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A new, continuous method of monitoring splanchnic organ oxygen saturation (SpO(2)) would make the early detection of inadequate tissue oxygenation feasible, reducing the risk of hypoperfusion, severe ischaemia, and, ultimately, death. In an attempt to provide such a device, a new fibre optic based reflectance pulse oximeter probe and processing system were developed followed by an in vivo evaluation of the technology on seventeen patients undergoing elective laparotomy. Photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals of good quality and high signal-to-noise ratio were obtained from the small bowel, large bowel, liver and stomach. Simultaneous peripheral PPG signals from the finger were also obtained for comparison purposes. Analysis of the amplitudes of all acquired PPG signals indicated much larger amplitudes for those signals obtained from splanchnic organs than those obtained from the finger. Estimated SpO(2) values for splanchnic organs showed good agreement with those obtained from the finger fibre optic probe and those obtained from a commercial device. These preliminary results suggest that a miniaturized 'indwelling' fibre optic sensor may be a suitable method for pre-operative and post-operative evaluation of splanchnic organ SpO(2) and their health.  相似文献   

A mobile fluorosensor system has been built to participate in oceanographic campaigns. During the first mission, carried out within the XIII Italian Antarctic Expedition (Research Vessel Italica, November 1997 to January 1998), seawater quality parameters (phytoplankton concentration, yellow matter, turbidity and biomass productivity) were remotely and locally monitored both in the Ross Sea and along the route back to New Zealand. Data were georeferenced by means of a GPS recorder to be subsequently plotted on thematic maps. The core of the system is a compact lidar fluorosensor capable of single or dual laser excitation of the target. In the single excitation mode, the detection of chromophores peculiar to various water impurities is possible, while dual laser excitation is necessary to monitor the phytoplankton photosynthetic activity on the chlorophyll emission channel. A lamp spectrofluorometer, a pulsed amplitude fluorometer (PAM) and a solar radiance detector completed the set of instruments onboard.  相似文献   

A simple real-time flood routing voice (RTFRV) protocol which is suitable for point-to-point arbitrarily connected fibre optic local area networks is described. Simulation on a 3 Mbit/s nine-node mesh network which employs the protocol has shown that it is capable of supporting about 50 simultaneous two-way voice conversations (or 100 users) with packet delay of less than 10 ms and without any loss of information. The overall results suggest that voice transmission on such a network is feasible and that it performs better than voice transmission over Ethernet. Furthermore, the network is also very robust and allows easy network reconfiguration.  相似文献   

Calibration of a TDR probe for low soil water content measurements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes are increasingly used for field and laboratory estimation of soil water content. Usual calibration of TDR probes for the determination of soil water content uses two media: air for low and water for high values of dielectric permittivity, although the measured range of dielectric permittivity in soil is much smaller as compared to the range implied by the calibration media. The use of air for calibration of short TDR probes gives calibration errors due to overlapping incident and reflected pulses in the reflectogram, which result in their relative shift in time. This phenomenon, named the convolution effect, can be avoided by the application of selected calibration media. The presented approach minimizes of dielectric permittivity measurement errors by choosing the calibration media with dielectric permittivity values close to the limits of the measurement range and the possibility to use TDR probes of various lengths. The comparison of errors of TDR apparent dielectric permittivity measurement in three sandy soils, based on the probe calibrations in various media, is also presented.  相似文献   

An airborne laser fluorosensor has been used to make concurrent, near-continuous (microscale) profiles of chlorophyll-a, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the beam attenuation coefficient along the Columbia and Snake rivers. Cross-reference between profiles is used to expose anomalies and explain ambiguities encountered in their interpretation. The unique potential for remote sensing of DOC concentrations is based on a strong correlation with the fluorescence of dissolved organic matter (DOM). Similarly, the reciprocal of the remotely sensed water Raman emission is shown to be a reliable predictor of the beam attenuation coefficient.

Profiles of a 734 km segment of the lower Snake and Columbia rivers obtained during peak discharge revealed a number of interesting features. In particular, the chlorophyll-a fluorescence data suggested the existence of subsurface chlorophyll-a maxima in the reservoirs formed by the eight dams of the Columbia-Snake Inland Waterway, and the absence of variability in the remotely measured DOM fluorescence data for the lower Columbia River was in close agreement with an independent DOC survey. In addition, large-amplitude long-timescale fluctuations in the chlorophyll-a fluorescence profile observed during one flight appear to be due to solar-induced photoinhibition of the in vivo chlorophyll-a fluorescence.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence in cultures of the dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula at various temperatures were stimulated using a pulsed dye laser and Rhodamine 6G dye having an optimum lasing wavelength of 586 ± 30 nm. Following an intense “first flash” response, the flash intensity decayed in logarithmic fashion with successive laser shots. Samples pulsed to exhaustion were found to completely recover during the 12 h photophase. The total stimulable light (TSL) was calculated to be between 4.5 × 10?10 J cell?1 and 38.5 × 10?10 J cell?1. The time from stimulation to maximum light emission (tm) was found to vary with temperature logarithmically from approximately 11°C to 28°C. The corresponding regression equation was found to predict temperatures to within ±0.4°C. These results provide the basis for predicting the feasibility of an airborne laser transceiver for mapping the distribution of ocean bioluminescence. The potential exists for determining ocean surface/near surface temperature from measurements of the response pulse time parameters.  相似文献   

利用光路追踪程序,设计了一种可以检测抛物型内轮廓的微观轮廓曲线的反射式光强调制型光纤传感器.从模拟结果可以看出,这种传感器能很好的实现抛物型内轮廓的检测问题,具有结构简单、非接触测量、抗电磁干扰、测量速度快等优点.本文为反射式光强调制型光纤传感器用于复杂内轮廓的非接触测量提供了必要的理论分析和设计依据.  相似文献   

A laser fluorosensing procedure has been developed for remotely detecting and identifying crude oils and oil based products from an airborne platform. Selected spectral and temporal characteristics of laser induced fluorescence in an unknown oil are subjected to principal component analysis followed by linear discriminant analysis, thereby facilitating an effective compression of required identification parameters and an enhanced separation of possible groups to which the unknown oil belongs. Identification relies on the availability of a trained data set, comprising principal components with large associated variance and discriminant components with large spread, of all oils likely to be involved in oil spillage at sea. Identification of the unknown oil then involves the application of a classification procedure, (such as K-nearest neighbour or SIMCA), which uses the principal components and discriminant components of the unknown oil and the trained data set.  相似文献   

Performance with marine chart and radar images displayed on adjacent screens was compared to performance with chart and radar images overlaid on a single screen. Eighteen college students and nine mariners read statements about the radar image, the chart image, or both images and answered ‘True’ or ‘False’ to each statement after viewing the displays. Accuracy was equal for separate and overlay displays, but viewing time was shorter and efficiency (accuracy/viewing time) was higher for overlay displays. Observers then re-aligned radar displays that had been translated and rotated out of alignment with the charts. They took longer but were more accurate on the overlays. Students and mariners performed similarly on both tasks.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are vast areas that are constantly changing and evolving. To maintain the ecosystem as well as the structures located close to bodies of water, frequent monitoring is required. Although dangerous and time consuming, manual operations are the conventional way of monitoring such areas. Recently, Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) have been proposed to undertake the monitoring task. As any other platform, ASVs have limitations, such as a restricted point of view and access only where the water is sufficiently deep. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can fly over any terrain and provide a “bird's‐eye‐view” of the environment. However, UAVs have limited operational time due to power constraints. Heterogeneous marsupial robotic systems use different types of robots to augment their operation envelope, taking advantage of their individual strengths. A marsupial survey system comprised an ASV and a UAV for freshwater monitoring is developed and presented in this paper. This system is able to complete long missions and reach remote locations while also being able to generate detailed maps and inspections of points of interest. The system was thoroughly tested during a 6‐month period in a number of field deployments in freshwater ecosystems at Lake Murray and at the Congaree River, SC, USA, to validate its capabilities.  相似文献   

This paper presents novel mathematical tools developed during a study of an industrial-yield prediction problem. The set F of fuzzy interval numbers, or FINs for short, is studied in the framework of lattice theory. A FIN is defined as a mapping to a metric lattice of generalized intervals, moreover it is shown analytically that the set F of FINs is a metric lattice. A FIN can be interpreted as a convex fuzzy set, moreover a statistical interpretation is proposed here. Algorithm CALFIN is presented for constructing a FIN from a population of samples. An underlying positive valuation function implies both a metric distance and an inclusion measure function in the set F of FINs. Substantial advantages, both theoretical and practical, are shown. Several examples illustrate geometrically on the plane both the utility and the effectiveness of novel tools. It is outlined comparatively how some of the proposed tools have been employed for improving prediction of sugar production from populations of measurements for Hellenic Sugar Industry, Greece.  相似文献   

A modified, priority-based probe algorithm for deadlock detection and resolution in distributed database system is presented. Various examples are used to show that the original priority-based algorithm, presented by M.K. Sinha and N. Natarajan (1985), either fails to detect deadlocks or reports deadlocks that do not exist in many situations. A modified algorithm that eliminates these problems is proposed. The algorithm has been tested through simulation and appears to be errorfree. The performance of the modified algorithm is briefly discussed  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2006,84(13-14):904-916
Most of the existing reinforced concrete buildings were designed according to early seismic provisions or, sometimes, without applying any seismic provision. Some problems of strength and ductility, like insufficient shear strength, pull-out of rebars, local mechanisms, etc., could characterize their structural behaviour. The above mentioned topics lead to a number of problems in the evaluation of the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) frames. Therefore the assessment of existing RC structures requires advanced tools. A refined model and numerical procedure for the non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete frames is presented. The current version of the model proposed is capable of describing the non-linear behaviour of underdesigned reinforced concrete frames including brittle modes of failure. Selected results of an experimental–theoretical comparison are presented to show the capabilities of this model. The results show the capacity of the model of describing both the global behaviour and the local deformation at service and ultimate state.  相似文献   

Fingerprint imaging using ultrasound has been investigated for several years and has shown to be a valid alternative to optical scanners. Capacitive micro-machined ultrasound transducers (cMUT) is an emerging MEMS technology that can be profitably exploited in biometric applications, like fingerprint or palm print.In this work a FEM model of a cMUT is proposed and used to design a 192-element array with a frequency band centered at 12.5 MHz. A cMUT array was manufactured by means of a proprietary fabrication process and an ultrasound probe was assembled and experimentally characterized. Comparison between simulation and experimental results has shown a quite good agreement. The cMUT probe was operated at a frequency of 12 MHz and used to produce images of fingerprints, the quality of which was quite satisfactory.  相似文献   

When an electrical current with a low frequency is applied to a cell, the current passes through the outside of the cell. Thus, impedance measurements at low frequencies cannot be used to determine the pathological change of the cellular organelle taking place inside the cell. However, increasing the frequency of the electrical current makes the capacitive impedance of the cell decrease, allowing the electrical current to flow through the cell. This study presents the design and fabrication of a microfluidic device integrated with a coplanar waveguide open-ended micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) probe for the impedance measurement of the single HeLa cell in frequencies between 1 MHz and 1 GHz. The device includes a poly-dimethlysiloxane (PDMS) cover with a microchannel and microstructures to capture the single HeLa cell and a conductor-backed CPW fabricated using a silicon chip and two printed circuit boards (PCB). The effects of the substrate on the characteristic impedance of the conductor-backed coplanar waveguide (CBCPW) structure were investigated under three conditions by utilizing a time-domain reflectometer (TDR). Finally, impedance measurements using the proposed device and a vector network analyzer (VNA) are demonstrated for de-ionized (DI) water, alcohol, PBS, and a single HeLa cell.  相似文献   

In this paper,a new passive modified iterated extended Kalman filter(MIEKF) using the combined set of bearings and frequency measurements in Earth Centered Inertial(ECI) coordinate is proposed.A new measurement update equation of MIEKF is derived by modifying the objective function of the Gauss-Newton iteration.A new gain equation and iteration termination criteria are acquired by applying the property of the maximum likelihood estimate. The approximated second order linearized state propagation equation,Jacobian matrix of state transfer and measurement equations are derived in satellite two-body movement.The tracking performances of MIEKF,iterated extended Kalman filter(IEKF) and extended Kalman filter(EKF) are compared via Monte Carlo simulations through simulated data from STK8.1.Simulation results indicate that the proposed MIEKF is possible to passively track low earth circular orbit satellite by a high earth orbit satellite,and has higher tracking precision than the IEKF and EKF.  相似文献   

A prototype computerized potentiometric system was developed for structural and functional anthropometric measurements. The system uses four potentiometric units, a power supply unit, and a computer with analogue/digital (A/D) converter to measure the position of a movable stylus in three (X, Y, Z) dimensions. The system is easy to use, more accurate, and more cost effective than other existing systems. It has been found to be accurate for the intended application, faster than the manual methods available, and much less expensive than the photographic and opto-electronic systems currently available. For use in the industrial setting, a portable version of the system is envisaged in the future.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the analysis of gas adsorption measurements by the application of the BET and t method for the computation of textural  相似文献   

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