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《Landscape Research》2007,32(3):311-331
In the early 20th century, the Hebrew women in Palestine found the fulfillment of their economic, social, and emotional needs in gardening. Their gardens were women's means of shaping their surroundings, mainly in the family sphere but also in the community sphere (school and kindergarten gardens, kibbutz gardens). The project was an outcome of the shared interests of pioneer women, city dwellers, and Jewish women's organizations, which differed in their social status and life goals, yet shared a common fertile ground. Through the investigation of primary and secondary sources that deal with women, gardens and the history of the Zionist settlement in Palestine, this paper argues that planting gardens was the Hebrew women's modest way of creating a 'space of their own', where they nurtured and fostered beauty, productivity, self-esteem, mutual help and friendship, while overcoming class distinction. Meanwhile, in planting gardens, women gained a share in the Zionist nation-building project, which was primarily male dominated.  相似文献   

Since the late nineteenth century, the Zionist movement emphasized ruralism not only for the pastoral areas of Palestine, but also for its urban centres. This paper explores the emergence of Tel Aviv, the first Hebrew town, in the light of the Zionist rural/pastoral ideology and within the late nineteenth century discourse on city planning. It discusses early Tel Aviv’s rural images and the various means that were implemented by local and international planners, Zionist cultural agents, volunteer organizations and residents in order to materialize the green vision for the first Hebrew town. This paper argues that till the mid‐1930s, the development of Tel Aviv discarded the common modern dichotomy of nature/culture or pastoral/urban, proving that the development of the rural, agricultural landscape and the construction of the urban metropolis were complementary facets of the Zionist dream.  相似文献   

郭毅  郑淼 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):344-345
通过对碑林公园建筑布局、空间处理、植物造景、人文景观及园林风格等方面的分析研究,提出了目前该园林景观中的优缺点,旨在探索新时期下仿古型纪念性园林景观的营建方法,以期对同类设计有指导性意义。  相似文献   

Garden and landscape are closely associated concepts: both have concrete physical spatial characteristics yet often embody intangible symbolic and poetic dimensions. At the same time, an inherent tension exists between the two: while garden is defined by enclosure, landscapes are not marked by borders. The case of Artas, a Palestinian village that is encroached upon on both sides by external development—an Israeli settlement on the one and a Palestinian refugee camp on the other—is described in this paper through the metaphor of the enclosed garden. The disadvantaged geographic and political predicament of Artas prompts reflections on the ethical dimensions related to landscape and garden in the context of spatial infringement. The discussion is framed within a conceptual multiplicity of the term landscape, the discourse of the Right to Landscape and an exploration of the meaning of borders in terms of landscape.  相似文献   

Continuing the series of papers on construction in Palestine, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, the author concentrates on the need for harmonized development to sustain the environment. An analysis of the Gaza seaport project demonstrates the need to educate professionals working within the construction industry on environmental issues, in particular the steps needed in carrying out the environmental impact assessment of any construction project. The author believes that further studies to increase knowledge are needed. Poursuivant sa serie d'articles sur les activites du batiment en Palestine, l'une des regions les plus peuplees au monde, l'auteur se penche ici sur la necessite d'un amenagement harmonise soucieux de l'environnement et s'inscrivant dans la duree. Suite a une analyse du projet de port: maritime a Gaza, il apparait clairement que les professionnels du secteur de la construction ont besoin d'une formation dans le domaine de la protection de l'environnement, en particulier pour la realisation d'etudes d'impact sur l'environnement de projets de construction. L'auteur estime que des etudes complementaires sont necessaires pour approfondir les connaissances en la matiere.  相似文献   

Resilience has been a challenging approach to analyse the built environment–society linkages and to design more sustainable built environments for enhancing society’s quality of life. This paper explores the linkages between the building, home garden and human system resilience in the Lefke region of North Cyprus. To this end, 50 buildings with a vernacular value, their home gardens and householders were evaluated. The method consisted of developing a conceptual framework for better understanding the linkages among the three systems, exploring the appropriate resilience assessment indicators for the systems, data collection with a questionnaire and data evaluation (based on a 1–5 Likert scale). The results revealed that the average relative values of the building, home garden and human system resilience are, respectively, 2.22 (low), 2.49 (low), and 3.63 (medium). Diversity, traditional knowledge and connectivity were found to be the key indicators for evaluating the linkages amongst the systems.  相似文献   

Almost 70 years after Great Britain gave up its Palestine Mandate, Regional Plans prepared under the Mandate still survive – as live statutory documents that are used to justify planning decisions. Behind them lies a story of how planning is unavoidably tied up with land, with rights, and with power. This article outlines the history of the making of these Plans, explores what the planners of the Mandate epoch thought they were doing, shows how the Plans have been used ever since, and provides an update in the light of a recent UN Habitat Mission to study the planning system under the Israeli occupation. The Plans were the output from the activity of the Mandate government’s ‘Town Planning Adviser’ in the late 1930s and the 1940s – during the period of both the Second World War and the worsening Jewish/Arab violence that led to war in 1947. It was very much a case of the ‘export’ of town planning from urban and industrial Britain to a society which was primarily rural. The Mandate Plans continue to be used in the formal process by the occupation authorities, but selectively: a selectivity which, unfortunately, the Mandate Plans enable by their flexibility. This bites directly on how Palestinians in the West Bank live – ‘the history in the present’.  相似文献   

牛翊 《山西建筑》2011,37(26):218-219
对风水学的定义及相关理论进行了简要介绍,分析了风水学与风景园林的内在联系,并探讨了风水学对现代风景园林设计的启示,提出园林设计人员应传承风水学“人与自然和谐相生”的理念,努力开创具有中国地域文化特色的现代风景园林文化。  相似文献   

中国古典园林植物景观配置的意与匠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁宁 《山西建筑》2006,32(10):344-345
以中国传统文化理论为背景,阐述了中国古典园林植物景观配置的文化意蕴,并且运用空间结构和审美艺术综合分析了植物配置以及植物景观配置的运用。  相似文献   

Colonial regimes used urban planning regulations as a tool to control and dominate other people and natural resources. Since the beginning of the past century, Palestine represented a good example of where urban planning regulations played a major role in urban transformation and development. The Israeli regime has been using old regional plans that were prepared by the British Mandate, and issued many others to achieve its aim of establishing settlements and dominating the West Bank. Consequently, this study explores how urban planning regulations can become a tool for controlling and dominating people and natural resources. This study investigated how these tools were used by controlling authority during the past century.  相似文献   

张薇 《山西建筑》2007,33(31):337-339
取园林理水为出发点,介绍了东西方园林中理水的营造与运用方法,并从地理气候、审美文化、思维方式、追求意境、关注重点等方面分析了东西方园林的不同以及造成相互差异的原因,以使人们更深入地了解东西方的造园理水艺术。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):170-186
In Palestinian cities, urban parks are rare and their size is limited, comprising roughly 0.5 m2 per person in Palestine’s fastest growing city, Ramallah. Prior studies indicate that conventional planning, zoning, and standards-based approaches do not fully meet people’s needs for parks in urban settings. Hence, a needs-based approach was implemented in this study. A survey instrument was administered to a representative stratified sample composed of planners, professionals, and academics. The questionnaire was successfully administered to more than six hundred respondents (n= 650) and the results divulged a number of important points that will aid in future park and green space location, creation, and park utility. These findings included (a) overwhelming (perceived) need for more parks provided with facilities like playgrounds, water features, and relaxing areas; (b) a perception of uneven distribution of parks and facilities in urban settings; and (c) an increase in accessibility via roads and walking paths.  相似文献   


Jewish colonies were established in rural areas of Ottoman Palestine in the late nineteenth century; a period full of radical changes, including the industrial revolution, political and cultural shifts in the Ottoman Empire, and social transformations wrought by World War I. These global and local events had a significant impact on everyday life in the colonies, challenging the resilience of the built-up and open public spaces. According to urban space research, the ability of public spaces to withstand change depends on how these spaces are created and defined and the extent to which they evoke a communal sense of ownership and belonging. In light of the above, this paper combines archival and theoretical research in order to examine and characterize the resilience of public spaces in the Jewish colonies in Ottoman Palestine over four decades – from 1878, the foundation of the first colony, to 1918, the end of World War I. Planned and designed by mostly European-educated designers and entrepreneurs, the colonies’ public spaces demonstrated modernity, accommodated change, and created vibrant centres geared to serve a diverse ethnic local population.  相似文献   

温永红 《山西建筑》2014,(16):231-232
对青春缤秀园的位置及基本情况进行了介绍,阐述了公园现有植物景观配置的特点,并分析了现有植物景观的不足之处,指出园内植物景观设计应以多样化与人性化为原则,注重季相景观的设计,恰当地表现地域化特色。  相似文献   

方法菊 《山西建筑》2010,36(18):348-349
通过追溯园林与景观词的来源,挖掘园林与景观的内涵,梳理园林与景观的构成要素,考察园林与景观的课程设置,得出了两者互相学习,互相借鉴,取长补短,相互促进,共同发展的结论。  相似文献   

中国传统园林与书法作为中国特有的文化现象,均具有将有限的空间赋予高度审美使命的创作精神。文章用艺术审美泛化思想作为研究的契入点,探讨了两者在创作思想上的相似性,更进一步地从创作主体、创作客体、艺术赏析、情感精神四方面揭示出二者在创作与赏析中传达出来的相似追求;通过发掘艺术门类之间的关联性,为传统园林的研究提供更为广阔的文化视野。  相似文献   

拙真 《古建园林技术》1984,(2):50-50转57
中国园林是讲究素雅,南方园林颜色素雅但布局复杂。皇家园林颜色浓烈,建筑布局简洁。在园林设计上有人刻意求新,有人执意恋旧,往往忽略一个“是”字。园林讲究根据具体的环境条件,做得体合宜。园林的本色是自然,园林建筑要具有自然的本色,原则上应该以纯真质朴为上品。提倡园林设计寓变化于简洁,寓丰富于清新,与环境密切结合并有助于表现环境特色的园林建筑。  相似文献   

王恒 《山西建筑》2010,36(24):349-350
分析了中国古典园林与山水画的共同渊源与构图方法,阐明了二者之间是相互渗透、相互影响、相互补充的关系,并指出中国古典园林在很大程度上影响着山水画的发展,而山水画的不断成熟与发展也促进了中国古典园林的迅速发展。  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of Taoist philosophy on Chinese garden aesthetics from crosscultural and interartistic perspectives. Problematising the comparability between the Chinese landscape garden and the European picturesque garden that is based on the notion of irregularity and associated with Sharawadgi, it argues that the Chinese garden is essentially different from its European cousin. It further argues that as the product of an eclectic culture and of a holistic art the Chinese garden has received the strongest influence from Taoism through the agency of landscape poetry and painting. Such influence is seen both in the conception of its space and in the mode of viewing this space.  相似文献   

唐燕 《山西建筑》2007,33(32):352-354
从理水、植物、建筑、装饰物与空间结构几个方面的景观构成要素对中国园林和伊斯兰园林进行了对比分析,以找寻两者的差异性,相互借鉴,从传统中获得设计手法上的启示,从而创造出既有时代精神又能融汇古今的优秀作品。  相似文献   

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