-需求-追求”为线索,对风景园林专业学位教育的未来发展要求、目标、方向进行探索,提出了新时代风景园林专业学位教育发展应呼应深化高等教育学科专业体系改革调整要求、响应生态文明建设和城乡人居绿色发展需求、实现新时代风景园林专业学位内涵式发展追求的三大核心内容,并希望通过“提高站位、问题导向、质量优先、响应变革、产教融合、制度探索”建设具有中国特色的风景园林专业学位教育体系,持续推动风景园林专业学位教育的全面健康发展。  相似文献   

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