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The ways that British settlers in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, particularly those engaged in the extension of commercial sheep farming, constructed a certain discourse of colonialism during the first half of the 19th century are discussed. It is argued that this discourse was formulated, at least in part, in opposition to that of humanitarians within each colony and in Britain, who challenged settler capitalist practices on the fringes of Britain's expanding empire. Representations of a civilizing impact on the landscape were one component of the new racialized understandings and identities that settlers at each site constructed in their defence. Through attention to three colonial sites and their relations with each other and with the metropole, it is aimed to highlight the ways in which discourses of colonial landscapes and their inhabitants travelled across an imperial terrain.  相似文献   

This paper argues the need to widen the discourse of modern architecture through an exploration of modern(ities) in Asia, and posits that modern(ities) of East and West are intertwined. The constructed and contested nature of identities, through the medium of colonial exhibitions, is discussed. Using Japan and India as examples, the paper examines the notion of one, none or many modernities and argues that there are multiple alternative modern(ities) that need to be theorised for different locations. The alternative modernities and their dilemmas are posited as being linked to postcolonial constructions of identities, albeit in different ways and in different Asian contexts. The Asian architect, while being both the product and subject of different types of historical lineages and power constellations, has been a key agent in the manifestations of modernity in different locations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the history of Seoul's old city hall, first constructed in 1926, and the architecture of the adjacent new city hall, completed in 2012. The controversies surrounding the preservation of the old city hall are illustrative of a conflict between the desires to preserve historic buildings on the one hand, and to erase colonial traces on the other. This study looks at how the old and new city halls reflect changing notions of the public and of civic space since the 1920s. The design of the old city hall had the effect of inadvertently integrating a previously unrepresented group into the public, as it was a result of a complex interaction between modern aspirations and the colonial reality. The design of the new city hall reveals an evolution in the ways that architectural representations in South Korea have dealt with colonial memories. This case study hints at some of the possibilities of a post-colonial architecture by showing how colonial binary constructions of identity were transformed by new spatial formulations.  相似文献   

Forest exploitation in Cameroon goes back to the pre‐colonial period when early ethnic settlers used the ‘law of status’ system to manage land and forests in the territory. With the arrival of colonial powers, beginning with the Germans in 1884, the law of status system was replaced by top‐down state‐centred management system. This top‐down management system was inherited by post‐colonial authorities and enforced until 1994 when a new forestry law was launched, based on bottom‐up management system. This paper reviews all these three systems. Communities are not benefiting from an actual bottom‐up management system. The author argues that the forests sector in Cameroon needs a new management paradigm.  相似文献   

1843年厦门开埠后,厦门英租界较早开辟,并先于鼓浪屿公共租界成为当时新的城市商业中心。厦门英租界的建设和发展,打破了以厦门老城区为中心的传统格局,城市由此开始向厦门岛西南滨水地带延伸发展。外人在厦门英租界建造的殖民式建筑,也成为19世纪下半叶西方建筑在厦门早期传播的重要部分之一。  相似文献   

The concept of tropical architecture is one that was constructed in the 1950s to link the work of modernist practitioners in a number of locations outside the West. Tropical architecture has been represented as a form of critical regionalism, in that it offers a language based in the conditions of the non-western world. While this may be true of the movement in the Americas, in the case of the British colonies of West Africa tropical architecture was located within the networks of modernist and colonial culture as much as it was place bound. Tropical architecture was established in the metropolitan architectural circles of the 1950s through the use of the term in books and journals, a conference and a course of specialisation in London. These forms of support assisted architects to create modern architecture in far-flung sites, under difficult conditions. Despite this enmeshment of the peripheral sites of practice with the colonial metropolis through communications, tropical architecture was seen as something other than colonial architecture. The changing political and economic opportunities at the end of the colonial period prompted architects to develop a post-colonial identity for architecture, which was done through the representation of their approach as one that could transcend national boundaries. Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zones , by Fry and Drew explicitly offers support for an imaginary architect who comes from a generic tropical zone. The influence of the metropolis on the culture of tropical architecture remained significant, even after independence. While the consistency of approaches that marked the work of the 1950s has been replaced by a multiplicity of attitudes to design, the contemporary literature, curricula and research on African architecture share an emphasis on its climatic conditions. This content, in turn, ties the approach to authoritative sources in the West, giving it an identity that links the local and the global in complex and interdependent ways.  相似文献   

There has been very little research interest in historically changing patterns of urban housing form and organization and the quality of life experienced by ordinary people in designed settings. This is despite the arguments of humanistic geographers and contemporary environmental psychologists that the behavioural and socio‐cultural aspects of built form imbue environments with meanings and help to create a sense of place. This paper focuses on the development of housing forms in Nigerian cities, including the cultural motifs and the economic circumstances that have shaped their evolution over time. The analysis of pre‐colonial traditional housing forms at the core of cities is presented first followed by an appraisal of newer developments at the suburbs that were stimulated by colonial and post‐colonial market‐driven economies. Drawing on the divergent examples of the transition from traditional to modern urban housing forms, the paper reveals that social changes, particularly the shift from traditional communal family values to more Western ways of life, have had variegated impacts on building forms and residential layouts. One of these is inhabitants’ alienation from the urban environment and the seeming identification with home places of origin outside the city. The paper argues that while this situation poses a major challenge to urban planning in post‐colonial Nigeria, professional planning practice seems to have demonstrated little interest in what people think or feel about places. Ways in which new housing forms may be organized and incorporated into future programmes of urban development to promote communal belonging to Nigerian cities are articulated.  相似文献   

This article looks at the contemporary situation of the Hotels Alimentation du Bas-Congo in Kinshasa and Mbanza Ngungu (Democratic Republic of the Congo). The distinctive iron frameworks of these colonial buildings were manufactured in Belgium between circa 1904 and 1911 and sent to the Congo to serve as hotels. I analyse the corporeal state of these remainders of early Belgian colonialism according to the evident manner in which they are entangled with their contemporary surrounds. I pursue the idea that the hybrid identities of buildings that are still very much in use are constructed in an on-going process of interaction with various human and non-human agents. Particular ways in which the former luxury hotels affect—and are affected by—the local networks in which they are embedded allows for speculation regarding what they can tell of long lives spent bearing the weight of their past.  相似文献   


Throughout the 1950s, the Belgian colonial government constructed a vast network of hospital infrastructure as part of its Ten-Year Plan, a colony-wide socio-economic scheme emblematic for the era of ‘welfare colonialism.’ This network played a key role in Belgian colonialism, by providing healthcare, but also by boosting labour productivity, facilitating state presence and control, and by advertising Congo as a medical model-colony. In this article, we unpack the extensive administrative apparatus that was necessary to buttress this ambitious building programme, and we highlight type-plans as crucial government tools to construct such a vast network of healthcare infrastructure. At first glance, the use of type-plans confirms classic characterizations of the Belgian colonial government as an omnipotent and technocratic state apparatus that implemented large, top-down government plans through authoritative methods, often discarding local realities. However, tracing hospital construction on the ground reveals that type-plans did not function as immutable models, but rather as modular blueprints that allowed local administrations to adapt hospitals to local needs and contingencies. As such, our article illustrates how, facilitated by surprisingly flexible type-plans, everyday colonial policymaking in Belgian Congo was, contrary to the still dominant discourse, deeply reliant on the agency and aptitude of local officials.  相似文献   

The concept of tropical architecture is one that was constructed in the 1950s to link the work of modernist practitioners in a number of locations outside the West. Tropical architecture has been represented as a form of critical regionalism, in that it offers a language based in the conditions of the non-western world. While this may be true of the movement in the Americas, in the case of the British colonies of West Africa tropical architecture was located within the networks of modernist and colonial culture as much as it was place bound.

Tropical architecture was established in the metropolitan architectural circles of the 1950s through the use of the term in books and journals, a conference and a course of specialisation in London. These forms of support assisted architects to create modern architecture in far-flung sites, under difficult conditions. Despite this enmeshment of the peripheral sites of practice with the colonial metropolis through communications, tropical architecture was seen as something other than colonial architecture. The changing political and economic opportunities at the end of the colonial period prompted architects to develop a post-colonial identity for architecture, which was done through the representation of their approach as one that could transcend national boundaries. Tropical Architecture in the Humid Zones , by Fry and Drew explicitly offers support for an imaginary architect who comes from a generic tropical zone.

The influence of the metropolis on the culture of tropical architecture remained significant, even after independence. While the consistency of approaches that marked the work of the 1950s has been replaced by a multiplicity of attitudes to design, the contemporary literature, curricula and research on African architecture share an emphasis on its climatic conditions. This content, in turn, ties the approach to authoritative sources in the West, giving it an identity that links the local and the global in complex and interdependent ways.  相似文献   

An analysis of Australian immigration policy since the Second World War is presented. The emphasis is on the gender and age of preferred immigrants, rather than on their race or place of birth. "The author proposes that selection of immigrant settlers in Australia since World War 2 has been gendered as well as racialised, often combining particular sexisms with particular racisms and specifying the ways that ethnicity and gender should coexist in immigrants of different age groups. She notes implications for immigrants once in Australia (especially women) of the category under which they have entered the country. And she suggests that a new phase relating immigration to redefinition of the Australian nation, in which the temporary migration of skilled workers is preferred to their permanent migration, may be beginning; a phase whose modes of regulation and outcomes are as distinctively gendered as were those of their predecessors."  相似文献   

There is growing interest amongst landscape researchers on social constructivist perspectives on landscapes. This paper discusses two ways of conceptualising the social construction of landscapes: historical institutionalism and post-structuralist discourse theory. The aim is to explore the opportunities that both approaches offer, and to assess their strengths and limitations. Drawing on two local case studies from Germany, we illuminate the ontologies of landscape implied by the two theoretical lenses, how they conceive of the social construction of landscapes, and finally the ways in which they can inform political processes. Both approaches apply an anti-essentialist agenda, though in different ways. Whereas in historical institutionalism materiality is treated as separated from the social sphere, in post-structuralist discourse theory material objects, practices, subjects and linguistic utterances are all part of relational systems of meaning called discourse. Both approaches can contribute to a more democratic and pluralistic practice of landscape planning and policy-making.  相似文献   

Sarkar S  Kamilya D  Mal BC 《Water research》2007,41(5):993-1000
Inclined plate settlers are used in treating wastewater due to their low space requirement and high removal rates. The prediction of sedimentation efficiency of these settlers is essential for their performance evaluation. In the present study, the technique of dimensional analysis was applied to predict the sedimentation efficiency of these inclined plate settlers. The effect of various geometric parameters namely, distance between plates (w(p)), plate angle (alpha), length of plate (l(p)), plate roughness (epsilon(p)), number of plates (n(p)) and particle diameter (d(s)) on the dynamic conditions, influencing the sedimentation process was studied. From the study it was established that neither the Reynolds criterion nor the Froude criterion was singularly valid to simulate the sedimentation efficiency (E) for different values of w(p) and flow velocity (v(f)). Considering the prevalent scale effect, simulation equations were developed to predict E at different dynamic conditions. The optimum dynamic condition producing the maximum E is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on urban discourses as powerful instruments intertwined with the dialectic of inclusion and exclusion. First, three dominant contemporary urban discourses developed in the field of urban planning are scrutinized on their inclusiveness of families and daily family life. The attractive city, the creative city and the city as an emancipation machine are examples of urban discourses communicated top-down via reports, debates and media attention. It is argued that these three discourses do not address families as urban citizens nor the very notion of reproduction and its daily manifestation. The exclusionary character of contemporary urban discourses does not only result in a neglect of urban families, it also legitimates non-intervention when it comes to family issues. This conclusion activated the search for an alternative discourse as expanded in the second part of the paper. This alternative discourse is constructed from the bottom-up and is rooted in the day-to-day experiences of urban families themselves. It is a refined discourse, with interrelated geographical scales including the city as a whole, the neighbourhood, the street and the home. This is a city that integrates—as families themselves do—the different domains of life. The city is appreciated for its qualities of proximity, the neighbourhood for its ethnically mixed children’s domains, the street as an urban haven and the house as the place that accommodates private life for each member of the family. This alternative discourse is called the balanced city. The empirical basis is drawn from middle-class urban families in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

This article argues that story has a special importance in planning that has neither been fully understood nor sufficiently valued. Planning is performed through story, in a myriad of ways. The aim here is to unpack the many ways we use story: in policy, in process, in pedagogy, in critique, as a foundation, and as a catalyst for change. A better understanding of the work that stories do can make us better planners in at least three ways: by expanding our practical tools, by sharpening our critical judgment and by widening the circle of democratic discourse.  相似文献   

The Calcutta Improvement Trust was set up in 1911 well after the plague scare of 1896, which indicated that there were many overlapping concerns that could not be immediately resolved. The autonomous nature of the Trust indicated that the colonial government distrusted Indians in the elected municipality. But state intervention also brought into focus the question of funding improvements pitching imperial and local governments against each other. The theme of the unhygienic Indian body was prominent among the non-official Europeans in the city and built a consensus for authoritarian reform linking the regulation of spaces to the regulation of bodies in the discourse about Calcutta's planning.  相似文献   

It is widely argued that the Greater Cairo Region (GCR) in Egypt suffers from failing urban communities resulting partially from unresponsive services. The local discourse on urban services has not paid attention to the investigation of the provision process of services and its impact on community satisfaction and prosperity. In the Global South, there is an ongoing debate on the shortcomings of service provision and ways to improve them. Yet, emerging theoretical/conceptual approaches to the provision of urban services are not sufficiently comprehensive to explain processes of service provision worldwide and, arguably, cannot be because they cannot take account of local diversity. Consequently, this research investigates the impact of the process of service provision on community satisfaction and prosperity in GCR, Egypt. To help collect and analyze data, we constructed a conceptual framework of a potentially responsive process of service provision. We studied two privately developed middle- and upper-middle-income urban communities, using questionnaires with inhabitants and semi-structured interviews with relevant official representatives as well as documentary data sources. The research finds, in line with the Global South debate, that absent public participation, ineffective governmental institutions, pseudo-decentralization, and deficient regulations stand behind the failure of services, their lack of responsiveness, and low levels of community satisfaction. Yet, it also shows that community prosperity could be aided by, for example, private developers playing an active role in the provision process. Hence, community prosperity is not tied only to a specific set of institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

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