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立足当前城乡遗产保护从"资源保控"向"文化传承"的观念导向转变,聚焦山地历史城镇地域景观基因的保护传承问题。针对传统历史城镇形态保护方法"依形套式、附形失韵"的问题瓶颈,提出基于景观基因"双系统"识别解译的历史城镇空间特征保护与文化气韵传承关联操作方法。在此基础上,分别从城镇景观的格局关系、簇群形态、街巷空间、建筑风貌和地域文化的哲学基础、发展观念、实践思维、气质品性等方面,系统识别、解译了山地历史城镇的"空间基因"和"文化基因";并据此提出山地历史城镇景观基因配对关联的保护传承措施,以拓展既有遗产保护研究的理论认知,为山地历史城镇地域景观、文化的特征识别与保护传承提供方法指导。 相似文献
Jørgen Primdahl Mikkel Bojesen Jens Peter Vesterager Lone Søderkvist Kristensen 《Landscape Research》2013,38(6):659-672
Hunting represents an important activity in Danish rural landscapes. In this paper, we analyse recent developments in farmers' management of the right to hunt and associated landscape activities in three agricultural regions based on surveys from 1995/96 and 2008. The results show that the total area on which farmers hunt has increased, especially the area on which the owner is the hunter. This indicates that interest in hunting is increasing, and the interest for hunting may play an increasing role as a landscape activity and as a motive to become a farm property owner. Concerning landscape management, non-hunters, surprisingly, seem to have a more game-friendly management practice than hunters. On the other hand, hunters own farms with forests and/or farms located in areas of high landscape heterogeneity more often than non-hunters. Local hunting associations play an interesting role in relation to non-owners' accessibility to hunting and such associations may play a significant role in the future management of the landscape as a commons. 相似文献
《欧洲风景公约》是第一个将风景作为规范对象的国际公约,这标志着"风景"概念从科学知识转化为行为规范,并成为跨国治理的政策工具。欧洲风景公约作为"软法"的本质特征是其规定性与确定性,精确的概念和严密的逻辑是公约文件的基石。从法规文本解读的角度全面阐释了公约的风景定义及其重要意义;深入解析了公约的总体措施与行动框架,评述了风景知识与风景行动的相互关系;并对公约在国家层面实施的干预机制、具体的实施方法进行了详细的阐述与解释。 相似文献
从城市历史景观(Historic Urban Landscape,H U L)视角剖析埃及开罗阿兹哈尔公园由被称为"Al-Darassa"的废弃物堆场转变为城市中心"绿肺"的棕地再生杰出案例;重点关注其棕地再生策略如何回应Al-Darassa在不同历史时期与开罗城市自然环境、建成环境、社会经济及文化等之间的动态关联;总结了在城市历史景观视角下案例在整体策略、场所营造和干预机制3个方面对中国棕地再生探索的启示。 相似文献
南京是我国著名古都,古城中遗留下丰富的历史文化遗产秦淮河是南京的母亲河,内秦淮河沿岸建筑遗产是南京历史文化的杰出代表.该文以南京内秦淮河城南段为例,探讨我国历史文化名城中古河道景观的保护与发展,针对性提出其复兴、改造的措施:全面、深入地调查遗产资源,真正认识传统文化价值及其传承的意义;保护沿河两岸的空间尺度;维护文化生... 相似文献
休闲农业的植物景观具有特殊性,该文以黄石磊山半岛休闲农庄为例,对休闲农业的植物景观营造进行了分析和探讨。根据休闲农庄的总体规划与功能分区,以乡土气息和乡野风情为主题,结舍植物景观的功能,通过点、线、面的结合,形成独具特色的植物景观系统。中心服务区以展现植物景现季相变化、传统植物文化、植物乡土特色为主;水产养殖区的植物景观营造以水生植物景观为主;自助采摘区以结合自助采摘,种植相应的观赏果蔬;蔬菜种植区以大面积纵横阡陌的田地进行蔬菜生产,凸显田园风光的独特魅力;湿地景观区将湿地植物景观与农业生产相结合,形成可观、可玩、可尝的景致,展现湿地景观的自然和生态之美。 相似文献
Kristian Ruming 《International Planning Studies》2012,17(4):397-418
The process of negotiation has long been recognized as central in plan creation and development assessment. Nevertheless, the appropriateness and willingness to engage in negotiated planning and development outcomes varies between planning systems, development locations and individuals. On one hand, negotiation is seen to facilitate responsive planning outcomes that recognize the unique institutional and development environment. Alternatively, the process of negotiation has been identified as one that delays plan making and development assessment, while simultaneously opening the door for corruption and regulatory capture. Drawing on the reflections and experiences of senior local council officers and private development actors, this article explores the process of negotiation in development assessment in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Within the context of neoliberal planning reform in NSW, the article explores the appropriateness and willingness of different types of councils and developers to pursue negotiated outcomes. The article also identifies the types of developments/developers councils are more likely to negotiate with, and explores how the process of planning reform constrains the scope for negotiated outcomes. 相似文献
【目的】快速的城镇化进程使自然景观产生了巨大改变,对景观变化进行科学管护已成为亟须解决的问题。景观特征识别是管护景观变化的重要工具,健康评价是诊断区域景观环境问题的基础。针对现有健康评价研究的不足,尝试以景观特征识别为框架,试图构建一套区域尺度下的景观健康评价方法,用于指导宏观尺度的景观管护。【方法】以鄂西北秦巴山区为例,首先对其进行景观特征类型和景观特征区域的识别。随后围绕景观健康的问题,基于压力-状态-响应(pressure-state-response, PSR)模型,从景观特征改变面临的压力、景观特征的构成与格局状态以及政策响应3个方面选取指标,构建景观健康评价体系。【结果】最终,划定出研究区26种景观特征区域,以及5个景观健康等级。结果表明,各单元景观健康综合指数为0.40~0.75,平均景观健康综合指数为0.61。鄂西北秦巴山区西部整体景观健康优于东部,西南部表现最佳,不健康、亚健康、健康、较健康和很健康的景观特征区域分别占研究区总面积的14.4%、23.0%、23.8%、24.6%和14.2%。【结论】揭示研究区景观健康现状与胁迫因子,同时结合上位规划和区域现状,提出基于不同景观健康等级的“一区一策”分级分类管护模式与原则,并总结部分代表性景特征区域的整治策略,以期为区域景观管护提供依据。 相似文献
Humans have managed European landscapes, including woodlands, for millennia. Prior to the birth of modern forestry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there existed two basic management forms for lowland broadleaved woods: coppicing and wood pasture. While the existence and characteristics of these two basic management types are well-known, the reasons why particular woods were coppiced while others pastured are little investigated. As a case-study, we chose two large ancient woods in the southern Moravian region of Central Europe. One was managed as coppice, while the other as wood pasture for most of their histories. The woods are similar in size, location, climate and vegetation. We examined several potential explanations (terrain morphology, soil productivity, abundance of woodland, ownership and economy) for past management decisions in these woods. We found that the links between soil productivity, economic demands and ownership were of key importance. Other factors were less significant, for example woodland abundance played no detectable role in spite of the decreasing availability of woodland resources. We also found that tradition mattered; it took a major shift in ideology to change entire management strategies. In sum, management decisions were driven by a complex network of multiple interactions among the individual factors. 相似文献
为探寻适合中国历史园林植物景观保护修复的理论与方法,基于相关国际公约前期研究基础,结合颐和园写秋轩案例的实地调查与史料分析,针对其植物景观空间视域和文化意境两方面的现存问题,提出了相应的复原依据、保护策略与思路,同时指出了历史园林中植物景观与建筑保护修复的差异等问题;最后,总结并探讨了在中国历史文化背景下,适应时代与自身发展的园林遗产保护思想,以期为我国其他历史园林保护与修复工作提供参考和借鉴。 相似文献
游径系统一直是广东城乡规划建设的亮点,也是推动高质量发展与高水平保护的重要手段。以广东省绿道建设和古驿道建设为例,通过厘清两类游径的缘起和作用,总结风景园林专业力量在绿道建设实施过程中形成的风景园林遗产保护、大地景观规划、园林与景观设计、园林工程与技术、园林植物应用、景观生态学等专业设计之"道",提出在南粤古驿道建设的大背景下,风景园林人应充分发挥风景园林专业优势,以"道"传"道",将绿道专业设计之"道"传承到南粤古驿道建设中去,推动南粤古驿道建设高质量发展,同时为风景园林专业设计人员以南粤古驿道为载体进行景观创作提供路径与方法。 相似文献
Martin Loosemore Vivien Chow Tracie Harvison 《Construction Management & Economics》2013,31(10):1072-1082
Extreme weather is predicted to become more frequent and severe into the future. While our understanding of hospital infrastructure vulnerability to such events has advanced considerably in recent years, current approaches to healthcare facilities management treat hospitals in isolation from their surrounding governance infrastructure. However, recent research indicates that if hospital resilience is to be properly understood, health infrastructure must be managed holistically, as part of a much larger governance system of interdependent organizations. The inter-agency governance risks associated with this system are currently ignored in the facilities management literature. To explore these risks, an in-depth case study of 24 agencies in the state of New South Wales, Australia is presented. The results show that facilities managers are embedded in a highly complex and dynamic array of governance boundaries which are largely unresolved and misunderstood. A number of practical strategies are presented which could be adopted to significantly improve facilities manager’s integration into this system. These include: mapping hospital dependency on other agencies to build surge capacity; resolving overlapping operational boundaries with other agencies; proactive risk reduction for critical external support infrastructure; understanding potential conflicts with the objectives external agencies in responding to an extreme weather event. 相似文献
园林的管理与经营是清代皇家园林存续的重要支撑。本研究结合清代宫廷文献,以记录内务府规章制度的《钦定总管内务府现行则例》为主要依据,探讨清代管理机构职责、收入来源与经营方式、支出与盈余管理,归纳出一个以种植生产为核心的管理经营框架。认为清代皇家园林在多次改革基础上,逐渐形成了管理范围清晰的部门划分。各部门除对园林进行日常维护外,主要承担各园以植物生产为核心的经营任务。通过对资源的精细利用以及种植—租赁相结合的土地管理模式,基本实现皇家园林"以园养园"的收支平衡体系。而这种经营方式造就了园林沿水源布局的大面积的作物景观背景以及园林中点缀的生产性植物景观。最终得出结论,认为清代皇家园林植物景观不仅具有观赏功能,更是支持园林存续的物质基础。 相似文献
Brisbane Water is an estuary located at Gosford, 50 km north of Sydney on the east coast of Australia. It contains seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh habitat. As part of a more widespread trend along the southeast coast of Australia, between 1954 and 1995 saltmarsh habitat within the estuary declined by 78.2% while mangrove habitat fluctuated with initial decline, recovery and further decline to 1995 with an overall increase by 3.7% and exhibiting a marked migration of mangroves into saltmarsh areas.No single factor is responsible for the changes. A combination of both natural and human induced processes is responsible. The loss of diversity and the sustainability of mangroves and saltmarshes require a strategic planning approach towards their management. Such an approach needs to ensure that estuarine and catchment processes are considered in an integrated manner. The influence of human activities on natural processes, which affects the extent and distribution of estuarine wetlands, can also be managed through an integrated planning process. 相似文献
'In Agriculture, Learn from Dazhai': Mao Zedong's revolutionary model village and the battle against nature 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
When after 1968, millions of Chinese citizens were driven into the countryside in order to participate in agriculture as part of the Cultural Revolution, Dazhai was the model of what the countryside should be, not just socially, but also physically. In 1964 it came to prominence for its spirit of self-reliance, hard struggle and collectivism, and in this Dazhai came to embody the battle against nature and the hegemony of mankind. It was therefore not the natural features that were valued in the landscape, but the evidence of human endeavour. On heavily eroded mountainsides, terraces—an age-old way of cultivation—were re-invented and were re-presented as features of the modern age and evidence of the communist revolution. Similarly Dazhai village was promoted as a model of communal living. 相似文献
Wouter Gheyle Rebekka Dossche Jean Bourgeois Birger Stichelbaut Veerle Van Eetvelde 《Landscape Research》2013,38(5):502-522
The approaching centenary of the start of World War I and the booming cultural tourism at the former Western Front in Belgium, combined with recent urbanisation and agricultural intensification processes, have promoted the demand for a more effective and sustainable heritage management. In addition, there is need for interdisciplinary research on how war and socio-natural landscapes reciprocally reproduce each other in time and space. The focus of this paper is a WWI defence system in the Province of Antwerp (Belgium), some 100 km to the east of the actual Western frontline. Research included the inventory and evaluation of the remaining above-ground relics of military features in a landscape archaeological perspective, based on WWI aerial photographs, historical maps and fieldwork. Landscape types and dynamics were identified from 1918 to 2011, based on a time series of aerial photos and maps, complemented with fieldwork. Second, an overall vision was formulated for sustainable heritage management of the militarised landscape. Both vision and practical recommendations are immediately useful for policy makers and stakeholders. 相似文献
近20年来,对风景园林的文化阐释成为埃尔夫特应用科技大学文化景观研究组持续以来的关注焦点。期间,该研究组系统地分析了决定图林根州文化景观的各种文化因素和要素,深入了解文化和自然环境中的复杂相互作用,以此来表述和研究图林根州的区域景观系统。首先,阐述了当下德国风景园林学术语境中"文化景观"的含义,强调文化对于景观质量的价值。继而,论述了对景观进行优化、保护和设计中无法否定和回避的文化与经济因素。这样既要发展经济又要保护文化的矛盾性质,是文化景观概念所理解的人类生存的重要性质所在。文化景观研究能够在看似统一的地理区域中,形成和发展为具有可识别性的、差异化的动态结构。此外,文化景观研究还涉及其他因素,诸如生物多样性与文化多样性的丧失、生态系统服务功能滞后、经济价值的低估、国土空间连接性以及缺少实质性评价的人文特征。对历史性文化景观价值的认知给风景园林学带来了机遇,对历史景观不仅要保护,而且要创造并提供各种富有成效的展示,以参与文化景观的未来发展。维护和整合风景园林规划设计中文化景观遗产的研究实践,可以通过基础设施项目的环境影响评估到建成区的景观设计整体过程中得以贯彻。更好地理解文化景观,有助于在空间规划和发展中对其更加谨慎地进行处理,以提高文化景观研究的科学和策略意识。 相似文献
奉宸苑、圆明园、清漪园等清代皇家园林管理机构通过对其附属土地征收地赋或种植作物来创造收益,并对皇家园林周边景观产生影响。以清代内务府则例所记载的土地管理记录、收支经费流动为依据,提取从属于皇家园林的用地地块信息,从空间分布、管理机构、收支情况总结皇家园林土地的管理经营特征。认为清代皇家园林土地通过精细化的用地管理及收支制度,一方面支撑皇家园林景观的存续,另一方面影响了区域景观特征的形成。进一步证实了清代北京西北郊以湖泊水系连通皇家园林斑块、水稻农田为基底的景观格局,及其与土地经营管理之间相互制衡影响的关系。 相似文献
The Aluminium Industry in the U.S.A. and Australia is making considerable efforts to develop treatment systems for certain solid wastes generated during the refining of aluminium. To date, there are few satisfactory long term alternatives to a secure landfill for disposal of these materials. Studies at Wallaroo in Australia have found anin situ Tertiary weathering profile in Permian rocks that has some useful characteristics for landfill disposal. Since Oligocene-Miocene times, the rocks have been strongly and deeply weathered to clay that has a low permeability. The clays are mainly kaolinite and iron minerals with lesser amounts of gibbsite, minor chlorite, interstratified mineral and montmorillonite. The minerals are in chemical equilibrium with the groundwaters found in the weathering profile. The effects of leachable fluoride and sodium and the high pH on the acidic clay have been studied in batch tests. Distribution coefficients and maximum adsorption capacities from batch and core tests have been measured. High concentrations of sodium and fluoride (important leachate component) have also been passed through a compacted clay core to study effects on permeability. Decreases in permeability and true flow velocity of the NaF water compared with deionized water have been observed. The results are related to internal swelling, dispersion and consolidation characteristics. The effects of the chemical processes on likely long-term permeability of clay liners and clay weathering products have been assessed. Leachate from potlining waste has been reacted with the clay and found to form a new mineral phase that is expected to further reduce permeability. No adverse effects have been observed. 相似文献