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The European landscape reflects its agricultural legacy, but agriculture is losing its dominant position in the rural economy. The rural landscapes of Europe are in a process of polarization between intensive land use and naturalistic areas. In addition to this process, fragmentation of the landscape is also taking place. Regional distinctiveness is disappearing due to the impact of globalization on food production. If regional differences are not maintained and protected then the cultural landscapes of Europe and their biological diversity will decline and only remnants will remain. It is argued that regional differences can only be maintained through conscious environmental and ecological planning. Concepts for this, such as ecostabilization and ecological networks, have been developed in many European countries. The role of the landscape planner should be one of integrating knowledge and functions by designing new functions in existing landscapes and new landscapes with regional character.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on some important problems which policy makers are facing in the pursuit of protecting biological diversity: Defining and clarifying the concept of biological diversity and developing appropriate measurements, setting conservation priorities and identifying protected areas.  相似文献   

The relationship between trajectories of forest-cover change and the biophysical and social characteristics of the landscape in the mountains of Western Honduras is addressed. Metrics of land-cover change were used to infer patterns of land-use change, using Landsat TM imagery from 1987, 1991 and 1996. With 15-20% of the land cover changing across each two-date period, the study landscape was very dynamic. Areas of reforestation were significantly larger than areas of deforestation, across all dates. Patch size was a good indicator of economic activity. Stable patches of forest and agriculture were fewer and larger, compared to forest regrowth and clearing. Small patches of swidden agriculture were found close to roads, at lower elevations and on more gradual slopes between 1987 and 1991. Between 1991 and 1996, expansion of export coffee production resulted in forest clearings on steeper slopes and at higher elevations. Results highlight the importance of landscape metrics in monitoring land-cover change over time.  相似文献   

The Planning Inspectorate is a key institution in the English planning system which has a high public profile. It is a planning agency of the UK central government which is responsible for determining appeals against the refusal of planning permission and conditions imposed on development by local planning authorities. It also determines appeals against enforcement action on unlawful development and holds public local inquiries, where planning inspectors hear objections to policies contained in development plans. The decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate must be seen to be fair, transparent and accountable and, as a consequence, the procedures and conduct of the organisation are increasingly subject to public scrutiny. However the arena in which the Inspectorate now operates has become increasingly more complex. Significant social change has impacted on space, spatial activities and the way people use space. Campaigns around the issues of race, gender, disability, age and sexuality have challenged the notion of a homogeneous public and developed the view of a socially and culturally diverse society. As issues of diversity have become more widely recognised and expressed in society, so the UK government has expected key planning organisations, such as the Planning Inspectorate, to reflect and respond to these changes, particularly in the light of the new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. This paper examines the initiatives undertaken to mainstream equality and manage diversity in the Planning Inspectorate. It critically reflects on the scope and effectiveness of the initiatives and identifies lessons that can be learned for other planning institutions. The material used in the paper draws heavily on three sources: consultancy work undertaken for the Planning Inspectorate; documentary analysis; and case study material and findings from a recent research project into planning and diversity  相似文献   

生态多样性维护工作是提升环湖绿道景观空间视觉质量的重要内容。以环太湖绿道景观空间为研究对象,探究生态多样性在维护景观空间视觉质量方面的功能和作用,研究选用无人机进行航空摄影,采用图像学分析和描述性分析方法对环湖绿道中捕捉到的视觉信息进行处理,探究生态多样性与景观空间视觉质量提升之间的关系,解析了景观空间生态成分和时间生态成分的内在因素,提出了环湖绿道景观空间的视觉生态恢复力对稳定绿道区域的生态系统与周边区域的各项发展的重要作用,为实现完善生态服务功能与提升景观空间视觉质量目标相结合的景观规划目标提供理论支持。  相似文献   

从北京园林绿地植物使用现状看城市园林植物的多样性   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
石进朝  解有利 《中国园林》2003,19(10):75-77
论述了北京市园林植物的应用现状,分析了城市园林植物应用较少的原因,主要有3个方面:绿化植物选择上具有随意性与盲目性,缺少大量、丰富、现成的用于绿化的苗木,以及市场经济方面的原因。指出了北京市园林植物资源,对开发利用这一资源提出了建议。  相似文献   

Since planners plan, they claim that their local, regional or national spatial plans are crucial for achieving spatial equity. Starting from the difficulties of defining spatial equity, the paper explores some European dimensions of spatial equity, thereby referring to three recent documents: the Commission's First Report on Social and Economic Cohesion, the Opinion on Spatial Planning of the Committee of the Regions and the draft European Spatial Development Perspective, having been approved by the Ministers of the Member States of the European Union in June 1997. This is followed by a brief assessment of the role of existing European networks of infrastructure, production, information and power, or those of memories and images, in creating spatial equity in Europe. The paper ends with a presentation and brief justification of the normative concept of the European Bunch of Grapes as a mental vision for spatial equity in Europe.  相似文献   

张毅川  乔丽芳  陈亮明 《规划师》2005,21(10):99-102
城市是一个高度人工化的生态系统,人类的干扰使动物失去了原本属于它们的家园.现代景观多从人的角度进行设计,忽视了其他生物对生存空间的需求.合理地进行城市动物多样性的保护与恢复是建设高质量城市环境的迫切要求.城市动物多样性的保护与恢复工作应从宏观与微观两方面入手,采用正确的理论指导,制定严格的法律保障体系,采用科学的方法和技术,加强城市生态环境建设.  相似文献   

《欧洲风景公约》是第一个将风景作为规范对象的国际公约,这标志着"风景"概念从科学知识转化为行为规范,并成为跨国治理的政策工具。欧洲风景公约作为"软法"的本质特征是其规定性与确定性,精确的概念和严密的逻辑是公约文件的基石。从法规文本解读的角度全面阐释了公约的风景定义及其重要意义;深入解析了公约的总体措施与行动框架,评述了风景知识与风景行动的相互关系;并对公约在国家层面实施的干预机制、具体的实施方法进行了详细的阐述与解释。  相似文献   

It is argued that landscape plans should be informed by species requirements, should show an understanding of supporting biological and physical processes, and should attempt to ensure process integrity. With these in place, there is a growing battery of ecological approaches to inform all levels of planning, from strategic documents to development control. However, to be effective, firm policy foundations are essential.  相似文献   

景观指数在景观规划中的作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈波  包志毅 《规划师》2004,20(5):112-114
景观规划的中心任务是通过组合或引入新的景观要素调整或构建新的景观结构,以增加景观异质性和稳定性,从而实现景观的可持续发展。用景观指数描述景观格局能使我们对具有一定统计性质的数据进行比较和分析。  相似文献   

区域景观生态营建是区域生态文明建设的主要组成部分,同时也是风景园林学科需要重点关注的内容。当前,区域景观破碎化程度连续走高对区域整体生态安全格局造成了严重威胁。同时,以科学实证为基础的区域景观生态知识积累及其与区域景观空间规划间的转换反馈、评估应用进程均显滞后。从可持续区域景观生态规划目标确定、条件选择2个方面入手,阐述可持续区域景观规划中生态规划决策框架的搭建过程,对区域景观空间可持续性与生态功能决策两者间的关系进行初步探索。  相似文献   

城市风貌规划作为彰显城市个性、避免千城一面、一城千面的重要抓手,正日益被城市建设规划部门重视。本文以《铜陵市城市风貌规划》为例,介绍一种以行动规划为理念的城市风貌规划编制思路,希望为读者提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

以武宣县城总体规划为例,结合县城发展实际,在分析城市山水特色的基础上,从城市规模、城市形态、旧城保护与更新及城市绿化等不同角度对特色仙城塑造进行积极的探索,充分体现武宣山水园林城市的仙城特色。  相似文献   

管道煤气供销差率的校正   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对影响管道煤气供销差率的状态因素(压力、温度)以及抄表与供气计量不同期因素对供销差率的影响进行了分析,并给出了可供实用的修正方法。  相似文献   

全球气候变化威胁日益严重,景观规划工作者有责任运用专业知识应对气候变化威胁,国际上具有前瞻性的景观规划学者已开始运用区域景观规划应对气候变化与能源问题;但在此过程中,常常会与经济发展、规划建设品质等方面发生矛盾。本文着眼于国际领先应对气候变化的区域景观规划项目——德国IBA汉堡,通过分析其典型项目,总结了其应对气候变化与能源问题的策略,探究了其在规划过程中应对气候与能源问题难点的处理方法。本文旨在为今后以应对气候变化与能源问题为目的的区域景观规划提供一些思考。  相似文献   

The differences between urban, rural and fluvial landscapes pose challenges for land-use planning. In particular, the stable character of urban settlements and cultural landscapes contrasts with the instability of fluvial ones. In Spain, the administration of fluvial landscapes, via the main legal instrument (the Hydraulic Public Domain) and land-use plans, is conducted on the basis of administrative boundaries which cut across hydrological units. The characteristics and dynamics of fluvial landscapes (in particular two Spanish rivers) are studied and it is argued that land uses established within them should be compatible with their characteristics and dynamics. In order to implement this objective, two new concepts are proposed for adoption by the river agencies and for incorporation in local land-use plans—the Area of Fluvial Freedom and the Area of Flooding.  相似文献   

A maximum of landscape diversity is to be regarded as a helpful target as well as an analytical tool to detect actual planning deficits. First of all, specific indicators and targets for ecosystem and landscape levels will be defined. Ecosystem types are derived from landscape ecological site conditions, and are combined with the demands of minimal areas related to present and potential ecosystem types.The suitability of management practices for the site conditions, and the requirements mentioned above, will together form the basis on which a target landscape in its pattern, and the management practices suggested can be mapped. In comparison with the present use of the landscape, measures are derived which indicate that the target of a high landscape diversity has real practical meaning: conversion of about 15% of the arable land into forests and grasslands as one result of this study fits into the political and administrative programmes already established. In addition, four modification categories of the actual usage are mapped and described in size and number in this case study. The basic assumptions of this approach will be explained, to provide further working hypotheses for an interdisciplinary and integrative research into landscape ecology in rural landscapes.  相似文献   

张剑涛  张哗华 《园林》2007,(8):24-25
晋城市两河整治背景东河和西河是山西晋城市贯通市区南北的两条历史悠久的河道。由于年久失修,造成了污水横流、周边环境脏乱的局面。河道环境整  相似文献   

针对目前城市环境中出现的色彩问题,指出城市色彩景观需要规划并且可以规划;进而提出色彩景观的规划要根据城市规模确定总体策略、灵活地运用多种景观控制模式、提取地方色彩表达城市传统与文脉,并加强对于建筑色彩的控制与引导,才能从视觉美学和地域文化两个层面表现出城市的风格与特色。  相似文献   

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