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孙天智  王晓俊 《中国园林》2023,39(11):70-76
首先探讨了城市荒野的基本概念。其次通过引入与研究对象相关且具有代表性的案例及学术成果,从不同角度分析城市荒野内涵的多样性,揭示城市荒野的类型和研究城市荒野课题具备的广泛学理基础,以及在风景园林设计中对城市荒野的处理所展现出的统筹生态与人文的实践特性。在此基础上,围绕城市荒野“存续”和“体验”两方面存在的实际问题,结合笔者团队的工程实践和环境考察,探讨了如何通过景观营建促进更多类型的城市荒野实现“景观用途”、推动公众更好地理解与感知城市荒野多元价值的方法,发掘风景园林实践对于支撑城市荒野存续的独特能力和实践潜力。  相似文献   

Wilderness is a cultural construct that is deeply rooted in many societies. For landscape architects and their predecessors, wilderness has long been important as a contrast to artificial garden elements, as an inspiration for naturalistic plant designs, or today as a timely contribution to reconciling cities and their inhabitants with the natural world. Since cities and wilderness have traditionally been seen as opposites, new approaches are necessary to better address the opportunities and challenges associated with wilderness in urban regions. From an ecological perspective, urban wilderness can be defined as an area characterized by a high degree of self-regulation in ecosystem processes where direct human impact is negligible. This allows two main types of wilderness to be distinguished: “ancient wilderness” represented by natural remnants in many cities, and “novel wilderness,” which arises in artificial urban-industrial sites. The two types require different approaches in designing and managing green spaces. Ancient wilderness is a traditional object of conservation and restoration, and offers inspiration for naturalistic plantings. In contrast, the emergence of novel wilderness has long been associated with neglect and socio-economic decline. Since the 1980s, however, early pioneer projects in Germany have started to integrate novel urban wilderness into the green infrastructure. The results are unprecedented green spaces that combine novel wilderness with design interventions. These places are attractive to visitors, contribute to biodiversity conservation, and support many ecosystem services. This article aims to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of integrating wilderness components and processes into the urban green infrastructure—a timely way to reconnect cities with nature.  相似文献   

陈媛   《中国园林》2022,38(8):24
在国际范围内荒野保护运动持续发展的同时,中国 的荒野保护体系正在稳步建立。但随着城市化进程的不断加 速,城市中自然荒野空间的开发是不可避免的。如何在不断扩 张的城市范围内尽可能保留与规划荒野景观,已经成为国内风 景园林设计师关注的问题。在梳理了城市荒野课题相关背景和 研究进展后,探索了荷兰的城市荒野实践经验,并选取3个不 同尺度和类型的代表性案例,分别对案例的项目背景、设计要 点和场地功能进行研究分析,进而提出自然优先、野性保护、 控制扰动和公众参与4点原则,并辩证地提取了可指导中国背 景下不同尺度城市荒野景观营造的策略,为构建中国荒野体系 提供了国际经验。  相似文献   

在生物多样性丧失和气候变化的双重背景下,荒野地保护实践变得越来越重要。从荒野制图、系统性与连通性3个视角切入,评析国际荒野地保护实践。包括:1)以苏格兰为例,评析基于荒野制图的荒野地保护实践,指出荒野地图是开展荒野地保护实践的基础,并需要将地图与政策紧密结合;2)以美国国家荒野保护体系(National Wilderness Preservation System)和欧洲荒野网络(European Wilderness Network)为例,评析荒野地的系统性保护实践,指出只有建立系统性的荒野地保护机制,才能确保荒野地保护的有效性和长久性;3)以北美野地网络(Wildlands Network)为例,评析荒野地的连通性保护实践,指出在景观破碎化的区域中,荒野地连通性保护对于维持生态过程具有重要意义。在荒野地保护实践中,荒野制图、系统性保护和连通性保护是3个重要的视角,对中国国土空间规划、国家公园与自然保护地体系建设、生态网络构建等生态实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   

Within the framework of the transdisciplinary research project “Changes in alpine landscapes resulting from a decline in land use in the Val Grande National Park and Strona Valley—from rural landscape to wilderness”, the impacts of uncontrolled nature development on the landscape’s structural diversity, plant species richness, as well as on the local population and tourists were investigated. The study area was the community of Premosello Chiovenda in the Val Grande National Park—“Italy’s largest wilderness area”. In order to achieve reliable results, methods for conducting historical landscape analysis, ecological inventories and empirical–social research were combined. As a result of land abandonment, the floristic species richness is decreasing in higher successional stages, and depending on the altitude, the structural diversity of the landscape is changing. Wildfires in the successional communities pose threats to the neighbouring villages. Nevertheless, many rural and cultural landscape characteristics persist, and past uses continue to have a significant impact on future landscape development. The main impacts on the inhabitants are psychological and economic in nature. Around the villages, they regard the effects of abandonment in a very negative light. Visitors of the area judge the consequences of land abandonment differently. While they regard the resulting landscape’s wildness positively, they also regret the cultural losses suffered by rural communities. If the abandoning processes continue, rural landscape and its associated habitats will be lost. Despite this, new habitats, such as those resulting from ecosystem dynamics, will form. The evolving landscape is not, however, hospitable as a living space for man. The characteristics intrinsic to the landscape in the absence of its productive use and maintenance render it uninhabitable. A reasonable scenario for Premosello Chiovenda should provide the coexistence of dynamic, “wild” areas, free from further agri- or silvicultural uses and areas of cultural importance, where traditional and innovative forms of land use should be encouraged and developed. In the future, decision-makers should be aware of the positive and negative aspects of a large-scale rewilding, and all stakeholders, especially the affected local communities, should be included in any decision making process that concerns the establishment of protected areas which are left to develop without human control.  相似文献   

世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)把荒野保护地列入保护级别最高的一类保护地,荒野体验是游憩体验最高级别的体验形式。世界各国荒野保护地实际存在形式大致分独立型和合并型2类。划定荒野保护区是荒野价值研究成果的重要应用实践,这是中国国家公园体制建设向深层次发展的重要方向。核心保护区与荒野保护区对应IUCN保护地分类体系中的Ia、Ib保护地,这样既可以同国际接轨,又解决了国内国家公园生态保护管控与人类活动的矛盾问题。国家公园突出荒野保护理念既建立了国家公园与社会的情感联系,强化了国家公园的社会文化认同,又彰显了国家公园人与自然和谐共生的绿色发展理念。栖息地适宜性评价与行为分析法是划定荒野保护区的重要方法,通过栖息地适宜性评价建立国家公园生态环境谱系,在生态环境谱系基础上通过行为交互作用分析建立游憩机会谱系与社区村落谱系。荒野保护区整合了三大谱系,建构了以荒野保护区为主体的管理分区体系,把各个功能区有机组织起来,形成结构有序、自然共生的人地耦合复杂生态系统。  相似文献   

Wilderness’ is often seen as a (biophysical) ideal state in contemporary debates on ecological restoration. We ask what is left of relationships with ‘wilderness’ in present-day Western societies by drawing on a case study of the Hoge Veluwe National Park, the Netherlands. A brief history of wilderness interpretations is constructed as a backdrop to the analysis of the Veluwean land use history. Herein, wilderness aspects are conceptualised as ‘paradise-like’ or ‘hell-like’, thus providing insight into the origins, limits and dynamics of contemporary wilderness concepts. We conclude that the concept of wilderness is inherently paradoxical, and argue that wilderness paradoxes should be not be ignored, but acknowledged and valued in conservation practices.  相似文献   

以寻找自然原野在风景园林推动人类健康中的源头与基本作用,以及基于原野旷奥空间、建立风景感应健康世界的"元素周期表"为目标,尝试以风景旷奥空间感受及其测度为主线,探寻自然原始空间环境的健康与疗愈作用。追溯分析了"景分内外""景分旷奥""主客合一"的中国风景源头;回顾了风景旷奥理论的研究进程,从空间环境促进生命健康出发,探讨了风景旷奥的健康作用,提出并分析了空旷型、奥秘型和复合型3种原野的旷奥感受特征及其在生理、心理和精神3个层面上对于人类健康的作用,揭示了原野旷奥感应对于人类健康与疗愈的积极作用和特殊意义。  相似文献   

Urban wilderness is the remnant nature existing within the cracks of urban context, which can provide habitats for wildlife and natural recreation areas, with significance in optimizing urban ecological resilience. On the one hand, the unprecedented urbanization processes and the public’s negative hypotheses on the concept have caused continuous reduction of urban wilderness; on the other hand, opportunities are seen in reconstructing and activating urban wilderness when natural processes return to dominate the idle lands resulting from industrial recession and urban shrinkage, and the rewilding concept and techniques develop gradually. With ecological civilization construction, the initiative of a systematic management of the mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, and the advance of adopting Nature-Based Solutions in China, it is the best time to acknowledge urban wilderness in depth, identify its connotations and values, construct identity recognition, and carry out practices of conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

以法国风景园林师吉尔·克莱芒的理论和作品为研 究的对象,拟从4个内容展开:第一,在描述其风景园林思想 体系的基础上,勾勒第三景观宣言的理论纲要;第二,以亨 利·马蒂斯公园为例,验证该理论在具体作品中的有效性; 第三,简论该公园呈现的荒野之境,阐述其生物多样性内 涵;第四,分析都市荒野中蕴含的自主性和抵抗性概念。本 研究的意义主要有三:一方面在国内学界比较系统地引介国 际前沿的风景园林理论;另一方面深度讨论设计与理论之间 相互转化的议题;同时,荒野中蕴含的自主性和抵抗性还拓 展了都市荒野的审美批判。  相似文献   

在城市发展进程中,诸多因原有自然基底条件限制或用地性质转变等原因,而未经过多人工干预的土地发展成为城市荒野空间。从城市自然再认知的角度出发,辨析了城市荒野在传承人地共生关系、承载生态系统服务功能以及提升城市生物多样性等方面的潜质;梳理出城市荒野的基本类型与存续目标,包括初级荒野的整体保护、次级荒野的再生与利用、间隙荒野的激活与新生,以及类荒野的认知引导。在此基础上,结合案例研究,归纳出每类城市荒野空间发展的典型策略与应用情境,以期从理论框架和实践应用层面推进城市荒野空间有效的组织利用,为中国城市更新与可持续发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

伍国正 《华中建筑》2014,(5):155-159
该文简述了地域文化景观和中国城市形态研究的现状,突出了古城形态的区域性综合研究意义。指出古城形态研究应转变研究范式,加强多学科交叉,拓展文化区系研究视角,既突出个体研究,又深化区域古城"面"的研究,以利于建构区域城市形态历史发展的宏观框架,建立可持续性区域城市未来发展的理论框架,在研究中突出地域文化景观的"意义之源"与地域特色。最后重点论述了永州古城景观形态演变区域性综合研究意义。  相似文献   

Artist Dominic Shepherd pursues the imaginative and a sense of mystery in his work; his 2012 one-man show at Charlie Smith London was entitled ‘Jerusalem’. Here he reflects on the Golden Age as depicted in Cranach's masterpiece of that name, and ruminates on the cyclical nature of the pastoral, a landscape that is tended and nurtured by generations of hands.  相似文献   

工具理性导向的市场经济向乡村的嵌入导致了乡村共同体的解构,引发了共同体与自然的关系失和、乡村共同体价值认知失序及共同体转型与传承的失范等危机,乡村共同体亟待重构。罗尔斯顿的“荒野”生态哲学为乡村共同体的重构提供了契合当下生态文明建设背景的自然价值观。以“荒野”生态哲学中倡导的自然价值观作为乡村共同体重构的哲学基础,通过对乡村共同体内在价值的反思性自觉与提升,指导空间规划的“守界”实践,重构包含“荒野”的广域乡村共同体,推进荒野文明与人类文明的和谐共生。  相似文献   

由本体转向在城市景观视野内理解建成文化遗产,不仅有益于对古人传统设计智慧和营建逻辑的发见,也契合入遗之后的遗产保护需求,特别是遗产所在城市的发展要求。以大运河上一座重建的塔的周边环境提升为切入点,探讨入遗后遗产保护与景观设计如何全面认知价值和促进城市功能提升。以大运河上的塔和塔院这类特殊的文化景观要素指出古人整体性的营建逻辑和景观被赋予的多重属性,说明整体性的视野是应对入遗后需求的有效策略。风景园林设计应回归城乡背景而非从中剥离,方可为城市作出更积极的贡献。  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins and development of ambivalent responses to particular contemporary urban landscapes in historical ideas about human relationships with nature and wilderness, and suggests that post-modern wilderness may be found in the urban interstices: in woodland, abandoned allotments, river corridors, derelict or brownfield sites and especially areas in which the spontaneous growth of vegetation through natural succession suggests that nature is in control. We propose that these interstitial wilderness landscapes have numerous important functions as well as being rich repositories of meaning with implications both for theorizing nature–human relationships and for urban landscape planning and design.  相似文献   

优秀历史建筑和历史文化风貌区是上海重要的城市文化遗产,它们既是城市历史文化的积淀和投影,又是构成城市地域特色的文化景观。在分析上海历史风貌形成过程及其主要特征的基础上,探讨历史文化风貌区保护在现代生活中的意义和作用,以及如何通过制度创新解决风貌保护所面临的问题。提出在建设国际化大都市的过程中,必须重新认识历史风貌的多重价值,将其作为城市发展不可或缺的资源,提升城市魅力和保持社区活力的根基,创新城市规划设计的源泉。  相似文献   

This paper explores the origins and development of ambivalent responses to particular contemporary urban landscapes in historical ideas about human relationships with nature and wilderness, and suggests that post-modern wilderness may be found in the urban interstices: in woodland, abandoned allotments, river corridors, derelict or brownfield sites and especially areas in which the spontaneous growth of vegetation through natural succession suggests that nature is in control. We propose that these interstitial wilderness landscapes have numerous important functions as well as being rich repositories of meaning with implications both for theorizing nature-human relationships and for urban landscape planning and design.  相似文献   

东西方因思维方式所导致的自然保护地文化特征存在很大差异,中国自然保护地体系建设不能完全模仿西方经验。首先分析东西方思维方式的差异和当前中国建立自然保护地体系的政策背景,并明确东西方自然保护地建设存在诸多差异这一事实,确认了东西方自然保护地文化特征比较研究的必要性。随后,从环境观差异和保护地文化内涵差异两方面切入,对东西方自然保护地文化特征进行了比较研究。研究认为东方环境观倾向于认为物质蕴含精神、文化与自然相互交融、渗透,而西方则持二元论观点;且东方国家有许多具有国家文化象征意义的自然环境被指定为自然保护地,这与西方国家追求荒野或蕴含的地方文化特征不同。最后,结合东北亚其他国家(日本、韩国和朝鲜)自然保护地文化特征保护的实践经验,基于文化差异视角,从三方面对中国特色自然保护地体系建设提出建议。  相似文献   

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