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The problem of classifying clouds seen on meteorological satellite images into different types is one which requires the use of textural as well as spectral information. Since multi-spectral features are of prime importance, textural features must be considered as augmenting, rather than replacing, spectral measures. Several textural features are studied to determine their discriminating power across a number of cloud classes including those which have previously been found difficult to separate. Although several features in the frequency domain are tested they are found to be less useful than those in the spatial domain with only one exception. The specific features recommended for use in classification depend on the type of classification to be undertaken. Specifically, different features should be used for a multi-dimensional feature space analysis than for a binary-tree rule-based classification.  相似文献   

In cloud classification from satellite imagery, temporal change in the images is one of the main factors that causes degradation in the classifier performance. In this paper, a novel temporal updating approach is developed for probabilistic neural network (PNN) classifiers that can be used to track temporal changes in a sequence of images. This is done by utilizing the temporal contextual information and adjusting the PNN to adapt to such changes. Whenever a new set of images arrives, an initial classification is first performed using the PNN updated up to the last frame while at the same time, a prediction using Markov chain models is also made based on the classification results of the previous frame. The results of both the old PNN and the predictor are then compared. Depending on the outcome, either a supervised or an unsupervised updating scheme is used to update the PNN classifier. Maximum likelihood (ML) criterion is adopted in both the training and updating schemes. The proposed scheme is examined on both a simulated data set and the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) 8 satellite cloud imagery data. These results indicate the improvements in the classification accuracy when the proposed scheme is used.  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented which obtains a constrained maximum likelihood classification of homogeneously stained chromosomes. Significantly improved results over a both context-free and a plausible context-driven classification are obtained. Extension to banded chromosomes and abnormal cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Polarized visible light as an aid to vegetation classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radiation, when reflected from the surface of the earth, can be described in terms of both its radiance and its polarization and yet remote sensing has concerned itself with the measurement of radiance and has paid little attention to the measurement of polarization. However, the use of polarization measurements in remote sensing may increase as NASA have included polarizing filters on the satellite-borne Multispectral Resource Sampler (MRS), which may be launched in the mid-1980s. Photographic measurements of percent reflected visible light (percent RVL) and percent polarised visible light (percent PVL) were taken from a light aircraft on two summer days and two winter days. The study area was a heathland with seven land cover classes. In the summer, percent RVL, percent PVL, and percent RVL plus percent PVL could discriminate four land-cover classes. In the winter percent RVL plus percent PVL could discriminate five land-cover classes, percent PVL could discriminate four land-cover classes and percent RVL could discriminate only three land-cover classes. It was concluded that measurements of percent PVL when combined with measurements of percent RVL improved vegetation discrimination in winter months.  相似文献   

A novel temporal updating approach for probabilistic neural network classifiers was developed by Tian et al. (2000) to account for temporal changes of spectral and temperature features of clouds in the visible and infrared GOES 8 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) imagery data. In this paper, a new method referred to as moving singular value decomposition (MSVD) is introduced to improve the classification rate of the boundary blocks or blocks containing cloud types with non-uniform texture. The MSVD method is then incorporated into the temporal updating scheme and its effectiveness is demonstrated on several sequences of GOES 8 cloud imagery data. These results indicate that the incorporation of the new MSVD improves the overall performance of the temporal updating process by almost 10%  相似文献   

针对现有空气质量预测方法精度偏低、对噪声敏感等问题,提出一种基于堆栈降噪自编码(Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoders,SDAE)模型的空气质量等级预测方法。首先以武汉市历史空气质量和气象监测数据为研究对象,建立SDAE模型逐层学习原始数据的特征表达,并将最后一层特征与分类器连接完成预测模型的调优。同时改进多参数网格搜索法,选取了最优的超参数组合。然后在测试集上进行预测,并用预测值与实际值之间的平均绝对误差和均方误差等指标作为预测性能评价标准。通过与其他网络模型的实验对比,证明了SDAE模型对于空气质量等级具有较优的预测性能。最后从时间、空间、时空三个角度对该模型输入进行优化,实验结果表明基于空间优化的SDAE模型预测性能提升最为明显,能够得到比传统方法更加精确的预测结果。  相似文献   

The task of classifying observations into known groups is a common problem in decision making. A wealth of statistical approaches, commencing with Fisher's linear discriminant function, and including variations to accomodate a variety of modeling assumptions, have been proposed. In addition, nonparametric approaches based on various mathematical programming models have also been proposed as solutions. All of these proposed aolutions have performed well when conditions favorable to the specific model are present. The modeler, therefore, can usually be assured of a good solution to his problem of he chooses a model which fits his situation. In this paper, the performance of a neural network as a classifier is evaluated. It is found that the performance of the neural network is comparable to the best of otheother methods under a wide variety of modeling assumptions. The use of neural networks as classifiers thus relieves the modeler of testing assumptions which would otherwise be critical to the performance of the usual classification techniques.  相似文献   

Determination of lung condition by auscultation is a difficult task and requires special training of medical staff. It is, however, a difficult skill to acquire. In decision making, it is significant to analyze respiratory sounds by an algorithm to give support to medical doctors. In this study, first, a rectangular window is formed so that one cycle of respiratory sound (RS) is contained in this window. Then, the windowed time samples are normalized. In order to extract the features, the normalized RS signal is partitioned into 64 samples of long segments. The power spectrum of each segment is computed, and synchronized summation of power spectra components is performed. Feature vectors are formed by the averaged power spectrum components, yielding 32-dimensional vectors. In the study, classification performances of multi-layer perceptron (MLP), grow and learn (GAL) network and a novel incremental supervised neural network (ISNN) are comparatively examined for the classification of nine different RS classes: Bronchial sounds, bronchovesicular sounds, vesicular sounds, crackles sounds, wheezes sounds, stridor sounds, grunting sounds, squawk sounds, and sounds of friction rub.  相似文献   

良好的特征表达是提高模型性能的关键,然而当前在多标记学习领域,特征表达依然采用人工设计的方式,所提取的特征抽象程度不高,包含的可区分性信息不足。针对此问题,提出了基于卷积神经网络的多标记分类模型ML_DCCNN,该模型利用卷积神经网络强大的特征提取能力,自动学习能刻画数据本质的特征。为了解决深度卷积神经网络预测精度高,但训练时间复杂度不低的问题,ML_DCCNN利用迁移学习方法缩减模型的训练时间,同时改进卷积神经网络的全连接层,提出双通道神经元,减少全连接层的参数量。实验表明,与传统的多标记分类算法以及已有的基于深度学习的多标记分类模型相比,ML_DCCNN保持了较高的分类精度并有效地提高了分类效率,具有一定的理论与实际价值。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the ability of a neural network based classification technique to delineate upland and forested wetland areas and to distinguish between different levels of wetness in a forested wetland. NASA's Airborne Terrestrial Applications Sensor (ATLAS) multi-spectral data and Airborne Imaging Radar Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) data were used in this study. A National Wetland Inventory (NWI) map served as a reference. Cascade-correlation, a feed-forward neural network architecture, was employed as the classifier. The neural network technique separated upland from wetland spectral signatures and discriminated two out of four different water regimes identified by the NWI within the wetland area. The relative usefulness of ATLAS and AIRSAR data for wetness classification was also investigated. It was found that both data sources, when used in isolation, could separate wetland from upland about equally well, but better performance was observed when these data sources were combined.  相似文献   

Gao  Jiangjiang  Lan  Jinhui  Wang  Bingxu  Li  Feifan 《Machine Learning》2022,111(4):1327-1348
Machine Learning - Using deep learning to learn point cloud features directly have become one of the research hotspots in the field of 3D point cloud processing. The existing methods usually...  相似文献   

基于神经网络的电子邮件分类与过滤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任劼  项婧 《计算机工程与设计》2006,27(6):1021-1024,1064
现在电子邮件的应用非常广泛,已经成为人们生活中一种重要的通讯手段,但各种各样的垃圾邮件也是令我们十分困扰的问题,给出了一种电子邮件的分类过滤方法。电子邮件作为一种半结构化的文档,电子邮件信息包含了固定的语法部分和一定长度的可变文本部分,同时处理这两部分以得到更高的准确度。首先对邮件进行文本处理,得到特征向量;然后使用基于神经网络的方法对邮件进行分类过滤得到邮件分类器;最后通过实验验证分类器的有效性。  相似文献   

一种概率过程神经元网络模型及分类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对动态信号分类及与先验类别知识融合问题,提出了一种概率过程神经元网络模型.模型将贝叶斯概率分类机制与过程神经元网络动态信号处理方法相结合,通过在前馈过程神经元网络中增加一个模式单元层,以及采用归一化指数类型激励函数,实现基于贝叶斯规则的动态信号分类.分析了概率过程神经元网络分类机制与贝叶斯分类规则的等价性,给出了具体的学习算法,实验结果验证了模型和算法的有效性.  相似文献   

As P2P dominates Internet traffic in recent years, ISPs are striving to balance between providing the basic networking services for P2P users and properly managing network bandwidth usage. That is, ISPs are required to provide proper bandwidth for each P2P user to get every file to fulfill their provision for communications, while they have to control bandwidth consumption for efficient usage. However, current P2P traffic management strategies are unable to satisfy both requirements. In this paper, our goal is to design a simple and effective scheme for ISPs to moderate the tradeoff. It is achieved by proposing a file-aware P2P traffic classification method that can identify files and the associated flows. The file-level information can lead to more efficient and flexible management strategies on a per-file basis. We offer two alternatives: constraining the per-file bandwidth consumption and the number of per-file concurrent flows. Finally, a real-life trace is measured using our file-aware method from the perspectives of peers and files. The results indicate that ISPs can gain enough opportunities to flexibly choose proper traffic manage parameters according to actual demands.  相似文献   


Within the PROgramme for a Meteorological Information System (PROMIS) project in Sweden a method of multi-spectral analysis and classification of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data is developed. The model will be based on a statistical database of object classes and ruled by information about prevailing Sun elevations and air mass temperatures. A new system provides the image processing and data handling capacity necessary for an operational classification of AVHRR data. Operational tests will start during the beginning of 1988.  相似文献   

下一个兴趣点推荐已经成为基于位置的社交网络(location-based social networks,LBSNs)中一个重要任务.现有的模型没有深入考虑相邻签到兴趣点之间的转移时空信息,无法对用户访问下一个兴趣点的长短时间偏好和远近距离偏好进行有效建模.本文通过对循环神经网络(recurrent neural ne...  相似文献   

基于云理论与神经网络集成的模糊系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳炳祥  李海林 《计算机应用》2008,28(2):305-306,
提出了一种基于云理论与神经网络混合集成的模糊系统。通过不确定性人工智能,解决了在实际模糊系统中输入变量隶属函数和知识规则确定的难题,利用神经网络实现了变量之间的非线性映射。该系统不但具有神经网络自适应的学习能力,且结合云理论处理知识的不确定性能力,使模糊系统在知识推理过程中更具有说服力,在整体上提高了算法的效率。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Detecting and classifying a brain tumor is a challenge that consumes a radiologist’s time and effort while requiring professional expertise. To resolve...  相似文献   

Sung-Suk Kim 《Neurocomputing》1998,20(1-3):253-263
This paper presents a time-delay recurrent neural network (TDRNN) for temporal correlations and prediction. The TDRNN employs adaptive time delays and recurrences where the adaptive time delays make the network choose the optimal values of time delays for the temporal location of the important information in the input sequence and the recurrences enable the network to encode and integrate temporal context information of sequences. The TDRNN and multiple recurrent neural network(MRNN) described in this paper, adaptive time-delay neural network (ATNN) proposed by Lin, and time-delay neural network (TDNN) introduced by Waibel were simulated and applied to the chaotic time series prediction of Mackey–Glass delay-differential equation and the Korean stock market index prediction. The simulation results suggest that employing time delayed recurrences in the layered network is more effective for temporal correlations and prediction than putting multiple time delays into the neurons or their connections. The best performance is attained by the TDRNN. The TDRNN will be well applicable for temporal signal recognition, prediction and identification.  相似文献   

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